My Nymphet Cousin - Cover

My Nymphet Cousin

Copyright© 2021 by Meteoguy

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - This story is based on something that happened to me many years ago with my precocious and sexy younger cousin. There is some truth to it but the rest is the way I wish that it could have turned out! Well maybe not.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Ma/Ma   Teenagers   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Cousins   Gang Bang   Black Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Water Sports  

I parked the car, grabbed my backpack out of the trunk, and jogged along the trail, intent on finding the perpetrator. I included the 8X10 photos that I’d printed to make sure I could easily find the location to begin my search. I had no idea what I was going to do if I discovered who was spying on us. Maybe I could make a deal with him/her to buy the film or films. More than likely, the photographer was a long way off by now, but I thought it was worthwhile to have a look around.

I reached the clearing near the lake, compared the photos to the trees at the edge of the forest, and determined the exact spot. The underbrush was pretty dense at the entrance, but after a short time, I found a trail of sorts. I followed it, scanning in all directions, not sure what I was getting myself into.

Off to the right, something caught my eye. As I got closer, I discovered a lean-to shelter made out of logs and covered with interwoven fir branches. It was quite an elaborate structure. Someone had definitely put a lot of effort into it, and knew what they were doing to make it a secure and spacious dwelling.

“Anyone home,” I said, approaching a plastic cover that I assumed was the entrance.

Hearing nothing, I pulled back the flap and had a look inside. It was dimly lit, but I saw some household items: a table and two chairs, a few cooking utensils, some packages, cans of food, various articles of clothing, as well as some photographs taped to the walls. I was replacing the flap, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

“What the fuck are you doing!”

I whirled around and saw a heavily bearded, bare-chested guy, wearing fatigue shorts. He stepped back, and pulled out a large knife from one of the many pockets in his shorts, and pointed it at me.

“You better have a damn good reason for being here, or you’re going to regret it!” he threatened me.

“I’m really sorry, man. I shouldn’t have invaded your space,” I stammered, spreading out my arms and lowering them in an attempt to calm the situation.

I went on to explain the reason why I was there, even using the phrase ‘your woods’ in an attempt to appease him.

He stood there for a while, taking in what I said, still pointing the knife at me, then put it away.

“Yeah, that seems reasonable. I’ve been robbed a few times, so I don’t like strangers lurking about. That’s why I live out here, to get away from all the fucking idiots.”

I questioned him a bit more, and he eventually admitted that he was the guy with the camera.

“So how is it that you’re so lucky to have a couple of horny teenagers jumping all over you? They look about sixteen, right?”

“It just sort of happened, and now I’m along for the ride. I know that I shouldn’t be doing it, but I can’t stop myself,” I confessed.

“I’ve got lots of photos of skinny-dipping nudes at the lake and one couple that fucked near where you were, but I couldn’t believe what you guys did yesterday. I filled up three rolls of film! I got some close-ups too with my 600 mm lens.”

“What are you planning to do with the pictures?” I said, ready to offer him payment.

“I want to keep them for my own enjoyment. Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”

Somehow I believed him. He seemed like a fairly decent guy, now that he wasn’t brandishing a knife!

“But there’s one problem.”

“What’s that?”

“They won’t develop and print my photos anymore at the lab. They have a zero tolerance for nudes and especially people having sex.”

“How many rolls do you have?”

“About twenty.”

I did a mental calculation: over seven hundred images! I was curious to know what he had in his films of us, but also what else he had taken.

“Are all of these nudes or people having sex?” I just had to know this.

“I love taking nature shots as well ... birds, clouds, sunsets etc. I’d say over half of them are naked men and women, mostly twenty and thirty somethings with a higher percentage of women. As mentioned, one couple getting it on. They started with her sucking him, and then he fucked her from behind. And of course, you and the girls.”

We talked for quite a while, and Brad opened up to me about the tough life he’d had since his action in the military left him with a bad case of PTSD. For the past six or so years, he’d drifted from town to town, never being able to keep a job. There were several failed relationships along the way. A few months ago, he had found this location that met his needs - living off the grid but not too far away from civilization.

“Taking pictures has really been a help. It’s given me a focus, so to speak,” he said, smiling for the first time since we met.

“I didn’t see any cameras or lenses when I peeked into your place?”

“I got ripped off once, so I keep them buried in a waterproof box out back. I’ll show them to you. If you like?”

We spent the next half hour looking at his equipment, which was extensive: a couple of camera bodies, numerous lenses, filters, and boxes of film. We definitely had a similar passion for photography. I was really warming to this guy! I kept my darkroom secret from him, not sure if it was a good idea to mention it. But when I was pretty sure that he wasn’t a psycho, I asked him if he wanted to come over some time and process his films.

“Sure, I’d love that. Anytime works for me. It’s not like I’ve got a busy schedule!”

I thought about my wife. She would likely have some questions about how we met, but I was reasonably confident that he wouldn’t spill the beans about me messing around with the girls. Once again, I was on thin ice, but my libido ruled my actions! I gave him our address and arranged for him to come to the house the next morning.


As my wife headed out the door, I let her know about Brad coming over. I didn’t give her any details other than that he was a guy that I met who needed some dark room assistance.

“That’s nice, dear. I’ll see you around five.” She was late for work, and didn’t have time to question me about him.

Just before she got into her car, she called back to me. “Oh, and by the way, Sarah will be showing up this afternoon. She had another fight with her brother, so she’s back with us again. Bye.”

I was instantly horny, thinking about her lips wrapped around my cock and maybe fucking her if we had time before Jenn returned.

I went down to the darkroom and mixed my chemicals to be ready for Brad’s arrival. At around 10 am, there was a knock on the door. I opened it and he came inside carrying a bag that I assumed contained his films. He set them down on the kitchen table.

“I’m not very organized with my films, but I’ve marked four of them, one of the couple fucking and another three with you and the girls. I’d like to start with those first if that’s okay.”

“Fine with me. I was going to suggest that!”

“Oh, before we start, can I ask a big favour? I’d really like to have a shower. Other than swimming in the lake, I haven’t been keeping that clean lately.”

“That’s fine with me. Down the hall and on your left. There are towels in the closet. I’ll go downstairs, and start processing your films.”

About half an hour later, I was taking down the films that I had pinned on a string to dry when he walked in. For the first time, I had a good look at him. He was actually quite good-looking, a bit taller than me, and in good shape. There was something different about him.

“I found some scissors and trimmed my beard. I hope that’s okay.”

“No problem. I was just about to make contact prints of your films, and then we can select a few to blow up.”

“I’ve always wanted to do that myself. Thanks again for being so kind and inviting me over here.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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