The Strawberry Patch Book 4 - Babies Please Don't Go - Cover

The Strawberry Patch Book 4 - Babies Please Don't Go

Copyright© 2023 by Writer Mick

Chapter 57: Seeking Solutions

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 57: Seeking Solutions - They're back! Paul, Lynn, Erin and Blossom O'Dell and the Herd and the mystical Babies. This will be the last book in the series. I wonder what adventures and tragedies await the family this time around.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Celebrity   Humor   Tear Jerker   Paranormal   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Facial   Flatulence   Lactation   Massage   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts   Small Breasts   Nudism  

The Crawfords had a wonderful lunch and enjoyed the antics of the O’Dell children as they first helped clean the lunch dishes and then proceeded to play a rather raucous version of freeze tag. In that version of the classic kids game the person who is ‘it’ tags another and that person must freeze in place until someone who is not ‘it’ tags them and unfreezes them. When the ‘it’ person freezes all the players, the game is over and starts again with a new ‘it’.

The ‘its’ and ‘not its’ were tearing around the yard, screaming in joy when Lilith suddenly jumped up from her seat and tagged DB and screamed, “You’re it!” and took off running into the yard dodging the children. DB got up and took off after the very pretty girl he’d just met as the spark he’d felt when they met grew inside him.

“What the heck?” Lola said. “Come on Jun, let’s get in the game.”

The two got up, stepped into the yard, and the game was on.

Never let it be said that the O’Dell family was not up for a good game of tag. Erin got up and took off running. Blossom stood and told those of us remaining at the table, “I need to protect the kids from those tits flying around. Come on, Lynn!”

Blossom took off, Lynn took off her wig and set it on the table, shocking Sara a little. Bosco looked Erin’s massive tits flouncing about and then looked at Terri like a puppy that could see his favorite toy but knew he’d get his nose hit if he went after it.

Terri crossed her arms under her breasts and held them up as if to say, “Are these not good enough?”

“Bosco,” Terri said seriously in a joking fashion. “You cannot go chasing Erin’s tits around the yard. You’ll get a huge boner and scare the children.”

Terri looked at Sara and asked, “How do you keep him from chasing all over after a woman like Erin?”

“Well. We don’t have a lot of women like Erin either in physical presence or in demeanor. But to answer your question directly, I love him,” Sara replied. “We both learned a long time ago that true love is stronger than big titties or a horse-sized cock. Those three women have learned that, Terri. How is it that you have a man like him and not know that.”

Terri looked at Bosco and it was like she’d had an epiphany.

“Bosco, if you absolutely have the need, go play tag.”

Bosco looked at his wife got a big smile on his face and stood up. He took Terri in both hands and lifted her up before turning around, sitting down, and setting her on his lap.

“Thank you for trusting me, my love. I think I’ll sit here and have you hold down my huge boner for me.”

Terri wrapped her arms around her husband and kissed him deeply. I looked at them and at the Crawfords. That’s when I noticed that Douglas and Sara were still holding hands as they had been since getting out of the van and walked in the house. That connection reminded me so much of my connection to Lynn, Erin, and Blossom.

I took a drink of my iced tea and after setting it on the table, I said, “Douglas, Sara, we need to put an end to Samuel Crawford and his believers or followers or whatever they call themselves. I want to fly back to Tullahoma and confront Samuel and his people.”

“Isaiah might not take kindly to you being there,” Douglas said.

“That’s not my problem. In my mind he and his started this situation. I’m definitely one of those who believes that you don’t start a fight but you definitely end it. I want to go down there and offer him a peaceful solution but make sure in no uncertain terms that the alternative will not be good for him and his.”

“Brother, we’ve got your back. Jun and his people are ready to back you. Apparently they like Miss Sara a whole lot. She is always pleasant and offers them food from the garden and on several occasions has sat in as midwife with some of the Brother’s wives. They’ve now heard what Samuel’s people did to Douglas and Sara’s home. They haven’t heard what they did to sexually assault Sara. I’m afraid that when they hear there is going to be carnage.”

“I’ll leave it up to Sara and Jun as to what they tell the Brothers. But I’m going to straighten out Samuel Crawford, be it vertically or horizontally. I just hope that I can keep Erin, Lynn, and Blossom reined in. They are going to want to draw and quarter Samuel and Isaiah.”

Two weeks later a private jet landed at Tullahoma Regional Airport. It was met by the Jeep driven by Douglas Crawford, a rented SUV driven by Lola Crawford, and a group of rough looking men on motorcycles. My wives and I disembarked from the plane, followed by Bosco Barker, Tim Manly and Juniper Sloan.

I got in the Jeep with Douglas with Lynn and Erin in the back. Jun got into the passenger side of the SUV and kissed Lilith. Blossom, Bosco and Tim got in the back with Blossom being squeezed in by the two large men.

“Hello Douglas, good to see you again. Is everything going OK? Was the drive back as planned?”

“Yes. Everything went well with the return trip. I have to thank Lynn for the hotel rooms so we didn’t have to drive back non-stop. As far as here at home, you know it’s amazing how Samuels people stay away from us now that the Brothers are looking out for us.”

“Well that was certainly our hope,” I said.

“How’re things progressing on the house? Lynn asked.

“Great! The burnt out structure was cleared to the side by some bulldozers and while the debris was being cleaned up a crew started blocking out the foundation for the new place. But I don’t know, Lynn. It looks awfully big.”

