Tim Bodge and His XXX Adventures - Cover

Tim Bodge and His XXX Adventures

Copyright© 2022 by THodge

Chapter 1

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Tim Bodge XXX Adventures is loaded with Sci Fi, Fantasy, Alien, Group Sex, Large breasted Females, Blow jobs, Also pictures created in a Daz 3D program. It will run in Chapters at the moment. There are already 10 chapter written. I am the author of The Adventures of Tim Bodge.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Shemale   Fiction   Military   War   Science Fiction   Aliens   Robot   Space   Were animal   Dolls   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Sister   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Interracial   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Safe Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts   Doctor/Nurse   Size   Small Breasts   Nudism  

Tim stood in line to board the space shuttle. He was on his way to his parent’s home back on Taboj. It’d been twenty-five years since he left and joined the Elite Special Forces. Of course, he had spoken to them often over the years, but seeing them would be much better.

The line started to move, and he reached the shuttle’s entrance and handed the gate agent his ticket. “Sir, please, turn to your left, and you are in the front row on the right side, and the seat next to you will be empty. And Colonel, Thank you for your service.”

Tim nodded to her and thanked her in return.

As Tim moved along the row of seats, he noted where the escape pods were. It was an ingrained military habit, needing to know the location of everything important. He found his seat and sat down, placing his carry-on bag next to him.

Stretching, he looked around. Forward and approximately six feet ahead of him was a display screen. To the left of the screen was a doorway to the flight attendant station and then to the pilot’s cabin.

He made himself comfortable and waited. Eventually, everyone was seated. The flight attendant stood next to the door and picked up the microphone. “Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome aboard flight 201; we will arrive at the Bernin system in twelve hours. Please sit back and enjoy your flight. Once we are underway, We will provide beverages, and two meals will be served during the trip.”

She turned around and asked Tim, “Colonel, would you like something to drink?”

“No, thank you. I’ll sit here and take advantage of this downtime.” He closed his eyes and asked himself what he was going to do. He had only been out about two months and was drifting without a plan or goal.

Tim had to piss, got up, and headed for the head. He was standing over the urinal, pissing when the door opened. He stood there still, pissing as the head flight attendant walked in and closed and locked the door behind her.

She walked over, stood behind Tim, reached around, took hold of his cock, and said, “Colonel, I think you need help.”

“I think this shuttle service gives the best service.”

She pulled him around using his cock as a guide, dropped, and licked the head. There was still the taste of urine. She looked up and said, “You have a strong flavor but are very tasty.”

She licked and sucked, getting his cock wet. She stood and turned, raising her skirt and pulling her panties to the side, “Now, fuck me! I can’t resist a man in uniform.”

Tim had a thing for following orders. He bent her over the sink, got his dick into the crack, and moved it from top to bottom. He was making sure that both parties were good and wet. Grabbing her hips and placed his cock at her opening and shoved it.

The head flight attendant let out a moan and pushed back. She wanted him in her all the way. She grabbed a towel from the rack and shoved it in her mouth. She held onto the towel rack and moved her ass up and down to get friction for a quicker orgasm.

Tim began to pound her pussy. He knew that this had to be a quicky.

The Head flight attendant squirmed and squealed in delight as the head penetrated her. She pulled the towel out and said, “Oh, fuck, do it harder; it’s feeling good,” and shoved the towel back in, biting hard on it as she came again.

Tim attacked her pussy at a fever pitch, bouncing off her bubble butt with loud smacks. He was getting into the rhythm and became more aroused. Tim went all the way in with a single thrust until his balls bounced off her ass.

The room echoed with his grunts and the moans from the attendant. Tim asked, “You just love feeling me inside of you, don’t you?”

The attendant looked over her shoulder and mumbled, “Yeah.”

Tim leaned over her back and whispered, “Show me how much.”


“By squeezing my cock with your pussy.”

Tim felt her squeezing her pussy muscles.

Her knees began to buckle, and Tim had to hold her up to finish. He started to pull out.

