A Hill of Beans - Cover

A Hill of Beans

Copyright© 2022 by Redsliver

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - When Richie's patience was being heavily tested by his girlfriend Harper, a strange witch offers a trade: his frustrating cow for a access to a fistful of beans and the promise of the best of the best of the best girls to replace Harper.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Drunk/Drugged   Mind Control   Romantic   Lesbian   Fiction   Fairy Tale   School   Workplace   Magic   Cheating   Incest   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Black Female   White Female   Oriental Female   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Facial   Oral Sex   Pregnancy  

“You hoping to run into that boy again?” Vince, Zita’s father, teased his daughter as she tied up her white sneakers.

“Dad, he’s dating Harper,” Zita rolled her eyes. “Besides, it’s Richie Jackson.”

“Well, some boys can grow up it seems,” Vince said. “Besides, it was nice having you float around here yesterday. You’ve been so grumpy since you and Chase broke up.”

“That makes it sound so mutual,” Zita said. “Harper’s Lily’s sister. She’s great. She deserves a great guy. Richie’s taken.”

“Sweetheart,” he shook his head. “If we Kings only went after single people, I’d never have dated your mom.”

“What?” Zita frowned. “I’m going for my run. Stop being weird.”

“Never!” Vince erupted. “My job as a father is to embarrass and perplex you.”

“OK, Dad,” Zita said, rolling her eyes as she headed out the door. She shouldn’t have said anything about Richie. She didn’t really want Richie per se. She wanted a boyfriend like Richie. Someone who’d come for her every morning, even if she put on weight like Harper. Some days Zita felt like she looked like that. Those days she ran harder.

Zita hit the pavement fast. It usually took her the first few blocks before she started loving the run. Not today. She was still happy from her impromptu coffee date yesterday morning. She ran out under the miserable March sky with a smile on her face.

She got her first kilometer in easy. She frowned. Richie was standing out in front of Lilith’s looking morose. Zita jogged down slowly and up beside him.

“Two days in a row?” Zita asked, looking over at the house.

“I, um ... Shit...” He looked over at her. Zita was surprised, he had checked her out before. Harper liked to do that, get her boyfriend window shopping. Girl was crazy. Zita hated it when her exes had looked at other girls. There was something off about Richie this morning. He didn’t look guilty but he looked guilty. Zita didn’t know how to describe it. He was OK with the fact he had openly ogled Zita’s boobs, but his mind was elsewhere on something.

“Did you guys have a fight?” Zita asked, frowning. “I hope not.” She frowned that much harder.

“It wasn’t a fight,” Richie said. “Can I run with you? I’ll grab you a coffee again.”

“You can just run with me,” Zita smiled. “I don’t need to be bought.”

“It’s ... Uh ... I think I’m going to need the break instead of pretending I can keep up with you.”

Zita chuckled. “So, these morning runs aren’t just for Harper?”

“What? They were for both of us!” He snapped and pinched his nose. “I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s OK. Relationship fights can make anyone testy,” Zita shrugged. “I’m gonna start running again. If you’re gonna run with me, you gotta get moving. Or you can go see Harper.”

“If those are my options...” he said. She went off ahead but he soon dashed up alongside her. Zita smiled. Victory! She felt more than a little guilty running with him.

Richie had gotten up like normal. He turned off the alarm on his phone and kicked out of bed. He was the only one up and he’d likely be the only one home when he got back. He pulled on his track pants. Returned to his room after patting his pockets looking for his keys. He found yesterday’s pants in the hamper. He took out his keys and Nat’s car keys.

“Oh shit,” he said. He picked the sleep from his eyes as he ran out in his bare feet to the car in the driveway. He clicked the unlocker but he had left it unlocked when he had got in. The car horn made him swear. He couldn’t wait. He yanked open the door. He frowned as he saw them: six rainbow colored beans in the cupholder.

“What the hell?!” Nat shouted out of her window. “Where are you taking my car?”

