Diana's Tales: Student Aid - Cover

Diana's Tales: Student Aid

Copyright© 2022 by wendyk52

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - It's Diana," I corrected him, "just call me Diana." He got his boxes and bags moved into the basement, and then he came up to see the rest of the house. "Where's your husband?" Dion asked. "I wanted to thank him, also." "Oh, he's out of the house," I breezily replied. "He's a senior engineer for an oil company. He's always off setting up new sites, so he's away a lot, sometimes for weeks at a time. He won't be back for at least another week."

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   True Story   Cheating   Slut Wife   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Exhibitionism  

– Diana Meets Dion’s classmate, Darius

It was one of those fall days where the weather can’t seem to make up its mind. You grab a thick coat in the morning because it feels like winter, but you want to change into shorts and a tee shirt by the afternoon. At that moment, it was afternoon and gorgeous outside with nary a cloud distorting the deep blue skies. A refreshing breeze blew into the house through the wide, open windows and also allowed the sounds of the neighborhood to seep in. The noise from a lawn mower running a few doors down, the rush of tires on the pavement as the occasional car drove by, and the idle chatter of the old retired folks taking their daily neighborhood walks alternately filled our home at various times.

“School seems to be keeping you busy lately. Are you making friends at school?” I asked Dion.

We were making small talk while he casually fucked me in the living room. Dion had just gotten back from his morning classes, and I had just returned from running errands, and we were catching up. I was lying on my back on the sofa, my head on an arm rest and my legs spread wide with one hanging off the edge and the other pointed straight up and propped against the seat back.

“I don’t know about friends, but I’ve got a partner for a group project,” he responded languidly as he slowly pumped his hard cock into me.

“Who is he? Or she?” I asked, trying to sound conversational, but my breath was growing short and labored.

Dion laughed. “He’s a he. Darius is his name.”

“Oh, that’s nice. How did you meet? How did you get paired up? By choice or were you assigned to work together?”

“By choice. We went to the same high school. I didn’t know him real well back then, but it’s nice knowing a familiar face, and we ended up in a lot of the same classes, so it just made sense to work together.”

My husband was away on business again this week which freed us up to openly continue our illicit affair. Dion had overcome his initial reticence after meeting my husband, and now he fucked me whenever he wanted, which was at least twice, if not three or four times a day. He was insatiable, which perfectly matched my own sex drive.

By this point, I was highly aroused and quickly abandoned any pretense of keeping up our conversation. I could hardly contain my moans of pleasure as they began to involuntarily escape my mouth. At first, I was able to keep them under my breath, but they slowly grew into soft moans and sighs as my defenses weakened. I looked down, and I gave up on any effort to dampen my moans after catching sight of my lily-white legs obscenely splayed and Dion’s hard black cock disappearing into my mature white pussy.

Dion looked down in amusement at my helplessness.

“Careful now. You wouldn’t want the neighbors to hear you,” he warned me.

Dion was right, of course. I didn’t want the neighbors to hear me. I was retired, just like the old couples walking past our window, even if I was younger than most of them since I’m still only 53. I was a respected member of the community, a longtime counselor at the local college, and my husband was a well-respected businessman. We lived in a nice, comfortable community. It wasn’t a gated enclave, but we were solid upper middle class.

Dion was my little secret. I had a high sex drive that my husband couldn’t satisfy, and, anyway, my husband’s always more interested in his work than me, often disappearing on out of town assignments for weeks at a time. It all just leaves me lonely at home, and life is too short for that. I jumped at the opportunity to bring Dion under our roof a few months ago and we’ve been regularly having sex ever since.

I know it’s wrong, but that’s part of what fuels our affair. Our relationship is forbidden on so many levels. I’m a married woman more than 30 years older than him. If my neighbors had any idea how Dion and I carried on behind closed doors, I’d be the scandalous talk of our quiet neighborhood.

I couldn’t help but wonder what little secrets my neighbors kept hidden behind their closed doors. So many put up a prim and proper façade, trying to maintain an air of respectability. And yet, we all have skeletons in our closet, that secret we wish to remain buried in the past, that secret pleasure, addiction, or urge we struggle to control. I shudder to think how vanilla a plain life on the straight and narrow would be with nothing illicit, daring, or forbidden to spice it up. Life is boring when you always color within the lines, and sometimes it’s good to push the boundaries and step out of your comfort zone.

