Tim Bodge and His XXX Adventures - Cover

Tim Bodge and His XXX Adventures

Copyright© 2022 by THodge

Chapter 14

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 14 - Tim Bodge XXX Adventures is loaded with Sci Fi, Fantasy, Alien, Group Sex, Large breasted Females, Blow jobs, Also pictures created in a Daz 3D program. It will run in Chapters at the moment. There are already 10 chapter written. I am the author of The Adventures of Tim Bodge.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Shemale   Fiction   Military   War   Science Fiction   Aliens   Robot   Space   Were animal   Dolls   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Sister   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Interracial   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Safe Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts   Doctor/Nurse   Size   Small Breasts   Nudism  

Madlyn finished checking on Jeanne, making sure she was doing OK, after reading all the reports and looking at the test results. She was ready to head to bed. walking into her new quarters and lying down. She figured a pleasant night’s sleep would do her good.

Madlyn lay down and slowly drifted off to sleep. Images of herself in the hospital ship’s operating room flash before her eyes as gunfire echoes through the room. They are alone in there (well, she and Jeanne). A door opens, and she watches three pirates rush inside. They belong to the Olshan species. The boss recognizes Jeanne and invites her to join their group. A firm “no” comes from her lips. A few guys came over and pulled her to the boss. Madlyn overheard the boss speaking to Jeanne in their native tongue. She backs up, turns around, and spits in his face. With a backhanded motion, he struck her. They dragged her to the center of the room and tied her to a pole. She ripped her clothes off and tied her wrists over her head. The boss whipped her and continued to do so. Madlyn passed out when she saw Jeanne stripped down to nothing but blood all over her body.

The next thing she knows, the boss is smacking her. He is ripping off the clothes that are on her body. Two of his four hands were holding her down over her head. With the other two, he was rather rough with her breasts. He reached between her legs with one hand and tore off her underwear. She blacks out once again.

The scene has shifted, and she now finds herself standing in front of a person whose face she cannot see. He says. “Explain everything to me and show me.” She has a mental image of herself at the outset of the narrative. As she tries to recall the details, she realizes that her memory is hazy, making it difficult to provide a comprehensive explanation. However, she begins describing the key events and emotions that shaped her journey, hoping to paint a vivid picture for the person in front of her.

She saw herself take off her lab coat and stand with her left breast sticking out of her shirt; the other half of her shirt covered her right breast. Her dress was ripped down the middle, where they had tried to get to her pants, which were completely ripped away. She turned around to show how her ass looked. Do you see all the bruises covering my ass? She turned back around, now pointing to her pussy. The pirates placed a 12-inch-long and”4”-inch-round cock into this small hole. They did not even wet it down first. They made me bend over and place the next one; she turned around again, showing her ass, and they placed another one, still more significant, 14 inches long and 5 inches around, into this sweet little hole back here, but they could not break me; I took all they had. The Big Boss approached me, extracted his cock, and positioned it in close proximity to my lips. I looked at that thing with wide-open eyes. I could only get the head into my mouth. That thing must have been at least 6 inches around.

Madlyn woke up. It was a nightmare. She was sweating so much that the sheets were wet. She got out of bed and headed for the shower, and when she came back after the warm shower, she saw the sheets had been changed. She said, “Thank you, Sarha,” and went back to bed. No, it’s a nightmare this time.

The two felines were left to sleep as Tim got out of bed, went through his morning ritual, and went to the lounge for his morning coffee. Sarha was standing next to the Java machine when he entered the lounge.

“Tim, good morning. What are your feelings right now? You appear a little oblique.” She appears to be aware of what happened last night, judging by the broad smile on her face. Tim yawns while rubbing his eyes. He responds, “I’m feeling a little tired, but I think I’ll be okay.

“Tim, everything you requested in relation to the two ships has been carried out. Tabitha’s ship will meet our new specifications by the end of the day, with the transporter room being a space right next to the cargo area. We have further ensured that the two ships’ communication systems are fully integrated, enabling seamless communication during joint operations.

“I appreciate it. Do you need anything else from me?” Tim asked. “Sarha, how are the guests this morning?”

Irene entered the lounge and approached Tim. “Do you need my assistance this morning, Tim?”

“Yes, if you wouldn’t mind?” He replied.

Because she began to lick Tim’s cock after sliding under the table, he became more demanding.

“Irene, I appreciate you; that feels good.”

