I Am Bored of Me - Cover

I Am Bored of Me

Copyright© 2022 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 9

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Julie is tired of life as a boring housewife. She is trading midnight fantasies with her husband and admits she would enjoy streaking and performing humiliating dares for him. He has one condition - if we are doing this, then you have to do whatever I tell you!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Consensual   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   Group Sex   Swinging   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Big Breasts   Illustrated  


“Today Teddy was the only one to volunteer to take me to the bathroom,” I admitted. It was humiliating to admit that I had to be supervised, but I accepted that I had to ask permission. Those were the rules and I was determined to follow them. It had felt like a game when I began things, but now the gravity of it all had hit me. It made sense to me that I had to ask someone for permission.

I think my family felt that way today as well. Teddy had been the only one actually willing to supervise me with the door open while I did my business though.

That wasn’t lost on Steve. He noticed as well. I told him how I suggested that Teddy look away so I could wipe my pussy and ass with toilet paper, but it seemed he really wanted to watch. He was just too embarrassed.

“I could make him take you in the backyard as a puppy and cock your leg like a Labrador retriever,” Steve teased.

“Do you think you could ASK him if he wants to walk me outside? I am not sure he wants to actually watch me do that, and I don’t mind. I just couldn’t be the one to suggest it to him.”

“Oh, he is fascinated with your butt. I think he wants to use a flashlight to see what is inside your asshole if he could. Once we do this, there is no going back to normal around the house.”

“If the kids don’t want any part of it, I would be willing to stop,” I said. My husband kissed me passionately. I guess he liked how committed to this I seemed. I didn’t see changing course now.

“I don’t know if this is what Marcie does around her house, or if we are going off the deep end. Maybe we should wait for her to come over and talk to her about it?”

“How Marcie handles things has no relevance,” Steve insisted.

“She may have encountered problems before that we haven’t anticipated. I am asking you for a lot,” I countered.

“You can ASK, but you do what I tell you, right?”

“Yes,” I replied breathlessly.

“Then I’ve decided that tomorrow you will serve breakfast with a peeled banana as far down your throat as you can push it. I’ll explain your punishment routine and then let you ask permission to eat the banana from the kids and me. Do you have a problem with that?” Steve’s eyes told me that he was certain of his new rules.

I went to sleep feeling so conflicted. Had I jumped off a high cliff into total chaos? Had I made a mistake agreeing to all of this? Was I considering what was best for everyone or just for me? Was it possible to ‘live a fantasy’?

I awoke early and began to suck my husband’s cock before his alarm went off. He grabbed my hair and forced me down on his dick until I nearly puked. He told me that he wanted the banana at least that far down my throat. “Be a good little slut, crawl downstairs, and make us breakfast. I’ll decide what you eat after you finish serving us.”

I normally ate what everybody else did.

He smacked my butt as I stood up and stretched. “Get ready, whore,” he smiled as I got down on all fours and crawled out of my bedroom and made my way to the kitchen. I stood up and peeled a banana. I forced it down my throat and nearly gagged. I took it out and tried it again a few times until I had only a few inches sticking out of my mouth. I kept feeling like I may throw up while I made my family breakfast.

Daniel was the first one downstairs. He laughed when he saw me with the banana in my mouth. “Orders from Dad?” he chuckled.

I nodded and blushed.

“You should put an egg between your tits and crack it by squeezing them together,” he joked. I knew he was not serious from his tone. I did it anyway. I took a brown egg from the carton and placed it between my cleavage. I looked at him and pushed my tits together with my hands.

“Oh my god, I wasn’t serious,” Daniel was delirious with laughter as the eggy goo dripped down my tits. The shell hit the floor.

I mumbled a request to pick it up and clean myself up. There was no way he could understand me with the banana so far down my throat. “Yeah, you can pick up the egg shell,” he saw where I pointed. He either didn’t care to let me wash the egg yoke off of my tits or he didn’t understand I was also asking to clean my tits. I left the messy goo on my tits and went back to cooking after I cleaned up the egg shell.

Teddy and my husband entered the kitchen next. “Making a mess already, slut?” Steve said of the egg on my chest and the banana in my throat. Teddy was surprised but slightly amused by the use of food on my body. “Should I punish you for that?”

“I told Mom that she should put an egg between her tits and crack it with them, but I was obviously joking and she did it anyway,” Daniel intervened on my behalf.

“You have to be very careful when teasing your mom. You can call her a name or make fun of her big butt,” he smacked my butt. “She’s going to take your instructions seriously, and she knows that she will be punished if she is reluctant.”

“That looks pretty funny,” Teddy watched the gooey yellow yolk drip down my tits and laughed.

