A Better Man - Book 1 - Cover

A Better Man - Book 1

Copyright© 2021 by G Younger

Chapter 51

Young Adult Sex Story: Chapter 51 - Continuation of A Stupid Boy Series. David is moving on to tackle college. His plan is to continue where he left off in high school. He would win a couple of national championships in football. Maybe win a college world series just for kicks. To appease his parents, he would get his degree... all while knee-deep in coeds. Then he would play both baseball and football professionally as he raked in endorsement deals. Welp. Find out how well that works out for him in the first book of a new series

Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Celebrity   Humor   School   Sports   Slow  

Lexi had booked what looked like a fun activity for the afternoon, bobsledding, and had gone ahead while David talked to Joey. The Whistler Sliding Centre was home to the world’s fastest Olympic track.

The rest of the group was on the mountain, either skiing or snowboarding, so Joey and David caught the bus to the resort. The sliding center was a short walk from the Excalibur Gondola, so they opted to take that. When they walked in, Joey and David found everyone who’d planned to go, waiting for them. Lauren, Lindsey, Jamie, and Kirk had decided to stay on the hill and ski.

David spotted Lexi and pulled her aside so they could have a quick moment. He wanted to be clear about how everything had happened.

“Did you know what Joey planned before this morning?”

Lexi was a smart girl, so she didn’t try to lie.

“I did.”

“In the future, I expect you to give me a heads-up. If I’d known, I could have avoided the whole mess,” David said.

“Did something go wrong?” she asked, suddenly concerned.

David sighed and gathered his thoughts.

“Lexi, I’m not mad at you; I’m mad at myself. I let my desires override my common sense. You know better than I do that if I start doing stuff like that, it will damage my brand. More importantly, it will change who I want to be. And even more important than that, it could damage my family. That’s why I want you to help me not get into situations like that. I just proved that under the right circumstances, I’m in danger of making the wrong choice,” David explained and then added, “Thanks for stepping in afterward.”

“You’re only human. No one’s perfect,” Lexi said to help salve his conscience about almost sleeping with Joey.

“The problem is, people expect me to be just that. When they unmask me, they’ll have a field day.”

“Then, you might want to quit trying to be perfect so they don’t have that to hold over your head.”

“Maybe I can become the next Justin Beaver or Miley Circus,” David joked.

Lexi shivered at the thought of that, and then she got a worried look.

“Did she say anything about ... uhm...”

“The foursome you all have planned?” he asked.


“Do what you want, just don’t include me. Phil might be a good substitute. He brags he can go five times in an afternoon,” David said to try to lighten the mood.

“I would only do it if you wanted me to,” Lexi said.

He got a pained expression.

“When it comes to stuff like that, I have no say in the matter. Lexi, you’re a big girl with a good head on your shoulders. If you want to have some fun with my brother and Joey, go for it. That goes for anyone. I won’t be the one to tell you what you can and can’t do in your personal life,” David said.

“Before you go too far, Greg and I talked, and we agreed this would never happen. Joey suggested it so that Greg didn’t feel left out. I probably should have said something at the time, but Tami overheard us and offered her insight. I didn’t think it was right to say anything in front of her,” Lexi explained.

“Oh,” David said.

“Nice speech, though,” she said as she gave him a speculative look and then let it go.

He knew when to shut up.

David could tell it was going to be a good day when they made everyone sign one of those ‘death waivers.’ All his best times had come when he’d had to sign one. Then again, he almost died most of those times. They all had to sit through a safety orientation before gearing up.

During the presentation, he learned that the Whistler Sliding Centre was a nonprofit organization. The money it raised, including what David and his friends had paid today, went directly towards growing the sports of bobsled, skeleton, and luge. It allowed up-and-coming Olympic hopefuls to train for free. The young girl driving David’s sled was hoping to qualify for the next Winter Olympics.

Once they geared up, they were shuttled in groups to the top of the run. Then they watched a pre-ride video and were fitted with helmets. That signaled it was time to make their run down the hill.

They were using a four-man bobsled, and David had been grouped with Tami and Cassidy. Their driver gathered them around before they began.

“Are you nervous?” she asked.

“A bit,” Tami admitted.

“Don’t be. These things hardly ever crash. I might clip a wall, which will jar you, but if we flip, duck your heads and pray. We’ll probably slide halfway down the hill before we stop,” she offered, just a touch too chipper.

David could tell she was putting them on. He wondered how many decided to bail after her little pep talk. What she didn’t know was that of everyone in their group, she had the most adventurous trio in David, Cassidy, and Tami.

“Danger is my middle name,” David said.

“It’s actually Allen,” Tami shared.

Talk about a buzzkill. Tami had the other two girls and herself laughing at him.

The bobsled they were using was the same model as the ones used by the Canadian Olympic team. David was a bit disappointed when the staff didn’t have them sprint as they pushed the bobsled and then jump in like he’d seen when watching the Olympics. They had everyone get into the sled, and a man who worked there pushed them to get started.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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