Shawn - Cover


Copyright© 2005 by John Wales

Chapter 21

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 21 - Shawn was a very curious lad. The double helix that controlled his growth was unlike anybody before. Perhaps at some time in the future a person like him will be born.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Fiction   Harem   Slow  

After the meal we went into a room downstairs and had my talk. He learned both the good and the bad of what I thought of him. I could accuse him of being stupid but he did not have the same type of mind that I did. He was feeling his way and stumbled many times. He wanted whites out of his country and out of Africa too. I had to play the devil's advocate and explain how whites were needed. It was late and we had not finished. I was given a room and a chance to talk tomorrow.

When the house was quiet a soft set of foot steps came across the hall and opened the door. It closed then the same steps came to the bed. "Shawn, are you awake?"

"Yes I am Dimuna. Come into bed with me if that is what you want." She was shocked that I was awake, knew her in the dark and also that I knew her intentions. She slid into bed and her hands found my body unclothed. Her fingers slid down and found a small but hard rod. She got back up and took off her robe and slid naked into bed with me.

She played the aggressor and found my mouth and then she kissed down my chest to the place she had heard so much about. She found no hair. This was odd because all the times she found men they had hair there, even her mother had hair between her legs. The thrill was even better because she would not have to put up with the sensation. Her mouth kissed around my pole and then she could not take it any more and she sucked me into her mouth and moaned that she finally got what she always wanted.

Her thoughts told me of the smell, texture and taste that she found. Her tongue started to move as if it could increase the sensations running through her. I moved my hips to let her know that I appreciated the effort but left her to her quest. Saliva was leaking beside my scrotum and to my anus with the amount of work she was doing. I felt the special feeling that I had not felt for over a year and shook and moaned softly. Dimuna almost accompanied me but she had needed a bit more stimulus.

I pulled her up to me and kissed her trembling lips. She was so excited now that she didn't know what to do but I did. I laid her on her back and placed a second pillow into her hands. I slid down the bed and down her body as well. I kissed her neck and licked under her ears. She almost had her orgasm then but I pulled away just in time. I worked on her chest and kissed around her breasts making smaller and smaller paths till I had her small dark nipples in my mouth.

She let go of the pillow and grabbed me to hold me in place but I took her hands instead and held them on the bed as I followed the same tortuous route on her other breast before pulling back again.

"Ohhh noooo came faintly from her lips."

I released her hands and started to lick and suck further down. My hand found her lightly covered mound that was just beginning to produce fine hair. My lips finally found the same place she had worked on me. I licked the area and her legs spread wide in acceptance. I shifted position to get between her two dark legs and elevated her pelvis to my lips. Her strong black hands held my head as her fingers tightly held my thick hair.

I licked slowly and eventually reached the little bud. I teased it for only a few seconds before her hands forced me to take it fully. My hand snaked up and when coated with her lubricant worked into her opening as I sucked harder on her centre of being. She had a sudden convulsive movement and pulled my hair unmercifully as if trying to force me into her. I continued to stroke her with my finger as I sucked lovingly on her small clit.

As her body relaxed I was able to remove her fingers and I climbed onto her. My penis making contact with her clit and vagina as I made slow movements. Her hands came around me and I said, "Dimuna, do you want me to go to the next step? I can give you no promises for I cannot stay here. We can make love but I will have to go."

"Oh I need you now. Make me a woman."

I bent down to kiss her as my member forcefully shot into her tight canal. The pain was minimal because I was not large. When she recovered I started to move slowly until I had to muffle her screams of ecstasy. An hour later I worked into her other opening with the same result and she shook hard in sympathy with me. We rested a bit then went back to making more love.

Before six o'clock Chessa got up to use the washroom and looked in her daughter's room to find it empty. She came across the hall and pushed my door open to see me holding her daughter in sleep. The serious look I gave her stopped her dead.

"Before you begin, remember what I said about protecting me? She was bound to find someone sooner or later and I was very gentle - something most women never find. She will not have my child for I do not have the seed. She is now content and will make a man happy one day as his mate."

She was going to say something and I interrupted, "Come in and close the door Chessa." She did as I asked.

"Why did you do this to my baby?" She asked.

"She came to me in the night. Her body grew like her mother's. Tell me Chessa how you found out about love. You must have been younger than your daughter. You were in love and the boy just pushed his cock into you and left. He only returned when he needed relief. You still loved him though."

"Yes, oh yes, how did you know?"

