Good Bolly Miss Molly - Cover

Good Bolly Miss Molly

Copyright© 2023 by SZENSEI

Episode 3: P.E.

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 3: P.E. - Born of two worlds Molly left India for the United States. Her mother American, father native of Mumbai they relocated to Miami, Florida. Enrolled midway in her final year of high school Molly was so lost it was unreal. Impressionable she quickly realized that playing naive got her everything she wanted. Smart meant more than any honor roll. Molly was just plain slick. Maybe she wasn't so lost after all.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Humiliation   Spanking   Interracial   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism  


Molly was still high on the events of earlier in the day. Not only did her delicate mischief cause a teacher to secretly masturbate in class but that was only the beginning.

Her second class led to Caleb’s brother Nathan drawing naked pictures of Molly in crazy positions on his notebook. Each time he showed her she couldn’t stop laughing. Before long, her cranky bitch class teacher cracked down on them yet again. This time Molly was not only asked to leave the class but to cover herself up. The grisly older teacher Mrs. Garibaldi found Molly’s braless nature distracting, disturbing, and despicable. She was the only one who thought that way. Nathan chose to follow Molly into the hall catching her walking away.

“Twice in one week. You’re breaking my record.”

“I did not intend to get evicted. I just could not stop laughing.”

He nodded with a serious expression, “I hear that.”

“I have never seen yoga positions such as you draw.”

“We can act those out in the men’s room if you want.”

“I cannot. You are not Caleb. If I am to obey, it will be only him.”

“Hey! It would be just as easy for me to swipe all those phone numbers and addresses Caleb’s got.”

“You could. Yet I believe Caleb would like to be in charge. I will obey only him.”

“Crazy!” Nathan scratched his scalp, “My brother has got you on a leash without a collar.”

She narrowed her eyes at him trying to comprehend his words. Compared to a dog she found it insulting then turned to walk away. She needed to use the restroom anyway. Hearing him whine she stomped her foot on the floor, clenched her fist and sheepishly smiled to herself. “I must be a puppy.” For now, she just needed to squat.

She spent that entire class hiding in a bathroom stall until she heard the relocation bell ring. Her third class of the day was P.E. Luckily, she loved sports and staying fit. While not the greatest at basketball, volleyball was great fun when offered. Gym was right in her wheelhouse. Not to mention she knew that the gymnasium was a shared course. Guys and girl’s coed meant all things halfway save for showering together. Half court guys, half court girls. She preferred being courted! On her terms but hey, beggars can’t be choosers.

Molly headed for the girls’ locker room to change yet again. She had a uniform on hand to which she had to wear for physical education to prevent ruining her normal outfits. Nothing special the students could wear whatever they wanted as long as it was suitable to get sweaty in. What she had forgotten was the fact her t-shirt and shorts were simple white cotton with no sleeves on the top. Having no bra or panties she nearly panicked. The other girls in her class eyed her commando nature while switching clothes. Finally, one girl, a thin strawberry blond with a healthy chest of her own crept up behind Molly. Molly recognized the blonde as the girl who attempted to rescue her in the hallway without getting to invested. Here to save the day again it seemed!

“I have a sports bra if you need it. Going out like that is going to get you into trouble.”

Molly creased her brow at the girl, “So kind of you. I was not thinking when I left my bra at home.”

“In Caleb Houser’s locker, don’t you mean?” Molly dropped her jaw speechless.

“It’s okay. I guess you forgot that I saw him take it from you. Crazy stuff girlfriend. By the way, my name is April.”

“Hello, April. I should feel quite embarrassed.”

“Don’t be! I like the freedom you exude. Not many girls take the risks you do. Of course, we all know Caleb’s charisma. He could get any girl in this school, well, except for me. He chose you. Wonder, why? No offense, you are beautiful.”

“I do not know why. We get along quite well. He is handsome and charming. Unlike his brother.”

“Yeah, Nathan Houser is the Dork King! That’s what people call him. Here’s that bra.”

Molly claimed it then fidgeted over should she, shouldn’t she. “Caleb will be on the other side of the court. I think I might like to shock him.”

April swept strands of her hair from her eyes and shook her head over the girl’s naivety. “Shock him? Shock the whole gym. Coach Ryder and Coach Macy might not like the scene you could cause.”

Molly lowered her gaze over the possibility then chose to hand April back her extra bra, “I do thank you. I will take this risk.”

“Hoookay! Caleb must be pretty special.”

Molly smiles brilliantly, “As am I.”

“I’ll watch your back. We all need a friend.”

“Thank you, my new friend April.” Leaving the locker room together April chuckled at the eyes trailing Molly. Her white t-shirt was almost transparent, and those nipples spoke highly of it.

“Here goes Champ! There’s Coach Macy.”

Coach Mary Macy to be precise. Butch in all her glory. The brown haired lesbian eyed Molly the second she and April stepped onto the court. Scrutiny at first. Interest the second. While tough she did have a soft spot for the cutie pies. Especially one’s with delightfully erect nipples.

“Well, well! Aren’t we all flashy today.” Mary needled! “Indrabooty, right?” She snickered at the name knowing how dirty it sounded. Fucking American’s had to cut right to the chase. While humorous she did not vocalize her thoughts of In The Booty! Something she was fond of with a strap-on and her girlfriend’s efforts. Normally on top she did switch it up now and again.

“This is me.” Molly clenched her teeth smiling. “Very much so it seems.”