Dion pulled his cock out of my pussy, and I sighed in disappointment as I immediately missed the feel of his hard member filling me up. I looked at him with pleading eyes, and he lightly tapped his fingers against my swollen, aroused pussy as I sat up and gasped in response.

“You’re getting too loud for your own good. I saw that old couple around the corner turn their heads. I think they heard something They were talking amongst themselves, but it’s probably best if we quiet you down a little bit.”

As he said this, Dion moved directly in front of my face, and I instantly understood how he intended to shut me up. His massive cock stood at attention, temptingly staring me in the face. The veins were popping out of his engorged cock, and my eyes followed the head of his cock as he flexed and let it dance hypnotically before my eyes.

I opened my lips and leaned forward to take him into my mouth. I inhaled the unmistakable odor of my own juices coated over his cock and balls. I’m always amazed how wide I have to stretch my mouth to accommodate his member, and the oddly metallic taste of my own juices tartly hit my tongue as the head of his cock reached to the back of my throat. I almost gagged, but I suppressed the reflex and then started working him over.

“There, there, problem solved. I knew that trick would work,” Dion smugly observed.

I tried to speak my agreement, but it just came out as a low gurgle with my mouth stuffed full of his cock. I let my tongue work over his member. I kept my lips pressed tightly around his cock as I moved my head back and forth along his shaft. I felt the blood rush to his cock and knew he enjoyed my skills. I let my hands wander up and run over his chest as my mouth pleasured him below.

“Ooh, you make it feel so good, Diana,” he complimented. “You’re gonna make me shoot my load inside your mouth.”

I briefly let his cock fall out of my mouth with a loud smack of my lips. “That’s kind of the idea,” I responded before immediately taking him back into my mouth to resume sucking him off.

“You know how to satisfy a man, don’t you? How to really make a man feel like a man,” Dion remarked.

I didn’t bother to respond this time. The way his cock was responding to the blow job I was giving him told me all I needed to know. Soon, Dion’s body tightened, and I knew he was close. I always love getting a man off, knowing that I made him cum, and Dion was no different. Knowing he was close to an orgasm just propelled me to suck him off even harder. My head was bobbing furiously on his cock as my hands cupped his balls and my nails teased his taint.

The next thing I knew, Dion’s hands pushed my face against his crotch as his cock reached to the back of my throat as he spurted his cum. It shot out in a stream, ricocheting off the back of my throat and filling my mouth cavity as my tongue continued working over his cock, coaxing every last drop out and then spreading his cum and my saliva all over his shaft.

As he finished ejaculating, I pulled my head off his cock, and a string of cum stretched six inches from my lips to the tip of his cock. I opened my mouth to show Dion the pool of his cum resting on my tongue before I closed my mouth and swallowed his load clean.

“Let me clean you off,” I croaked, still trying to find my voice after having my mouth stuffed full of cock the past few minutes.

I leaned forward and took his cock back through my lips. He was already softening, but even semi flaccid, he still filled my mouth, and I closed my eyes as I dutifully worked my lips and tongue over his member. Dion’s hand stroked my short auburn hair, and I opened my eyes and looked up into his appreciative eyes and smiled as I held him in my mouth.

“Like I said, you sure know how to really make a man feel like a man,” Dion reiterated.

I held him in my mouth till I had licked him clean and no longer detected any vestiges of his cum or my juices before letting him slip out from my lips.

I sloppily wiped my lips clean with my arm and then lifted his cock back up with my hand for inspection before declaring, “There, there, all ready for work.”

Dion just chuckled. “You’re spoiling me, you know.”

“Nonsense. The pleasure is all mine. I’m just happy to be of service.”

“You keep this up, I may have to figure out an excuse to go for a second and third degree,” Dion joked.

“That sounds like a lovely idea,” I concurred, thinking how nice it would be to stretch our arrangement beyond his current two-year associate’s degree program.

Dion headed off to work shortly after we finished our afternoon session. He still cleaned office buildings after hours to keep a cash flow coming in, although he only worked a few nights a week now, so he could better focus on his studies.

It was such a lovely afternoon, I decided I would take a neighborhood walk. We live in a large development with endless sidewalks that provide for nice strolls, so I put on some comfortable walking shoes and took in the charming fall afternoon.