She spat out the towel and said, “Leave it in. I want to feel your load being deposited.”

Tim grabbed her hips tighter, shoved his cock in as far as possible, and held it there. As he shot into her, he let out a moan.

She stood, allowing her panties to slide back into place and the dress to fall. She turned, winked at him, and walked out the door.

Tim returned to his seat and began to smile.

The head flight attendant walked by Tim and said, “Thank you for your service,” then in a whisper, “I enjoyed it.” She moved into her station so only Tim could see and turned to face Tim. She raised her dress, lowered her panties, placed a finger inside her pussy, pulled some sperm, and licked it from her finger. She smiled at Tim and then wiped her pussy partially dry.

Tim sat there and watched her actions and started getting hard again. He smiled and lay back in the seat. He slept about three hours and was awakened by a loud bang. He jumped up from his seat and started looking around. Seeing the flight attendant running towards him with a pale white face and in tears, he stopped her to find out what was happening. She looked at him and exclaimed, “We are being attacked, and they are taking the passengers off the ship.”

Tim held her and looked her in the eyes, asking, “What are you talking about?”

“Pirates have boarded the ship and are kidnapping everyone.” She broke free and rushed into the pilot’s cabin, where she and the pilot should be safe. Tim turned and saw people running around, scared. He saw a young couple sitting two rows back, paralyzed in fear, praying.

Tim walked over to them and, in his command voice, “Follow me.”

They both got up without question and followed Tim. He helped them into an escape pod, closed the hatch, and launched it. He turned to see if there was anyone else that needed his help.

Tim looked towards the central stairway, saw smoke coming from the lower deck, and heard screams. Weaponless, he looked for an escape pod. He heard a male voice say something and turned to see who it was. As he twisted, he felt a sharp pain in his right side. He grabbed his side, raising his hand and seeing it covered with blood. He hurried to enter the first open escape pod. He turned, pressed the close hatch button, and raised his head just in time to see a weapon as it hit his head.

The time came to a standstill for Tim; he was in darkness. It was the most intense darkness he’s ever known. There was no sound or a flicker of light anywhere. Wondering if he was dead, he tried to move and felt like he was being restrained.

Finally, he heard a voice from far away, “Sir, can you hear me?” The voice was soft and sweet, like an angel’s might be.

He tried to turn his head to see who was talking to him, and he was powerless to move, and the attempt failed. He didn’t know if he was lying down or sitting, and his sense of direction was disrupted in this state of mind.

He had no idea where he was. Then, the voice again said, “Sir, can you understand me?”

Again, Tim tried to find the source of the voice. He saw something just for an instant. There, in the far distance, was a flicker of light.

He had to move forward towards it. At the end of the tunnel, he knew there would be life, and he had to make it there. Remembering his training, he relaxed and concentrated on the move just a little at a time. He thought that he was crawling. He felt fatigued, it seemed like forever, but the light was getting larger and brighter. The voice again requested, “Sir, please open your eyes.”

As he mentally clawed closer to the light, his surroundings became gray. He opened his eyes and quickly closed them; the light was too intense.

“I am sorry. I will dim the lights for you. If you could, please rest for a little more. The next time you open them, you will feel better.”

Tim closed his eyes and waited to see what would happen. After what seemed like hours, he tried to open them. Finally opened them slightly, and he found most of the blurriness was gone. Now that the lights were dimmed, he could make things out. He focused on what he could see in front of him. It was a ceiling, and the bright light was just a lamp. It looked like one that would fit in a hospital.

He still couldn’t move his head, so he used his peripheral vision to look around, and he could only see cabinet tops with some books stacked on them. Then he heard that voice again, “Sorry, sir, I hope the lighting is better now?”

“Yes, thank you. But could I ask, Why can’t I move my head?”

“I applied a nerve block because you were moving around too much while in a coma.” The voice replied. “If you would like, I’ll have it removed.”

“Yes, please.”

