Johnny Pulaski - Cover

Johnny Pulaski

Copyright© 2023 by Joe J

Chapter 24

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 24 - Johnny Pulaski was a late bloomer. He was short and scrawny until the summer after ninth grade. He was small enough that even his older sister called him runt. Then puberty struck, he hit a growth spurt and he discovered the real reason that people – especially girls – liked him. Johnny's young life had all the usual ups and downs, he was just a normal teenage boy after all … or was he?

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction  

In the immortal words of my grandfather, when my sister climbed on top of me naked and grabbed my dick, I was so scared, I didn’t know whether to shit or go blind. My plan to appease my sister with a little fooling around was backfiring on me big time. I didn’t have a clue for what to do next but Kong seemed to be on the same sheet of music as Katrina. Already as hard as a railroad crosstie, he pulsed in her hand with the rapid beat of my heart. Katrina cooed as he throbbed in her long fingers.

“I knew you wanted me, too, sweet baby,” she gushed.

Jesus, where did she get that tone of voice? It was so sexy I almost came in my shorts. I knew I had about five seconds of resistance left so I quickly rolled us over until I was on top. That turned out to be another good plan gone awry as Katrina gave a gasp and wrapped those long legs around me. I knew just how one of those dog-sized South American rodents felt when a big Anaconda coiled around it. Katrina’s hand was still firmly gripping Kong while her hips undulated against me. As she frantically worked at getting Kong out of my shorts, my senses returned.

“Trina, stop it!” I panted.

Her movements slowed but I could see the smoldering look in her eyes, even in the dim light coming through the windows. I reached down and disengaged her hand from Kong’s neck. She wasn’t happy about that and neither was he.

“Why are you stopping, Johnny? You know we are meant to be.”

That was, as old Hamlet once said, the rub. (Score on for you, Miss McElroy) I knew no such thing, and furthermore, I didn’t think Katrina really did either. Sure we loved each other more than being related accounted for, but that didn’t mean we were destined to become lovers. You know how my usually clueless ass knew that? Elaine Cavanaugh, that’s how! Our attraction was so strong toward one another that Helen Keller could see it. If I could restrain myself with Elaine, I could with Katrina.

“Relax and listen to me a minute, Trina, okay?” When she nodded I continued. “I love you, Sis, and I want you, too. But I just don’t think we can take it that far, at least not right now. I think that as soon as I’m inside you our lives will be irrevocably changed, and we both have too much going on to let that happen — yet.

Katrina unwound her legs from around me and lay there still and quiet for a minute or two. Finally she answered me, her voice soft and hushed.

“And I’m supposed to be the smart one? Thinking about it, I can envision exactly what you said. I can see us becoming obsessed with each other to the exclusion of everything else, and I can see not wanting to ever be apart from you again. You know what else I just realized? All my good feelings and thoughts are centered on you now, and that can’t be healthy. So I’m going to let you run the show, since you seem to be the only one here whose brain works. But I’m really wound-up, Johnny, and I need some relief.”

That’s what I wanted to hear! I rolled off her and laid on my right side, with my mouth next to her ear. I started caressing her with my left hand.

“Relax and concentrate on my hand and voice,” I whispered. “No one will ever love you more than I do, Trina, all I’ll ever want is for you to be happy, to feel safe, and to feel loved.”

As I said that, I sent her the feelings I wanted her to have just as my hand reached her center. She gave a small gasp as my hand touched her treasure and her hips bumped up to gain more contact.

“Relax, sweetie. That’s all you have to do. Relax and enjoy what’s going to happen. Can you do that?” I asked.

“Yes,” she whispered tremulously.

My lips were right next to her ear so I started nibbling on her neck, working my way down her body. I stopped at her breasts and finally had the opportunity to get my lips on her longish nipples. Katrina’s nipples were sensitive and she obviously liked what I was doing as her hand came up and languidly rested on the back of my head.

“Bite them a little, Baby, they like that,” she said.

You know me, eager to please, so I took one between my teeth and nipped it firmly. She pressed my head harder against her breast so I bit down a little firmer.

“Exactly like that,” she sighed.

I switched from one boob to the other, giving them equal treatment before I headed further south. I kissed down her hard flat stomach and poked my tongue in her little ‘innie’ navel. Then continued my journey to the Promised Land. Katrina’s hot little sex had been throwing out pheromones for the last half hour. Now it was time to see if she tasted as good as she smelled.

I reached the juncture of her thighs and inhaled her earthy aroma then dipped my tongue into her neatly groomed slit. As soon as I tasted her I knew that, if given the chance, I was going to be spending some major quality time right there. I scrambled around on the bed until I was lying on my stomach between those long thighs, my mouth glued to her nether lips. Katrina had clearly hoped the evening would end up this way because I could smell the soap between her legs. She had obviously freshened herself up before getting ready for bed. To show her that I appreciated her hygienic endeavors, I dove into to her juicy little slit tongue first. Katrina hadn’t lied about being horny. She came almost as soon as my tongue touched her clit. When she didn’t push me away I stayed where I was and drove her towards another, slower climax, varying the stimulation to draw out her pleasure.