The leaves on the trees were just starting to turn, and many people were out taking advantage of the pleasant weather. The sidewalks were filled with a steady stream of walkers and joggers, and I joined their numbers. Many of my neighbors were also out and about. Working on their yards. Reading a book. Mowing. Landscaping. Forever plucking weeds. Just sitting in a rocking chair watching the parade of passersby’s.

Just ahead, I saw Kathy, a neighborhood acquaintance talking with her next-door neighbor, Emily.

“Diana,” Kathy called out, “it’ s so lovely to see you.”

I stopped as I approached them.

“How are you ladies doing? Gorgeous day out, eh?” I said as I approached.

“That it is,” Kathy agreed. “Don’t get too many of these in a year. Have to take advantage of it, though, and enjoy the sunshine. It’ll be winter before you know it, and we’ll all be wishing for a perfect day like this again.”

“Diana, have I seen, do you have a young man staying with you?” Emily asked in curiosity.

“Yes, we do. He’s a student at the community college where I worked,” I informed them.

“I didn’t realize you had taken in a student,” Kathy remarked, seemingly taken aback.

“Still helping out the youth of America, I take it then,” Emily remarked.

“Oh, it’s nothing really,” I said, playing it off, although I was growing suspicious of their intentions.

“I must admit, you’re a braver soul than me,” Emily stated.

“However so?” I countered.

“I mean, opening your home to a perfect stranger like that,” Emily continued, explaining herself. “I can’t even imagine. You never know what you might be taking in. He could be a drunk or a druggie. He could be violent or a rapist. I could never.”

“Oh, hogwash. Dion was a model student in high school. Perfect record, no truancy. Really, taking him in wasn’t any danger,” I retorted.

“But, he’s ... you know,” Emily protested.

“No, I don’t know,” I said, growing indignant.

“He’s black,” Emily answered rather quietly.

“Really? Is that a problem? In this day and age?” My voice was raised, and Kathy and Emily were clearly taken aback by my tone, but I knew exactly what she was hinting at, and I was incensed.

“No, I suppose not, but, it’s, you know, you just need to be careful. I mean, you know how people talk,” Kathy admitted, as she quickly tried to defuse the conversation.

“Let them talk. His name’s Dion, and he’s a person, just like the rest of us. He’s worked his tail off to get as far as he has in life, and he’s earned everything that’s come his way,” I insisted.

“Diana, I hate to mention this, but I have to tell you.” Emily cautiously looked both directions to ensure no one else was within earshot before proceeding. “Were you out of the house earlier?”

“Why yes, I ran to the store to pick up some things,” I admitted, curious why Emily was asking.

“Well, it must’ve been while you were out running errands then. I went by your house earlier while taking a neighborhood walk, and...” Emily hesitated for a long moment before proceeding. “I heard noises coming out of your house. The windows were open, so I wasn’t snooping or anything, but the noises, you know, some people have no shame. Anyway, I think he’s sneaking young women into your house while you’re away and having sex with them.”

“Oh my!” I was mortified, but not for the reasons that Emily and Kathy assumed. She must have heard me and Dion together earlier. I must’ve been home when Emily walked past, although I was too busy with Dion’s cock stuffed inside me to notice.

“I would be horrified if there was any sex happening in my own house,” Kathy announced irately.

I suppressed a chuckle as I could only imagine how frigid Kathy must be. I’m sure her husband appreciated her aversion to the pleasures of the flesh.

“I could see Dion through the window, clear as day, and he was obviously ... in heat with a woman. I just saw the woman’s leg sticking up over the back of the couch. But he was having sex. Right there in your living room. Are you really okay with that?” Emily asked incredulously.

You have no idea how okay with it I am, I thought to myself. I maintained my composure, although I made a note to look into installing privacy windows so people can’t look in my home so easily.

“Just be careful, Diana. We don’t want to spread any gossip, but, you know, maybe Dion’s not the angel you think he is,” Kathy persisted in a concerned tone.

Or maybe I’m not the naïve innocent helpless damsel you assume me to be, I thought to myself. And I loved how they say they don’t want to spread gossip when they’re the neighborhood gossip queens.

“I thank you, ladies, for your concern,” I replied, biting my tongue in the process. “I need to get back on my walk, but I’ll definitely keep a close eye on Dion,” I promised them.