Tim felt something begin to drain away the tension from his head and neck, and he could now move. He looked to the right and saw a woman with a medical device in her hand. “Are you the one I have been talking to?”

The woman did not reply. The voice came from Tim’s other side, “No, she is a nurse, and I am the one you have been talking to.”

Tim turned his head and saw a female standing about four feet away. Tim tried to sit up. But there was a strap across his midsection restraining him, and he looked at it with a questioning look.


“Sorry, you may unfasten it if you want. Again, it was for your safety.”

Tim unfastened the strap and started to get up. “Please, sir, you are not strong enough to stand independently.”

She was right, and Tim laid back down. He turned his head to look at her. “Water, could I have a drink?

The Nurse turned and made her way to the sink. Tim was watching her walk away, and her ass was moving in such a way that he couldn’t keep his eyes off it.

She returned with a glass. Her breasts moved and swayed with each step. She handed Tim the glass and stood right in front of him.

Tim had difficulty drinking the water with the naked Nurse standing there. He finished, handed it back to the Nurse, and said with a nervous stutter, “Thanks.”

He turned to look at the other female and asked. “Could I ask your name?”

“My name is Sarha, and I am the controlling intelligence for the ship. It’s AI.”

“Well, Sarha, I am happy to meet you. I am Colonel Tim Bodge, Retired.”

“Sir, I am happy to talk to you, but you need to rest to regain your strength so you can walk again.”

“I believe you are right.” Tim turned to look to see if the Nurse was still there. He thought, ‘What kind of Hospital allows Nurses to be naked?

Tim turned back to Sarha and saw that she was dressed.

“Sir, when you wake up, just call my name, and I’ll be here immediately.”

Tim stretched out and fell asleep. This time, it was not asleep of darkness and heaviness, and it was more normal sleep, except he kept seeing the naked Nurse.

Tim woke up more relaxed and felt great. He sat up and looked around, seeing he was still in the medical bed. He started moving his legs to see if they were ready to support his weight and found that he was naked.

He didn’t see Sarha. Tim looked around for the Nurse’s call box but did not see one. He called out her name, “Sarha.”

She appeared on the other side of the room. “Yes, sir, how may I help you?”

Tim was caught off guard by her appearing this way. She noticed the surprised look on his face and said, “I am sorry, Colonel. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“Please call me Tim and for startling me. I am not used to someone appearing out of thin air, with me being naked.”

“Well, Tim, how are you feeling this morning?”

“I feel great; I haven’t felt this good in a long time. But where are my clothes?”

“I am happy to hear that you feel great. How do you feel about your physical health? As for your clothes, we had to remove them.”

Tim now had to think about what she was asking, “What do you mean, you had to take them off! And what do you mean by my physical health?”

“When I retrieved you, you had a large knot on your head, and there was a large amount of blood around your body. At first, the Doctor and I thought you were dead. After checking further, we found a hole in your right side, where you lost the blood. We had to cut away the clothing.

Now that she had said that. Tim began to remember. He looked at Sarha with a strange look. “What happened to me, and where am I? And how long have I been here?”

“For all that’s happened to you, I have no way of knowing ... For where are you? ... You are on my ship. It is one of the Special Guardianships, called Star Gladiator 1, and the last question you have been here for, by your unit of measurement, you were unconscious for 156 of your hours or 6.5 days,”

“What do you mean, your ship? How did I get here? The last thing I remember is getting into an escape pod and someone hitting me on the head and the stinging in my right side.” Tim said. Tim’s military training insisted that he understand the situation; to do that, he needed to know what was happening and where he was.

“No, Tim, you are aboard my ship, and I retrieved your escape pod and brought you on board. At the time, you had lost a large amount of blood. I can’t explain everything, but you were unconscious, lying on the deck of your pod with an extraneous appendage beside you. The appendage belonged to someone who was attacking you. I don’t know of any alien species that might do that, but I have encountered pirate groups who have attacked any ship they feel they may profit from,”

“Sarha, how could you just appear in front of me from nowhere.” Tim inquired, still disoriented from the extended period of unconsciousness.

