The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves - Cover

The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves

Copyright© 2023 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 4

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Hunter is going to be on a RV with his Aunt and three female cousins as they explore Panama City over the Summer. His Aunt, and cousins have some naughty games they like to play. Note: The only "Beatings" in this story will be "Beating Off." It's not a violent story at all.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Furry   Incest   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Spanking   Harem   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Fisting   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Water Sports   Illustrated  

I was hungry by the time we rolled into Panama City. My Aunt insisted on taking us somewhere special. That place was called Fatty Patty’s Southern Café. She had apparently been there before and enjoyed it. She also shared the name with the owner and thought that was funny as well.

It was just a hole in the wall off of Thomas Drive on the Intercoastal. My Aunt had built it up to be this breakfast paradise. I expected it to look cooler. She bitched and moaned about traffic and parking but eventually found a place to park the RV. Once we got there, the girls took their time getting ready, and by the time we got there, the wait was really long.

My cousins had been riding around in their long shirts and hadn’t bothered to change out of what they slept in. I went into the bathroom and changed. I had to smell my own pee – which was not pleasant. My Aunt had not cleaned it up like she said she would.

“Okay, let’s get dressed and get this food,” Patty said. This is where it got REALLY awkward for me. I wasn’t sure what direction to look since all four of them needed to get dressed. I stood there awkwardly.

It didn’t occur to me to go back in the bathroom or get out of the Winnebago.

“I am just going to change,” Patty said to the other girls. “Are you comfortable with that, Hunter?”

Was I comfortable with a naked woman changing in front of me? Was that a trick question?

The other girls waited for me to answer. I remembered being chastised for staring at them. I looked down and said that would be fine. My Aunt didn’t ask the girls if THEY were comfortable changing in front of me.

“Good,” Patty pulled her shirt over her head. She was naked. I noticed the tattoos around her body – some of them were erotic in nature. She had a penis tattoo on her ass. It looked like a banana with a cock head that was being sucked on by a woman’s lips.

The girls turned their backs to me to change, but I could see their ass cracks. They clenched their cheeks so I couldn’t see anything more than the hint of pussy lips from behind. What I really admired was their bare backs. Jen’s back wasn’t quite as well defined as I imagined, but it was supple and sexy. There wasn’t a blemish on her body. She quickly changed into shorts without panties and a tank top with no bra. I didn’t see her tits, but apparently, they were firm enough that she didn’t need one.

Misty’s back was a little chubby, but I saw her boobs wobble from behind, when she raised her arms. I could imagine how they jiggled. Her butt – it was like a bubble. Her ass crack seemed so dark, like her hair, and impossibly deep. Her butt jiggled while she struggled to get her arms through her tank top.

I caught a glimpse of Hope’s sliver of pussy when she turned around to check another cabinet. Her vagina looked like the crack of a smile, and there was just a wisp of light-colored, long pubic hair – almost nothing. I took a mental snapshot that I would never forget. She saw me look and knew that I had seen her pussy, and she didn’t seem to care.

I assumed she’d make an attempt to hide herself, cover her body with her hands, be mortified, glare at me, anything. Instead, Hope’s expression suggested she was bored and that if she ignored me, then I wasn’t there. I tried not to stare. Instead, I glanced discreetly but she noticed and just didn’t care.

They took their time changing, but the time they were fully nude was very short (for my liking). I could have stood there all day and compared their ass cracks. Each one was uniquely different – like Goldilocks.

Jens was the perfect medium ass – firm and healthy. You could bounce a quarter on that ass kind of butt.

Misty had a big butt with a dark crack that seemed like an enigma. I couldn’t imagine poop or farts ever coming out of a work of art like that. Her ass was like something on a painting – non-functional and purely decorative.

Hope’s ass was dainty, slender, and when she bent over, I saw her tooter – the actual hole that farts are made from. I assumed she didn’t know, or she wouldn’t have bent over in such a wide stance. I could see the arch of her pussy lips slightly parted from behind as well, but I was hyper-focused on the pink circle between her thin ass cheeks.

It was like looking at a green tomato on a vine- you know it will be ripe and ready one day, and you can appreciate how tender it must be now while it’s still developing.

I didn’t even notice her tits when she turned around. I caught the briefest glimpse of two puffy mounds that reminded me of cupcakes. I had my eyes cast down to her bottom half.

