Shawn - Cover


Copyright© 2005 by John Wales

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Shawn was a very curious lad. The double helix that controlled his growth was unlike anybody before. Perhaps at some time in the future a person like him will be born.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Fiction   Harem   Slow  

I went back to the now familiar territory in my head. The five glows that stimulated the glands to function were a little brighter, along with a dozen more. They probably had an association with the first five and had taken a week or so to make their response known. I entered each of the twelve and noticed that the light from all seventeen were almost the same. Therefore I could do more with the human body by turning them on. After doing so I felt much better perhaps even stronger or healthier was a better term.

I saw a relation with geography and the grouped senses. The glow associated with my insubstantial eye was close to another point of light. I entered this and corrected the aim of the beam. I immediately 'heard' breathing. The 'eye' confirmed my suspicions. My mother was reading a book in the library.

The other glows must be taste and smell, they were very close together. When turned on, my memory found a match. The smell of books in the library. Taste I would leave for later. The only common sense was feel. I entered this glow. It was almost all on now, it probably was triggered when I used my fingers for the first time to touch my mother's hair. As I adjusted the aim I felt a nice tingle down my spine.

I pondered my immediate future. Mom wanted to finish writing her book and return to teaching. I was now due in three weeks. Mother would be home for about four months before school starts. I would need a baby sitter for everything till my coordination and muscles developed. Japera would probably do this along with her other duties.

From my dad's studies, I knew that packaged or even cow's milk was not as good as mother's milk. When mom went back to work, my supply would go with her. The logical solution was to have Japera or Lusa supply my needs. I did not know if I could or even should try to stimulate the glands in Lusa's young chest. It would have to be Japera.

Japera had been masturbating for well over a week to my adolescent image. I could also feel her need for a real man. I hope I would fill the bill one day. I would satisfy her needs and she would fill mine.

Lusa woke up to me cradling her in my arms. The blanket around her to keep her warm and the pillow to hug to her body as a substitute for me. My sense of smell and even taste came alive as I held the girl.

She squeezed the pillow and said to it, "I love you Shawn, forever."

"I love you too sweetheart. I have a question to ask you. Your mother is very sad at the moment. She misses your dad and she wants someone to take his place. She needs the same thing that you just got. In fact she needs it very bad. She has been thinking of going into town and finding a man to have sex with her. I don't want to see a stranger having sex with your mom. The question is: May I go to your mom and make her feel better? I will never leave you to stay with her. Your mom just needs me for a while."

Lusa asked questions and I answered the best I could considering her present knowledge.

I helped her get dressed and used my long tongue to trace a line from her navel down and around past her tailbone. I savoured the taste but had to fight her off after I did this.

When dad came home we greeted him and he then went to see mother. Before supper dad walked into the kitchen and found the test, no doubt hinted to by mom. He looked at the questions and assessed their difficulty. He looked at the note on the last page written by me stating how well Lusa had done. He removed the tape and put the papers into his pocket.

The routine at the supper table had changed somewhat. Dad still sat mother down but I sat Lusa and Japera. I served the meal, since I could not eat it directly anyways. They had come to except flying plates of food and cutlery moving about. I had even talked Japera into letting Lusa and I do the clean up. I could scrape the bottom and sides of any pot and remove even the most burnt on mess there was with my 'finger'. I imagine I could cut steel if I tried. The dishes were washed in soapy water but the water was almost as clean when we finished as when we started.

Tonight after the conversation started, dad brought out the test and straightened it out before placing it on the table.

"I see that Lusa has done very well in her test. Considering her age and the time since starting her education, it is simply amazing. I would like to give you a reward for this work. He pulled from his shirt pocket a new five pound note. He reached over and handed it to Lusa. She was not sure to take so much money until she saw her mother nod her head.

"Thank you dada," she clutched the note and hung her head. She did not know what to say. The money was more than a labourer would make in a week, even if she did not know that.