“She’s making a titty omelet,” Daniel grinned.

“You can pick something for your mom to wear during breakfast as well, as long as it’s food, Teddy,” Steve said.

Teddy was pleasantly amused but didn’t believe his dad was serious. Steve told our son that I’d be eating whatever he made me wear today for breakfast.

“Unwrap a snicker’s bar and stick it up your butt,” Teddy expelled air out of his chipmunk cheeks in a bodacious laugh as he suggested the most outrageous thing his little mind could come up with.

I didn’t ask if he was serious. As sausage was cooking on the stove, I stepped over to the pantry and opened it. I took out a full-size Snicker bar from the candy bin we had of leftover Halloween candies. Unwrapped it, sniffed it, and pulled my cheeks apart with my hands. I let him watch as I pushed that Snickers bar into my ass.

It started to melt right away.

“It looks like poopy!” Teddy laughed, and laughed. He laughed so hard that he nearly spit up.

I blushed while the boys made farting noises and pretended that I had a turd hanging from my butt. Daniel joked “Now, THAT is what I call a fun-sized Snicker bar!”

I had to endure the boy’s laughter - it was deeply mortifying and yet it was turning me on, and that realization embarrassed me even more.

“Oh, what in the fresh hell is this?” Cindy groggily staggered into the kitchen. She was never much of a morning person. She was wearing her sweats, and a t-shirt that read “I shaved my nuts for this?”

It was a gag gift that her brother had bought her for her birthday. She secretly loved that shirt’s caption.

“We went easy on your mom yesterday because it was her first day, but today she knows she has to do better. Everyone is picking something for her to wear while she makes breakfast. She can eat it when she is done making our food. I chose a banana down the throat, Daniel chose eggs on tits, Teddy chose a Snickers bar in her tail pipe.”

“This is absolutely...” Cindy sounded like she had reached a point where she was truly disgusted “ ... AWESOME!!” she grinned as she changed her tone. “Okay, well you didn’t leave me many body parts left. I guess put a raw hot dog in your pussy and try to use one hand to hump yourself with it while you finish preparing the breakfast.”

I didn’t argue or balk at the suggestion. I opened the fridge, took out a raw hot dog. I slipped it in my pussy and let the kids watch me grip it with my pussy as I moved it in and out. I kept an eye on the stove while I put on my little show.

“How are you moving the lips on your pussy?” Teddy asked. I couldn’t answer. Spit was dribbling down my chin.

“She can flex her little flappers,” Cindy demonstrated by tenting her fingers like my pussy lips. I managed to serve the four of them with one hand and fuck myself with the hot dog with the other. I had to be gentle, or else I would have torn the hot dog to shreds.

“Technically, she should only get five minutes of masturbation time, but I’ll allow her to keep doing it while she makes breakfast as long as she doesn’t take TOO long,” Steve said.

Once I got them served, I was told to spit out the banana, take out the hot dog, snickers and let the egg drip off of my tits into the blender. I had to mix them all together and lap them up like a dog. At the same time, Steve went over my new expectations.

“Your mom thought we were too EASY on her yesterday,” Steve made it sound like I bragged that I could handle anything that was thrown my way. I had done that, but I wanted it to seem like this was all Steve’s idea. The kids weren’t sure if he was serious. My husband kicked my butt cheek under the table and asked me to tell them.

“I enjoyed yesterday, but I just thought maybe you guys were holding back because you were afraid I’d break or cry, and I didn’t know if you truly enjoyed it or were just humoring me.”

All the kids said that they had fun, and seemed more confident that they could tease me when their dad did. The gruelish mixture of banana, chocolate, hot dog and egg was pretty disgusting, but I lapped it up like a silly bimbo.

“Your mom also thought she needed a little more motivation. I have decided that three times a day, she’ll be punished. We’ll probably do it around meal times. Your mom isn’t misbehaving, but the punishment should keep her attitude in check.”

I reached behind myself and licked the left over chocolate between my butt crack. I didn’t realize the implication that it looked like poop. My kids giggled.

“Marcie said that sometimes she needs an attitude adjustment to reset her bitch button when she knows she is getting uppity. There were times yesterday I felt like telling you guys what you should do, and I asked your father to adjust my attitude whether I did anything wrong or not to see if that will keep me motivated to behave myself. I hope you don’t mind?”

“Are you asking if we mind if you get punished for no reason at all?” Cindy asked in surprise. She was intrigued but skeptical of the new rules.

“Not, no reason. The reason is to make your mom a little more compliant and placid, and I am hoping also to use it as a learning opportunity. You can tell your mom to do just about anything, but if you tell her to bend over and spank her then it won’t mean much when you need to punish her?”