"You are sensitive woman and you would have tried even sooner if the chance came. You were no different from your daughter." I pulled Dimuna's arm back and then the sheet. "She is as you were at this age. Her body screams for release. Now is the first time she has slept since I put her to sleep yesterday afternoon. She is the same as you. Do not blame her for the way she is."

Chessa thought a lot and saw that I was right. At least I was not her brother to take her gift and I had treated Dimuna much better than she herself had been treated. The woman went out still running the thoughts through her head and when she went back to bed she worked on her husband then mounted him in his sleep. For the next hour there was a lot of noise coming form their room.

I got up and showered then went downstairs and started to make breakfast. There were two guards sitting at the table and I had them clean up and get the dishes. I found the large griddle and after preparing it started making crêpes. The other men came in and ate as I made strong coffee. I found preserves and they went onto and into the crêpes. The biscuits were rising in the oven and the smell was permeating the house.

When Mobutu came down the men quickly got to their feet. I said, "Please leave them alone and sit down General." He did as I'd asked so I poured coffee and then put a plate before him with preserves in front of him. The biscuits were done and I threw three to land on his plate as if guided there by invisible hands. The guards got the same and were startled by the accuracy.

Chessa came down later after fixing herself up. I sat her down in the last available chair and served her like a French waiter even to the language I spoke. They did not have French roast coffee but I made a substitute in the oven and pulverized the black beans and made a thick dark coffee. There was lots and everybody got some. I made some for me and put the sugar in and stirred it. Chessa was served with crêpes and biscuits as I continued in a language none of them knew.

By the time I was done, more plates were given to the already stuffed guards as they left to share with the others. I sat and sipped my coffee and ate some of the biscuits.

"Thank you for preparing the meal Mr. Boz. It was different from our usual one, but still good."

"You are welcome General. Shall we continue with the conversation we started yesterday?"

We again went to the office and continued as if I had not stopped. He fought back trying to explain how he was balancing his ideals with reality. When this was completed I explained how the Rhodesians were going to fuck him for all his work. Mobutu countered that he knew this and had something else planned. In the end I explained how he would loose the gamble and probably end up dead into the bargain.

I tried to get across to him that not only Rhodesia but all Africa needed the whites together with a strong black presence. The blacks would have to be educated and this was difficult to do in such a poor continent. "Schools are the answer to winning wars. Like trained soldiers are much better than conscripts. You have to take what wealth you can get and invest it in people that can run a country. The other thing is to get them to see themselves as Africans not Tutsi, Hutu, Xhosa or Ndebele. They need to forget some of their roots or they will take the weeds with them and strangle what they are trying to build."

"I know that. Always we have great ideas and fight hard to achieve them. Then we find we cannot trust others. We then rely on our family and tribe."

"Yes but they see a chance to get ahead and resort to corruption. Instead of money going where it should it goes into the pockets of a select few."

"How can I stop this?"

"You have saved 473,622 pounds sterling. Use some of that to educate boys that will be the leaders of tomorrow."

"How do you know that? Even I do not know the figure."

"I know that because I had a good education. Some of it came from my parents, some of it from books and some from talking to people. I teach mathematics while others my age could barely count. You are an open book in many ways. When I came into your house I opened your safes and looked at your books. It is just a matter of adding up all the small things till I got the total."

"You..." The general got up and was ready to hit me. With visible effort he sat down. "Get..."

"If you came to my home you would look at everything you could. Are you going to be a hypocrite too and say you wouldn't?"

He almost hit me two more times until it was time for tea. Dimuna was up and the General could see that something had changed; dramatically.

We ate our noon meal and the General was shooting daggers at his daughter and me. Dimuna was not even here enough to see what was happening. When we finished I thanked the cooks and kissed each on the cheek. The General was at that point where he would explode. "General, let's go for a ride and have the remainder of our talk?"

We just got in the car and the windows up in the hot African sun and he yelled, "What did you do to my daughter?"

"I made love to her. She is very much the same as her mother..."

A hand came out and I stopped and paralysed his side. "As I said, she is the same as her mother was at that age." The general couldn't speak so I gave him a theatrical poke and he recovered.

"What did you do?"

"That is between your daughter and me."

"No my body."

"The Japanese and other Orientals know about nerves and how to strike them. Learn from them and teach it to your soldiers. Talk to your wife when you get home and listen to her. She has been the crutch you have leaned on so many times and would do so again. You squander her like you do your daughter."

Later I rubbed the General's nose in the double standard he has and how Dimuna was like Africa. "She is bright and yet she has very little schooling. You can't blame the Portuguese because you could have her trained. She has a flair for numbers and if you spent some of your money on her education you would have a person that could make your money grow much more than it is now. If I had your money when you got it I would by now have a few million pounds."