“One they put in the walls it will shrink. The new place should only be a little bigger than your old place but the way it’s laid out it will look a lot bigger.”

“I can’t thank you enough for your help Lynn.”

“The whole O’Dell clan is involved here, Douglas, not just me.”

I got back in the conversation, “Have you contacted Samuel and Isaiah about meeting with them?”

“Yes and they we not in favor of it.”

“How many times did you ask?”

“Twice. First was by phone, second was in person. I was accompanied by three of the Brothers and they let Samuel know in no uncertain terms that there would be a meeting and that Samuel and Isaiah would be there. They still didn’t agree until the Brothers went out and tipped over one of the families pick-up trucks, cut the fuel line and lit it on fire.”

“They what?”

“Yes, sir. They burned that Ram to a cinder and sent a message to Samuel that they would go after the rest of their vehicles until a meeting was set. They agreed and we meet with them tomorrow at noon.”

“Good. Any other good news?”

“It would seem that Jun and Lilith are getting serious. Who would have thought that?”

“Jun is a good man, Douglas. Bosco tells me that he’s a well decorated veteran.”

“From what I hear tell, it’s two Silver Stars and the Army stopped giving him Purple Hearts because they were going to run out of space on his chest.”

“I’m sure that’s an exaggeration, Douglas. I mean regarding the Purple Hearts.”

“I’d think so too but after talking to some of the Brothers, it might not be such an exaggeration.”

Douglas pulled up in front of an apartment building and parked. The SUV was behind us and the Brothers rode to encircle us. We got out and in a short amount of time we were joined by a certain, aggravated, little, Latina wife.

“You two are going to get on my nerves!”

“But Blossom, we just wanted to be sure you were safe,” Bosco said with a silly grin.

“And you were the one who couldn’t find the seat belt,” Tim added.

“Because you two were sitting on the belt!” Blossom ranted. “And then you had to lean into me everything we made a turn or got on a curve!”

I looked at Lilith and Jun and asked, “Was it really that bad?”

Before they could answer Blossom ranted on, “They wouldn’t know! They were holding hands and making goo-goo eyes the entire drive.”

Then Lilith piled on with a big smile.” I’m sorry, Blossom. You’re so short I couldn’t see what was going on back there. I just saw Bosco and Tim leaning left and right together.”

“Tim, you just wait until we get home, I’m going to tell Wendy how you treated me,” Blossom said pointing a finger at the two huge men who were now laughing out loud.

Erin walked to Blossom and pulled her little wife into a hug. She then buried Blossom’s head deep between her two massive breasts and shook them back and forth.

“There my little Baby. Is that better?”

Blossom turned around, her head still buried between Erin, immense tits and stuck her tongue out at Bosco.

“Ha-ha, I get to do this and you don’t?”

Erin took her hands and squished her tits together, engulfing Blossom’s head.

“Baby, be nice to Bosco or no special attention for you tonight.”

Blossom relaxed and stopped squirming. Erin released her wife and Blossom walked over to Bosco and punched him in the shoulder. Bosco and Tim were still laughing loudly. Erin turned to walk back to Lynn and me when she noticed how many of the Brothers were staring at her more than ample boobs.

“I think they’re jealous, Sweetie,” she said to me.

“I think they’re envious of me,” I answered.

“And me,” Lynn said.

“And me too,” Blossom said as she followed Erin to us.

Jun and Lilith came over holding hands and Jun went to a Brother wearing colors like the rest but with a white kerchief around his left upper arm. They spoke for a bit and then the Brothers rode off. We all then walked to the side-by-side apartments. Douglas handed the keys to Lynn.

“Here you go. The closing went smoothly. Sara and I are on the end. Lola and Lilith are next. Then there’s the two you and the guys are using. They’re all furnished and set up just like you asked. There’s a nice BBQ restaurant here in town. We’ll swing by about five o’clock and pick you up.”

“Daddy, I’m going home with Jun,” Lillith told Douglas as she hugged the big biker.

“OK. Be safe.”

“I am,” Lilith said as she hugged her father.

“Jun. She my daughter,” Douglas said firmly.

“Mr. Crawford, I know and understand,” Jun answered solemnly.

The two got into the SUV and drove off. Douglas watched them go and turned to us.

“I think she loves him. We’ll find out. Lola did nothing but talk about that guy called DB on the drive home. Please don’t tell me that they call him DB cause it’s short for Dirt Bag.”

Bosco laughed and said, “That would fit the biker style. But his parents had a weird sense of humor. Their last name was Bonney and they named him Delaney Nicholas.”

Douglas paused to think for a moment and smiled, shaking his head.

“They named their son Delaney N Bonney? That’s just mean.”

“He didn’t even know who Delaney and Bonnie Bramlett were until he was sixteen. He loves their music.”

“Never Ending Song Of Love?”

“Hates it! He’s more of a “Soul Shake” and a “Only You Know and I Know” guy.”

“Paul, if he wanted to date one of your daughters what would you think? Assuming the ages were close.”

“I can think of a lot of worse men, not many better though.”

Douglas nodded. After he drove away I turned to everyone and explained, “Let’s get settled in and then meet in our living room at five. We’ll go over the plan for tomorrow and then head over to the BBQ for dinner with the Crawfords. Sound good?”

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