As I continued on my way, all I could think about was how Emily had heard and even saw me having sex with Dion just a little while earlier. My mind was abuzz with thoughts that I’d been playing too recklessly in my affair with Dion. Kathy and Emily would’ve been horrified to learn that Dion’s secret lover was me, but, if they had figured it out, then word might make its way back to my husband, and that’s the last thing I wanted. I know I was playing with fire. I always say that as long as everyone is consenting adults and no one is getting hurt, then live and let live. I enjoy Dion’s company, and even though my husband would be devastated to know my true relationship with Dion, what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him.

Knowing that Emily heard me having sex also turned me on, though, and I walked faster as I became more and more wet down below the more I thought about it. I cut my walk short and hurried back home to play with myself while I waited for Dion to come back home that night.

I anxiously waited in bed for Dion to come home from work. I was dressed in a see-through black negligee, my ample C cup breasts fully on display and my neatly trimmed pussy peeking out from the bottom hem. My legs were covered in sheer black thigh high stockings, and I laid on the bed, playing with myself, keeping my pussy wet and my nipples hard as I waited with legs spread for my young lover to arrive.

I had been teasing myself for quite a while using my fingers and a variety of toys, but I intentionally avoided bringing myself to climax. I kept my arousal pent up until Dion arrived, saving myself for him. I was edging hard and so close to an orgasm that I was oblivious to the world around me, but I stopped before venturing past the point of no return. As I opened my eyes, I saw Dion standing in the doorway, an eager smile on his face.

“Well, well, well, look what I found. A sexy woman in bed all wound up and ready to go,” he said while licking his lips.

“I’m looking for someone with the right key to fit in my keyhole,” I answered as my hands spread my pussy to reveal my pink flesh while my eyes burned a hole through his pants.

“I think I’ve got just the key to turn that engine on,” he casually remarked.

“Come on, and take me for a ride then,” I dared him.

Within seconds, Dion mounted me, and he was driving his hard cock deep into my body. I finally released all my pent-up arousal, and I climaxed almost as soon as he penetrated me, my body a shaking puddle of a mess underneath Dion’s strong hulking figure.

I made sure all the curtains were drawn and the windows closed. The hour was late, and it was dark outside, but I didn’t want to take any chances on neighbors catching on to my sexual escapades with Dion. In the safety and security of my own home, I let go of all my inhibitions, expressing my pleasure in screams and shouts as Dion was just getting warmed up and quickly drove me to a second orgasm. I was like putty in his hands, a rag doll for him to use as he pleased, and I let him drive me over the edge again and again until he approached his own orgasm, and he powered through it his cock exploding inside me, filling me with his warm sticky seed.

Dion fell over onto his back on the bed next to me, both of us breathless but still riding the emotional high of our orgasms.

“So how was work?” I finally asked between bated breaths.

“Not as good as coming home,” he responded. I watched his chest rise and fall as he was also breathing hard.

“Classes going okay? The whole point to all this was to ensure you kept up good grades,” I reminded him.

Dion laughed at the absurd notion that our affair was some altruistic physical sacrifice on my part and not a result of naked lust.

“Yeah, my grades are good,” he answered. “All A’s and one B. Got a big project due in my Criminal Court System class. I’m paired up with Darius on the project. We’ve been meeting at the library to work on it, but the library is going under construction for the next few weeks.”

“My old co worker Marie was telling me about that,” I remarked. “A donor gave them a half million dollars to upgrade the building and modernize it. Install better internet and more private study areas.”

“Yeah, well, Darius and I need to figure out an alternative place to work on our project. He lives with his mom, but he’s the oldest of 5 kids, and they all live in a small two-bedroom apartment.”

“Why don’t you bring him here?” I suggested.

“Oh, I couldn’t. You already did enough just taking me in,” Dion protested.

“Nonsense. This place is as much your home as it is mine right now. Besides, we set rules when you moved in. I said no girls, no partying, no drugs, no alcohol, and I don’t see how inviting Darius to come over here to work violates any of those rules, do you?”

“No, I guess not,” Dion admitted.

“Well, it’s settled then,” I concluded.