Sarha replied, “Both had a difficult night but are doing fine now.”

“What do you mean by a difficult night? Is everything all right? Do I need to take action or pose some inquiries?” Tim asked with a very sympathetic expression on his face.

“No, do not inquire; simply listen when asked. That’s going to be plenty. Be as forgiving as you always are.” Sarha answered,

Madlyn enters the lounge wearing a blouse that fits her perfectly and blue jeans that hug her curves. She looked around to see where the Java machine was and walked over to get a cup.

Sallie asked, “Can I get you anything else?”

“Do you have wheat toast? If so, two pieces, please.” She then turned to see where she could sit and saw someone under Tim’s table giving him a blowjob.

“Good morning, Madlyn. How are you feeling this morning? You look very nice.” Tim said.

Madlyn was placing her hand on a hip and smoothing the jeans out. Looking at Tim, she said, “Thank you. I’m feeling a bit tired this morning; I didn’t sleep as well as expected.”

She moved toward Tim’s table. She was trying not to pay attention to what the person was doing when she sat down with Tim.

“Sarha will explain about Irene and the others, Tim said after noticing the expression on her face.”

“I think I’ll check in on Jeanne and then maybe go back to my quarters and try to get more sleep.”

The three felines entered the lounge around that time, with their clones following. Tabitha said, “Good morning, doctor,” while walking over to get their breakfast.

“Please call me Madlyn. We are all friends here.” Madlyn said, taking a drink of her Java.

“Madlyn, what are you doing this morning?” Tammy asked, sitting down across from her but next to Tim.

Madlyn saw that all three females sat with their legs apart and wondered why. Then she saw the three clones move under the table. She now knew why their legs were apart. She remembers the last time Jeanne did the same thing. She brought herself back to the present. “I am going to check in on Jeanne and head back to my quarters,” she said.

“Tim, after Madlyn looks in on Jeanne, may we show her the ship? You know there are places for relaxation.” Pauline asked.

“That’s a good idea if Madlyn wants to,” Tim states.

“I don’t know, I had a rough night,” Madlyn replied, thinking she needed to get some peaceful sleep.

“Come on, Madlyn, we have a beach to relax on with soft music; you will be able to relax there, and we three will take care of you,” Tammy said.

“Come on, you’ll like it.” Both Tabitha and Pauline said

“OK, you talked me into it,” Madlyn said.

All three girls said, “Yeah! We’ll meet you in the medical bay in about 15 minutes.” They got up and walked out, heading back to their quarters with their clones following.

“Tim, do you ever win with the three of them?” Madlyn asked.

“No, but it’s fun trying to,” Tim stated. He’s thinking about all the playing around and the sex he has had with the two of them.

Madlyn was getting up. “I guess I’ll head to the medical bay and check on Jeanne before the pack gets to me.”

Tim, with a big smile, said, “They will get to you; don’t worry about that; you have a good time and relax.”

Tim is still sitting after everyone has gone. I only hope that the girls do not tire her out. She needs to unwind and spend as much time as possible away from everything.”

Madlyn walked into the medical bay and saw Nurse Mary checking the readings and checking Jeanne’s signs. “Morning, how’s Jeanne doing?” She went to be beside her friend, holding her hand.

“Her readings and charts indicate that she is doing better right now.” Nurse Mary said.

Madlyn started to look over the charts and check all the readings from last night. She sees that Jeanne is improving. She needs something else and time.

“Doctor, may I ask something of you or tell you about something?” Nurse Mary said.

“Nurse, you may ask or say anything you feel may help Jeanne,” Madlyn states.

“When Pauline came into this medical bay with the same problem, Tim had us give her orange juice, one drop to her lips each hour for 24 hours.” Nurse Mary said.

“Where did you get the orange juice from?” Madlyn asked. Her face had that misunderstood look.

“We have fruit trees on deck 4. We can have a cup of juice up here in a few minutes if you want.” Nurse Mary said.

“If you could, please. And why didn’t Tim tell me about this before?” Madlyn said. She was getting mad at Tim for not telling her.

Sarha appeared, standing a few feet from Madlyn, making a sound, so Madlyn knew she was there. “Tim will not tell a doctor how to do their work. If you wish for him to say something, you must ask. That’s the way he is.”

“I’m sorry, it’s just that she’s, my friend.” Madlyn was looking at Sarha.