Dad took out another fiver and said, "And this is for Shawn for all his work. Thank you."

"Thank you dad. The work was rewarding enough but the money will come in handy spoiling a young lady of my acquaintance." The money left his hand and went to Lusa. "Honey will you hold this for me. I seem to have lost my pockets."

Mom laughed, "That is how it starts son. You have the money for but a moment before your woman gets it."

The adults laughed and dad started to think a little deeper into this matter.

Lusa and I finished the dishes quickly but before we were finished dad asked to talk to me.

I figured it to be the obligatory birds and the bees talk from dad. I was not wrong. I asked Lusa to wait for me in her room.

"Shawn. What are your intentions toward Lusa? I need to talk to you about how a man and a woman feel about each other and what you have to do about it."

"Will you get mom and momma in here so I can say this without you being grilled about the conversation later?"

The woman were close in any case. They would only be able to hear one side of the conversation if they stayed just outside the door and listened. After they were seated I began again.

"The only feelings I get are the memories and the feelings of the people I love around me. Lusa means a lot to me. I have no real sex drive of my own. The things that do drive me is need to help the people I love and to a lesser extent people beyond my family; a need to feel their gratification. To this end I have helped to start Lusa on her road to an education. By the amount and direction I am trying to make the best possible person she is capable of being.

"I am naturally curious, like all primates, and enjoy finding out how and why all humans function within the physical world about us. I have looked into Lusa and found much of this out. Before you get angry, doctors had to work with their patients to find out what is wrong with them before they can be cured. I only looked and did not tinker.

"When I look into human drives I see that they are influenced by glands and instinct. My glands are not affecting me in any appreciable way at this moment in the direction you are referring to. My instinct is the same as yours though; to have a family and further my line. To this end I would have Lusa as my wife."

The women gasped or inhaled as the case may be. Dad sat up very straight.

Mother cried, "She is so young. You are too young too. Before too long your eyes will drift to other girls and leave Lusa. That is the way it is with everybody."

"Mother, she is young. If she needs to find somebody new I will let her go. I can only hold onto her the same way dad keeps you shackled to his side."

"What do you mean?" She was too upset to think correctly.

"The chains binding you are very strong. Dad provides a roof over your head and food for your mouth. When he is not working he is thinking of you and how to increase your happiness even to the point of allowing you to leave him and follow your career. He has given you a child that both of you desperately wanted. He has provided security for both of us. He has beaten back his own instinctive urges and forsaken all other women. If necessary he would give up his life happily to save either of us. Do you deny the existence of these chains and others? Could you break them? I think not. I am forging my own chains to. Mine are as insubstantial as yours.

"I told you before that I had plotted out my life. I will not forsake Lusa. She will give me children to cherish. If for some reason she does not want to be with me, she may go freely and I will find another somehow."

"You want to marry my baby. You can't support her and the babies. Who will protect you from the people outside these doors? What about the difference in age?"

"Japera, I am not born yet but I can speak to you like an adult. I know enough about medicine to start as an apprentice doctor now. The arms I use to wash the dishes can perform surgery just as good as dad I think. My eyesight can see things within a person's body that nobody else can. If I was after money, I could be the richest person on the planet. My arms are long and strong. Do you think anyone could harm my woman. As for age, she is six years older than me, I am more mature than her. As we age we will come closer together."

Dad asked, "Does Lusa know this?"

"No dad, I thought it best to broach the subject with all of you first. I knew with the way she was acting it would not be long."

"You have a very mature outlook. If it were up to me I would let you court Lusa. I suspect that in a year or so you and she will fall out of love as easy as you fell in. Remember what you said about letting her go. I think you should also hear what Japera and your mother have to say."

Japera said, "I want the best for my girl. You certainly are going to be a fine young man when you grow up. I am concerned that in a few years you will throw her away when you find somebody new."

"I think the same. Can you show that you won't?" Mom said.