I guess it’s no secret by now that I love to go down on a woman. I know I don’t have a lot of experience, but so far every one that I’ve ever tasted was good or better. I guess if I had to rate Katrina’s it would be right behind Dee Dee Caldwell’s as the best I’d ever tasted.

Hmmm, maybe I could come up with a rating system for the different tastes of pussy. I could then write reviews like those wine taster guys: ‘Katrina had an unpretentious little pussy, fruity with a subtle, earthy bouquet that lingered on the nose. Yet the taste was surprising heady for a vintage so young. As one would expect, the taste was both sweet and tangy, as befitting a fruit plucked not quite at the height of ripeness.’

But I digress. I loved the way she tasted, forbidden fruit or not. And I loved the way she climaxed; she’d suck in a breath of air and hold it as she shuddered, her hips pumping against my face. Katrina’s flexibility allowed her to spread her legs into almost a complete split while keeping her feet planted on the bed so she could buck her hips. The though of being buried in her while she did that almost made me spurt into my shorts. After her fifth or sixth orgasm, she weakly pushed my head away and curled up on her side, breathing in big raspy gasps. I moved up behind her and covered us with the sheet. She pushed herself against me; when she caught her breath she sighed in contentment.

“Whoever taught you that has my undying gratitude,” she whispered.

“I outdid myself because you inspired me,” I replied.

“Poor baby, I know you are about to explode but I’m too wiped out to help you right now.”

“That’s all right, Trina, I’ll take a rain check. I can’t begin to tell you how much I enjoyed doing that for you.”

Katrina mumbled something and almost immediately fell asleep. I, on the other hand, lay there reliving the evening, Mighty Kong throbbing in my undies. Finally, knowing I’d never get to sleep in that state, I slipped into the bathroom and expunged about a billion sperm cells into the toilet. I reclaimed my place behind Katrina and joined her in dreamland.

I woke up first the next morning at around seven. I felt like a million dollars so I hopped out of bed and hit the shower. I was busy lathering up my hair when the shower door swung open and Katrina stepped under the cascading water. Her doing that was the culmination of my longest running fantasy. She gave me a smile and handed me the soap.

“You got me all sweaty and sticky so you get to clean me up,” she said.

I washed her as if I was polishing the Holy Grail, lovingly soaping every millimeter of her fabulous unblemished skin. When she was clean as a whistle I grabbed her tangerine scented shampoo and massaged a dollop into her fine blonde hair. When I finished with her, she returned the favor. I didn’t make a peep as she lathered up the Kongster and whacked him off. I was fine with her doing that because in the best Bill Clinton fashion, I didn’t believe masturbation constituted having sex. I figure that getting my cum on her was okay but getting it anywhere in her was a big no-no. Looking back on it, I had some strange ideas about what was what. For instance, I didn’t think me pleasing her orally was wrong but I wasn’t about to let the opposite happen. Yeah, I know, very weird, but it’s how I felt at the time so those were the rules I followed.

We were out of the shower and dressed by seven-thirty, fifteen minutes later Katrina had finished doing her hair and we were on our way to go skiing.

I was wearing jeans, a plaid flannel long sleeved shirt and a down vest that Papa had loaned me. Katrina had on this one-piece ski suit, or whatever you call it. It was red and silver, and on her tall slender form it was dead sexy. We motored to a local ski resort about forty-five minutes away. Katrina said it was kind of dinky compared to the ones further north but it was close and would be an excellent place for me to learn. To me, the slopes were huge and seemed to go straight up.

Katrina took us to the pro shop and geared us up. She rented everything except this cool ski cap she bought me. The hard plastic ski boots felt seriously weird on my feet but I clomped outside uncomplainingly. We sat on a bench outside the ski lodge as Katrina showed me how to adjust the bindings on the skis. Soon enough I was standing upright on the skis, proud as hell of myself. After a quick lesson on popping the bindings and adjusting the quick release tension she led me to the bunny slope and gave me some lessons. It took me about twenty minutes to master the snowplow and another twenty to figure out how to do some sort of rudimentary stem turn.

When I made two trips in a row down the slightly inclined slope without busting my ass, I told Katrina I was ready to try the regular slope. She looked at me dubiously and opined that I might want to practice more. I took that both as a challenge and an insult to my Polish machismo. Katrina relented when I insisted and soon we were on the chair lift heading to the top of the intermediate slope.

When the lift reached the top Katrina gracefully stepped off it. I, on the other hand, managed to do this incredibly embarrassing face plant right there in front of God and everybody. I tried to jump up but managed to get my skis all tangled up. I fell again just as two teenaged girls were unassing the next chair. They had nowhere to go and fell over me.

I was mortified and apologized profusely. The girls popped right up, of course, and accepted my apology good-naturedly. Katrina stopped laughing long enough to help me up so I wouldn’t end up tripping the next load of exiting skiers.

