Christmas Eve With Gloryhole Glenda - Cover

Christmas Eve With Gloryhole Glenda

Copyright© 2022 by Limnophile

Chapter 3

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A lonely but well-off man frequently pays for anonymous blowjobs. What happens on Christmas Eve, when he discovers his fellatrix isn't a woman? - - - Homophobes and germaphobes shouldn't go near this dirty holiday tale.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/Ma   Consensual   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   TransGender   Fiction   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Body Modification   Smoking   Prostitution  

One night I returned after being out of town two weeks on business trips. I stopped at their apartment, but the door was locked. I knocked but nobody answered. I thought that was odd, since Glenda’s car was in the driveway.

I went to the gas station and saw a guy walk out of the men’s room with a big smile on his face. I thought, “Glenda’s here. Good, getting rid of some sperm will feel great.” When I walked in the men’s room, I smelled cigarette smoke. I went in the usual stall, and some small red fingernails reached through the hole for my money, instead of Glenda’s usual large purple ones.

I asked, “What’s wrong, Cindy? Is your dad sick again?”

I could hear the pain and anger in her voice. “Dad’s in the hospital and I need money. Do you want a blowjob?”

Her fingers sticking through the hole motioned for me to pay.

“I ... I’m so sorry. I’ll help again if I can.”

“If you’re not gonna pay, get in here. I need to make as much as I can to help dad. You’ll scare the other guys away.” I heard the other stall door unlatch.

I walked into the other stall slowly. She was sitting on the toilet, and moved so I could sit there, while she sat on a towel by the glory hole.

I said, “I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. I want what’s best for you. You shouldn’t be falling in love until you’re older. I think...”

We heard the restroom door open, and she held a finger to my lips. “Shhh...”

We heard a few footsteps, but they paused before whoever it was entered the other stall. She said, “It’s ok, I’m teaching a friend tonight. Come on in.”

A deep man’s voice asked, “You’re not cops, right? If you’re cops, you have to tell me.” Not true, but apparently he didn’t know that.

She reassured him, “We’re not cops. And I’m not saying anything about sex or money if you’re not.”

“Okay then.”

She held her fingers through the hole and took his money. A moment later a very large black penis stuck through the hole. She squatted down to lick and suck it, and I watched from two feet away. I was surprised she could get several inches in her mouth. The head was nearly the size of a baseball!

Watching her lick and suck it quickly got me hard. Nobody was touching my crotch, but by the time she squirted the guy’s cum onto the floor between her knees, I was halfway to climax too.

He complimented her, “Mmmm, babygirl! That’s some fine suckin’! You want to go again?”

I saw a folded fifty sticking through the hole. Cindy looked at me as I shook my head.

She took the money, saying, “Sure”. She used a baby wipe from her purse to clean him, before she started sucking again. She rested a hand on my crotch as she sucked, but didn’t squeeze or rub me.

I watched her take her mouth off him just in time, and she caught his second load with another baby wipe. My cock was as hard as the wall, and I wanted to cum desperately. I pulled a fifty from my wallet. As the other guy left and the door closed, I held out the cash and begged, “Me too! Please!”

She asked, “Do you love me? Am I your girlfriend?”

“No, but I have money...”

“I don’t want your money. I’ll suck you when you love me. I’ll even fuck you too. So, do you really love me?”

“I ah...”

The door opened, and somebody walked into the other stall. She pushed away my hand holding the cash, and took a fifty from the guy on the other side of the glory hole instead.

A medium-sized white penis stuck through the hole. I was very surprised that it had what looked like three bolts going all the way through the shaft!

She smiled and asked, “You want the usual right? The rough stuff?”

I nearly busted out laughing, when I heard, “Yes, mommy. I’ve been a bad boy. Punish me, mommy!”

She pinched the head of his dick several times, getting responses of, “OW! OW! OUCH! Yeah mommy! I’m so naughty! Hurt me, mommy!” I nearly laughed again. I saw he had several small tattoos on it. Those must have hurt like crazy!

She punished his cock quite a while, getting several more complaints of pain, and pleas for more. He surprised her and pumped his spunk onto her arm.

“Thank you, mommy!”

She sweetly said, “Come back any time, bad boy.”

“So good, mommy! Thank you!” He slid an extra twenty through the hole before leaving.

She smiled and said, “Would you believe he works at the IRS?”

I joked, “They love hurting people, so it seems fair.”

We giggled a moment, then she asked, “So are you my boyfriend? Do you really love me yet?”

“I ... I can’t. Your dad is my friend, and you’re so young...”

“If you’re not my boyfriend, and you’re not my dad, you don’t get to tell me what to do.” She took a cigarette from her purse and lit it, then blew smoke in my face.

She gave me a very naughty smile and said, “I wish you loved me. Then I could suck white stuff out of you, instead of a cigarette.” She took several big puffs, making my cock swell again.

“Please! I’ll give you a hundred!”

“I’ll suck you when you love me. Otherwise, go home.”

“Two hundred! Please?”

She thought a moment. “Okay, but get in the other stall. You don’t get to see me suck you until you love me.”

I was overwhelmed with lust, but still concerned for her. “Three hundred, if we can do it at your place. I care enough to give you that much, so you don’t have to suck other guys. Please?”

She stared at me, thinking. “Four. Four hundred is the most I ever got in one night. That much, and you’ll be the only one. But once you love me, I’ll do it for free.”

We walked to her apartment, and I sat on the couch. She gave me a nice blowjob and squirted my cum into a washcloth. Until that night, she had been happy to swallow for me.

I said, “I’m so sorry about your dad being in the hospital. Maybe I can...”

She cut me off with, “You paid and got your blowjob. You can leave now.”


“Do you love me yet?”

“I ... I’m so sorry.” I sadly went home.

I called the hospital the next morning and they told me Glenda was being discharged. He should be home in an hour or two. I took a day off work and drove to their apartment. Cindy was helping him up the stairs when I got there. I took her place and got Glenda into bed.

Being a sales manager for a pharmaceutical company, I recognized most of the medications they had sent home with him. Several were only used to treat HIV or cancer. I suddenly got very depressed, when I noticed a drug that was only used for late-stage bone cancer. I knew he had to be in a lot of pain.

He told Cindy, “I’m okay now. I’ll be fine in a few days. You should go visit one of your friends and let me sleep.”

She hugged him and kissed his forehead. “Okay, dad. Feel better soon.” She picked up her backpack and tromped down the stairs. I was surprised one girl could sound like a whole herd of horses.

I said, “Glenda, I know what this medication is. You have bone cancer? How bad?”

He said, “I don’t want her to worry. Tell her I’ll be okay.”

“That’s not doing her any favors. They only give this to people with less than three months left. How bad?”

He coughed into a tissue. “The doctor says a month or two, maybe only weeks. There’s a bony tumor growing on my heart. But you never know. I’ve been praying a lot.” He coughed up a little blood.

I asked, “And another tumor, or more than one, in a lung?”

He started to cry as he admitted, “And my liver, and a kidney. But I don’t want her to worry. I can’t take seeing her sad!”

He held a hand to his belly. “OOH! Hurts!”

I made the biggest decision of my life in that moment. “Glenda, I don’t want to surprise or offend you, but I love Cindy and I want to marry her. Would you...”

“FINALLY! Marry her already! Half of what she says is, ‘Why doesn’t James love me?’”

I asked, “Is there anything you want before I leave? I need to go buy a ring.”


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