"Young people have been dating for years. Parents see some of them separate after a short time. Consider the two of us dating. I cannot get her pregnant before I am thirteen. Allow us to date till that time. If we are together and want to marry at that time you can give us your blessings. If we part before that time the decision will not come up. Japera, may I take Lusa as my woman until I reach the age of thirteen and then ask for her hand?"

The solution seemed the best possible and Japera cried but tears of joy for her daughter. "You may have her till then, if she wants to."

"Thank you mother. I seem to have acquired another maternal figure now. I feel my fiancée needs me. Will all of you forgive me? I must leave."

Lusa was worried and called my name hoping I would return to her soon.

"What is wrong Shawn? Did I do anything bad?" She asked after I came back to her.

"No. You did nothing wrong. I just told the others that you are my girlfriend and we are going to stay together from now on."

She jumped up. She was very happy. "What did mom say?"

"Children, when they grow up make new friends and leave the old ones. I just said I won't do that and if you find someone you want to be with you can go."

"Oh no Shawn, I would never leave you."

"The truth is that you will like other people. I like your mother now. I am not going to leave her when I have you."

"That's ok but I won't have anyone except you."

I gathered her up in the comforter and carried her around like a baby. Talking of all the things we would do when we got older.

The door silently opened. I could sense Japera. I spoke to both of them now, about our future, even the children we would have. Lusa spoke of the children she wanted and how they would all look like their father. The door closed as quietly as it opened. I heard a sob as the woman went to her room for the night.

I undressed my girl to get her ready for bed.

"Your mother is in her room crying about how you have a friend and she doesn't. I think it is about time for me to help her."

"Will it really make mom happy?"

"Yes it will. I think you and your mother go together as a pair. In a while I will call you and I want you to quietly go to your mother's room and watch what I do. She will no doubt be noisy like my mom. I want to try to make both of you happy at the same time. Is that ok?"

"Yes," her eyes almost glowed, "I will do anything you say."

I carried the naked Lusa across the hall and into the bath, where she used the toilet and I cleaned her in the bathtub. We came back to her room where I brushed her hair until it was dry. The sleepy girl had to be stirred as I prepared to leave for her mother's room.

I knocked on Japera's door and said right away, "It is me Japera, I would like to talk to you."

"Come in Shawn."

I was already in but wanted to be polite. The light was off and I could smell with the 'nose' the scent of a woman's arousal. "I heard you crying. I know you are lonely, may I stay with you for a while?"

"If you want. What about Lusa. I know you stay with her at night. I can hear her through the walls."

"She knows I came over here to talk to you for a while." I got into bed behind Japera as if I had a body. My arms went around the woman and I made noises like I was breathing. Japera did not know what to expect but she felt more comfortable than she had in years.

I formed a chair like I did for Lusa these many times but straightened it out and put in corrugations that would simulate a man's chest. I wrapped both arms around Japera and pulled her into my 'chest'. She wiggled to adjust her self to the form.

She had tried to bring herself to an orgasm but I had come in too soon and stopped it. I started the flow to her brain. I moved my arms to let her know I was still there. The flow increased and her breathing increased. It felt just as she pictured the young man holding her. She felt fingers gently caressing her breasts.

"What are you doing Shawn?"

"I am holding another woman that I love and what I should have done long ago. I will not put up with you suffering any more." I changed the image of my older self so that it resembled how I was holding her now.

The hands moved up and down her front. The lower hand went through the mattress and made Japera much more at ease than a real arm that would put pressure on her ribs. The hands held her breasts securely. My fingers gently caressed her nipples bringing huge gasps for air. My lips worried her ear, sending shivers up and down her spine. Still the flow increased but in small easy increments. All this kept pace with the image in her mind.

I inserted a tendril into her vagina and moved it slowly as I enlarged it. Back and forth it went as I now held back the dam of her emotions. It was becoming too much for her and I pinched her nipples and speeded up my thrusts as I released the dam. She inhaled for a great scream and I pushed her over into her pillow muffling the exclamation. I kept up the pace and was required to do it three more times till she was too tired to continue.