“Tim, as I said earlier, I am an AI.”

“I wasn’t aware our vessels had AIs,” Tim kept looking around, trying to see if there was anything he might use as a weapon if he needed one.

“I’m not sure whether your ships have AIs either,”

“How did I end up here?” He knew something had happened to him and was now worried about it.

I was crossing that system and encountered a ship leaving that area. I picked up your escape pod. There were several other pods, but they had been torn open. I can elaborate on that later. The Doctor will need to complete a medical assessment of your injuries. With your permission, She will perform some tests.”

“What sort of tests?” Tim asked, and he was concerned, and letting someone, or something, do tests on him didn’t sound great.

“Well,” Sarha said, “One of them is a DNA profile.”

Tim reluctantly allowed the tests.

Sarha turned toward the door and said, “Tim, this is Doctor Wellbe.”

Doctor Wellbe entered. “Good day, Tim. It is finally nice to talk to you.” She walked over to the side of the bed and removed her stethoscope from around her neck.

Tim saw the Doctor walk toward him. He stared at her, and his jaw dropped. He felt his cock starting to rise and placed his hands over it.

“Tim, you needn’t be embarrassed. Please take a deep breath.” She said as she placed the stethoscope on his back.

Tim was trying to remain calm and to keep his cock covered.

The Doctor reached across his back to listen to another spot. Her breast pressed against Tim’s arm. He felt the nipple against his skin, and his cock, now had a mind of its own.

The Doctor placed the stethoscope on Tim’s chest and looked down, “Tim, You look fine to me.” She put her hand around his cock. “Yes, definitely in good shape. It’s been a long time since I have had a reaction like that.”

Tim looked her in the face and said, “Sorry, Doctor, The military Doctor usually wore clothes.”

“Well, if you prefer, I’ll get some clothes on the next time we meet. As for your condition, I will have a nurse here to help you.” She turned to the door, and a nurse entered, and she was also naked.

“Hello, Tim, I am Nurse Mary, and I am here to help you.” She walked over to the bed, kneeled, placed her soft hands around his cock, and started jacking him off.

Tim looked at the Nurse and said, “Excuse me. What do you think you’re doing?”

Nurse Mary kept stroking as she said, “I am helping with the problem.”

“But you are the Nurse, and why are you down there?”

“Because ... I am the Nurse ... and you require help. Please allow me to assist while the Doctor does her job.” She turned and placed her mouth on the head of Tim’s cock and began to bob.

“Tim, Allow nurse Mary to do her job; you and I need to talk.”

“What do we need to talk about?” Tim watched nurse Mary suck, and it felt good.

“Tim, do you think you can try to talk to me? I need you to listen.” Doctor Wellbe moved in front of Tim to get his attention.

Tim looked up and saw Doctor Wellbe for the first time. Saw her after the initial shock. She stood five feet four and had dark brown hair around her neck. Her chest was about 35C with a waist of thirty-two and hips of thirty-six. Her body was unblemished, and no hair below the chin.

Nurse Mary stopped sucking for a minute and said, “Doctor, Tim likes what he sees. He just had a growth spurt.” She returned to sucking, lowered her hand, and began playing with his balls.

“Tim, could you look at me? Ah, mm, my eyes are up here. You men are all alike, tits and ass. Which are you?”

Tim blushed, “Sorry, it’s just that with naked women around and both being so beautiful, it’s hard to think.”

Nurse Mary stopped playing for a second and said, “He is right about being so hard. Look, it hasn’t gone down one bit.” She returned to the job at hand.

Tim felt his balls start to tingle and his cock twitch. He said, “Nurse, I believe you had better stop; I’m about to release a load.”

“Tim, go ahead and release it. That means she is doing her job and will take all you give her.” Doctor Wellbe said.

