A Golfer's Dream: Book I - The Dream Begins - Cover

A Golfer's Dream: Book I - The Dream Begins

Copyright© 2003 by TheCaddy

Chapter 22: Rough Times

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 22: Rough Times - The life course, fantasy adventures, and growing-up experiences of a young Canadian golfer who strives to master the fairways and greens while exploring the fair ways of the stimulating, lusty women and green girls who stir his mind and teenage body into overdrive. This story details how he tees off his love life, gets over some rough times, and scores on the local and regional scenes as he overcomes the twin teen terrors of intimacy and rejection.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Romantic   BiSexual   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   Daughter   InLaws   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Slow  

Dave woke at six-thirty and went to Tim's. He spent a half hour getting focused on his golf and when he walked out the front door he felt ready. On the way back he saw the same pretty girl walking towards him. This time he slowed down and said, "Hello, beautiful day isn't it?"

She smiled brightly and in a very distinctive British accent said, "Yes, it is simply lovely." With her accent, it came drawn out as "luuvvly."

Dave continued walking and finished with, "Have a great day."

He heard a 'You as well' reply and kept walking.

The morning shower felt great, as did the large breakfast and leisurely van ride to the golf course. A kind of routine was forming for the gold tournament days. Dave was incredibly happy. His and John's good moods were very obvious; one of the coaches even pulled Dave aside as they arrived at the golf course and asked, "Are you two behaving? You both know we have strict rules against alcohol and partying stuff."

Dave just smiled back and replied, "I promise you, we are not drinking or partying; but we are definitely having a great time."

The coach looked at Dave seriously, "Make sure you stay out of trouble. You have an incredible career ahead of you. Be careful."

Dave smiled, "I will; I promise."

Dave had an earlier tee time today, he only had enough time to hit balls for twenty minutes and putt for thirty minutes.

He walked onto the first tee as a confident contender. There was no wind today and, even though it was cloudy, there was no rain in the forecast -- so Dave expected there to be some low scores.

With no wind in his face on the first tee, Dave hit his three wood. He ended up safe in the fairway -- but well outside the one-hundred and fifty yard markers. Dave had to hit a six iron for his second shot to the first green. He then two-putted from fifteen feet for a good opening par.

Dave played the second hole conservatively as well by hitting his three wood short of the creek then hitting an iron to the hundred yard marker. His third shot, a sand wedge, was perfect and he rolled in a three-foot birdie putt. Dave rolled through the rest of the front nine with two more birdies and five pars. He started the back with a bogey but finished with three more birdies and five pars for a sixty-seven.

The coaches were ecstatic when Dave told them his score. Their excited talk got Dave so wound up that one of the coaches finally put a hand on his shoulder and said, "Dave, we're sorry we got you so wound up. You are usually so calm and cool we forget you are only fifteen. You have to relax. Go to the practice range and hit some balls. I know you want to see John finish, so I will come get you when I see the group in front of John finish, okay. Great round; but you have two more to play."

Dave nodded understandingly. He knew he had to relax but first he wanted to call his family. Dave looked at his watch - three o'clock here; seven o'clock on QAI. He pulled out the cell phone and dialed the number. His father answered. Before Roger could say hello, Dave said, "Sixty-seven! Sixty-seven! SIXTY-SEVEN!"

Roger yelled, "Sixty-seven, he shot sixty-seven!" Then turning his attention back to the phone he said, "Congratulations, Dave that's awesome. Tell me about your round."

Dave went through every hole, shot by shot. After the long thirty minute discussion, Dave had actually calmed down quite a bit. Dave heard Roger say, "Hold on, your Mom wants to say hi."

Carol's soft voice came on the line, "Great round, dear. Make sure you eat well and get lots of rest we're cheering for you."

Dave thanked her and promised to eat well before he said goodbye. As he finished the call, the battery warning icon came on; it had been a long chat but a good one.

Dave flipped the phone closed and then headed for the practice range. He didn't really work on anything; he just hit balls for a distraction. Each player from his team came over and congratulated him as they finished their rounds. Randy had shot a very impressive seventy and was in good shape to make the top sixty players but was already six strokes behind Dave and possibly more if anyone finished ahead of Dave. Even Harvey came over and congratulated Dave. Dave was surprised but thanked him and shook his hand. Harvey had a good round as well with a seventy-two so their team score was really good.

