Tim Bodge and His XXX Adventures - Cover

Tim Bodge and His XXX Adventures

Copyright© 2022 by THodge

Chapter 10

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Tim Bodge XXX Adventures is loaded with Sci Fi, Fantasy, Alien, Group Sex, Large breasted Females, Blow jobs, Also pictures created in a Daz 3D program. It will run in Chapters at the moment. There are already 10 chapter written. I am the author of The Adventures of Tim Bodge.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Shemale   Fiction   Military   War   Science Fiction   Aliens   Robot   Space   Were animal   Dolls   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Sister   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Interracial   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Safe Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts   Doctor/Nurse   Size   Small Breasts   Nudism  

It took several hours to get all the personnel transferred to the Star Gladiator 1. They were placed on Deck 4. The first question asked was, “Could we get clothes?”

Sarha appeared next to Tim and said, “Tim, we now have over 600 people on board, all wanting to know about clothing.”

“Tell them, that once they have their accommodations, clothing will be provided.”

“Tim, do you want us to undress?” asked Tabitha.

Tim sat in his seat and thought about it, ‘‘There are additional passengers on this ship who will desire to clothe. Additionally, they would need to dress if he or the girls went to the lower decks.’ “Sarha could your system allow everyone to clothes?”

“Yes, the clothing machines can and will handle that.”

“The situation needs to change, Sarha. When outside their quarters, all personnel must be dressed. That will include all clones.”

“Tim, do you have a preference for the attire your crew wears?”

“A variation of a blouse and miniskirt look.”

Sarha made the announcement so only the clones could hear. The bridge was cleared of its crew in less than a minute.

Irene said as she and the others passed by Tim, “We will be right back.” All three rushed to the lift giggling.

Tammy sat and watched all the action and turned to Tim asking, “Should I go get into proper uniform.”

Tim was not thinking of the felines when he told Sarha about the uniform. He looked in Tammy’s direction and said, “That’s up to you.”

“Are you going to put on the appropriate uniform?” asked Tammy, glancing at Tabitha.

“I am now dressed how I want to be,” Tabitha said as she turned to face Tim and Tammy.

“We could have some fun with the way he wants us dressed,” Tammy muttered as she passed by Tabitha.

Tammy hurried inside and went right to the clothing machine. She selected a black skirt and a white blouse and pushed the buttons to order them. Then she took a look at the computer’s selection of panties. Seven different ones were displayed in a list and images.

After finding the ones she was looking for, Tammy selected option number 7. Return to the bridge after getting dressed. She made excellent hip movements as she strutted across the bridge to her seat.

“Tammy, you are not in the proper uniform; where are your panties?” Tim said, noticing how she was dressed.

She stood, turned toward Tim, raised the front of her skirt, and said, “See, Tim, I have on panties.” Tim’s eyes widened in surprise as he stared at her. He quickly averted his gaze. “You know what my issue is, and you did that, even though those are panties.”

“Yes, I understand your issue; don’t these make my pussy look seductive? See you can even see my lips.” Tammy grinned and responded.

Tim shook his head and said, “That’s not the point. You know I have a problem with tits and Ass’s.”

Tammy sighed and rolled her eyes. “Fine, I’ll come over there and take care of your problem.”

Tammy moved toward Tim and had him stand. She lowered his pants and shorts. Grabbed his semi-hard cock and began rubbing. She knelt and kissed the tip, then began licking and sucking. She had gotten half of it in her mouth and Jill walked back onto the bridge.

“Tim, Sarha, inquired as to whether or not each female clone could wear this outfit.” Jill stopped in front of him to show him what the backside looked like.

Tim glanced at the outfit and replied, “I think it would look great on any of the female clones.”

Tammy stopped sucking on Tim’s cock and looked at the outfit. “Jill, he likes the outfit; his cock just got harder.” She returned to sucking.

All the while the crew members walked slowly by Tim so he could examine their new uniforms, Tammy went back to sucking and bobbing her head on Tim’s cock.

Tim tried to focus on the crew members’ uniforms, but Tammy’s actions were distracting him. He cleared his throat and tried to compose himself, but it was no use. Finally, he placed his hands on Tammy’s head and said, “I’m cumming. Take my full load.” After emptying himself down her throat, he reclined in his chair to catch his breath.

Tammy stood up, rubbed her stomach, and turned to face Tim. “Boy, Tim, if everyone wearing clothes gets you that worked up, our full tummies will protrude.” She remarked.

Tim chuckled and replied, “Well, I can’t help it. I appreciate a good fashion show.”

Tammy rolled her eyes and playfully punched his arm before walking away, holding her belly.

Tim watched her go, still smiling to himself. He knew Tammy was just teasing him. Tim turned to see Irene, Emma, and Melissa entering the bridge dressed the same way as the rest of the crew.