“We get to spank mom?” Daniel asked. He sounded amused as well, but also skeptical.

“If she misbehaves there are some punishments, I’ll show you, and you can apply a little correction. Nothing elaborate, you can put her in the corner or wash her mouth out with soap,” Steve said it like it was no big deal. The kids were excited by that revelation. I was glad because the alternative scenario would be that they felt Steve was being too hard on me.

“You can make your mom do anything you see me make her do around the house from now on. The only thing that I ask is that you only punish her when she actually did something wrong.”

“You are going to trust me to make mom eat a bar of soap?” Cindy found that hard to believe.

“If you abuse my trust, it’s very hard to get back. Remember Mike said that punishment is an act of love when you apply it for the right reasons,” Steve said.

“If I talk out of turn, or forget to ask permission, then I would be grateful if one of you would make me wash my mouth out with soap. I don’t think I could actually EAT a whole bar of soap,” I added.

“That’s just a figure of speech,” Cindy said. “If you’ll really do this, it would be my sincere pleasure to serve you up a bar of soap. I hope you are ready for this, Mom.”

I cringed a little when my kids called me Mom. I used to cringe when they called me slut the way that their father did. The word ‘mom’ jarred me back to reality and reminded me that I probably shouldn’t be so enthusiastic about my own humiliation.

“I’m more concerned about your feelings,” I admitted truthfully.

Their father talked about possible punishments to start out with in the morning with the kids. “They can be humiliating without pain, and be just as effective at teaching a lesson on pride and disobedience.”

He used the example of standing me in the corner. It was obvious he wanted to start out light. All three of them suggested spanking, and after I cleared breakfast that was exactly what I received. Steve directed me to lay across his lap as he sat at the kitchen table. He demonstrated how to spank with his hand cupped on my ass and spanked my butt cheeks nice and hard.

“We can make mom do that?” Cindy laughed as my ass jiggled.

“We realized that yesterday we opened the door to you telling your mom what to do. If you had told her to lay across your lap and let you spank her butt then she would have. However, it would diminish any future punishments because it would happen for no reason. If I am going to trust you order your mom around, I am going to trust you with a limited amount of enforcement power.”

“Can we order mom to lay across our lap if we aren’t spanking her bottom?” Teddy asked politely. “Even though she didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Mom’s weight would crush you, Scro’,” Daniel teased his little brother. He was probably right. I am not a big woman but my youngest son is pretty scrawny.

“There are other spanking positions,” Steve stopped spanking me and had me stand up and grab my ankles to demonstrate. “You can put your mom in any position around the house. That isn’t a punishment. The moment you lay hands on her with your hand or a paddle then you are punishing her.”

“What about if we get a riding crop?” Cindy joked and made a funny lash sound with her mouth as she pantomimed it.

“Hand me that spatula,” he asked. Cindy gave him a metal spatula, and he spanked my butt with that. “You can use anything. A back scratcher, fly swatter, a book, just understand the goal is not to break the skin or bones. If you leave a little bruise that’s fine. Your mom has a couple of those already,” he said while pointing out the orange-brownish splotches from past spankings.

“Sheesh, you aren’t hitting very hard,” Cindy commented on how my husband was only lightly spanking me. It was not very satisfying but I understood he didn’t want to scare them off with a belt-cracking display of pain.

“Then you bend over and let Dad try it on you,” Daniel teased his sister.

“You wish,” she blew the blonde hair out of her face with a laugh.

“After she finishes, make her stand in front of you and tell you what she did wrong and apologize,” Steve explained. He had me stand with my knees deeply bent, my ass stuck out, my arms behind my head with my fingers interlocked and my tits sticking up.

I didn’t know what to say since I had done nothing wrong. I went with the first thing that crossed my mind. “Thank you for punishing me in front of the kids, Steve. I

“Cool, stand like that while you work,” Cindy instructed. It was getting REALLY close to time for me to login to my computer and begin my day. “No wait, here hover over this saucer,” she set a small plate on my office chair.

“Glide back and forth like you are riding a slimy snail and let your mouth hang open,” she said. I was permitted to use my keyboard but I had to straddle my chair and rest my clit hood on a saucer while sticking my butt out and bending my knees.

It was excruciating after 10 minutes of trying to glide my pussy across the saucer. It was soaked in my slippery pussy juices. The kids were astonished that I’d go along with it without complaint. I smiled and obediently accommodated them.

I am lucky because the job that I do is not meeting heavy, and I have a lot of discretion in how I use my time. As long as I get my reports completed, nobody at the office really cares how I structure my day.

At home was another story. Once my 15 minutes in that position was up, my daughter wanted me to lap up the pussy juices on the saucer like it was kitten milk.

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