19 September 2009 - Cover

19 September 2009

Copyright© 2022 by Mustang

Chapter 8

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 8 - On this day, Dan, Karen, and Wendy, and the rest of the family, along with Abby and the Kendalls watch Brad, Jake, Peter, and Derek’s NHL pre-season game.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Fan Fiction   Sports   Sharing   Incest   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Public Sex  

The players regained their strength with rest, energy drinks, and fruit. Brad talked with several veterans on different points of play, with Jake and the other rookies listening in.

Brad and the other rookies were unaware the coaching staff was reviewing their play in the first two periods, preparing to make the next round of training camp cuts.

The third period began with a mixture of the rookies on each line.

“Gord, you’d think this was a play-off game with the intensity shown by the rookies on each team. There will be more player cuts after tonight’s game, and they want to leave a lasting impression on the coaching staff.”

“I agree, Ray. You rarely see so many blocked shots and body checks during an exhibition game.”

“Mike Fisher is proving once again how valuable this ten-year veteran is to the Senators, scoring his third goal of the game. He continues to be a leader, on and off the ice.”

Gord picks up the play near the fourteen-minute mark.

“Mike Hoffman crosses the center line and heads to the bench for a player change. St. Pierre, Donovan, and Hayward replace the forwards. Benoit gathers the puck behind the Montreal net as the players circle for a breakout.”

Benoit passes to Kostitsyn, who is met by Hayward at the half-boards. They battle for the puck, and Hayward gains control, backhanding it to Donovan. He’s immediately met by Gomez, but he manages to send it back towards Hayward! Hayward has space and winds up letting go a slap shot!”

“On the follow-through, Hayward is hit with a massive open-ice check by O’Byrne, sending Hayward awkwardly against the boards. O’Byrne clears the puck from the zone, and Hayward is slow to get up, in obvious pain!

Abby’s eyes were always fixed on Brad every time he was on the ice for his shift. “Brad!” She shouted as he fell heavily against the boards. “Brad!” She cried again. The others gasped as they saw him checked, and fall against the boards, moving in pain.

“Donovan skates to O’Byrne, taking exception to the hit on Hayward as the play continues. He pushes O’Byrne, who pushes back, and they drop the gloves!”

The Ottawa trainer, Domenic Nicoletta, sees Brad in obvious discomfort and hurries out the player’s gate to him. “Where did you get hit, Hayward?”

“My shoulder! I fell off balance against the boards. My right shoulder hurts like hell, and I feel a little buzzing in it.”

“How’s your head? You took an awful whack against the boards.”

“It feels okay.”

“Stay down for a minute and catch your breath.” Brad grimaced in pain as he watched Donovan and O’Byrne fight.

“They sparred, looking for an opening, then grabbed the other’s sweater. Dononvan lands a punch, and so does. O’Byrne! They continue to wrestle, trading near blows! O’Byrne takes Donovan down, landing partially on top of him!”

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