“I can see that. Everyone here can. Including the freaktards over there.” Molly heard the girls whispering behind her about all of the boys watching. Coach Dale Ryder had insisted his young men run laps around the half court lines. Anything to kill time the burley clean cut coach thought. It gave his roving eyes time to check out the young girls in their tight shorts. While never indulging on a personal level he certainly liked envisioning a few of them in the nude and those shorts were second skin in many cases. Cameltoe and ass cracks were a sweet reward. Guys would be guys!

The girls eyed the athletes and the nerds trying to be, as they jogged by them. Flirtations were abounding. Molly even heard the girls talk about Caleb; about how hot he was. He was certainly the chosen target of 90% of the ladies. He knew it and always tried for swagger.

However, today as Caleb approached, he blew a kiss at Molly. This made her blush. It also made the other girls resent her for taking that kiss away from them.

“Maybe he might notice us more if we lost our bras.” Spat a freckled redhead with a thin frame. No underwear in most cases, they did wear bras to prevent aches later after any whiplash activities.

“And your connect the dot face, Shawna PIMPLES.” April Hines boldly stepped up to confront Miss Peeples. “If Caleb likes Molly that’s his choice. If Houser wanted your ass, he’d be bedding you down by now.” Making queer faces at one another only made Coach Mary Macy shake her head.

“Young adults if you please! Tantrum’s aside or do you want laps yourselves?”

“We know you do Rug Muncher.” Whispered Shawna to a friend. Peeples was a sneaky bitch.

“What was that?”

“Nothing, Sir! Ma’am! Whichever! Can we play some basketball today?”

“You read my mind, Red.” Mary double-handedly threw the ball at her brusquely to show her aggravation. The ginger just rolled her eyes at the aggressive measure, knowing she would win if she turned her in.

“Who wants to be shirts and who wants to be skins?” Shawna chuckled looking at Molly.

“That’s enough, Miss Peeps!” Peeples! “Ten laps.”

“Only if you can catch me, Sweet Tart.” Shawna had all the girls’ clamping hands over their mouths to avoid laughter. Mary Macy grumbled under her breath wanting to lash out at the gay harassment but knew better. The school policy did forbid the faculty from so much as even a grip on an arm, no matter how light the grasp was.

“Run the court Peep Show! You’re the one with the desire to be Indrabooty there. Might as well show off the ass you are. Pass the ball to someone who wants to participate in class.”

Shawna rolled her eyes then hurled the ball at Molly, “Catch IndraBooty Call!” The basketball slammed into Molly’s chest bouncing off and forcing Molly to catch her breath. Molly strained to find the courage to remain calm. Unlike her new friend.

April Hines took offense and began chasing Shawna around the court. Shawna merely laughed at her and darted away, “Can’t catch me, Hines. Hey, I just realized Booty and Hiney. You two can be butt buddies!”

Molly turned red as the other girls laughed. Finally, Molly chose to stop April as she passed her. “It is okay. Let her have her fun.”

“Says you!” April growled then pulled away from Molly’s grip over her arm, “I want to knock her freckled ass out.”

As Molly claimed April’s arm a second time she pleaded with her eyes. Groaning loudly April gave up. They instead watched Shawna jogging around chuckling at winning the battle. Her hands were in the air whooping it up as if she had just crossed an imaginary finish line. She had even a few boys in stitches, slapping hands with her in passing.

Instead, Molly chose to glance toward the boys, locating Caleb who gave her a thumbs up. He was actually proud of her actions. This made Molly faintly smile in response to his flirtatious smirk.

“Let’s get it together ladies!” Mary clapped her hands to garner attention, “Choose your teams and let’s play ball.” Coach Dale Ryder simply leaned against a wall smirking. He loved a good catfight! Too bad Shawna was too lanky for his tastes. Now Molly, her dark complexion shining through her white tee and shorts was just plain perfect. Her areolas were even vividly speaking. If only her shorts were as thin as that shirt.

Molly and April stuck together as the remaining girls were selected until the teams became uneven. Those girls left joined Molly and April with disgruntled sighs of indecision. In the end they were forced to part ways. Teams selected Mary Macy blared her silver whistle and belted out, “Play ball!”

Two girls from each team jumped to see who got the ball first. Once caught, the triumphant girl Heather Thomas dribbled the ball and danced around other girls before passing it to another athletically build brunette named Jaclyn Smith. Jaclyn charged in and laid the ball up for a basket. Cheering, the girls awaited April to hurl the ball to a teammate named Sammy Cooper who dribbled aimlessly until the ball was stolen by Heather. In her thievery Heather took advantage of charging into Molly who stood in her way. The charge knocked the tiny Molly over as if nothing. Falling directly into Shawna Peeples unending running path. Shawna in her mischief stopped and extended her hand to help Molly up.

Molly hesitated but accepted the tentative truce. Once on her feet she began to thank Shawna. Before any words came out Shawna leaned in and yanked Molly’s baggy shorts down to her ankles. An unexpected nudge made her lose balance. Again, on the floor Shawna pulled Molly’s shorts off and over her tennis shoes then ran away leaving her naked from t-shirt down. Now Coach Dale Ryder took notice, drool forming around his whistle without actually blowing it. That was Mary Macy’s territory, not his, but a good solid look at Molly’s cunt did have him grumbling and getting hard at his tightening shorts. Big boy, very little room as it was!

Racing away swinging the shorts over her head Shawna tossed them up at the net trapping them. Laughter became hysterics. Molly froze in her seat knowing that everyone there saw her bottomless. She had not worn any panties due to Caleb. April ran to her side as both Coach Macy and Coach Ryder tried to maintain order. On Ryder’s side the boys were all whistling and making lude comments. This pissed off Caleb who went about slugging arms as a form of justice.

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