Beyond Freedom and Slavery - Cover

Beyond Freedom and Slavery

Copyright© 2021 by Nietzsche

Chapter 7: Thank You

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 7: Thank You - A high school boy struggles with social changes of the pre-apocalyptic world, girl crush problem, and his existential crisis. He wants to be left alone and eaten alive by the alien swarm. His family and best friends try their best to sway his mind, to join the Confederacy. Will he allow it? How did they trap him?

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   mt/mt   Mult   Teenagers   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Tear Jerker   Science Fiction   Post Apocalypse   Cuckold   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Group Sex   Orgy   Swinging   Interracial   Double Penetration   Teacher/Student   Caution   Slow   Violence  

We were in the science laboratory room after class, two days after Ted and Beth tried to cure me, we finally took a visit to Ms. Camilla, a hot Mexican teacher who knows many things and had helped Ted to overcome his very same condition before.

I told her everything including my unhealthy sexual habits such as porn and masturbation addiction. Having an attractive woman listening to my perverted story was quite a thrill. I hoped that she would take off her clothes right now and jump on me using her technique to release me from this disorder.

Ms. Camilla asked. “Why did you turn to Ted? He always has a crappy score in biology class.”

I doubted if having a good score in biology would help. I answered. “Because he told me that he had this condition before, so I thought he might be able to help me.”

“Condition? The same to you?”

“Yes, the same condition. And you help him get through it by having a threesome with another boy making Ted discover that he is a bi. This is the sole reason why I let him bang me in my back.”

“Oh, boy.” Ms. Camilla exclaimed and slowly shook her head. “Yes, I had a threesome with him but he’s never had this condition. Right then, he was just curious if he was a bi, so he asked me to help him try.”

I was stunned. My brain re-calculated. Damn it Ted!

“What the fuck man?” I shouted at him.

Ted tried to express his remorseful face but I doubted if he really felt it. He did not even try to cover anything. He just admitted his crime.

“I’m sorry, Neetz. After seeing your package so many times in the bath, and your ass. Oh hula. I just had to have it. Please don’t take it personally. It was all about my culture learning project!”

I shook my head. I asked Beth. “And you knew this too, Beth?”

“Yeah, kind of. I mean it was obvious, right? I didn’t think you would be that stupid to actually believe Ted’s bullshit story in the first place. I thought you were playing along because you just wanted to try it too, right? It’s really hot. It makes me wet to see you guys together, so I rolled into the story.”

My jaw dropped. When I was stupid, I could be unbelievably stupid.

“I can’t believe how much of an idiot I was.”

After hearing the truth the girls laughed at the situation. I felt like I wanted to get angry at them, but, strangely, I just felt stupid and finally laughed with them. I didn’t know why. Ted wasn’t laughing yet. He asked with begging eyes.

“So, you’re not angry with me, right?”

I looked at him, thought about it, and then shrugged. “I want to be, Ted. I want to but I can’t. I don’t know why. Let’s say you owed me one.”

“Oh, alright then. So we’re good.”

Then I touched his shoulder. This was our sign to tell that whatever made us piss off to each other would be lifted off. He relaxed and began to laugh too.

Listening to their laugh, a strange idea came to me; maybe I shouldn’t mind having sex with Ted. I mean I might not be a fan of male to male but I didn’t mind that it happened too. Maybe it was just like massaging each other, it was just different parts of the body. I was not into dick or ass but since it also didn’t disgust me, I don’t see why I could not let my best buddy have some fun. Right? Or am I retarded?

The fact that Beth was there too, made it easier, I guess. It was a thrill to tease a beautiful girl horny. Given that straight girls could do lesbian stuff to make a stud boy go crazy, and vice versa. I remember that she squeezed my member so bad that time.

Maybe the liberation of sex was real. We were in a weird era after all, so it made sense that we became weird people.

I asked when everyone was no longer laughing. “So, how about my condition? Is there any cure?”

Hearing a serious question, Ms. Camilla thought for a second and said. “I think I know what happens to you. From the given information, you said you masturbated a lot, like twice a day, every day? And you love watching porn.”

I nodded.

“It’s possible that your dick is used to the stimulus from jerking while watching porn and adapted to it during your puberty development. This explains why you were able to cum while jerking and watching your two friends having sex.”

“Whoa!” My friends seemed interested.

“Your dick is addicted to your hand! You’re fucked up, man.” Ted exclaimed.

“This is the most bullshit thing ever. What kind of a sane dick would be in love with a hand more than a pussy.” Beth said jokingly.

I was stunned again. Is it even real? But Ms. Camilla seemed to be serious about it, so I asked. “It sounded weird but is there any way to cure it?”