“Tim was in the military for a long time. He knows about friends being hurt and dying. So please understand that he cares about you and your friend. Don’t be afraid to ask to talk to him. He will understand.”

“Again, I’m sorry; with her being hurt and me having nightmares, I have little patience left,” Madlyn said. A bot comes in with a glass of juice, handing it to Nurse Mary.

“Do you want me to start giving her the juice the same way I gave it to Pauline?’ Nurse Mary asked.

“Yes, and I’m sorry about getting mad,” Madlyn said.

“That’s quite all right; I understand.” Nurse Mary states.

Madlyn smiled. It only took a kind nurse to make her day.

The doors to the medical bay opened, and in came three happy and carefree girls. “How’s the patient doing, Doctor?”

“The patient is doing just fine, and now one of us doctors is ready to go and relax. Let the tour begin.” Madlyn answers, saying that her mood has changed in just a short time.

“Do you want to see all of the ship or just the fun parts?” Tabitha asked. All the girls were now heading for the lift.

“The way I’m feeling—just the fun and relaxing parts, thank you,” Madlyn said.

“We’re going to the beach, ... Sarha, have Hey Boy and Hey You ready; we’ll need them,” Tammy responded.

“Just how big is this beach?” Madlyn asked.

“It’s not just a beach; it’s a lake and a white sand beach,” Pauline states.

They are talking and getting to know each other. The doors automatically open, and they walk in and down the path toward the lake. Madlyn was looking at the flowers and trees along the path, seeing how beautiful this place is.

The group came down the path, seeing the lake, pausing for Madlyn to have the first glimpse and see the lake with the white sand. She stopped in her tracks, looking around at this beautiful view. It was breathtaking.

“This is so amazing. I could not even imagine being on something so beautiful as this ship.” Madlyn exclaimed. She just stood there looking, the blue of the lake matching the blue in her eyes.

Tammy took her arm and led her to the beach. “Do you want to go for a swim?”

“I don’t have a swimsuit,” Madlyn said. But she kept walking to the beach, reaching down to pull her shoes off, holding them in her left hand. Letting the sand get between her toes, looking down, and seeing the sand reminded her of happier times.

Tammy looked into Madlyn’s face, seeing a hardened face that needed to soften. Maybe some time on this ship and at the beach could help.

Pauline got to the beach first, heading for the water. Tammy was right behind her. Both were running into the water, laughing, and waving their hands for the other two to join them.

“Oh, to be so young,” Tabitha said. She was sitting down on the sand.

Madlyn sat down with Tabitha, and sitting there, she was surprised by a voice coming from behind her. “Hello, Tabitha, and who’s your friend?”

“Hello, Hey Boy, or is it Hey You?” Tabitha said it with a laugh.

Madlyn was turning around to see who was talking, surprised to see a bot.

“I am Hey Boy, the bot said. “Who’s your friend? I can add her to my log sheet.”

“Madlyn, this is Hey Boy, Hey Boy. This is Doctor Madlyn Synthmenor.” Tabitha said.

“Thank you, Tabitha. Could I get either of you a drink?” Hey Boy said.

“Do you have iced tea? Also, could I have a chair, please?” Madlyn asked.

Hey You will bring a chair for Madlyn, right? Extending a hand, he helped her stand up. She was reaching around to wipe the sand off her ass.

“Turn around. I’ll help with that.” Tabitha said. Reaching over to wipe the sand off of Madlyn’s ass. Placing her hand gently on Madlyn’s ass and wiping the sand off softly and slowly.

Madlyn turned around quickly, not expecting someone to be touching her ass. The soft hand felt warm and right. “Thank you,” she says, turning slowly. Her voice was also warm and soft, with a don’t hurry, take your time feeling to it.

Tabitha moved her hand in a slow circle around Madlyn’s ass and felt the warm, smooth ass through the jeans. Madlyn was not moving away from her hands but staying put. She tells Madlyn to “turn further around so she can get the other cheek.”

Tabitha now had Madlyn’s ass right there in her face, and both hands felt the warm cloth of Madlyn’s jeans. Cupping both cheeks in her hands and squeezing them softly, she heard a low, soft moan. She kept right on rubbing those soft and warm cheeks.

Her hands began to cover more of Madlyn’s cheeks. Moving lower down to the bottom of her ass. She was now making larger circles, covering her whole buttocks. She could feel Madlyn’s ass getting warmer, and it began to move with her hands.

