Sleepwalker - Cover


Copyright© 2007 by Shadow of Moonlite

Chapter 13: The Weekend--Saturday

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 13: The Weekend--Saturday - A young man discovers that he has been given a unique gift, and the responsibility that comes with it. This is a reposting of the completed original, I do intend to do a serious re-write in the future, but after much prompting from fans I decided to go ahead and release the original here first. I hope you enjoy it.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Paranormal   Incest   Brother   Sister   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Petting  

I woke early Saturday morning. Allison was still asleep, cuddled up close to me. Her warm breath gently tickled the fine hairs on my chest, her warm body pressed against mine. I decided then that this was a great way to wake up. As wonderful as it was though, Mother Nature was calling my name in a very loud voice. I tried to slip out without waking her but it was no use, her eyes opened, she gave a little stretch and then hugged me close.

"Oooooh," she sighed. "Don't go; this is really nice."

"Yes it is," I whispered, kissing her lightly on the forehead, "but I really have to make a pit stop. Besides, I think it would be better if Mom and Dad didn't find us this way. Don't you?"

She sighed again and said, "Yeah, you're probably right. No sense making waves, but it sure is nice. I hope we can do it again soon." She perked up a little and whispered in my ear, "There are a lot of things I hope we can do again soon if you know what I mean."

Suddenly I felt a different kind of pressure building in my groin. I decided I better make a break for it while I had the chance. I kissed her again quickly, "Me too, but now is definitely not the time." I crawled out of bed and slipped off to the bathroom.

As I closed Allison's door, my parents' door opened and my mom stepped into the hall. I froze. Mom took in the scene, just looking at me for a second. She walked casually up, kissed me on the cheek and whispered, "We'll talk later." She then walked down the hall to the kitchen.

I had no idea what to do, but I still had to go really bad, so I just resumed my interrupted journey to the bathroom. After relieving the pressure I decided to forego my morning run and jumped in the shower. By the time I was out and dressed, everyone else was up and scattered comfortably around the living room. Allison still had her bathrobe on. You could tell that everyone was still struggling toward consciousness. I got myself a glass of orange juice and walked out to join them.

I looked around the room and all I could think to say was, "Man, you all look like death warmed over. Was there a party that I didn't know about?"

Mom just shook her head, Dad grunted once, Allison just couldn't resist, "Yeah! We were hoping you would show up. We needed someone to run for ice and do clean up."

"Gee, sorry I missed it. Any objections to pancakes?" The motion carried by a wide margin so I headed back to the kitchen and started making a mess. Not too much later we were all sitting around the table feeling much more alive, recapping the week and discussing what was left of the weekend.

"I didn't really have much in the way of homework. I think they are going easy until we get settled into the routine again."

"Wow!" said Allison. "What a coincidence, I didn't have any homework either!"

I threw my wadded up napkin at her. It missed, but it's the effort that counts.

"Careful, pumpkin," Mom chided her, "you may be eating those words in the near future. Just remember whom you have to turn to if you need any help with your schoolwork. Your father and I don't even speak the language anymore and you passed both of us a couple years ago. You don't want to have to grovel too much when it's time to start studying for those math tests again."

"Yeah, better watch yourself, sunshine; you never know when I might suddenly develop temporary memory blocks or outright amnesia at just the wrong time."

She stuck her tongue out at me and everyone laughed.

Dad took over from there. "Okay then. I guess everyone has a pretty free weekend. We should probably all do our best to enjoy it, as it may be the last one we have for a while. Dinner and other good things are planned again tonight at the Davis'. The bus leaves at 4:30 or you are welcome to walk. Let me know if anyone is planning to sleep over."

"And some of us," he looked at me, "have chores to do tomorrow. As long as they get done no one will care when. So, if you feel like doing them today and bumming around tomorrow that's up to you. Extra income is available to anyone who wants to wash cars. Your mother and I are seriously considering seeing a movie tomorrow so if you don't get it done today you probably would have to resort to bank robbery or extortion if you wanted to increase your cash flow."

"I can do cars." I popped up; I'm always looking for extra money.

"Can I help?" Allison inquired.

"Oh, I'm sure we could negotiate an acceptable wage for training underage, unqualified, short people who want to get in the way. How much can you afford to pay?" I lit the fuse...

... and the bomb went off, right on schedule, "Pay! Un-qualified? Short! I'll show you who's un-qualified. How about you do one, and I'll do one and Mom and Dad will decide who did the better job. Winner takes all!"

"Oh, I don't know sis, that seems a little extreme, I mean I would hate to see you do all that hard work for nothing."

"Okay, Okay, that's enough. Let's not spoil a perfectly good weekend. And you are not putting your father and I in the middle. No way! You can both wash the cars, together. Try not to kill each other in the process. Now kiss and make up."

I couldn't believe me ears. Did my mother really just say that? After what she saw this morning? I looked at Allison and she was blushing hard. I wasn't far behind her. We leaned together and brushed lips, and then sat back.

Dad was right there, "You call that a kiss? Mother, I think we have failed in our child rearing. Would you assist me?"

