Johnny Pulaski - Cover

Johnny Pulaski

Copyright© 2023 by Joe J

Chapter 30

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 30 - Johnny Pulaski was a late bloomer. He was short and scrawny until the summer after ninth grade. He was small enough that even his older sister called him runt. Then puberty struck, he hit a growth spurt and he discovered the real reason that people – especially girls – liked him. Johnny's young life had all the usual ups and downs, he was just a normal teenage boy after all … or was he?

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction  

Katrina finally made it home on leave on the fourth of August, just a couple of weeks before school started for us. She had three weeks of leave before classes resumed for her. I expected things to be awkward between Katrina and my girlfriends, at least at first. Also, I thought that since we were at home, Trina would sleep in her own bed because of the proximity of our parents. I guess that’s why I wasn’t paid for thinking because neither thing happened that way.

The twins, Cindi and I picked up Katrina at Patrick Air Force Base. She had flown ‘space available’ on one of those big honking Air Force cargo planes. The very first thing I noticed was her sassy pixie haircut. I mentioned it while we were hugging at what passed as a terminal at Patrick. Katrina explained that the short hairdo made life easier because she spent much less time grooming it. I had the opportunity to say hello to Trina, get a hug and that was it. My girlfriends took over as they bonded with my sister. Nina had loaned me her silver Mercedes, so I was feeling sort of pimpish squiring around my honeys. We loaded up Katrina’s bags in the Benz’s trunk then headed back up I-95 toward Palmdale.

By the time we arrived at Nina’s, the girls had made plans to take Katrina shopping with them the next morning. The shopping trip was for last minute school clothes. Cindi had been advising the twins on what to wear so they would fit in without overdoing it. The twins discovered that by dressing differently from each other they had twice the wardrobe to choose from, I guess when you are a teenaged girl that’s a big deal.

I took Katrina home where our parents and grandparents were waiting for her. We went to Olga’s for a very nice supper. I was in high favor with Aunt Olga after my date with Tonya. Olga hugged me tight enough to bend me like a pretzel and bragged on me anytime she passed our table. She and Nana went on and on about what a handsome couple Tonya and I made. I think if I had been unattached at the time that they would have started planning our wedding right there. Katrina took it all in and gave me a wry grin. When our parents and grandparents were yakking with Olga, Katrina leaned towards me.

“You are a busy young man, brother mine,” she commented.

I returned her grin as I replied, “Not with Tonya. I’ll tell you about her later.”

Katrina nodded and we joined back into the general conversation at the table. It was a very nice evening that continued at our house. My grandparents left at eleven. Mom and Dad went to bed shortly after. Katrina headed upstairs to take a shower before hitting the rack so I decided to go to bed, too. I was under the covers almost asleep when Katrina slipped into bed with me. She was wearing a t-back and a thin, tight t-shirt. She might as well have been naked when she snuggled up against me.

“This is dangerous, Trina. What if Mom or Dad come up here?” I whispered.

I felt her shrug. “They won’t, and even if they did, all I could tell them is you won’t make love to me, no matter how badly I want you to.”

I had to chuckle about that and pulled her tighter against me. She sighed and told me she loved me. I kissed her behind the ear and told her the same thing.

I woke up to feeling wonderful for some reason. As my foggy mind cleared, I figured out why. I was wrapped around Katrina, her breast in my hand, my hard dick between her thighs, I was a half inch from heaven and wonder of wonders, I wasn’t freaked out by it. Katrina was awake also, I could tell by the way she was breathing.

“This feels good, Trina,” I said as I flexed Kong.

“It feels real good, Johnny. Better be glad you woke up. I was ten seconds from slipping onto you.”

She pushed her hips back against me to demonstrate. I could feel her hot wetness on Kong’s hard assed head. For some reason, this morning I didn’t flinch away from the contact. In fact, I pushed forward a little. Katrina sighed as Kong slipped by her opening and rode over her clit. Would it be so bad if I did what we both wanted me to do? I mean really, what would it hurt except some societal taboo? I drew back a little. Katrina reached down and gently stroked Kong. I held still, not even breathing as her feather light touch traced my throbbing erection down to my balls. She sighed again and moved away from me.

“As good as this would be Bro, our first time isn’t going to happen like this. When we do make love, you are going to have to seduce me and spend the night making me happy. Anything else would make it cheap and tawdry.”