The chair was made and she was nudged into position in it. Up it went with her in the foetal position giving me better access to her genitals. Soft slow languid stokes brought whimpers to my 'ears'. I lowered her onto the bed on her back after getting her used to the position.

Lusa came soundlessly into the room at my silent summons and lay upon her mother's chest on her back. I raised them both, being careful with their legs. Japera's legs stretched past Lusa's. I reinserted a 'penis' into each and made it as comfortable as possible as I started going in and out of mother and daughter. Japera's arms came up and circled her daughter.

I searched Japera's mind and found that no man had entered her anus. I inserted two more probes into each female and expanded them gently. The tempo of each set was altered to find their individual responses to the anal and vaginal stimulation. The were having multiple orgasms now, thanks to the flow that I used to regulate their response. Japera's hands found her daughter's tiny nipples and rubbed them with her thumbs getting even more whimpers from Lusa.

I changed their positions regularly not wanting them to cramp. Once I had Lusa laying on her mother and her head at her mother's sex. I slowed her thrusts so she could see her mother's fissure open and almost close repeatedly as she listened to the sounds they made. Later she moved backwards and put her face on her mother's abdomen as her mother now saw the small invisible probes alter the size of her daughter's vagina and anus.

The mother reached up with her tongue and gently lapped her daughter's clit. Lusa was so used to orgasms that she hardly noticed the extra stimulation. The thrusts slowed to a very sedate pace then stopped completely. I moved my girls to face one another as they hugged and even kissed before falling asleep.

Mom was asleep dreaming of her previous thin self and her John making slow languid love to her.

With the danger to me of my parents' overactive sex, they had stopped. Neither of my parents would stimulate the other orally for one reason or another leaving both frustrated. Dad would use his hand to give his wife some relief while she found it difficult to even do this. I had the ideal solution. I made an image of Japera walking naked into the room in my parents' dreams. She kissed first my mother and then my father. She pulled back the bed coverings and positioned my unresisting mother's legs. Her mouth came down and started to lick and suck. I stimulated my mother's flow during the dream to get her very excited. The image continued licking as dad got off the bed to see better.

Japera brought her knees under her and turned her head to say to my phantom dad, "Put it in carefully. It has been a few years since a man has had me." She turned back to mother and holding her legs started running her tongue up and down the pregnant woman's slit.

Mother saw the phantom dad approach Japera and start to stroke the woman first with his fingers then with his cock. Mom felt Japera being thrust forward into her cunt with each stroke of her husband. She had not had her cunt eaten since she was a girl. The pleasure was almost too much to take.

I broke the dam and pictured the other characters in the play having theirs also. Mom had her wet dream and woke up dad. He didn't know what happened but her heard a breathless "Japera" from his wife's lips.

Dad was concerned and took a long time returning to sleep. Was his wife having dreams of having sex with her friend Japera? It was but a dream he thought and eventually returned to sleep.

Mother rested easier after her orgasm with a smile on her face and a phantom Japera sleeping on one side of her and a real John on the other.

My girls woke gently to my stroking their vaginas and clits. I had given them a few hours of rest. They moaned as I sat Japera on the edge of the bed with her feet on the floor. Lusa sat facing her mother on her lap and her legs around her mother. I had kept up the pulsations to their sex as they moved to this position. I changed the shape of the mental dildo to have a regular change in diameter so the undulations on the surface added to their pleasure. I picked them up and off the bed and manoeuvred them so their weight continually shifted. Sometimes Lusa on top and at others Japera on top but neither taking the full weight of the other. My lips attacked their clits making each thrust against the other.

"Lusa suck your mother's tits like you used to do. The girl was not to far above a robot and sucked on her mother as if she was pleasing me. Japera's hands held her daughter first to one breast then the other. I allowed each to orgasm in this position.