“Fucking long wait,” I complained. I looked around and noticed the girls staring at me with bemused expressions, almost approaching respect. I hadn’t intended to cuss. It just slipped out – it felt good. I felt like an adult or something.

It was worth the wait, though. The food was great. The bacon was the best I’ve had in a restaurant (my mom makes better bacon). Patty actually let the girls order whatever they wanted and indulged them. They giggled and laughed while flirting with the male waiter.

He was quite a bit older than Jen, but she seemed to have a crush on him. I had a French toast breakfast. The girls all had meals that involved eggs. They made it a point to blow the scent into my face. The funny thing is – I found myself liking girl breath.

It was not like a raw egg smell. It was more like recycled with a hint of cinnamon when Misty blew air in my face. I could taste the egg, and I didn’t mind it. I didn’t realize it at the time, by my taste buds were also maturing and changing.

After that, we drove over to Biltmore Beach, and Patty got a lot at Panama City Beach RV Resort. She had stayed here years ago and was shocked by how much the prices had gone up. Hope noticed that they had precisely sixty-nine lots.

“Nice!!” her sisters smiled. I had heard what a 69 sex position was, but I assumed girls didn’t think that was cool. My cousins were not ordinary girls.

The RV resort was clean, had a pool, shower facility, and all sorts of amenities, and it was within walking distance to the beach and all the tourist stuff. My Aunt didn’t hook anything up – she wanted to enjoy the beach.

“Change into your bikinis and let’s hit it, bitches!” she said with a friendly smile.

“Suns out, buns out!” Jen added.

“Shits out, Clits Out!” Misty giggled playfully. I loved their naughty little rhymes. It felt like they were so random and spontaneous about everything. I tried not to laugh though because I knew these jokes weren’t intended for me. I probably came across like a fuddy-duddy, but at the time I was just trying not to be seen as a pervert or intrude on their little inside jokes.

My Aunt’s yellow bikini was little more than some strings with a few flaps of cloth. The other girls seemed to WANT that bikini and acted like they were disappointed with the ones they had. The bikinis they wore were small but in comparison to the one my Aunt wore they were fairly conservative.

“Are you going to stare at our butts like you did last time?” Jen said smugly as she whipped her jeans down around her ankles. She was facing me. I saw that she had a hairless pussy. Her pussy lips looked meaty – thick and open like a flower that had blossomed. There was no attempt made to hide their modesty.

The other girls giggled and started to undress as well. “Ninety-eight percent of the things you see on a woman’s body are on a man’s body. There is nothing special about it, Hunter. You are going to see a lot of T&A on the beach today,” she meant tits and ass. I was hoping that would be the case, but I didn’t want to seem too much like a total pervert. My Aunt explained that the RV was going to be very cramped and that I may as well have a good look now and get over it.

“If changing in front of you is uncomfortable, though, I need you to tell us,” my Aunt said as she stripped in front of me. This time I had a clear view of her well-shaved pussy – she had a slender strip of pubic hair that matched the hair on her head. It was almost completely invisible because it was so slim.

I found it odd that my Aunt would be concerned if I was uncomfortable. She never asked the girls if they were uncomfortable. I assumed they would have protested if they were. I tried to remain discreet, but I had to adjust my boner twice while glancing down. The girls took longer to put on their bikinis than they had to get dressed.

“Are you planning to skinny dip?” she asked when it was clear I hadn’t changed out of my long pants into something I could swim in.

I reminded my Aunt that I didn’t have a bathing suit. She offered to let me wear one of her thong bottoms, but she was joking. “We have to get you something on the way,” she surmised and said she wasn’t planning on bringing any money to the beach with her.

“Do you have ANY shorts?” she asked as she stood there wearing only the skimpiest of bottoms and no top.

“No,” I replied. I had skinny legs and hated shorts. My Aunt and the girls laughed at me like I was an idiot for not bringing shorts.

“It’s summer,” Jen snorted derisively. I simply hadn’t packed any. I told her I had gym shorts at home but didn’t wear them.

“That’s stupid,” Misty said. I liked her tits. They were heavy and pendulous. They hung down a little and were shaped a little like a torpedo. I got a really good look at her bare boobs while she changed in front of me. They didn’t stick out straight like Jen or Hope – they were more like sacks of fat, but they were still firm.