I acknowledged the correctness of what she said, and scrambled out of the bed to empty my suddenly protesting bladder. When I returned she took my place in the bathroom, I admired her spectacular butt as she pranced away from the bed. When she returned I was leaning back against the headboard thinking. Katrina climbed on the bed and laid her head on my shoulder.

“Don’t worry, I won’t try to steal you from your girlfriends,” she said, misconstruing my thoughtful look for a frown.

“You’ve got that all wrong!” I said with some heat. “I made sure they knew how I felt about you from the minute we talked about commitments. I told them you were as important to me as... oof!

That’s all I got out before she hurled herself on top of me.

“You told them you loved me that way?” she asked as she rained kisses on my face.

“I told them I loved you,” I confirmed, “and I told them that however we ended up, you would always be in my life and in my heart.”

You know I was just being honest with Katrina by letting her know that she would always be special to me. I mean, after all, we had a tie that superseded a sibling relationship. We were genetically engineered to fit together perfectly. My admission of what I thought was obvious triggered something in Katrina that ratcheted our relationship up a couple of notches. I didn’t know that my girlfriends were going to take up Katrina’s cause, but you know how I feel about things they decide are in my best interests.

It was Saturday morning and I had football practice at eight in the morning, so I hustled out the door after giving Katrina and Mom a kiss on the cheek. Today was team assignment day, the day when Coach Boyette announced his tentative starting offense and defense. Come Monday we would start practicing as a unit. I’d had a good week so I figured I was all set as starting strong side linebacker and number two tight end. The second tight end was in about a third of the offensive plays that we ran.

We players filed into the bleachers after a short conditioning practice. Coach Boyette and his assistants stood in front of us flanked by boxes of brand new maroon and white jerseys. One of the assistants would pull out a jersey and show the number to Coach Boyette. Coach would check his clipboard and announce player and position. It was an excellent way to psyche us all up. I clapped and cheered along with the rest of the team as the jerseys were distributed. Then the assistant coach pulled number fifty out of the box.

“Number fifty, starting middle linebacker and defensive captain,” he paused for dramatic effect, “That would be you, Pulaski. You are also weak side tight end and Special Teams Captain, think you can handle all that?”

I gulped and nodded. I was blown away.

When the girls returned from their shopping trip they went to the Nina’s with their loot. They called me and I hustled over there with my bathing suit and my good news. I was elated that the coach thought enough of my abilities and slightly worried that his trust might be misplaced. It was a large responsibility directing the defense on the field, even with the coaching staff signaling formations and coverage. My sweeties and Katrina thought it was great and endorsed Coach Boyette’s decision. Cindi and the twins, in their typical gonzo fashion, had been studying football as if it were a school subject. They wanted to know what they were watching when they came to my games.

I had a great time at Nina’s as the girls vamped it up showing me what they bought at the mall. I was extremely happy by the way the other women included Katrina and by how Katrina joined in so naturally. It was a hot, sticky, sultry day so after oohing and ahing over how good they looked in their new clothes we decided to hit the pool. I changed into my red flowered Jams surfing trunks in the pool bath and dove in the water. I was floating on my back looking at the clouds when someone cleared their throat. I righted myself, turned towards the voice and almost drowned. The girls were tittering as I coughed up some of the water I had almost breathed.

“I guess we don’t have to ask if you like,” Ellen said.

I nodded my head in answer. Oh, yes! I liked! All four girls were in very brief bikinis. All their suits together didn’t have enough material to make half of my swim shorts. Then they tried to get me to inhale more water by turning around to show me the suits were even smaller in the rear. Man what a display! They had four of the nicest asses I’ve ever seen; and, being an ass man, I was in heaven. They started to turn around again but I told them not to move as I etched the sight of them in my brain. Because they were standing side by side I could do some comparing. Katrina was the biggest woman of the four and her ass was slightly bigger and more muscular. Cindi’s was heart shaped and baby smooth, while the twins were more slender hipped with cute little bubble butts.

I climbed out of the pool and joined them, helping them situate the reclining lounge chairs. I was pressed into service slathering SPF-50 sun block on Elaine while Cindi and Ellen coated Katrina in Hawaiian Tropic tanning oil. I was confused at the almost reverent way Ellen was in applying the oil to my sister. Ellen looked as if she was memorizing my sister’s body as she sensuously ran her hands over Katrina’s legs as Cindi squeezed on the oil. Then Cindi dropped all pretenses of helping and joined Elaine and me. She pushed her chair up next to Elaine’s and flopped down on her stomach.