I laid Japera on her back and kept her daughter attached to her breast. They both drifted off to sleep with my arms around them.

The things Japera usually did in the morning I did this time to allow her to get a little extra sleep. I woke my women to a kiss on the upper lips and another on the lower.

"Get up you two. The day is wasting. Lusa go to the bathroom." She scampered off in a daze.

Japera remembered last night and pulled the sheet up to hide her nakedness. I pulled her arms above her and picked up her legs and thrust the right sized cock into her. She grunted and started to thrust against me. I started the flow to get her really excited.

"I love everybody within these walls and you are the one most in need of that love. I will care for you like I care for Lusa. You will not suffer from an empty bed again.

"You are just a boy. I am almost thirty years old. Why do you want me?"

"You are intelligent, charming, beautiful and outgoing. You were still worried about your daughter and me. The only way for you to understand was to be in her shoes with no hiding. When I give her pleasure I will give you pleasure. You will find her safe and happy while you will have someone to talk to."

Breakfast was different today. Mother kept looking at Japera, reassessing everything she thought about her friend. Japera for her part seamed to glow. She appeared to be a virgin that finally had her man. Her face and mood were very cheerful as she performed her duties. Lusa was happy but drowsy from her loss of sleep.

Dad for his part watched his wife and her looks at Japera. Was the absence of good sex affecting his wife so much? It was time for work and he would try harder tonight to please his wife.

Both women stayed with their usual routine until I started slipping a little of the flow to each. Japera walked with her legs together to stimulate her clit. Mother would slip a hand under her housecoat to do the same. I would not allow either to come. Two hours later both were on their beds trying furiously to bring them selves off but to no avail.

The frustrated Japera got up and washed her hands. She called me, "Shawn."

I didn't answer, hoping she would think I was sleeping. It was time to check on Agatha and find out if she needed anything.

I stirred both women to a higher pitch as Japera walked down the hall. Japera heard the moaning behind the partially closed door. It stirred her up even more thinking of her friend finding pleasure. Almost of their own accord her legs went through the doorway. She saw the beautiful woman with her knees up and trying to stimulate her clit, her eyes closed trying to complete her job. The baby was too big to allow the job to be done properly.

Japera knew that Agatha needed her. She knew what to do for she had done this many times in her village with her relatives before getting married and leaving. She shed her clothes in the darkened room and crawled to the foot of the bed. The movement of the bed did not even register on Agatha.

She felt the first touch as Japera's lips as they kissed the inside of her thigh. Her legs closed instinctively on the woman's head. The kisses and licks continued in the one spot hands moved down and caressed her lower lips. Agatha's hands now covered her pussy to protect it but were too late, they were over Japera's. After the fright she parted her legs wide offering all she had to her friend.

Japera kissed slowly to the treasure, making Agatha wait for the final moment. When it came she heard a loud groan and two strong hands descend on her head to hold her in place. She was brought back to her village and the circle of friends that loved one another.

"What are... are... you doing Japera?"

Japera used her tongue to attack the clit before answering. You are my friend and you are in need." Then remembering my words. "I will not let you suffer." She went back to her feast accompanied by mother's thrusts and groans.

I released the dam on mother.

"Oh yes... yes... yes... Oh yes Japera," as she pushed Japera almost into her hole.

I gave a final burst to Japera and allowed her to follow. She thrashed at the foot of the bed, bringing joy to mother, knowing that she had found her own pleasure.

"Come up here Japera," mother whispered.

Japera crawled onto the bed for she had fallen right off. She did not know what her reception would be like. She now realised that she could loose her job and a warm safe house for her daughter and herself. She had a very worried face as she hesitantly approached her employer and she hoped friend.

Agatha saw the worry or even terror and had to think what it could be for. "What is wrong Japera?"

"I don't want to go. I only saw that you needed me. I am sorry."

"Don't be foolish. I loved it. Come here so I can kiss the friend I love."