“Put on something you don’t mind throwing away, and I’ll get you something after I’ve been at the beach for a little while,” my Aunt promised. I did not want to throw away any of my clothes. However, my Aunt was serious.

I selected some black jeans and a T-shirt. I turned around to change. I briefly considered going into the bathroom but fair-was-fair. I turned around and reluctantly stepped out of my jeans. They were disappointed that I had on white underwear.

“Oh my god, you watched us fully change, and you are turning around? Let’s see it,” Jen challenged me when I turned around to change. The way she phrased it, it sounded like she WANTED to see my cock as compensation for letting me watch them change.

“C’mon, whip it out. We have an idea how big it is from that tent that stays constantly up while you sleep,” Misty demanded. It wasn’t like she was craving cock. It was like she felt it was unfair I didn’t have to show her mine, when she had shown me hers.

“Constantly?” Patty sounded impressed with my stamina when she heard I was constantly hard. It was a bit of hyperbole, but I did have a lot of uncomfortable boners.

Misty explained that they checked on me while I was snoring last night. I had no recollection of that. They lifted up the covers, and I was hard as a rock. “Sleep boner,” Misty grinned.

“I wish men would stay like that as they got older. The tragic irony is that girls can’t appreciate that stamina as teenagers and can’t find men that can keep it up without a blue pill when we are finally old enough to want it as badly as they do.”

“Simple, just get yourself some teenage boys,” Misty suggested that her mother take young lovers.

“Nah, I like men with a little seasoning,” Patty explained. She looked right at my cock through my underwear and suggested that I wear my “tighty-whities” to the beach. She seemed disappointed when I assumed she was joking.

“Hey, if we are taking him to South Dakota, we may want to help him practice?” Jen suggested that she suddenly had an epiphany about me and was excited over it. I wasn’t sure what she wanted me to practice, but I was wary, to say the least.

“It’s going to take us longer than three weeks to get there. The Winnie couldn’t make it without taking little rests along the way anyway. I don’t think the brothers will want him anyway,” my Aunt touched my arm and said that I was too scrawny.

I was still standing there in my underwear, wondering what I should do next. I felt like all of their eyes were on my crotch. I could understand why they got offended if I made them feel the same way when I watched them. It was super humiliating.

“Let’s fatten him up,” Hope suggested – which was ironic considering she was the skinniest of the four.

It took me much longer than I thought to change, and I could empathize with them for how it felt to be ogled while you change. They dropped the subject of South Dakota, although Hope and her sisters seemed to want to get there sooner than later.

I wrapped a towel around my waist so that no one would see that I had on white underwear. My Aunt seemed to think I was a being a big baby.

“Look how much material you have,” she grabbed the cloth of my underwear around where my cock was and pulled it down some. Aunt Pat’s fingers were inches away from my dick and I had a boner folded up.

“Now, look how much material I have,” she was wearing a thong. She pulled it down and up, and I saw her slit again. She touched her top, and then touched Misty and Jen’s bottoms and said that combined they didn’t have as much material on as I had in my one pair of underwear.

I still wanted the towel. They seemed very disappointed that I wasn’t as adventurous as they were. I wanted to say that nobody wants to see a teenage boy in his underwear, and that pretty women in bikinis were seen as normal. I didn’t though because I was too shy.

Their mother promised that they would enjoy Panama Beach, and they did. We brought towels that had clearly been stolen from hotels and suntan lotion – nothing else. The girls went barefoot on the hot pavement.

I also wore my tennis shoes despite Patty’s suggestion that I build up some pain tolerance on my feet.

“It just burns for the first hundred times or so,” she joked about how hot walking on asphalt would feel.

Panama Beach was full of tourists walking around and having a good time. The main strip of Thomas Drive was dotted with restaurants and shops. People drove slowly up and down the street checking things out.

There were lots of pretty girls (and handsome guys, but I wasn’t looking at them). However, I found myself staring at my cousin’s asses as I walked behind them. They wore bikinis that seemed to slide into the cracks of their asses and draw your eye to their butts – at least, that is what they did to me.

I studied every bump or patch of peach fuzz on their asses as I followed them to the beach. The cloth strips between their ass cheeks barely covered their buttholes. I could definitely see Misty’s rounded pucker outlined in the thong style bikini bottoms she wore. I could almost see my Aunt’s pussy flaps from behind because she had the smallest bikini of the four girls.