"Million?" He said almost speechless.

We fought till dinner time and the general started to see things more my way. If he were to take over a colony, I wanted him to cultivate the whites not kill them. When we got back I said, "If you resent me making love to your daughter I will leave now with a smile for her sake. Is that your wish?"

We stayed still for a few minutes then quietly he said, "No." As we got out of the car Chessa ran to him to see if there had been bloodshed. Dimuna ran to me and kissed me in front of her startled father. Both were very worried for they had talked to people about my past. Chessa's own brother had been killed by me on my march and I would do it again if given the chance. Chessa knew her brother and didn't really want to know the specifics.

After our meal I invited Chessa and Dimuna to our talks as I explained about how a stable government had to be formed. How a bloodless coup was the preferable over anything else. There was no realistic way that a colonial power would allow themselves to be voted out.

Chessa asked some very penetrating questions that shocked her husband. I went into teacher mode and drew her out to answer her own question. Dimuna was asking questions so I had to draw the answers from her too. Finally I said, "I must leave. My academy is waiting. I believe by now they are playing with the men you sent to train. Talk to them when they get back and see."

The General thought and said, "Stay the night Shawn."

I picked up Dimuna's chin looked at the tears in her face that suddenly blossomed. "Are you sure General? I don't want to sleep alone."

We both looked at the man and Chessa just took his hand and lead him to bed. A hand found mine and pulled just as hard.

That night there was no need of muffling her cries as Dimuna succumbed to orgasms one after the other. Mother and father listened intently and started to make noises of their own. We all came down late. Both women were in love but I had to leave regardless. As a parting gesture I took Dimuna with me as we visited two of her friends. I was very solicitous of her and her friends could see the attraction. A few hours later I left after telling the mom and dad that I was just an infatuation for her and now she would talk to her friends for years of how she got a male first.

Chessa laughed as she visualized the scene. I shook hands and left. Mobutu ran to offer me a ride and couldn't find me.

On my way home I hoped I had saved thousands of lives and kept a country from facing the horrors of war and a failed economy.

Two weeks after my ninth birthday I headed for Paris. I was now a cultural attaché and with some native Rhodesians I put on plays and gave concerts to show just how rich the native culture was. Paris seemed to be a much more cosmopolitan city than any other. Blacks were people here with dark skin and not somebody to look down on.

I stayed in my apartment with my girls and saw that the girls had been bringing the men around to satisfy their lusts as I predicted. This time I was the one to satisfy them and I worked hard to make sure each had what they wanted. Some called in sick at work and were walking bowlegged until I left.

I got even more stares at the airport as all five woman tried to suck my viscera through my mouth.

Bonn was next and we performed before both American and West German audiences. Our performance competed in the newspapers as one proclaimed about the new space race and how one side was better because they put a monkey up instead of a dog. I did know that soon a man would go and I felt bad that it wasn't me. Our own show was rated highly, but only on a cultural scale.

With my abilities known to all it was inevitable that the Communists would talk to me. This was clandestine but the West German security forces were with us too. Both sides knew each other and tolerated the talks. It was better to know your enemy and watch him that to kill him and not know who to watch after.

I put the two startled people together in the same booth and said, "Communism is a better political system but the sad fact is that it will not work because people are lazy and greedy. It was doomed from the start and now that both sides were buying friends, Communism would fail even sooner because Russia could not handle the strain that was going to be put on its economy." I paid for some beer for both and left to find my bed.

Before I left I did see that communism seemed to have many more spies and moles than the west. This I attributed to people that just couldn't quite see as far as I could. They did believe in communism though and with their entire heart.

We played two weeks in Britain, one week in London alone. Grandpa and grandma seemed to have aged ten years but made it to hear African music and plays. African art went to my studio and sold well. I painted some canvases in an African theme and decided to write a few books to get people to think of how the continent really was.

I had an even bigger send off when I left for America. There must have been a hundred girls along and my face was covered in lipstick by the time I took my seat. We played in Washington, New York and Boston. The reviews we got were fantastic and very encouraging. Los Angeles and San Francisco proved to be almost a waste of time. We didn't have enough hype and we weren't 'in'.

Some of the girls though were very outgoing and I was looked on as 'surf god' by the time I left.

I flew back with the chargé d'affaires to Lisbon to discuss how to coordinate some of our future efforts in bringing enlightenment to the world. I would grab a flight to London and visit my family privately for a week when we parted.

The airport was abuzz with the type of hype that our group didn't get when we were playing California. There was going to be a beauty pageant, with contestants travelling between countries. Their next stopover was in Beirut for more judging. The city I heard was like Paris in many ways.