The coach finally came over to Dave to tell him John was on the last tee. Dave walked to the back of the eighteenth green and joined the gathered crowd of players, coaches, and parents.

Dave could see John in the fairway just inside the one hundred and fifty yard marker on the left side of the fairway. John settled over his ball and hit a perfect shot right at the pin. It ended up four feet from the hole and Dave joined the appreciative clapping crowd.

Dave watched John walk up the fairway and couldn't believe the determined look on his face. After the other three players took their turns, John finally settled over the ball and knocked it right into the heart of the hole. John did a high hand pump before he removed the ball from the hole. The last player in his group sank his two-foot putt. After the four golfers shook each other's hands and signed their cards, John walked over to Dave. Dave asked, "How did you do?"

John smiled and replied, "Even par."

Dave held up his hand for a high five and as their two hands met Dave said, "That's excellent, John. Great round."

John looked at Dave, "How did you do?"

Dave smiled, "Unbelievable, I shot sixty-seven."

John jumped up and down, "That's awesome! Are you leading?"

Dave replied, "I don't know; I haven't seen the leaderboard."

John put his arm around Dave and said, "Let's go look."

As they neared the leaderboard, they saw a huge crowd standing around it. Dave and John worked their way through the crowd. A familiar face was pushing his way back out of the crowd and Dave immediately recognized Jordan from Royal Oaks. Jordan smiled at Dave, "Congratulations, Dave. You obviously got your putter working. Keep it going and bring the title back to the Maritimes."

Dave replied, "Thanks, Jordan. How did you do?"

Jordan replied, "I made the cut, but I'm seven strokes behind the leader. You never know though - we'll see what tomorrow brings."

Dave quickly understood that Jordan said seven strokes behind the leader and not behind Dave, so he wasn't leading. Dave was actually happy not to be leading because that would put extra pressure on him. He liked the idea of chasing the leader but hoped he wasn't too far back.

Dave could finally see the leaderboard. His name was second from the top at minus eight. The leader was at minus nine but it wasn't the golfer from Ontario. He had shot sixty-nine and was tied with Dave. His name was right below Dave's only because Dave had finished his round first. There was only one player at one shot behind them, two players two shots behind and then four players three shots behind.

Dave looked at the leaderboard and thought, "I'm only one behind but there are a bunch of wolves on my tail -- so I better stay focused or I could drop off the leaderboard in a heartbeat."

The van ride back to the hotel was filled with celebration as the team had finished better than ever before with a fourth place standing. The coaches congratulated the golfers that didn't make the cut and wished Dave and Randy all the best in the final two rounds.

As soon as the team supper was finished, Dave and John were headed for the front door. When Harvey and Tim asked where they were going, John smiled and replied, "We have some girls to go meet."

Harvey looked at Dave seriously, "Jesus, MacDonald, how do you find these women?"

Dave just smiled and replied, "It's just dumb luck. John found these ones. Ask him."

Harvey looked at John questioningly but John just shrugged and said, "I don't know, dude!"

The two friends walked out the door and went directly to the park. When they walked up to the girls Dave immediately noticed that they were dressed the same again but this time all wearing pink tee-shirts and pink shorts. Dave finally had to ask, "Why do you three always dress the same?"

Lynn laughed, "It started with Kim and me in elementary school. Because we were both Asian in a mainly white school, all the kids asked us if we were twins. You know the old line about they all look alike. At first we kept saying no; but, finally, after a month of non-stop questions, we decided to start saying yes. Shortly after we agreed to buy our clothes together and were almost always dressed alike. Tina became our friend in junior high and wanted to join the little dress-up club. By the time we finished high school, there were eight of us that dressed the same everyday. All the others went to different colleges and universities but we three stayed together."

Dave and John smiled at them and shook their heads as they chuckled. Lynn then leaned into Dave and whispered in his ear. "Until today we have done everything together. Tina and I figure we have thirty minutes to convince you to fuck us tonight or, for the first time, Kim will be going solo -- with John." She then started to rub Dave's soft prick through his shorts. "Do we have any chance of changing your mind?"