"Happy to darling, pay attention now children." With that they both stood up and went into overdrive. A full on spit-swapping, tongue duel right there at the kitchen table.

All I could do was sit and stare. I mean PDAs had always been the norm around our family, but this was a whole new level of exposure. Allison and I had both seen, and done, just as much and more, but when it's your parents... I think Allison voiced it best.

"Eewwwe!" she cried, "Mom! Oh, I am traumatized for life! I can't believe I just saw that. Gross! Get a room."

Mom and Dad just cracked up; apparently Mom couldn't help twisting the knife. "Oh good idea honey, you know I have one available right down the hall, what do you say big guy?"

Allison clapped her hands over her ears, "Oh! You did not go there! Hello! Young and impressionable here! Not to mention a weak stomach! Double gross!"

Even I had to laugh there, "So what are you guys thinking of seeing?" I asked just to change the subject.

"Actually we hadn't given it a lot of thought. I'm not even sure what's out. It's just that with you kids being older and able to be by yourselves without us worrying about you, we've decided that we want to take advantage of it and spend some more quality time doing something besides watching TV and doing housework. So get used to it. We'll most likely just pick something out of the paper in the morning. You two are welcome to come as long as you see something that is playing in a different theatre at about the same time."

"That might be fun. What do you think, Sis? We could actually get to see a good movie for a change. Who knows, maybe even one from this century?"

"Wow! Do you really think so? Cool."

"Hey!!" Came the echoed reply. Parents in stereo, now there's an interesting sound.

That pretty much ended the discussion. We cleaned up breakfast and then did our usual Saturday stuff. Change the beds, dust, vacuum, laundry, and that sort of thing. Then I threw on my trunks and headed out to get started on the cars. I rapped on Allison's door as I passed.

"You ready, munchkin?"

"Just a second." The door cracked open slightly, Allison glanced quickly to see if anyone else was near then threw the door back.

She was stark naked! It was another 'deer in the headlights' moment. I suddenly realized I was having a lot of them lately. She closed the door after just a couple seconds, but the image had already burned itself into my retinas by then. I could see the afterimage, like a photonegative. Perky breasts with very stiff nipples seemed to dominate most of the scene, but the rest filled in nicely around them. Right down to the wispy growth of silky hair nestled right above God's greatest gift. I was instantly hard and headed out to the garage to try and distract myself from myself.

Allison came out a few minutes later in her sun worshipping attire. I swear the little triangles of material covered even less today than they had just a couple days before. This was not helping my problem. I wanted to pull on a couple of well-placed knots and see what happened. Showing massive amounts of self-restraint I filled the wash bucket with water, added soap, and dropped in the big sponge that we use.

About half way through Dad's truck, Allison took the sponge, looked me in the eye and squeezed soapy water down her front starting at her collarbone and letting it just run down from there. Wow, that was hot! A few seconds later she moved to the front where she couldn't be seen from the house or street and did it again. Only this time she dropped the sponge and started rubbing the suds all over herself. I thought I was going to shoot off right there.

"Tease!" I whispered as I walked past.

"It's only teasing if you don't follow through," she whispered back. "Oh, do you have a problem? Maybe I can help. She walked up to me and reached to put her hand around my neck. Then she suddenly reached down and grabbed the front of my suit, pulled it away from my body and sprayed the hose down the front of me. I jumped back like I had been scalded. When had she picked up the hose?

"Oh, you are so going to get it! Are you crazy? You know what happened with Shannon after she did that!"

"Oh, I know," she said with a wicked smile, "in fact, I'm counting on it!" Sometimes life is good.

"Well, don't count on it today. Mom caught me coming out of your room this morning."

She froze. "She did? Did she say anything?"

"Well she didn't actually see me come out but there's really no other way you could interpret it. I mean I was standing there with my hand on the knob and it was obvious I wasn't going in. It was weird; all she did was whisper, 'we'll talk later' and then went off down the hall. I thought we were toast."

We finished up the cars without too much more stress, then hit the pool for some relaxation before heading to dinner. Considering the morning events, we kept it clean except for a couple of underwater kisses. Fun enough, but I hate to rush something like that.

Then it was time to head for the Davis'. Apparently no one felt like walking.

Okay, I'll be honest. Mr. Davis is way better than my dad on the grill. Dinner was just plain fabulous. After dinner, the girls volunteered for clean up duty. While I was a little disappointed at not having the quality time with Shannon, it would have been pretty conspicuous if we had volunteered two nights in a row. It could easily have ended in a rush trip to the emergency room to be sure nothing was seriously wrong with either of us. Either way, Mark and I ended up in his room playing games.

We were creeping through a jungle on a commando raid when he said, "Dude, about last night, are you cool with me and Allison making out like that? I mean it's just fun and all, I promise. There's like, nothing going on between us or anything."

"Well..." I began.

"Because if you're not down with it then I'll tell her we gotta stop. It might be a little hard on her but you know, friends are important. I don't want you to think I'm not enjoying it or anything. I mean she's a great kisser. Wow is she good. You might think about keeping an eye on her because she's definitely been getting some practice in somewhere. But if you..." He stopped as the girls came in.

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