I took a good look myself at the contestants. Not that any one was that beautiful but that there was so many beautiful people here at one time. There was even spin off contests where the junior version competed against their own age group. To not be outdone a young boys group was added to the list as an experiment but would not compete with the girls. Parents of the children clamoured about making sure their little Jill of Johnny looked their best even if was for an airport crowd.

My ticket was purchased ahead of time and I just had to pick it up. I put my identification down and received the ticket when two men purposely walked by in haste. They simply radiated sexual excitement. I had to look and found a horror unfolding. I ran after them through the heavy traffic as they rushed to BOAC flight 643 to Beirut. The men were ushered on board and the door started to close. The entire flight was devoted to contestants only and family had to take other flights. I pushed the door with my power and the attendant tried to find out why it wouldn't close.

I had to get on and I knew that with my clothes and looks I would be recognized almost at once. All I needed was one person to see my suit and then my face and word would travel throughout the plane very quickly. I could think of only one way to keep people looking at my face. I undid my fly and ripped my underwear so people could see my groin and a small boy's flaccid member. "Wait for me," I said as if a child. "I was lost.

The stewardess looked at me and saw my face and hair and knew for sure that I would be in this contest and allowed me to enter and the door closed behind me. I continued as if I was in pageants for years. Girls started to giggle as they looked at me and then the older ones did too but I just smiled at them as if they were being friendly.

I found the boys section and sat with them. They too giggled like the girls and the small boy of eleven pointed to my zipper to warn me. I looked down and cried, "Oh no," and hid myself like children did. I did up my zipper and allowed more blood to come to my face. I sat down and wiggled back because my legs were too short to reach the floor and wouldn't for years. The boys' ages were ten to thirteen and each could be said to be beautiful. They looked at me and thought the same thing.

I buckled my seatbelt and smiled at my neighbours as I looked at the minds of those around me. The one that warned me found me attractive. He had a friend that played sex games with and missed him badly. He looked at me wistfully and wished that I would be of like mind. Quicker than usual the plane got clearance and took off bound for Lebanon and its path would take it along the northern shore of Africa.

I found five men and a woman knew of the plan and gloried in it. The women and children were to be sold as white slaves to wealthy Arabs. The plane was to appear to crash on a small Mediterranean island and be lost in the resulting fire. I looked around again and saw that most of the future slaves were blond like me. It was well known that the Arab men preferred this colour of hair for those in their harems or seraglio. The latter was just a brothel.

Looking for help I focussed on the cockpit. I saw that the captain and the navigator were in on it too. They would get a villa and two each of the passengers along with enough money to last them till they died.

I could knock everyone out but the perpetrators would just try again and others would be hurt. I had to root this out and get all the participants. The plane flew over Spain and then crossed the Mediterranean and headed west across the northern fringe of the Sahara. This took an hour and I found one of the men were Spanish, the other was Turkish, the woman was East German and the other two in nominal charge were American of Arab descent. The captain was British as was his navigator.

There was 124 potential slaves with me included. The co-pilot and the engineer were to die but not the six stewardesses who just happened to be young and blond. I worked hard trying to get specifics but they were to be hidden until the last minute and coded radio messages were to be used to communicate. I did know that the pilot was to report a drop in cabin pressure and loose altitude. An old plane similar to ours was to fly below radar and as we dived to that area it was to raise and take our place. It was assumed that the plane would be destroyed as it crashed into the island and burn all the bodies with the enormous amount of fuel it would still have aboard. Ours would stay low and land where they were told.

A new horror came to me. Bodies would burn but not completely. There had to be some trace remaining. The other plane had to have bodies in it. Was it possible that they were still alive?

There was nothing I could do till the radio messages arrived. A message sent now by me would mean that I would have to commandeer the vessel. I could fly this craft as I had learned years ago on my first flight to Britain. I would have to find some very convincing and tangible proof or I would have to admit to reading minds. The trouble was that there was absolutely no evidence other than in the perpetrators' minds. The possibility of rescuing the people on the other plane was possible but remote.

The flight was over 2500 miles and the plane only flew a little over five hours. I knew it couldn't arrive and tried to find their plan. It made sense to change the flight over Libya and go overland if it were direct but that would be too dangerous for the people wanting to buy these people. The logical alternative was to have the plane disappear over the Gulf of Sidra in Libya and head to one of the poor north African states and change planes.

Peter Jessome the boy next to me was sleeping and his hand and head were on me for support. He missed his parents and was lonely because he had not made friends yet. The stewardess came by and I always had my head down. I got some water and managed to get three apples.