It might seem scandalous anywhere else, but on Panama Beach my Aunt fit right in. Hotel pools, Beaches full of sugar sand, Pastel colored stores, Muscle cars, Classic Van Halen music, Sun, Mullets, The smell of suntan lotion. I’ll never forget my first impression of Panama Beach. It seemed like a wild party straight out of a 1980s Spring Break party movie.

I had never been to a beach before. It was very chaotic, and I wasn’t sure how setting up your “home base” worked. People had staked out sections of the beach with umbrellas, towels, and even tents.

Who was to say if you were encroaching on anyone else’s territory? I asked my Aunt, and she said I was weird and thought too much. She didn’t say it like that was a bad thing.

“Okay, Momma has to mingle. You girls watch after each other and your cousin. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” she offered with a smirk that suggested that there weren’t many things she would not do.

I thought that the girls would immediately abandon me and head off in different directions. Once their mother was gone, Jen asked me if I could be cool.

“Cool, how?”

“Ugh,” Jen rolled her eyes and said, “Not tell Mom- that’s how. Can you just keep your mouth shut?”

I said yes.

“Okay, who wants to be IT?”

“Not I!” Hope said.

“Not Me!” Misty added quickly.

“It’s always me,” Jen lamented. I wasn’t sure what game they were going to play. I quickly figured it out. They didn’t include me, and they didn’t explain it to me. However, it seemed that it worked a little like Simon Sez.

The beach area was crowded, but people were going about their business and not paying us any attention. Dogs were chasing tennis balls, People laughing and splashing, running into the water, seagulls chasing after bits of bread, tides washing in and out.

Jen gave her sisters orders, and they obeyed without question. They were abrupt and without any context. The only purpose seemed to be to humiliate them. They weren’t a “Dare” because she wasn’t asking the girls – she was telling them what to do.

“Give yourselves wedgies, now roll your bikini top so that just your nips are covered,” she insisted.

Her sisters did not hesitate. They weren’t reluctant, and they even grinned as if they were having fun being told to humiliate themselves in public. Hope and Misty wedged their bikini bottoms in their ass crack. It had to not only be uncomfortable, but it immediately drew unwanted attention.

The girls didn’t seem to care that a few people snickered and laughed at them as they complied with their sister’s wishes. They rolled up their bikini tops so that just their nipples were covered and barely that. Misty had dark fat nipples so even the edges of them were displayed.

“Good,” Jen said as she examined Hope’s bikini top and adjusted it so that a hint of pink nipple was also visible. “It looks almost like you have tits.”

“Ek-ek-ek-ek,” Hope responded like a happy Dolphin to acknowledge her sister – seemingly not offended at all.

“No, Dolphin! Bad Dolphin!” Jen insisted that her sister talk like a person. Hope looked sad, almost disappointed, and she pantomimed, wanting to swim away.

“You can swim AFTER you were a good girl. Can you be a good girl?”

Hope nodded that she could and smiled.

“Use your words. You are a two-legged dolphin. You can speak like a person,” Jen said it like she was trying to convince her younger sister of what she now was. I began to piece together that Hope selectively role-played throughout the day as whatever animal she decided she was. She placed logical rules and hypothetical conditions where even as a cat, she could talk or walk and then conveniently forgot to behave like her chosen animal whenever she felt like it. When the mood struck her, she’d get really into roleplaying an animal and start purring, crawling, even scratching or licking her hands.

Her family seemed to accept this eccentric behavior, even though at times it annoyed them – which spoke volumes about the love they had for each other. In this case, Jen was trying to redirect her sister to accept the reality that she had to talk like a person but she wasn’t being mean or strict about it.

It struck me as odd, because Jen was “It” and my observation of the rules were that she could unconditionally order her sisters to do whatever she wanted. Yet, Jen seemed to be taking the time to convince her sister that it was okay to talk to her like a person. It showed a level of compassion and respect but it still confused me that Jen didn’t simply order her sister to behave a certain way.

“Yes, Ma’am,” Hope said. She looked directly at me to observe my reaction. I wasn’t sure what to make of it. My cousin had no caution about embarrassing herself by giving herself a wedgie, but she seemed concerned with what I thought if she suddenly spoke like a person.

“Good! Now lotion each other’s pale asses up before they burn, sluts!” she passed a bottle of cheap coconut-scented lotion to Hope. Misty was pleased to offer her backside to her sister.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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