Dave gently pushed her hand away, "I can't believe I'm saying this; but, no you have no chance. Sorry to break up your little party; but I won't make the same mistake twice."

Lynn smiled and said, "We'll see."

For the next thirty minutes Tina and Lynn did everything they could to convince Dave -- but he wouldn't break. Lynn went so far as to pull Dave's hand up under her pink shirt and rub her bare breast against his palm. Her hard nipple was drilling a hole in his hand -- but Dave wouldn't waver. When Dave took his hand out of her shirt, she lifted the shirt and showed Dave her two beautiful little mounds with the cutest dark brown nipples Dave had ever seen. Dave's cock was rock hard; since he was at the edge, he again jumped up and said, "Time for Tim's."

Lynn looked at the huge bulge in his shorts and licked her lips. "That looks so tasty. Bill Clinton says that blowjobs aren't sex; do you believe in American politics?"

Dave laughed, "Nice try, Lynn; but we are in Canada and I don't think Jean Chrétien knows what a blowjob or a French flute is."

Lynn and Tina both laughed as they stood up for the trip to the coffee shop.

John and Kim followed them to the street; but, instead of going right to Tim's they turned the other way towards the hotel. Dave called to John then walked back to him. "We will stay at Tim's for an hour, then we'll kill another half hour in the hotel video arcade -- but after that I need sleep. Deal?"

John nodded as he looked at his watch.

Dave had a good time with Lynn and Tina and the sexual teasing finally stopped. Dave enjoyed the teasing but it was taking a lot of mental effort to control himself with two gorgeous women rubbing their firm bodies against him.

The walk to the hotel was relaxing and, as Dave entered the video arcade, four of his teammates were playing games. Harvey and Tim looked at Dave and just shook their heads in wonder. Kenny and Daniel looked at Dave and the girls questioningly before Tim walked over to them and gave them all the hot details.

Lynn was enjoying the attention and was soon back to her teasing way. She was rubbing her body all over Dave and kept whispering loud enough for the other four to hear, "Please, Dave. Take Tina and me upstairs and fuck us. We really need to feel your big cock inside us. Pleeeeezzzzzeeee."

Dave peeked over at his four teammates. They were staring at him open-mouthed and shaking their heads. After about ten more minutes of non-stop torture, Dave finally turned and said, "All right, let's go."

Lynn's face lit up like a Christmas tree and she jumped into his arms. Dave walked out of the arcade with Tina and Lynn in tow; but, as soon as he reached the elevators, he turned away and actually walked out the front door. They quietly followed him outside where he turned to Lynn and said, "Jesus, Lynn, the guys will think I'm a fag if I turn the both of you down. I'd love to take you two upstairs and fuck and suck you to death but I can't. I promised I wouldn't cheat ever again and I won't. Please, please, please try to understand how I feel." Dave was almost in tears he was so upset.

Lynn and Tina both cuddled into Dave as Lynn whispered, "I'm sorry Dave. You are truly special. I didn't expect you to take us upstairs - I was mostly just having fun with your friends. I'm really sorry and promise I won't tease you again." She moved away from Dave and Tina followed her lead.

Dave smiled at both of them. "You have no idea how much I want to take both of you upstairs. No clue! I enjoy the teasing almost as much as you do - as long as you understand that's all it can be. I just don't want to hurt your feelings either."

Both girls leaned into Dave and kissed him on the cheek, Tina spoke softly for one of the few times she was spokesman, "Dave, you are really sweet. We would both love to be with you -- but we understand and appreciate your honesty. We just hope Jennifer wakes up and smells the coffee because she's pushing a very special guy away." Tina then kissed Dave tenderly on the lips.

A familiar voice said hello - Kim had walked out of the hotel with a huge smile on her face.

Dave waved goodbye to the girls and rushed up to his room. John was laid out on his bed as if he had been to war. There was an un-erasable big smile on his face and all he could say was "Incredible."

Dave went into the bathroom. After masturbating to the images of Lynn's beautiful breasts, he crawled into bed. He was tired and horny -- golf was barely an after-thought as he fell asleep again thinking of two Japanese girls tying him up and raping him. His final thought as he slipped into sleep was 'Hard to rape the willing.'