“I’m not!” he yelled back up to the second floor. He leaned over the seat and scooped up the beans. The purple one fell out of his fist and clacked off the gearshift falling back into the cupholder. He grabbed it and shoved it and the rest into his pocket. He slammed the door and clicked the clicker until the horn honked. “I just forgot something!”

“Put my keys--”

Richie hadn’t heard the rest as he rushed inside and dumped his sister’s keys on the kitchen table. He pulled out the beans again and looked at them. The purple one was cracked. He frowned. Nat stomped across the kitchen and sneered as she snatched her keys from the table.

“What the hell are those things? Cocaine?”

“What?” He picked his head up and looked at his sister like she had five heads.

She rolled her eyes. “Candy maybe? White chocolate covered whatevers?”

“Beans,” Richie frowned.

“Chocolate covered espresso beans?” Nat said. She reached for one. He aggressively shut his fingers and pulled them away. “Jesus! I lent you my car, the least you can do is give me a treat.”

“They’re not chocolate. You think they’re white?”

“Oh, don’t tell me you’ve been hanging around with that art school snob girl again!” Nat rolled her eyes.

“I work with Oksana,” he frowned. “I see her practically every shift.”

“Not important, dickhead. I’m talking about those white candies. Oh, not white? Ivory? Alabaster? Cream? Mother of pearl? Whatever off-white you think they are.”

“She said others wouldn’t see the color...” Richie stepped away from the table and grabbed his hair. He stuffed the beans back in one pocket; he yanked his phone out of the other.

“Fine!” Nat said, grumpily. “Keep your weird bean shit, mumbles.” Nat yawned. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the clock on the stove. “Do you eat before your run?”

Richie wasn’t listening. He texted Harper. “What happened last night?” He didn’t get a response. He knew he wouldn’t. He patted the beans next to his keys again. He ran upstairs, grabbed socks, and bolted out the front door, hopping into his sneakers, and not bothering to tie them until he reached the first intersection. He ran madly all the way to Harper’s. Then he stopped. He just stared at the house.

He was juggling the beans in his pocket. Morwen had said no one would see them in whatever they got dissolved in. But he still could. That’s what the color was for.

Nat had seen white. Maybe?

Time had stopped. He couldn’t deny that.

Magic wasn’t real. Fucking truth.

“Two days in a row?” He turned, surprised to see that Zita had ninja’ed up right next to him. He looked her up and down, poorly auto-replying to the words she was saying. He could buy her a coffee like yesterday? Desire, devotion, and debauchery. She was a high school senior, eighteen, pretty. He was at college. He only had her for a moment. Sooner or later, Lilith or Mr and Mrs Cowie were going to be asking him about Harper. He didn’t have a lot of time.

“Can I run with you? I can buy you a coffee again.” It was the play. It had to be done. He didn’t give up Harper for no one.

Zita was pretty, cute, tiny, hard, and soft all at once. She had gorgeous dark skin and the hair and bracelets and nose ring and ear studs made her look like more than just the musclehead he mostly knew her as. He smiled. Yeah, Zita’s coffee first. Cailtin and a smoothie. Oksana and a burger.

He could figure out the rest of the beans after.

If this didn’t work, he’d hunt down Morwen. Yeah ... because that was a thing he could do.

“You’re not going to tell me I didn’t have to buy it for you again?” Richie asked as he put down the coffee cup in front of Zita. To him, it swirled with a purple maelstrom. To her, it had maybe a splash too much milk.

“Nope, you wanted the break, it cost you the coffee.” She took a sip and burnt the tip of her tongue. It actually tasted stronger than she expected. He was eyeing her like a lion watching a lone zebra. Zita hid her flattered smile behind the cup. She gave him the ‘watch it’ eyes. She took another sip.

“How is it?”

“It’s coffee, from here.” She gestured to the coffee shop around her. “It’s good-ish.”