Melissa walked over to Tammy and looked at how she was dressed, reached down, and lifted her skirt. “I like those panties, which number were they?”

Tammy smiled and said, “Number 7 on the second screen.”

“Tim, I am about to fire on the transport ship,” Sarha said as she appeared next to Tim.

Tabitha questioned, “Why are you going to destroy that ship?”

“It is a bad ship; just ask any of the people on Deck 4,” Tim replied.

“If they stop capturing people and selling them as slaves, we could give it back to their leader.”

Tim looked at her and said, “You sound like a politician from Earth.”

“Sorry, my father wants me to be a diplomat,” Tabitha said with a sad look.

Tim gave Tabitha a strange look and asked, “Why would your father want you to be a liar? A diplomat will only convey information that they believe the other person wants to hear. It makes no difference whether it’s right or wrong.”

“I understand that, but I could tell the truth.”

“Do you think people would believe you? ... Let’s get on with this.”

Tammy asked, “Tim, are you sure that all the prisoners are off?”

“Yes, the soldiers looked through the whole ship.”

“Sarha, tell me, how are you going to destroy that ship?”

“Tim, we are far enough away that I will use the rail guns. It may take three rounds. But there will be nothing left of it.”

“Sarha, what will happen if another ship comes through and run into this junk?”

“Tim, if you wish we could clean up the pieces and use them to fuel the ship.”

“Go ahead,... “There must be a way to identify everyone while you are cleaning up, right?”

“Yes, I can take images of them and record their voices once I give them their quarters. We will also provide them with translators.

“Okay, let’s do that. Have a representative from each species step forward if they would like to speak for the group. Set a time for them to meet me in the lounge. You’ll let me know which deck they’ll be on.”

Tim sat in the lounge with Tabitha and Irene. He allowed the others to go and enjoy themselves. Tim had his head turned to talk to Tabitha as the first spokesperson entered.

She walked into the lounge and Tabitha and Irene both gasped. She was well-built and virtually naked.

When she turned to look, she noticed Tim and recognized him from the other ship’s holding area. “Are you the people I’m supposed to meet with?” she asked.

Tim stood and pointed to the chair, saying, “Yes, I’m Tim Bodge, the captain; these are two members of my crew, Tabitha, and Irene. Please have a seat.”

“I would like to thank you for saving my people,” she said as she sat.

“Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and where you’re from?” Tim asked as he sat down.

“Yes, my name is Tolin, and I’m from the planet Viline in the Alcor system. There will be fifty of us on Deck 4 If that’s okay. My people are known for their exceptional engineering skills, and they have been hired by a space agency to work on a new project. But the monsters hijacked our ship. If you need engineering work done, let us know because I and others don’t like to sit around. We are experienced engineers who are always ready to take on new projects and challenges. We pride ourselves on delivering high-quality work promptly.”

Tabitha said, “I can see why you are the spokesperson, you sound like a commercial. But a very nice one. May I ask a question?”

Tolin smiled and said, “That’s what I’m here for. Ask away.”

“The way you are dressed is the way your planet dresses?”

“No, this is how we dress when we meet strangers.”

“How many males are in your group?” asked Irene.

“Our male population is quite small. It would seem that one male appears to be present for every six females on our planet.”

“Do you share that male or are the other five playing with themselves?” asked Irene.

“No, we share, a male can have as many mates as he can handle. Some of our males can only handle one mate.”

“Is that because the females get jealous?”

“No, it is the male, the females can and will enjoy each other.”

Tim’s cock began to become hard as he sat there and watched and listened to Tolin. Tim shifted in his chair, which Irene noticed. She moved closer to him and reached under the table to grab hold of his cock, which she then began to rub. Tim stopped her hand and began to lower his zipper and withdrew his cock. He let out a soft moan as Irene’s hand moved up and down his shaft. He leaned in and whispered, “We should probably wait.”

Irene looked toward Tolin and smiled. She kept a steady pace.

Tolin saw that Irene had moved closer to Tim and then saw her shoulder moving. “Tim, do you need me to leave?”

Tim looked at her and said, “No, I will be fine in a few minutes.”

Tolin smiled and said, “Tim, you’re having a man moment, and I think Irene is stepping in to help you. There will be a mess, though, given the way she is assisting.”

Irene looked at her and said, “Tim is the captain, and we offer our help whenever we can.” ⁠

Tolin got to her feet and enquired, “May I be of assistance?” She started stripping off what little clothing she had on. Now she turned to Tabitha and said, “I do believe he will need more than a hand job. I was hoping the captain would let me work beneath the table if you women couldn’t do better.”

Irene had shifted positions in her chair and was working with both hands when Tabitha looked over at her.

