Harem House - a Big Brother Parody - Cover

Harem House - a Big Brother Parody

by Limnophile

Copyright© 2022 by Limnophile

Fan Fiction Story: I've realized this is badly written and I probably shouldn't have published it. Apologies, folks. It has a few funny bits, but probably not worth your time.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   BiSexual   Fiction   Fan Fiction   Humor   Group Sex   Orgy   .

The Billionaire - 2 weeks before Signing Day

I walked in the door marked “Casting Director”. The show didn’t actually have one. I chose the contestants, since I was paying for the whole thing. I love screwing both men and women, and in most shapes and colors. Even when I’m tired or sexually satisfied, I still like to watch. I wanted to be entertained no matter who was left at the end of an orgy, so I discarded any applicants who weren’t at least a little bisexual.

At the start of the auditions, I swore to myself that I would let things play out fairly, unless it looked like the final five might be all men or all women. Over the last two weeks, I’d selected 16. I dug through the last stack of applications and chose the final contestants. Dwayne, Sunny, and Connor strongly appealed to me; mostly due to their sexy nude photos. I smiled as I added the final 4 to the contestant list.

Signing Day - Dwayne

I filled out the forms and signed at the bottom. The big money and lovely ladies were en route! I knew there was no way most people could compete with Dwayne ‘Dwinner’ Davis, and I only needed to make the top five! If there were games of skill or knowledge, I majored in Biology and had a double-minor in Physics and Math. If there were speed or endurance contests, I won the 400m hurdles in the Track and Field Championship. I’d also played college basketball. If there were popularity contests, hey, just look at this handsome face! I have this one for sure!

Signing Day - Sunny

This was the big day! I finally completed all the auditions and medical checks. It was early afternoon, and I had until 6pm to decide if I wanted to compete on the show and finish the last of the forms. Of course, I wanted to! I glanced over what I had filled out earlier, to make sure everything was right.

Name: Sunny Samuelson

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Height: 5’5”

Weight: 120lbs

Bra size / Package: Natural 34DD

Hair: Natural Blonde

Eyes: Ice Blue

Ethnicity: Swedish / Norwegian

Orientation: Bisexual, prefers groups

Education: Grade 9

Favorite pastimes: Sex, Oral Sex, Anal sex, Sex toy collecting, Dancing

Relationship status: 6 Casual Partners, Never Married

Occupation: Model

I felt bad when I saw “Education” again. It wasn’t like I was stupid. I wanted to be a doctor, I just wasn’t any good at math, or science, or concentrating. It wasn’t my fault I got bored easy, with my ADHDTV or whatever. My agent explained ‘casual partner’ sounded better than ‘fuck buddy’ and I shouldn’t mention I went to a few orgies a month. He told me ‘Stripper’ wouldn’t look good as a job so I should say I was a model. I was pretty, and hot, and fun to be around. I’d do whatever it took to get some hotties in my bed and make them happy. That’s what counts, right?

My agent was really smart. I was glad I could pay him with blowjobs twice a day instead of a bunch of money I didn’t have. The show wouldn’t let him be my agent after Signing Day, he needed a union and a license or something. I didn’t mind that, since he was kind of cute. I thought it was odd it said “Pizza Pete’s” on his car, though. I hoped there would be some girls with small boobs on the show, not just big like mine. I like small ones sometimes too. But the guys should have big dicks! Dicks should always be big!

My agent had also told me what the stack of papers meant. I’d get paid $1,000 a day until I left the show, which would last about 4 months. I could leave any time I wanted and most weeks one person would be voted off. Even if I only made it a third of the way through, I’d get around $40,000! If I was one of the last five, I’d get to live with the other four winners and a billionaire. The six of us would be like a family, a rich, sexy family! He was careful to explain that in certain situations, I might be required to kiss or even have sex with other contestants to stay on the show. I thought that was just part of the fun.

Show day 1

The twenty contestants were divided into groups of five for the first competition in the back yard. Five laundry baskets filled with balls of various sizes sat on picnic tables, and five transparent cylinders stood upright at the opposite end of the lawn.

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