“Oh...” he said. How long does it take to magic bean somebody? Maybe it gotta sit in her stomach for weeks? Or maybe it’ll be really fun really quickly and then she’ll piss it out in a couple of hours and he’ll be the one fucked? Or maybe magic beans aren’t a thing and he just made her drink some protein and food coloring.

“What happened with you and Harper?” Zita asked.

“Oh, um ... I, uh, met a witch and traded her for magic beans?” he answered.

If he hadn’t made it sound like a question, she’d’ve run with the joke. She decided he needed a serious friend. “Did you say something to her? Is that why she was holed up yesterday?”

“I checked out a girl she didn’t like,” he lied by omission. “And then I spent the day with you, Caity, Lil, and a couple of other girls saying I was a good boyfriend. I let that go to my head.”

“Note to self, stop complimenting men, it fucks up their life,” Zita said. She drank down another swallow of her coffee.

Richie smelled really good this morning. Zita loved the way his smile turned up when he wanted to laugh but he was too down on himself to let go. Plus, he wasn’t immature and dumb like all of the high school boys she knew. Harper was so lucky.

Zita blinked her eyes in confusion. Where had that sappy train of thought come from? Sure, Richie was going to be an absolute beast of a sex machine, but...

“You OK? You gonna finish your coffee?” he asked.


“You blew through it yesterday,” Richie said. “You’re taking your time now.”

Oh! He paid attention to the little things! What a good man! Zita wished she had ... a man ... like the man ... right in front of her.

“Ow!” she burned her tongue drinking down the rest of her coffee. Richie looked defeated when she wiped off what spilled on her chin and sweater.

Great! What if they were precisely measured doses and ... How would that make sense? Morwen didn’t know which girls he was going to give which color bean to. And...

“Hey,” he said.

“Yeah,” Zita said.

“You’re really pretty,” he told her. She smiled excitedly. She could feel her heart ramp up. She had to do her best to not loudly clap her thighs together under the table. Why was she so keyed up this morning?

“You wanna get out of here? Get running some more?” Zita asked. Oh my god! She sounded like an idiot! He’s gonna hate her and--

“Let’s, um, let’s go somewhere else,” he said.

Richie tossed most of his coffee. He wasn’t sharp enough to know she was fired up for him, but he knew she was excited. He hoped this was how the beans worked.

“So, are you and Harper gonna break up?” What kind of question was that! It was so mean! Harper’s lovely. What if she was willing to share?

“No, that’s not something I can do, right now,” he said, guiltily.

Zita hadn’t listened to his answer. She was fighting in her own mind. Share? Oh my god! I’m thinking like a skank! “Why don’t I just take him behind the trees and suck his dick?”


“What?” she asked, her face twisting in shock.

“Behind the trees?” he said. It was working! But, really? Just like that? Was there a window to act?

“What?” Zita gasped. I said that out loud! Oh no! She hurried the words out, “I mean, not if Harper would get mad.”

Not if Harper would get mad! This is Dad’s fault! He teased me and put ideas in my head.

“I’d have to film it,” Richie said.

“Oh, yeah, that’s no problem,” Zita said. Why was she smiling? Since when had she become a porn star! “But we’d better hurry if I’m gonna get back home in time for the bus.”

“Right, I wouldn’t want you to be late for school,” he said.

He cared about her! Zita was practically flying as she led him to a mostly, not perfectly, hidden place off the road and back from the coffee shop’s dumpster.

“No,” he caught her shoulders. “Don’t kneel down, you’ll get grass stains, or...” he toed the soil and pushed it in a circle, “or tetanus or something.”

“Then what do I do?” Zita asked.

“Squat? Stay on your toes and bend your knees?” He offered. He looked back to the road. His reflex was to bolt and apologize and run. But this had cost Harper and ... She was worth the best women he knew. He had to. He. Had. To.