Tabitha looked back at Tolin and said, “What the hell?” Scooted from her seat and moved under the table, smacking Irene’s hands, and began sucking.

Tolin looked at Irene and said, “You girls do care for the captain.”

Irene said, “Thanks, maybe sometimes I’ll be able to return the help.”

Tolin started to put her clothing back on. She had one foot on the chair.

Irene remarked, “That’s not necessary. Leave it off, please. Additionally, Tabitha will benefit more from the captain’s good view with your pussy in that position.”

Suddenly, Sarha interrupted. “I hate to break things up, but I think we have a problem. You need to see this,” she said with a cautious look.

Tim gave a low groan and said, “Duty calls. We will have to finish this some other time.” He looked at Tolin and strode by her with Irene beside him.

“That was the first time I’ve given a blowjob in front of an audience,” Tabitha said as she emerged from under the table and stood in front of Tolin. “Thanks.”

Tim made his way to his seat and looked at the viewscreen, “OK, do you want to tell me what I’m looking at?” He saw all the bots at work; nothing was new. He sat in his chair and looked at Sarha.

Tammy and the others came onto the bridge. Tolin passed by them handed Tammy her clothing, and said, “Try wearing this and see how the captain likes it.” Turned and entered the lift.

Sarha, still looking at the screen, said, “Tim, see those objects all around the bots? They were not there when they started mining and are moving slowly toward the bots.”

“Sarha, please display the last few minutes,” Tim asked.

Sarha restarted the video five minutes earlier; the objects were not in the same place. She moved the recording forward at double speed to see how things were progressing.

“Sarha, can we recall the bots back to the shuttle before those things get to them?” Tim asked.

“Sorry, Tim, the objects are too close. Their slow velocity prevented me from noticing them earlier,” Sarha said.

“Is there any way we might be able to help the bots?” Tim asked.

“I will have the bots defend themselves as best they can. They are not designed to fight, but a mining bot is not helpless since a mining laser is the same as an offensive weapon. The problem is that the objects outnumber the bots; if they are aggressive, they may overwhelm the bots. We also have fighters in the dropship bays, and I could have them ready by the time someone gets to them.” Sarha replied, “I’ll send several cloaked probes to watch the situation.”

“Tabitha and Tammy, you have trained in the simulators. Are you ready to put that training to work?” Tim questioned. “If so, get into your flight suits and head to your fighters.”

Tabitha and Tammy both got up, “Yes,” they replied, rushing to deck 10. Sarha already had bots getting the fighters ready. “Tim, I’ll give them instructions if they need them,”

Once they were in their flight suits and buckled into their fighters, Sarha went over the controls. Remember, this is just like the simulator. You have done this many times; just think you are in the simulator.” I will be in constant communication with you if you have any questions.

“Tim, the girls are on their way,” Sarha said, appearing right next to Tim.

Tim had been watching the screen. One of the objects was maneuvered right next to a bot. It seems to have begun sprouting three pairs of legs, which rose and pushed forward. A head also begins to appear, creating a resemblance to a spider. At this time, the bot reacted by grabbing one of the legs and bending it. The spider responds by attaching a sticky rope of some kind to the bot and beginning to try to wrap the rope around it. The bot used its mining laser to cut the rope, but, despite the tool’s ability, it was taking too long, and the bot was soon wrapped in the sticky rope. The gigantic spider continued to rotate the bot, wrapping it in the sticky substance.

Sarha was pointing to another spider, then another. On the screen, they could see at least 15 more spiders heading for the bots.

Tim contacted the girls and gave them their instructions. “Tabitha, Tammy, fire upon the first spider to determine the effect the lasers will have. But keep your distance from them.”

Tabitha made the first pass. She came in, centered the crosshairs on the objective, and fired three bursts. She then made a ninety-degree turn and circled behind Tammy.

Tammy made the same run and fired the same way. She saw that the lasers had been causing some damage, but not sufficient.

Tim instructed both, “You need to rotate the switch for the laser power to the max setting. Right now, it’s set for the lower power.” The girls adjusted, and Tabitha made the next pass.

Tabitha started, lined up the objective, began the run, fired, and exited. This time, the spider exploded. Tammy watched Tabitha and wanted to see how things would turn out before going in.

“OK, both of you start picking off those spiders in the area,” Tim said as he checked on the bots’ progress. They were struggling against the spiders, but as strong as they were, the spiders were more potent, and several bots had been neutralized with the sticky rope.

After making multiple passes, Tabitha said, “Tim, the spiders are retracting their heads and legs. I can’t tell the difference between rocks and spiders. How are we going to finish them off?”

“Sarha, is there any way to mark the spiders so the girls can attack them?” asked Tim.