She lowered her right hand to just below Madlyn’s ass and between her legs, just to see what would happen. Madlyn let out another slow moan, spreading her legs just a little. Tabitha knew now that Madlyn needed some relief. She just did not know how far Madlyn would allow this to go.

“That’s all right; sometimes, it takes a woman to know how you feel.” Tabitha said, thinking to herself, ‘She wants the relief so badly, but something is stopping her.’ “Tell you what, let’s go swimming.” Getting up from the sand.

“In the dressing room is another clothing machine. Go in and have it make you a swimsuit. Then come swimming with the rest of us.” Tabitha said that as she was heading into the water with the other two, she started horsing around.

Madlyn headed to the dressing room, saw the machine, told the device what she wanted in one piece, and started to remove her clothes. Removing everything, sitting down, and waiting for the machine to do its work. sitting on the warm bench naked with her ass. It was making her think about what Tabitha was doing to her. She was warm between her legs. She moved a hand down between her legs and, feeling the wetness, started rubbing herself.

It felt terrific, and she’s thinking, ‘I have a little time before the suit is done, just a little, and I’ll quit.’ Leaning back and rubbing her clitoris, she was losing track of time while experiencing pleasure. Her mind was telling her, ’You have the time, and you need this.’

She slid a finger into her slit. She alternately moved the moist substance from her clitoris to the slit. It kept feeling better each time; now, her body was taking over. Her mind was telling her she needed this: add another finger, go deeper, go faster. She leans back against the bench and spreads her legs further apart. Her fingers are moving faster and going into her pussy deeper. She hears herself let out a deep moan, and her body is shaking. Her mind is telling her, ‘Just a little longer, and you are almost there.’

Tabitha is in the water, waiting for Madlyn to come out and join them. not seeing her in the doorway. She tells Tammy she’ll be right back. Walking up to the dressing room door and hearing a soft moan, she stops. I looked around the corner, not wanting Madlyn to think she was spying on me. Just to see if she’s OK.

As she approaches from around the corner, she notices Madlyn seated on the bench with her pussy facing in her direction, her legs widely spread, and two fingers deftly grooming it. She didn’t want to watch, but the way her fingers were moving and the way her boobs were bouncing around, she just wanted to watch for a minute.

Madlyn was now in full heat; her right hand was doing the pussy, and her left hand was free to pick on her breast. The nipples needed some attention. Between her thumb and forefinger, she had her right nipple standing out about half an inch. Each time she pulled it out of her body, she let out a moan. She was switching between the right and left nipples really fast, and the moans came faster and louder, but Madlyn didn’t care. Her body and mind needed this.

Tabitha, who was merely observing without pondering, dropped her hand between her legs and began rubbing her pussy as well. She was matching the finger movements of Madlyn’s fingers. She wanted to go inside and help Madlyn so much but knew she could not.

Madlyn was getting close. She needed to finish; her body and mind were counting on it. She could feel the implosion building up. Her body was swaying so violently on the bench that she thought it might snap. She now had four of her fingers in the pussy. It made a thunderous, wet-slapping sound. She was standing there with her back protruding from the bench and only her feet and head holding her up. A loud groan and squirt emanated from her, extending approximately four to five feet from her body.

Tabitha was seeing how Madlyn’s body was acting, and she was getting close. She wanted to time her climax with Madlyn’s. She was moving her fingers just as fast; she was holding her nipple just as hard, and when Madlyn came, she would also come.

When Madlyn exploded, so did Tabitha. Her juices were pouring out of her pussy and down her legs. Her legs were shaking so badly that she could hardly stand up. Holding on to the door frame for support. She now knew she had to get back into the lake without the others seeing her wet legs and pussy.

Madlyn is now lying on the bench, trying to recover. She was thinking about how to explain this to the girls. Getting up and getting into her one-piece, red swimsuit. Holding herself up before trying to walk.

Tabitha returned to the lake undetected by the other two girls, who were observing the sweat that was dripping down her legs. Getting in and squinching down to wash herself off, sticking two fingers back into her pussy, spreading her pussy lips apart, and using the other hand to splash water into her pussy to wash it out. Now feeling better, she started to horse around with the other girls.

Madlyn really did not feel like swimming, so she asked Hey Boy for a beach towel. Putting it down and lying down on it. She was facing the girls while they played around. After a while, everyone came out of the water, sat around with Madlyn, and talked.