The men and even the women made excuses to walk around the ship. They would look at the ones they wanted to sample before they were sold. I was approached by all but refused to look up. The stewardesses were considered fair game for the men as they were not expected to be virgin but two were. Two men had to go to the washroom twice to relieve their passions. The rest saved themselves for the real thing when it happened.

At the mid point of our intended trip a message was broadcast to the plane and a particular coded packet was opened by the captain. The coffee came later and two members of the crew not in on the kidnapping got drugged. A small silenced gun was the backup. The captain now radioed that there was a cabin leak and had to loose altitude because the emergency air could not keep up. He was asked all sorts of questions by the closest airport and had the answers ready. I felt us dive and some passengers woke up and looked out the window into the dark of night. The captain used the intercom to inform the passengers that there was no danger just a precaution. This was also a code to the kidnappers.

I searched and found a plane about forty miles away coming from Libya. The frequency of our radio was altered and coded messages flew. We dove lower and the approaching plane and us flew tandem. Before it rose I knew that the plane was loaded with dead people. An entire village in Eritrea had been sacrificed for this purpose. The other plane now followed our old course as we headed inland. Twelve minutes later we crossed the Libyan coast and flew at a very low altitude. There were no lights of any kind and even our running lights were now switched off.

A stewardess walked quickly to the cockpit and came out white. She saw the two men lying unconscious and the pilot supposedly heading for a hospital to save them. Their plan was to set the plane down in the north west corner of Sudan and be 'rescued' by men in trucks that would be conveniently waiting.

I had to bring this to a head before this happened for we would be at a great disadvantage once we landed. The problem was that the kidnappers had not shown themselves yet for what they were and neither had the captain or the navigator. There was inkling that white slavery had been flourishing and many more women were already slaves. I needed not only more information but needed it before we landed.

Peter was still snoring on me and I pushed him up and said, "Give me your jacket Peter. I need it." The boy was groggy but handed me it after wiggling out of it. I took his cap too and loaded the three apples into the pockets. I walked toward the cockpit and opened the door. A stewardess rushed to stop me but I was there first. To the pilot I said, "Why are we heading deeper into the desert and not for Tripoli? It is close and in the other direction."

"Get out of here kid this is restricted area."

"Are we being kidnapped?"

I heard a gasp behind me and the captain snarled, "Get out of here or I will kick you out."

"You are kidnapping us. Are you trying for our ransom?"

The navigator got up and I jabbed my fingers at his abdomen and then slashed him across the throat. The pilot set the auto pilot and came at me with the gun in his hand. I kicked then turned and kicked him again. He fell to the floor and I had time to kick him in the face before I was grabbed by a man behind me. I used my elbow and thrust hard into his lower abdomen and then turned to drive my knee into his face.

The women hijacker was running in and had her gun drawn as I kicked her violently in the crotch and lifted her nearly a foot off the floor. The three others were now running towards me and they too had their guns drawn. My apples came out and I threw them at least three hundred miles an hour and hit them in the forehead. Their heads snapped back and one would never get up again.

I ran to the guns and picked them up before getting back to the cabin. Those guns joined my collection and I got to the controls. Autopilot was never meant for flying this close to the ground.

The written orders we had to follow were the only set open. It gave our course and altitude we had to keep. Fuel was getting low but I was not concerned yet. It was time to leave but now we were being hailed by another aircraft and given alternate orders. A fighter was using minimal power and demanding that we follow him on a new course. In the back I heard screaming as the passengers found the man dead and the others unconscious on the floor. I took the mike for the radio and tried to mimic the captain's voice and said that I understood.

Two stewardesses came in armed with a long knife and an equally large fork. I didn't even look at them but said, "Stop and listen to me." They did pause. "If you looked at me when I got on and not my little penis you would have recognized me. Come and have a look." One came forward and looked as I took off the cap.

"You look familiar."

"My name is Sir Shawn Boz. I am a physician, lecturer and at the moment the only one that stands between all of you and an Arab's harem or a bordello." I turned and let them see my face again and one gasped because she did recognize me. "There is a fighter leading us at the moment. The two men on that plane want us to follow them to another country. I think it may be Ethiopia. There we would be put into trucks and sold at an auction like animals."

"That can't be," came from one. "Nobody does that anymore."

"Wake up woman. Man's intrinsic nature has never changed. If they can get away with it they will. Take the men and the woman to the back of the plane. They won't wake up until we land. You already know that one kidnapper is dead. Grab him too. While you are doing this I will talk to the passengers."

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