Sarha quickly instructed three probes to work together to find the spiders hiding in the rocks. With the probes’ additional data, the spiders were quickly identified, and Sarha marked the spiders. “Tim, I have denoted the spiders with the red dot.”

“Do you think you could mark half with a blue dot and then connect the red dots to Tabitha’s fighter screen, and the blue dots to Tammy’s?” asked Tim.

After changing the computer program and linking it to each fighter, Sarha said, “Tim, they have the targets you wanted on their screens.”

“Thanks, OK. Tabitha and Tammy, you have your targets now. If any more show up, Sarha will update your displays.” Tim informed them as he sat back, feeling more at ease.

As the spiders were destroyed, some bots returned to work as if nothing had happened.

Tammy lined up her target and made the run, but this spider shifted faster than the rest. Her ship was closer than before, and the spider raised its head and shot out its sticky substance, hitting the rear end of her ship. “Tim, that thing has got me!”

The spider was attached to her ship by a rope of the sticky substance. It kept dragging itself along the rope, getting closer. It sent out more of the essence, attaching itself to other parts of her ship. If it got to the ship, it might be able to spin its substance around the ship, and she would lose control.

Tabitha was lining up on her target, listening to what had happened to Tammy. “Tammy, I will be right there. Just hold on.” starting to break away and go to her sister’s aid.

“Tabitha, stay focused on your goals. I’ll help Tammy.” Tim commanded.

“Tammy, I need you to come around to me. Come straight at me from the front. As soon as I say “now,” I need you to pull straight up. You got it?”

“What do you plan to do? This thing just keeps getting closer!” Tammy questioned in a worried tone:

“Just do it. I’ll take good care of it. Head in this direction now.”

“OK, here I come.” Tammy was turning her craft and lining it up, and she began to follow his instructions to execute the maneuver.

“Please hurry. Some of the substance is beginning to get to the front of my ship.”

Tim told Tammy, “OK, you are in line with my weapons. Just stay calm and keep coming in this direction.” He had his fingers on the buttons and was ready to fire.

Tammy was stressed but kept the ship stable and waited for the call. She was getting closer to the ship, but she was still waiting. More of the substance was starting to cover her window.

Tim saw Tammy and the trailing spider. The spider turned out to be about twenty feet from Tammy’s ship. He had to be accurate with just one opportunity for this. He yelled, “Now,” counted to three, and fired.

Tammy, hearing ‘NOW,’ pulled back on the stick and shot up vertically to her original course. As she turned, the spider trailed directly behind her. Tim’s shot reached the mark, no more than 15 feet away from the ship. The spider had no chance, and the blast blew the spider into fragments.

Tammy, with a trembling voice, said, “Thanks.”

“Are you OK?” Tabitha asked. All she wanted was to hear Tammy’s voice telling her that she was OK.

“I’m OK. Now, still shaken, but OK,” replied Tammy.

“Ladies, please return to the ship,” Tim requested. Turning to Sarha, he asked, “Sarha, please have all of the bots return to the ship.”

Both girls returned to the ship’s bay; Tabitha allowed Tammy to enter and dock first.

“Sarha, let me know about the bots. We will find somewhere else to get the Kirenium ore if we must.” Tim requested.

“Tim, all bots are accounted for, even the first one they attacked.” Said Sarha. “Tim, why should we spend the extra time recovering the bots? We could just build more.”

With a determined look, Tim said, “It is a military thing; leave no one behind.” He was sitting there, not proudly remembering some of his buddies who had been left behind. Some things are just meant to be.

Sarha replied, “Understood. Tim, we may be AIs and bots, but sometimes we need to appreciate real life. Now, if you could come to the medical bay, I think our guest is coming around.”

“I’ll be right there after I check on the girls.” Tim was staying on the bridge and waiting for Tabitha and Tammy. Tim opened both arms when both girls came onto the bridge, and the girls ran into them. “Girls, I am very proud of each of you. You handled yourselves like real pros.”

“Tim, why did you have to wait so long to fire? You had me frightened that I might not make it. I was so frightened that I pissed in my uniform.” Tammy asked.

Sarha said, “Tammy, I already have a clone cleaning your seat.”

Tim said cautiously, “I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss. If I did, you wouldn’t be here. We can talk about this later. I need to get to the medical bay. Again, I am immensely proud of both of you.” Both girls started to follow Tim, but he stopped and told them, “I think it would be best if you two stayed up on the bridge. You can see everything from there, both in the medical area and outside. Keep an eye on both. You can take the necessary action if something happens in either place.”

“Thanks, the first thing, is I need to get out of this wet uniform,” she said as she started to unzip her uniform.

Melissa steps from the corner of the bridge and asks, “Tammy, may I help?” She stepped behind Tammy and began removing Tammy’s uniform. Leaving Tammy standing there with only her red panties.

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