“Are you sure you are ready for this?” she asked.

I tried to give her a glowering look but all that did was crack her up even worse. So I turned and with all the dignity I could muster I eased over to the top of the slope. I cleaned the snow off my Ray Bans and with a defiant glance at Katrina, I pushed off with my poles. I concentrated on keeping my skis parallel, tucked myself up like I’d seen James Bond do in some movie, and rocketed down the hill. I was feeling pretty cocky as I shot down the slope; I even had to make a little turn to correct my course away from some trees. Just when I thought skiing was a piece of cake, I saw the bottom of the run coming up and I was doing about five hundred miles an hour.

‘No problem,’ I thought as I stood straighter, flexed my thighs, brought my knees together and started snowplowing. I started slowing immediately. Everything was great until the tips of my skis crossed. Suddenly, I pitched forward right out of my bindings and hit the packed snow like a ton of shit. My initial contact with the ground drove the breath from me with a whoof. I bounced, skidded and rolled right up to a flat, open area at the back of the ski lodge. About a zillion people standing around waiting for the chair lifts watched me crash and burn.

When I took off my snow encrusted sunglasses Katrina was looming over me looking worried.

“Are you hurt, baby,” she asked.

I climbed slowly to my feet as the crowd around me clapped and catcalled.

“Nice landing! The Russian Judge gave it a 9.7!” I heard someone yell.

I bowed towards the onlookers my face a crimson mask of embarrassment.

“Nothing hurt but my pride,” I mumbled.

One of the girls I’d tripped at the top of the lift brought over my skis. She handed them to me, and I muttered ‘thanks’ and walked stiffly toward the lift.

“Is he always that clumsy?” I heard her ask Katrina.

I didn’t hear Katrina’s reply as I snapped myself back onto my skis.

“Come on, Trina, I can only get better,” I called, my voice full of fake bravado.

I did get better. Next time down I wisely followed Katrina, turning when she did to keep my speed down below warp five. I became much better at the stem turn she taught me and actually began to enjoy the experience. Of course, following her, I could look at her ass in the snowsuit thingie she was wearing and that made everything better. We made a few more runs then took a break for lunch at the lodge. As we ate I told Katrina how much I liked skiing, especially when I stayed on the skis instead of my ass. She laughed and said I was doing really well.

We skied for a couple of more hours after lunch. On our last run I challenged her to a race to the bottom of the hill. She beat me handily but at least I didn’t cream into anyone or anything during my out of control decent down the hill. We left shortly after five and headed back to Colorado Springs, as I sat in the car I started noticing little aches and pains cropping up all over my body. I figured a good hot shower and some barbeque would solve all that. Yeah, all that skiing and fresh air had made me hungry and Katrina promised to take me to an all you could eat BBQ joint that night.

Back in our room it seemed only natural that we shower together. I soaped her, she soaped me, and everything was copasetic until she started lathering up Mister Kong. She smoothly stroked him until he was as hard as a woodpecker’s lips then with an evil glint in her eyes she let him go.

“I’m hungry Johnny, so let’s hurry up and get ready,” she chirped, as she hopped out of the shower.

We made it to Fat Maxx’s Barbeque Pit a few minutes before seven. The place was packed so we had to wait twenty minutes for a table. My stomach rumbled the entire time as I sat there surrounded by the aroma of smoldering meat. We finally heard our names being called, just as I was about to keel over from starvation. We both ordered the all you could eat, $10.99 special. The waitress brought our drinks and we sauntered up to the buffet. Katrina grabbed a plate and started picking around in the rabbit food section. I passed up all that tripe and headed straight to the meat. I was working on my third big plate, this time it was beef ribs in some sort of semi-hot sauce, when the waitress stopped by.

“Your man has a healthy appetite, don’t he, honey?” she asked Katrina.

Katrina gave the woman a wink and said in an exaggerated drawl, “Yes, Ma’am, he sure does. I’m gonna have to work him hard tonight so he don’t get fat on me.”

The woman hooted and slapped me on the back. “In that case you better eat up, Cowboy, this girl looks like she has plans for you.”

I blushed and ducked my head as I nodded. My crimson glow caused another round of tittering.

Despite Katrina’s boasting at Fat Maxx’s, all either of us had the energy for was a little television and some snuggling under the covers.

And so our week flew by. We spent every possible moment together and I had the opportunity to do things I’d only read about before. We spent a day at the Garden of the Gods, walking hand in hand among the rock formations. For a boy from Florida where our only rocks are coquina, I was awed. I was also amazed that the place was a city park. Old Jethro would have loved it. We ate lunch in the park’s café and I shopped for trinkets for friends and family in the gift shop. Katrina gave me a ration of shit because I had so many women to buy for but she loved the dangly turquoise earrings I snagged for her.

I also saw my first live rodeo and strangely enough, all the participants were high school students. The rodeo was put on by a local high school and was a competitive event between high schools just like football and baseball. After watching the bull riding I decided that you needed some seriously big nads to voluntarily climb on the back of one of those ill-natured critters.

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