Each girl told her story about how she ended up on this ship with Tim. Pauline was telling her about her shape-shifting ability.

“I really don’t believe in things like that,” Madlyn said.

“Do you want me to show you?” Pauline said. Standing up, thinking about what to change into. All of a sudden, she knew. “See if you will know who this is?” She started to change. Within a minute, she had changed into Madlyn’s twin.

Madlyn sat there in shock, looking at herself. She was a perfect match, but she was naked. She even had the marks from the other day. Madlyn got up and walked around her body, looking closely. “You can change into any person.”

Pauline stood there for a moment and changed into a sizable, tan-colored cat. This cat was 6-foot-tall and about 400 lbs., with K9s about eight inches long. She changed back into her feminine body. “Now, do you believe it?”

“Yes,” Madlyn said. She sat back down and didn’t say a thing. She just sat there with her jaw clenched. “Can anyone else change?”

“Yes, but he is just learning. Tim can.” Tabitha said.

“Yell, and we are helping him. Right now, he can only get his dick to grow to maybe ten inches long.” Tammy exclaimed.

“Come on, he cannot do that, can he?” She opened her mouth.

“Yes, we have each helped him.” Both girls said.

“I haven’t had my fill of him yet,” Pauline admitted.

“That’s because you have not asked for or given yourself to him. He’d treat you the way you wanted.” Tammy, laughing, said.

Madlyn sat there, thinking, “Maybe he would be able to help me with these nightmares.’

Everyone sat there for about another hour, then started heading off to bed. Madlyn started to go back up to the medical bay to check on Jeanne. After checking on Jeanne, she needed something to eat. Heading to the lounge.

Madlyn got to the lounge and was sitting there eating a sandwich. Tim walks in, and seeing Madlyn, he says, “Hi, good evening. Do you mind if I join you?”

She shook her head, No, and kept eating. With Tim sitting right across from her, she thought about what the girls said and remembered that Sarha said the same thing. She looks up at Tim. She is going to see if he can help by listening. “Tim, I have been told you are an excellent listener. I need your help.” She stops eating and looks at Tim.

“If that’s all you need, I’m here for you, anytime. Is now a good time for you?” Tim asked, and he stopped eating, waiting for her to answer.”

“If we could talk, maybe I would be able to sleep tonight,” Madlyn said.

“I’m ready to listen now.” Tim was sitting back in his chair with both hands folded in his lap.

Madlyn began telling Tim her story. She told him everything that had happened and how she felt about it all. They sat there for about two hours and talked about everything she wanted and how she felt about it all. Sometimes the same thing happens over and over.

Tim and Madlyn were still sitting in the lounge but had moved to the softer chairs, talking about her dreams or nightmares. He has a drink sitting beside him. Tim asked. “Madlyn, how long have you been a doctor?”

Madlyn sat across from Tim in an amazingly comfortable chair, with her feet propped up. She was facing Tim. “I’ve been a doctor for about six years now. I came out of medical school and went into the service for two years. Devote the last four years to the hospital ship. I encountered Jeanne while on the ship, and we became best of friends.” Talking about Jeanne, Madlyn started moving around in her seat a little.

“I know it’s been hard on you without Jeanne to talk to. Whenever you need to talk, I am here for you. About how long will Jeanne be in the medical center?” Tim asked, taking a sip of his drink.

“Too long, Tim. May I ask you a personal question?”

“OK, go ahead,”

“I was talking to the girls. They tell me you can make your body do things. Is that so?”

“Madlyn, just what are you asking?” Tim asked with a questionable look.

“Having described my nightmares, I would like to know whether you are capable of producing a dick as large as the ones in my nightmares.” Madlyn asked. She has a severe, but frightening, look.

“Which one of the dicks?”

“Both, if you could, I need to see, just what I am having nightmares about,” Madlyn replied.

“So, you want me to change my dick to 12 inches and 4 inches around to see whatever your dreams or nightmare looked like, is that right?’ Tim asked.

Madlyn, with a small smile, said, “Yes, if you could.” She moved forward into her chair.

“Well, if it will help you get over the nightmares, here goes,” Tim said as he got out of his chair and stood. His dick was sticking out the regular eight inches.