“Okay, I’ll ask Darius tomorrow and see what he thinks,” Dion said, finally relenting. “We were going to try to set up in a coffee shop and just squat there, but, if you’re okay with it, maybe we’ll come here tomorrow instead.”

“I insist you do,” I reiterated. “Coffee shops are crowded and noisy. You’ll never get any work done there.”

“Ok,” Dion agreed. “As you said, it’s settled then. I’ll bring Darius around tomorrow afternoon.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” I promised him.

Before he left for class the next day, Dion mentioned he and Darius would come around 2 pm, and I spent the morning anxiously anticipating Dion bringing his friend to our house. I thought back several months to when I first met Dion and invited him to live with us. I knew my own worst temptations, and I knew my resistance would be weak with Dion living under the same roof. As it turned out, I was right, and my defenses quickly crumbled as I gave in to my darkest desires. Now all those same emotions came flooding back – the nervousness, the excitement, the dreaming, and I wondered if I’d be able to control myself around Darius.

I spent entirely too long choosing what outfit to wear. I’d never met Darius, so I wanted something that could be fun and flirty, but I also didn’t want to come off as desperate, even though that might have been the most accurate adjective for my emotions. I kept pulling out and then putting back outfits that were always too something – too frumpy, too slutty, or maybe too formal. I finally settled on a simple denim dress. It was probably a little too short to be completely proper, but it otherwise looked casual enough, like something a respectable housewife might wear around the house, even if I made sure I wasn’t wearing anything else under the dress. Then I put on a pair of heels. Nothing outrageous, but even 2-inch heels made me feel that much taller and did wonders for my ass and legs.

Come 2 PM, I heard the door open and Dion’s voice boomed in to announce their arrival.

“Diana, we’re here,” his voice echoed down the hall.

I came around the corner and was met by Dion and a tall young black man.

“Hi, I’m Darius,” he politely stated as he extended a hand. I could almost swear he gave me a once over while we shook hands. I wondered how much Dion may have told Darius about us. He didn’t have any other family or friends he kept in touch with. Was it possible that Darius knew about my relationship with Dion? If he did, did he have preconceptions about me?

“Welcome to our home, Darius,” I said, gesturing for him to enter. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Any friend of Dion’s is a friend of mine.”

I gave Darius a once over myself. He was a chiseled 6’2” and 180 pounds with short buzz cut hair, and my pussy stirred in response.

“I can’t thank you enough for letting us study here. I’m sorry to intrude, but our usual study place is out of commission,” Darius apologetically said.

“Nonsense. This is Dion’s home, too,” I reassured him. “His friends are welcome here anytime. Besides, I used to work at the college for years as a guidance counselor before I retired last year, so it’s nice to still be able to help out some of the students from time to time. Why don’t you guys come in the kitchen? You’ll have some space to spread out and work in the adjacent dining room,” I said, leading them to the kitchen area.

After they got settled down, I asked, “Do you fellas want any refreshments while you study?”

Dion was turned away, pulling materials out of his backpack as I brought over some chips and drinks. I bent over in front of Darius as I laid out the refreshments, and though I pretended to be oblivious, I knew Darius had a clear view down my top. I took a quick peek as I was bent over and confirmed my dress was loose enough to clearly expose my breasts.

Afterward, I walked back to the sink, but I turned quickly before I got there and looked back at Dion and Darius. I was pleased to see that Darius’ gaze was fixed on me, although he quickly turned away, clearly embarrassed that I’d caught him staring.

“Is there anything else you boys need?” I innocently asked.

Darius, his face still embarrassed, looked tongue tied.

“No, I think we’re fine, Diana,” Dion politely answered.

I sat down on a kitchen stool behind Dion. I was seated at the counter, my top half hunched over the counter. I idly playing with my phone while facing away from both of them. I kept my bottom half turned at the waist and facing them, however. Since I was seated behind Dion, he couldn’t see me, but Darius had a clear view of my legs. My denim dress was already a little short, reaching halfway up my thighs, but while seated on the stool with my legs crossed, the dress’s hem raised up almost to an obscene height.