“Me next,” she said.

I told her it would be my pleasure then glanced back at Ellen and Katrina. Ellen was now sitting lightly on Katrina’s butt as she smoothed oil onto her shoulders. Elaine was watching them too. She pulled my head down and whispered in my ear.

“Ellen is gaga over your sister. She says Katrina makes her feel weak in the knees. I think something happened in the dressing room at Belks.”

I nodded, never taking my eyes off Ellen and Katrina. For their part, they were oblivious to our presence. One thing I was mostly certain of, was that Ellen was rubbing the right person if she wanted to be dominated. My sister was a force of nature. But then again so was Ellen. I watched them with undisguised interest. Katrina was no dummy. She quickly figured out that Ellen’s touches were more than needed to apply the oil.

“Put some on my ass,” she directed, “so you don’t stick to me.”

Ellen quickly complied. She slid down Katrina’s legs and started massaging the oil onto her butt cheeks.

“You have a gorgeous ass, Katrina, it’s so muscular.”

“Thank you, uhmmm, that feels nice, don’t stop,” Katrina replied.

It didn’t appear that Ellen had any intention of stopping but she gave Katrina, a firm, “Yes, Ma’am!” anyway.

Katrina glanced our way and winked as Elaine and I gawked. Cindi was facing away from Katrina and Ellen as Elaine and I coated her in sunscreen. I think that Miss Ellen had just met her match. The role-playing Elaine had hinted at didn’t upset me. My experience with Caroline and Amanda had cured that. Besides, Cindi and I had that little kink going for us also. Cindi loved me to spank and play with her ass when we were alone, and we were diligently working on loosening her up enough for me to get her last cherry.

Once Katrina was oiled up and slippery as an eel she swapped places with Ellen and started putting the thick sunscreen on the redheaded twin. Katrina took serious liberties with Ellen’s nubile young body as she applied the lotion. As she was applying oil on Ellen’s back, Katrina unfastened Ellen’s bra.

“Take this off so I can get everywhere,” Katrina ordered.

“Okay,” Ellen squeaked as she sat up and shed her top.

Katrina made sure Ellen was well and truly coated front and back then pulled the twin to her feet and led her to the pool. They walked around to the deep end, and into the water via the ladder. Katrina pushed Ellen against the side of the pool and put the younger girl in what looked like a serious lip lock. Ellen threw her arms around my sister’s neck and kissed her back. They stayed in the pool about fifteen minutes while Elaine, Cindi and I talked about the upcoming school year. Just as the three of us went to join them they emerged from the water.

“We’ll be back out in a few minutes, Ellen needs to get out of the sun for a while,” Katrina said as they ducked through the French doors.

Ellen was topless and wild eyed as Katrina led her into the house.

Cindi and Elaine smirked and exchanged high fives as soon as Katrina and Ellen were out of sight.

“I’d sure like to be a fly on the wall in there,” Cindi giggled.

“I’ll say. Ellen is about to find out which side of bi she likes best,” Elaine retorted.

Then they both turned to me.

“Honey, your sister is one of us, no doubt about it. Her being one of us is good for her and won’t interfere with her life at the academy. What it will do, is end the uncertainty for her. She’ll know we are here for her if that’s what she wants.”

I couldn’t disagree with anything she said even if I wanted to.

The three of us splashed around in the pool for another twenty minutes before Katrina and Ellen reemerged from the house. I swear, Katrina was striding along as if she were some Amazon Goddess while a dazed looking Ellen clung to her hand. Damn, they looked as hot as Xena and that little chick that followed her around! Katrina settled onto one of the loungers face up, whipped off her top and handed Ellen the oil. Ellen reverently started rubbing the coconut-scented oil onto my sister’s firm breasts.

We went home at four, having made a group date for later that evening.

That evening Katrina and I took the girls to the movies. My sister was wearing jeans, a Metallica t-shirt with an unbuttoned plaid shirt over it, and my baseball cap with her ponytail threaded through the back opening. For some reason her chest looked smaller and looked like a sort of hot tomboy. It was a strange look for her so I knew something was up. I started to ask her about it but decided against it. Whatever happened tonight would be at least entertaining I figured.

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