Madlyn was looking sadly and saying, “That’s not 12 inches long.” She was moving closer to the edge of her seat. Her legs were starting to spread apart. Her hands started to touch her breast and stopped.

Tim was standing there with his dick out. Thinking ‘dick 12 inches long and 4 inches around, now.’ His dick started growing long and more significantly around.

Madlyn was watching his dick grow to 12 inches. Her hand went down and pulled her gown to the side. She kept going, reaching between her legs, and started rubbing her pussy. His dick held her attention until it was a full 12 inches long and 4 inches in circumference. Now, she has a nightmare right in front of her. Her body started to move in the same way it moved in her nightmare, but now it wasn’t fear but wanting.

She was hypnotized as she simply gazed at his dick and thought back on the nightmare, remembering how it had felt to be inside of her. Knowing the pain of being that huge and the sensation of it entering her, she couldn’t help but feel a mix of fear and excitement. She wondered if she could handle it again.

Her fingers were working very hard to aid in the sensation. They really soaked up her pussy. The sound her fingers made as they entered and exited the pussy only served to remind her of the eventful day.

She started to remember the nightmare, but now it seems real. She started remembering the pain and feeling of that enormous dick being pushed into her pussy without being moist. The hurting and stretching, the screaming—that’s when she blacked out.

“Tim, I need your assistance right now. Would you mind putting your dick into me at this moment? I require it to verify that the nightmare was real. When that monster placed his cock against my pussy lips, I felt it enter. You must finish the job he started. Madlyn was beginning to tremble as a result of her body’s demands.

Tim sat there, observing four fingers being pushed into her pussy up to the knuckles and her other hand exerting pressure on her nipples. “Are you certain?” Tim questioned, “I don’t want to hurt you, but this thing is so huge.”

Madlyn placed four fingers inside of her pussy and pulled them out with so much moisture that it was dripping off her fingers. “If I were wetter, you could drive that entire damn spaceship in there,” she remarked.

Tim held his dick with both hands just to keep it from falling over, walked up to her, and stood there while she took her wet hands and rubbed his dick, all 12 inches, making sure it was wet.

She leaned back in the chair and spread her legs as wide as she could. Then he guided his 12-inch dick into her wet pussy. Then saying, “Tim, I need you to push your big dick into this small but wanting pussy, now.”

He slowly pushed the head just inside. She gasped and arched her back, feeling the pleasure coursing through her body. Tim withdrew and waited until she relaxed before thrusting back in. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him deeper and urging him to go faster.

Tim is still not wanting to hurt her. Slowly pushed forward. He kept watching Madlyn’s face for any sign of her wanting to stop. He pushed about an inch in and held it there. Waiting. She said, “More, please.” She is now holding both of her legs up next to her ears. I was trying to give him and that massive dick some working room.

Tim was pushing a little more in. He is now more than 6 inches inserted in her and is now doing the in and out motion, slowly out and driving hard in for more distance. Tim was glad that he could control his body. If not, he would have dropped his load about three times now.

Madlyn was thinking, “Now, the pain is gone. It feels good. I only hope Tim can hold out until all 12 inches are in me. If this feels this good, I wonder how it’s going to feel with a bigger one up my ass.” She was holding and playing with her tits. She had taken them out of her shirt, a pair of fingers pulling on each nipple of her 38-c breast.

Tim heard her soft moans of pleasure the whole time. He was still trying to get the last few inches in, feeling his dick hitting her cervix. He needed to push right on through it. Getting all 12 inches required a full, deep penetration. For her to accept all 12 inches, he must first enter her womb. Only then would he have enough space.

Madlyn was just lying back. This time, it was the difference. It was not forced upon her. She felt the softness of Tim doing the thing she wanted without wanting to hurt her. She was starting to get that warm and loving feeling. This wasn’t to be finished, so leave. She could feel the tenderness of Tim’s touch. She was finally feeling all 12 inches into her body and enjoying it now.

Tim finally got all his dick into her and started his slow and soft motion in and out, building up speed and hitting her harder. Her gasps and moans were getting closer and louder.

Her legs were still up around her ears, but her hands were trying to bring Tim’s head down to kiss him. She could feel Tim pulling almost all the way out and then driving in harder. The pounding her pussy was taking was a sensation. It was driving her mad with lushness. She was trying to last longer, but the way Tim was hammering into her body, she could not stand much longer. She felt like she was going to pass out from the pleasure and finally be able to let her body go.

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