As Dion and Darius worked on their project, I casually sat across the room, pretending to be playing on my phone, but aware that I was giving an eyeful to Darius. I snuck furtive glances and caught sight of him constantly checking me out. My pussy tingled in excitement at the naughty show I put on. I don’t even know what came over me, but I became even more daring. I slowly crossed and uncrossed my legs, almost like Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct. I repeated this action several times, each time holding my legs apart just a little longer as I uncrossed them to give an eyeful to Darius. I acted as if I was just shifting on the stool, trying to find a comfortable position, but really, I was tingling with excitement knowing that Darius was getting an eyeful. After a while, I just left my legs spread, my freshly shaved pussy openly visible, my skirt, almost hiked to my waist after crossing and uncrossing my legs so many times. Looking over, I saw a growing bulge in Darius’ pants, and his hand constantly reached down to readjust himself.

“Darius, Darius, are you ok,” Dion asked, snapping his fingers together. “It’s like you’re in a daze or something.” Poor Dion, he was turned away and oblivious to the peep show I was giving his colleague and actually trying to do his schoolwork.

Darius shook his head. “I’m sorry. I guess, it’s like I was lost in another world there for a minute. Where were we?” he asked.

They went back to work, and I felt guilty for distracting them so much, especially since Dion had moved in with us to better focus on his studies. I had had my fun, and I should probably leave them alone. Besides, I was so wet with arousal that I needed to do something about it before I started openly fingering myself right in front of them.

I hastily excused myself and made my way upstairs to my bedroom, pulled out my large black dildo, and tapped it against my pussy. I tried to pretend it was Dion, but my mind kept returning back to Darius.

It was bad enough I was cheating on my husband with Dion, but now I was seriously contemplating cheating on Dion with Darius. I didn’t know what was wrong with me, but all I could think about was seducing Darius. He was fresh meat, a new challenge, an unexplored mountain to climb. A familiar sense of excitement filled my body. My heart raced as I imagined his arms around me. His hands on my body. His lips pressed against my flesh.

Was I bored with Dion? Certainly not. Besides, I had made a promise to sexually satisfy him to focus on his studies. But what would Dion think of me pursuing Darius? I was glad he was making friends in college, but how would he feel if I just started sleeping with his friends? Would he be possessive of me? He couldn’t complain about me cheating on him if he was ok with me cheating on my husband with him, could he?

I heard Dion and Darius talking downstairs directly under me as I sank the long black dildo into my body. Its length filled me, and its girth spread my pussy wide. As they continued talking, I closed my eyes, arched my back and shuddered as the pleasure from the dildo filled my body. I worked quietly, suppressing the moans, gasps, and cries I wanted to emit as the dildo plowed into me. While a dildo or vibrator is never quite as nice as the real thing, no one knows a woman’s body better than a woman, and I made sure to hit all the right spots. I knew exactly how I wanted to be touched, where I wanted the dildo to rub and tap against, and my arousal rapidly swelled inside me.

I spread my legs wider, imagining I was presenting myself for Darius, inviting him to mount me. As much pleasure as my dildo was giving me, I longed to wrap my legs around a real man. I wanted to wrap my legs around Darius. I wanted his strong hands to turn me over so he could take me from behind. I wanted him to grab my hair and pull my head back as he entered me. I wanted him to fuck me.

I plunged the dildo deep into my body, its full 10 inches reaching to my cervix. I was nearly delirious, drunk on my own sexual pleasure, the pleasure increasing and increasing until I didn’t want to hold it back any longer. Until I couldn’t hold it back any longer, and all I craved was the release. My body finally relented, letting my walls crumble, and allowing all the sexual tension to come exploding forth.

I lay naked on my bed, the dildo left dangling out of my pussy and my right hand teasing my nipples between my fingers as Darius and Dion studiously worked away just 10 feet under me, their voices rising up through the floorboards and completely oblivious to the sexually charged deviant in their midst discreetly plotting another conquest.

By 5 pm, I had cleaned myself off, taking a long shower to wash the smell of sex off my body. After my orgasm, I thought more about how Dion would react to me sleeping with Darius, and I knew he might be hurt, and my heart couldn’t bear doing that to him. He had been through a lot in life, growing up in the foster care system; he had a hard time learning to trust people. It was only recently there was good in the world and the entire world wasn’t actually out to get him. While pursuing Darius seemed like a fun idea in a vacuum, nothing ever happens in a vacuum. I didn’t want to jeopardize Dion’s college pursuit by shattering his trust in people, so I decided just having a momentary fantasy about Darius was as far as I should take things.

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