Ms. Camilla leaned back in her chair, crossed her beautiful legs, and thought more.

“Even though it looks like your dick has a problem, the problem is actually in your brain. I think you need to rehab it and re-program your subconscious. First of all, keep having regular sex with your partners, your subconscious will learn to enjoy sex in the usual way. I personally suggest that you should try group sex because it allows you to see other people having sex which will recreate the identical stimuli from watching porn. When you have sex simultaneously, it will help you get back on the right track and should help you cum. And try to restrain from masturbation for a while.”

“Okay...” I accepted reluctantly.

Ms. Camilla pointed. “It is fine though if you love masturbation. You don’t have to be ashamed. There is no such righteousness in sexual activity. People can use different ways to release their burdens. So as long as it is not harmful, there is no reason not to do it. If you like it a lot and if it is your happiness, then keep doing it. Other people also have kinks and your kink is very ordinary.”

“Thank you, Ms. Camilla. Anyway, I think I want to change my habits. I want to know how it feels to ... climax with a girl.” I insisted, looking at Beth. She smiled knowing that I intended to break my addiction so that I could cum inside her!

Alright, so it might be just a bad habit. Do not masturbate and just do group sex, what an easy therapy for this shit.

“I think you need to find more girls,” Ted suggested.

“Well, we already have Beth and you, so we are only short of one female.” I winked at him trying to signal him to ask Ms. Camilla to join us.

He caught the signal and was about to open his mouth but Beth wasn’t aware of it when she spoke up and disrupted the momentum.

“Ted is right. All girls are different. You should try as many as you can.”

‘Yeah, like you tried as many boys as you can’ I scolded her in my mind.

“Oh, it’s not difficult to find a girl, especially when you are in a group of sponsors.” Ms. Camilla’s suggestion broke all my hopes with her.

Beth knew what she meant.

“Actually, his condition right now might be a good opportunity at that place. Maybe he can screw every girl in the club, one by one in one go.” Now she was plotting her perverted idea on me.

“The club?” I asked even though I knew exactly what she meant.

The club was located in the innermost building of our school. The whole third floor used to be an activity club facility. But after we knew about the Swarm, fewer and fewer students went to the activity clubs, they struggled with more important stuff like trying to survive the apocalypse by catching a sponsor or improving their CAP score. Therefore, lots of activity clubs were abandoned. Student Council came up with a bright plan, they transformed the whole floor to be a learning space where students could come to improve their scores by joining self-development sessions, both sponsors and concubines.

The brand-new club attracted tremendous attention from students. But they were nothing but a horde of horny teenagers, inevitably, they utilized it so wrong, far wrong from its original purpose. After 3 months passed by, the facility became merely a real-life Tinder space. Volunteers came to find their future concubines, and vice versa. Some of the sessions used to be a healthy sex workshop aiming to teach them safe sex and improve their sex score. That was an easy claim the students used to establish their sex club right inside the school. Eventually, all sessions became sex sessions.

This transformation happened without any obstacles because of 2 main reasons. Firstly, there was some kind of coup in the student council and members of the new council seemed to have most of their blood going to their genitals than their brains. The other and very important reason; some staff in the school were the backup. A group of perverted adult sponsors had their eyes on students.

Under normal circumstances, these perverted adults should be sentenced by the court to be away more than 1km from the school. But in the Confederacy age, they were, instead, looked on by the poor parents as saviors who could save their children from the apocalypse, so there was no complaining at all from the parent’s side. The social view of this new kind of intimacy between youth and adults has dramatically changed.

I know you would ask, and the answer is no. My mom and dad didn’t seem to go to this club but, of course, I had to admit; that they were a perverted couple who had a thing for teenagers. Never mind, today was a day after consulting with Ms. Camilla, and I checked to be sure that my parents were not there when I was in front of the club by 17.30. I looked around but saw no sign of Ted and Beth. I texted them.

Me – Where the hell are you?

Beth – I still have an assignment to do. You can go ahead with Ted, I’ll be there in an hour.

Me – Ted?

Ted – I am here already, just come in.

Me – How do you get in? I’ve never been here before.

I looked at the hallway next to the stairway. They put some tables to block the hallway, allowing only a small entrance. There was only one way to get in and out for security reasons. Three students stood there with suspicious faces, acting like guards. I didn’t know what to do.

Ted – Just wave your card, they’ll let you in.

So I walked to them, pulled my CAP card out of my pocket, and waved it.

One of them asked. “I haven’t seen you before.”

“Me too,” I answered, squinting my eyes.

“How do I know that you are not an Earth First shithead?” The same student asked.