A broad smile went across her features as she carefully got on the bed to kiss her friend. The kisses became more passionate and Japera assumed the role as the aggressor. She rained kisses all over Agatha's body till she found herself back at the woman's cunt. She sucked, bit, licked and tongued the sensitive area.

Mother was close again as I had been adding to her pleasure but not Japera. I picked up Japera by the hips. She stopped until she heard the private conversation telling her what I was going to do. She went back to pleasing mother while I did the same for her. The long cocks worked in tandem while the lips sucked and worried her clit. I had control of one end and mother held Japera's head to keep her in place at the other end. The bed rocked till they could hold it no longer and both went off together. Groans and cries sounded throughout the house as the woman collapsed.

Japera crawled up and kissed mother again. She was happier now than she had ever been before. I covered them up as they slept.

I had thought through a moral dilemma. I wanted my mother to be happy. The code of ethics I had acquired from both parents said that the way I did this was wrong. The justification was that I was helping others find love for I was that strongly into sexual gratification if I was not in that person's mind.

I made lunch with Lusa's help. The women got up finally and found the meal already prepared. Japera and Agatha hung their heads somewhat ashamed at me making the meal. Mother figured that I must have known what they were doing in the bedroom.

I seated both ladies and started the conversation. "I love all of my family and that means Japera and Lusa as family members too. Mom, I know that you were frustrated the same as Japera was. I am happy for both of you."

They both blushed and very ashamed.

"Japera will you tell mom about Lusa and I? Then about us? It will bring everything out into the open and make both of you feel much better."

After a moment she said, "Ah - Shawn does things to Lusa that make her feel very good. He - did - them to me too last night."

"What she means mom is that I form lips and kiss my women. Fingers and hands tare made to caress their beautiful bodies and a solid shape fabricated to enter them. This gives them the pleasure they need. Lusa has become my wife in many ways."

Lusa sat up straight at hearing this. I had not mentioned the word 'wife' before to her.

"Japera has been lonely for a long time. She needed somebody to hold. I can only love and stimulate her. She needs to physically hold the person loving her. I would take her as my wife too but she loves somebody else even more. That is you and dad. Japera also needs one more thing. She has told no one this but she wants a baby like you have and she wants dad to be the father."

Both women gasped. This even overcame their shock at me apparently finding out they had sex together.

Japera hung her head and Agatha smiled.

Agatha stretched out her hand and lifted Japera eyes to hers. "I find that a very nice idea. John and the specialist said I could have no more children. If my sister has one for me, we can share both of them. Will you bear John's child for both of us to raise?"

Japera had tears flowing freely down her face and a big smile to off set them. "Thank you," was all she said.

"Let's eat. I have worked my fingers to the bone to make this meal and you just want to talk. I work over a hot stove all day. What thanks do I get?"

They laughed at my antics and got over their emotional upheaval.

We ate the soup and salad and fresh biscuits followed by fruit. I should say that they ate I just watched. The two women discussing how to get dad to co-operate. I washed the dishes and Lusa dried as usual. We left the two women and went to Lusa's bedroom.

I kissed my woman gently on the lips and started to remove her clothing. Her smile brightened the room. I laid her upon the bed and kissed down her neck bringing exclamations of joy. Her legs came up, offering me her body. I inserted both my cocks slowly. Almost teasing her in the process.

"Hurry Shawn, I need you in me."

Mother and Japera had come to the open door and seen the tiny girl in the thrall of her sexual passion. I had stirred them up beforehand with a flow of sexual energy to their brains. They saw the girl lifted off the bed and her legs separate and come up even more. Her young cunt and anus winking as the pair of invisible dildo's pulsed into her body accompanied by the slurping noises of their passage.

I slowly brought my girl close to the pair so that they could see, hear and smell better. Lusa did not know where she was or even care at this point. The women were almost ready to have their own orgasm when I told Japera, "Lick my wife the way I licked you last night."

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