Dave's morning ritual in BC had become almost as normal as his ritual on QAI. He was walking back from Tim's when, as usual, he spotted the British girl. This time he smiled, "Hello again. It's a great day."

She smiled back, "It certainly is."

Breakfast was filled with talk about Dave and the two girls he was with the day before. Dave was smiling and enjoying the envious attention until he started to get dirty looks from the coaches. After breakfast, one coach pulled him aside, "What is this we hear about you and two Asian girls last night, Dave? I warned you yesterday and you promised me."

Dave smiled back knowing he was innocent, "Coach, I met these two girls in the park and they wanted to play some video games, so they came into the hotel with me. To tell you the truth they would have gone to my room with me if I wanted but I have a girlfriend at home. The girls knew that four of my teammates were in the arcade and they decided to tease them by openly teasing me. I swear I didn't break my promise. I didn't sleep with those two girls."

He replied, "All right, Dave. I trust you -- but I will also be keeping an eye on you."

Dave nodded understandingly.

The van ride to the golf course passed quickly. There were a lot fewer golfers playing today; so all tee times started a little later. Dave had two hours to prepare before he teed off. He split the time evenly between hitting balls and putting. John left Dave alone to practice.

When Dave was finally called to the first tee, he was in the last group of the day - the leaders' group. He had decided not to follow the score of the other two golfers in his group today. He wanted to focus on his game and, as long as he played well, he would be able to catch them tomorrow if they were still ahead of him.

Dave's stomach had felt fine through breakfast; but for the last hour he had been feeling queasy. He first assumed it was just butterflies but they felt more like big fluttering pigeons. Dave remembered about hearing in the hockey dressing room how a lot of goalies would throw up before each game because of their nerves. He had always thought that was stupid and impossible. But right now he knew what the goalies felt like - he could easily throw up right now.

Dave walked to the first tee where a large crowd was watching the golfers tee off. Most of the golfers that had missed the cut and most of the coaches were standing around the tee. Dave was concentrating on his game. The prevailing wind was blowing gently in his face on the first hole so Dave decided to hit driver again.

He received his scorecard and traded it with the Ontario player. In golf, you never mark your own score but instead mark the score of an opposing player. Dave didn't want to be marking the leader's score because that might cause him to focus on the leader's score and not his own score. The Ontario player next exchanged with the second round leader which meant the leader would have Dave's card.

The Ontario golfer teed off first, and hit a good drive past the trees on the left side of the fairway. Dave walked onto the tee and pushed his tee into the ground. He moved several yards behind his ball and worked through his normal pre-shot ritual. He finally settled over his ball and aimed down the right side of the fairway as he had in the first round. He pushed the thoughts of his churning stomach out of his head and made a smooth, full swing. He hit the ball perfectly and the ball launched off the wooden peg and down the fairway.

Dave watched his ball bounce, then roll to a stop as he heard the applauding of the appreciative crowd. Dave smiled to himself and he thought, "I couldn't walk down the fairway with my ball in my hand and drop it in a better spot." It ended up just yards short of the rough in front of Morgan Creek.

The leader hit a good drive in the middle but well behind Dave's huge drive. The three golfers walked down the fairway and Dave was surprised to see most of the crowd follow them toward the first green. Then he realized his three-some was the final group and a tournament crowd would always want to see them in action. Dave had never played in front of a big crowd before but was focused on his game and hoped he could limit the distraction and any impact on his game.

Both the Ontario golfer and the leader put their second shots on the green; the closer was the Ontario player - ten-feet from the hole. Dave only had one-hundred yards to the pin so he hit his sand wedge. The ball landed six feet past the hole and sucked back below the hole to leave him a short two-foot birdie putt.

Both the other players made par before Dave knocked his short birdie putt dead middle. After the solid first hole, the pigeons and butterflies had flown away; Dave was pumped up and focused. The rest of the round was a blur as Dave hit good shot after good shot and good putt after good putt.

When the group reached the final hole, Dave was an unbelievable seven under par. He had honors as he had had most of the day. He hit another huge drive down the middle and his ball finished just inside the one-hundred yard marker. The other golfers hit and the three walked down the last fairway.

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