Tim reached and placed a hand on Nurse Mary’s head. He felt her mouth and throat contract around his cock and started to milk him. He shot load after load into her mouth, and she took it all without gagging.

Nurse Mary released Tim’s cock and licked it clean before looking into his eyes and saying, “Anytime that you have this problem, call me.”

Tim, looked at Nurse Mary and said, “Thank you, I feel much better.”

“Tim, now that you seem not to have a problem, can we talk?” Doctor Wellbe asked.

Tim, not accustomed to seeing naked women standing before him, says, “Could we find a place to sit down?”

“Yes, we can move to my office.” Doctor Wellbe turned and started for the office with Tim behind her.

Tim couldn’t stop watching her ass cheeks move most suggestively, and he couldn’t stop himself; his cock started to get hard.

They entered her office, and she turned and saw Tim’s hard cock. “My, My, you have that problem again,” She pushed a button on her desk. “Tim, have a seat.” She pointed to a chair close to the door.

Nurse Mary appeared at the door.

Doctor Wellbe nodded her head toward Tim. And looked down.

Nurse Mary looked to where Doctor Wellbe was nodding and saw that Tim’s cock was hard. She walked over, kneeled, and began to assist him.

Tim sat there and thought, ‘How did I get hard so quickly and for the second time in less than ten minutes.’ He looked down as Nurse Mary started her sucking again, and he knew this would take a little longer.

Doctor Wellbe smiled and asked, “Since Nurse Mary is taking care of your problem again, can we talk now?”

Tim looked at Nurse Mary and said, “Yes, I believe I can listen this time.”

Doctor Wellbe started, “Tim when we looked into your pod and saw you lying with all the blood around you. We figured you were dead. After checking further and finding a slight pulse, we rush you straight to The Medical Center.

We had to find a way to return your blood level. I mean, since we don’t have blood. So, we decided to try something different. If it worked, you live; otherwise, you’re dead.”

“Well, I take it, it worked. Can you tell me what it was?”

“Yes, we have what we call micro-nano-bots. We placed them into your system, and they were programmed to help re-established your blood level and protect your body from sickness.”

“That sounds great. So, is it working?”

“So far, it seems to be, but we must watch you closely.” The Doctor looked at Nurse Mary. “Tim, may I ask a question?”

“Sure, what’s the question?” He placed a hand on Nurse Mary’s head.

“Have your sexual activities always been this active?”

“No, I haven’t had sex in the last three months. Well, there was the flight attendant, Then I saw you and Nurse Mary naked, and my cock started to grow.”

“But you came just a while ago, and to be hard again so fast. Has that happened many times?”

Tim blushed and said, “No, It usually takes two or three hours.” He looked toward Nurse Mary and said, “Oh, you have no idea how good that feels.”

Hearing this, Nurse Mary intensified her sucking. Tim’s cock jerked several more times. It seems that Nurse Mary wanted to suck out everything. After dropping his load down her throat, she licked off all his cum, got up and smiled, and said, “Again, anytime you have this problem, call me.” She leaves.

“Tim, we will have to run some tests, and we will have to go back to bed. And some of the tests were familiar, but most consisted of beams of light playing over his body. He did not feel anything while the beams were active, so he was unsure what their function was.

Sarha reappeared, “Doctor Wellbe, are you finished examining Tim? If so, we could go to the bridge, and I will answer as many questions as I am allowed.”

There was a flash of light and a twist in his stomach, and he was standing on the command deck of The Star Gladiator 1.

What’s going on here?” Tim asked with a shocked look.

“Sorry, it was our Material Transfer System, or my former crew members called it MTS,” Sarha said.

“Where is the crew? Where is everyone?” Tim looked around the bridge; “why wasn’t there anybody else?”

The bridge layout was impressive. To the front was a large view screen showing what was ahead. There were thirteen stations, forming the circle around the Captain’s seat, each with a large work surface and chair. There were the two additional stations directly in front of the Captain’s seat.There was room for everyone to do their work, but close enough to allow for good visual and audio communication.


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