Zita squatted down as Richie pushed his track pants and boxer briefs down enough to release his cock. Zita hoped her heart in her throat wouldn’t get in Richie’s way. She reached up and grabbed it.

You’re not a foolish virgin, Zita! You gotta get to school so you gotta do this like you’re fucking Lilith! Unless he wants to skip school... She licked his head and pumped her wrist.

Richie had become as hard as he could in an instant. It worked. Or Zita was a total slut ... No, it worked. He had true magical powers. He was gonna put together the greatest harem of desirous, debaucherous, devotees there had ever been. He wasn’t gonna worry about crises of confidence or crazy mood swings. He was gonna be a real sex god.

Zita was beautiful. It was good he had started off with Zita. Close enough to be friendly, removed enough to be a stranger. She had perfect skin, soft hair to grip. Her fingers were soft, her curves plentiful, her muscles tight. She gobbled his cock into her mouth and he made sure to make eye contact.

She popped her mouth off.

“Shouldn’t you take your phone out?” Zita worried. “I don’t want you to get in trouble with--”

“Right! Of course!” he said, cutting her off. Focus on the victories. He got her face in the lens and she struck a sexy pose. All the more sexy when her lips suctioned around his cock. She rolled her neck and bobbed her head, folding her cheeks against the sides of him. She didn’t do much with her tongue, pressing the head and slipping left or right as she rebounded.

Why did guys always grab her head? At least Richie was finally doing it right! When he pulled her hair it was to move her, help her give the best blowjob that he deserved. Finally, this was what sex with a real man could be like.

Her eyelids lowered and Richie zoomed in on her face. He wouldn’t have to delete this video later either! And once he helped Caitlin, who needed someone to love her close to home, he could even share it! He just had to get there in time to give her a breakfast smoothie!

Richie was thinking of Oksana next. Jimmy wouldn’t be there tonight. Richie could slip a bean into whatever she ordered! That’s three amazing girls today! Hopefully he had that long to operate without trouble.

Just look at the way his face twists with his breath! Zita looked up adoringly. She would need to see this every morning! Harper better share!

What if she shared with more than just Zita? It was one thing being second to Harper! They had rules: film it to prove the girl wasn’t trying to take what was Harper’s. Who had they done this first with? Lilith? That redheaded girl? Harper did point out a lot of women to Richie.

At least there was somebody Harper had vetoed. Zita slurped loudly.

“Hello!” Richie froze when he heard the woman from behind the cafe. “Look, if you’re waiting for us to throw out something you can eat, just come inside and I’ll give you a coffee and donut, OK? You could get sick if you keep eating out of the trash.”

Richie held Zita’s head still until they heard the dumpster lid fall shut. The worker went back inside.

“Can you go faster?” Richie asked.

The answer was yes. The novel new blowjobber and the allure of power were enough to shake Richie down and ready to blow.

Zita put her all into the suck. She was trying to get it in her mouth! Normally, she made the guy finish into tissues. That wouldn’t be OK with Richie. This wouldn’t be OK now that she was having more grown up sex. She had to put her scared high school girl rules behind her. She was gonna do it! She was gonna do it!

Richie pulled her down his cock as he started to spasm. He was cumming in her mouth, not pulling out and jacking off into Kleenex! This was so good! His brain floated as he splashed against the back of her throat.

Zita coughed and spit and cum flew out of her mouth around the sides of his cock. She tried to swallow but pulled the tip of his cock into her throat and spat it out before she could retch. He started to deflate and he pulled himself out of her mouth. He reached down, took her hands off of his hips and helped her up to her feet.

She tilted her head back and swallowed. He wiped the edges of her mouth and fed her the mess. She smiled as much as she could around his thumb.

He had stopped accurately filming as he had climaxed. She lifted his wrist and brought the camera to her face.

“Ta-da!” she said, laying out her tongue to show off her empty mouth.

Richie smiled as he turned his camera off. He stuffed himself back into his pants. She turned the phone so she could see the time.

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