“Oh, come on, Ralph. Just let him get through. If he is an Earth First then why the hell does he have his CAP card?” A guard girl was reading her comic book. She said without looking at me.

“To infiltrate in?” I hypothesized.

Then three of them turned to me with their squint eyes. The other guy said. “That’s silly. Just body-check him and let him inside.”

A guy came to check on me. When he saw that I was not dangerous, he moved out of the way. I slipped inside the facility.

The outer part was just a couple emptied rooms. I heard sounds from the room nearby. When I got there, I peeked inside. This must be a meeting area. About 30 students were talking to each other. Some of them were playing cards or board games. I was looking for Ted, but no sign of him. Then I spotted a couple walking out of the area holding hands. I followed them into the inner area.

The couple I followed went inside a room there. I heard moaning sounds of boys and girls coming from that room. I opened the door and found this classroom was sectioned into blocks by wheeled curtains just like in the hospital and there were people having sex on picnic beds placed inside each block. I saw a girl in the block in front of me looking at me while her boy was furiously pumping his pistol into her and she didn’t seem to care.

Oh, fuck. She waved at me. I paid more attention and realized that it was Samantha, a girl from biology class. She was my duo in the lab once where we dissected a frog. I was looking at her huge breasts shaking in rhythm with the sex. She didn’t seem to be embarrassed at all. So, I waved her back with a dull smile and walked away to find Ted.

A familiar voice of a girl rang a bell. I followed the sound to the last block in the room. I hoped that I was wrong.

Oh, my fucking god. Fuck you, lord.

Even though I was looking at her back, and didn’t see her face, I was so sure that the girl was Alicia. Her pale white body always reminded me of Renaissance marble sculpture. It was my first time seeing her totally naked. I saw her cute butt move up and down as she was riding a dude. I saw his slimy meat going in and out between her devouring pink lips. I even saw her pink butt hole when he groped her ass cheeks.

My heart beat so hard from what I was seeing. More shock for me, when I recognized that the dude was Thomas. I remembered him, he was from Heaven’s fucking Gate Club. What the fuck. Did she join them? Back then they tried to lynch me. Now one of them was screwing my crush.

I left the room because what I saw made me feel weird. Of course, given that I was a porn-jerking addict, I wanted to stay being a peeping Tom. I wanted to pull my boy out and jerk off to the image of the girl I lusted after the most. At the same time, I felt hurt, maybe not because of jealousy that I always told myself that I wasn’t one. I had understood the liberation of sex. I didn’t hurt because someone was screwing her, I hurt because I wasn’t the one who screwed her. I hurt because I just realized that I was too late for her, I did all things wrong. I fucked up myself.

I walked away with a broken heart and finally found Ted inside a room. This room had no curtain sections like the other. It was just a room with picnic air blankets on the floor occupied by almost ten people. This place had the same scene I saw in a satanic orgy movie, except for the goat sacrifice and upside-down pentagon painted with blood. People, all naked, were in all combinations according to what the holy book said not to do. This room was the reason why Sodom and Gomorrah were burned.

Ted was engaging with a guy and a girl. I did not know the girl but the guy was familiar. It was Dave, my mom’s stud who had a crush on my sister. Oh, my god. Ted is fucking everyone associated with me. They noticed me when I got close by.

“Hi, Neetz. Can you give me a half hour? Beth still isn’t here, right?” My best buddy told me while he was thrusting his pole into Dave who was being sucked by the mysterious girl.

I asked Dave. “I don’t want to be fussy but does my mom know you are here screwing my best friend?”

“Oh, hi. Yes, she sent me here to practice.” The boy clarified.

“Okay. Train him well, Ted.” I said and walked away.

“Sure I will,” Ted shouted from my back.

I was pretty sure that Ted would find his way to fuck my mom, my sister, and perhaps my dad someday. It seemed like this guy was trying to fuck everybody I knew.

Just right after I opened the door, very loud gunshots broke out. The sound echoed inside the building making me confused as to what the hell was going on. I hear screaming sounds from girls all over the place. I looked back inside the room. Everybody now disengaged from each other and was trying their best to put some pants on.

“What the fuck is happening?” Ted shouted at me while putting his leg inside his jeans.

By instinct, I looked at the entrance through the hallway, about 50 meters away. I saw students run from there and a couple of shots banged again. I saw a student fall down to the floor. I was sure that it was from there.

“Someone is shooting at students,” I spoke. My heart was beating like drums in a rock show. “Come, Ted. We need to get out of here.”

Now people inside were rushing to get out of the room. of Ted got himself out the door with Dave and the girl. They stood with me in front of the room which we shouldn’t do.

“I think the shooter is at the entrance,” I told them.

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