Deja Vu Ascendancy - Cover

Deja Vu Ascendancy

Copyright© 2008 by AscendingAuthor

Chapter 120: First Mass Lunch

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 120: First Mass Lunch - A teenage boy's life goes from awful to all-powerful in exponential steps when he learns to use deja vu to merge his minds across parallel dimensions. He gains mental and physical skills, confidence, girlfriends, lovers, enemies and power... and keeps on gaining. A long, character-driven, semi-realistic story.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Humor   Extra Sensory Perception   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Slow  

Monday, April 25, 2005

I woke after the usual four and a bit hours. I didn't have to turn on any of the room lights to get out of bed, as a dim yellow blob did the job perfectly.

I climbed over Carol and went to do some studying via the kitchen. The hallway's main lights were off now. Instead there were those small lights that plug into an outlet to provide a little illumination at floor level. That was useful, as I didn't want to use light blobs walking around the house. The risk wasn't worth the few pennies of electricity it'd save.

After "pre-breakfast" (or "first breakfast", or whatever I should call it), I went to my study and immediately noticed that the single mattress now had its base under it, probably brought up from the storage room some time yesterday. It was quite nicely set up, as there was a good space for it by the wall we weren't using. There was even a little bedside table and lamp.

In the experimentation I'd done when I'd first discovered light blobs, I'd briefly and unsuccessfully tried to get them to radiate light in less than the full sphere. While walking out of Julia's bedroom a few minutes ago, I'd worried about the light shinning in the girls' eyes, and had wondered whether I could get the blob to act more like a flashlight pointing ahead of me, and away from the girls. Hopefully I'll be sleeping with both of my wives for many years, and from what the Williamses have said, I'll be doing many degrees, so getting up in the wee smalls countless times. It'd be a good idea to reduce the chance of my light waking up the girls. In the privacy of the study I made a serious effort of trying to achieve a flashlight effect.

After several minutes, I'd completely failed and had ran out of ideas to try. Light blobs radiated evenly in every direction, and there was nothing I could do to change that.

Studying beckoned, so I fired up my comparatively cheap computer system and got to work.

Monday and Wednesday mornings are supposed to be "quality Donna time", when we go for our morning runs and chats. I'd more than make up for missing this morning's by allowing her to sleep with Carol and me tonight, but I still missed it. Driving back and forth seemed excessive, so I just hoped it wouldn't be long until we all lived in the same house, for a variety of reasons.

I studied until a couple of naked girls walked into the room. I tend to find that quite distracting, so that was the end of this morning's studying.

We swung by home to pick up Donna on the way to school, and during the drive I made sure to thank her effusively for behaving so well yesterday. She caught me flatfooted when she started asking for explicit details about what we'd done after she'd left. I floundered around trying to find some good middle ground between giving her the details she wanted, and giving her no details at all. Julia saved the day by reminding Donna that a young lady wouldn't ask questions like that.

School was just more school. Same old same old, except for me wearing yet another highly embarrassing outfit: Julia had insisted on my wearing one of the transparent shirts. Sigh. It earned me more compliments. Apparently tomorrow's leaders didn't think a genius IQ noteworthy, but my showing my nipples deserved dozens of compliments. Throughout the day I also gathered considerably more girls' names, phone numbers and grades, leading me to believe that I must have exceptionally attractive nipples.

In the car on the way to school we'd talked briefly about Chloe, and true to what Julia had said, as soon as we arrived at school Julia immediately located Chloe and had a quiet talk with her. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but knew it was Julia telling Chloe that she only had one chance to make a good apology to me, and she'd better think very hard about getting it right. Julia offered to help, which really meant to trick Chloe into doing what we wanted. I would help by not approaching Chloe until she was ready.

At the beginning of the first few classes, as I encountered each of the girls from yesterday's hot tub party, they greeted me in VERY friendly fashions. There were lots of hugs, kisses on the cheek, and references to having a great time. Most of them also told me how hard they'd worked on Chloe for me and Julia.

I answered, "Thanks, but it's really Chloe you're doing it for, as she's the one with the problem, not Julia or me. Chloe and Julia have been talking, so Julia will find out from Chloe who helped her the most." Actually, the girls were doing it partly for themselves, hence their need to tell me all about their efforts, but that didn't need to be pointed out.

The girls' very friendly greetings didn't go unobserved by the other guys in the classes. Girl after girl affectionately thanking one guy for a great time yesterday is, to put it mildly, more than a little noticeable. A lot of the girls were calling me "Champ" too. A new nickname, it seemed. Presumably a reference to my sporting prowess, which I guess they'd decided on at Chloe's house. Personally I preferred "Egg", but no one asked me.

A lot of the guys were frowning at the amount of female attention I was getting. Alexis' version of "good morning, Mark" temporarily stopped their frowns though. She pulled up the entire front of her T-shirt to chin level, and offered her bra-covered breasts to me, saying, "Hi Stud. You wanna grope me now?" This happened before the teacher and all of the class had arrived, but still about a dozen people got a clear look, half of whom were bug-eyed guys.

I was more than a bit flustered because I'm not used to girls doing these sorts of things to me. I'd like to be, but I'm not yet. I wasn't sure what to say.

"Take ya time, stud. I got nuthin' better to do." She stood there, offering her chest and smiling at me, without a care in the world.

The guys who could see her did as much intense "seeing" as they could. Guys behind her were rapidly correcting that unfortunate accident of geography, pushing desks out of their way in their urgency to run around to her front. Alexis didn't care, so I acted cool about it too. In other words, I managed to suppress my first reaction. I noticed she had a very pretty bra on. Doubtless not a coincidence, but it did contrast somewhat with her image.

One of the guys helpfully volunteered, "I'll grope you."

Alexis laughed, "In your dreams, BOY. These are for a MAN!"

The "boy" Alexis answered back to was a year older than the "man", but that didn't seem to matter to Alexis. As well as being a man, I was also a chicken, so I said, "Put them away, spanky. Thanks for the offer though."

Alexis pulled her shirt down, "Haha. No problem. Whenever you want, they're yours. And all the rest, stud." She was wearing black jeans, so all the rest went undisplayed, no doubt to the regret of all the boys in the class.

A minute later Emily sidled up to me and whispered, "We decided that Julia was just teasing us about the groping. She was, wasn't she?"

I answered, "No she wasn't. She considers it richly deserved." Emily started sidling away again, looking very nervous.

I spotted an unforeseen problem: all those girls were going to be scared to be anywhere near me. I said, "Relax Emily. You're in no danger. I will decide on the girl in the morning, even before I come to school, and I haven't done so today so you don't have to worry about being near me. Either I've already decided, in which case I'll find the girl and carry it out, or you're perfectly safe. If I can, I'll even give the girl advance notice the previous day, so she can wear appropriate clothes. I can't promise that, but I'll try. Please spread the word that none of you have to be nervous around me, as it doesn't increase your risk." One of my minds added, "In fact, I'll probably choose girls who're avoiding me, because they'll be trying to avoid responsibility for their actions. Your coming to ask me was a smart thing for you to do, because it tells me you're taking the issue more seriously than the others. You should spread that around too."

"Thanks, Egg. We were very nervous about this, and they're not going to be happy that it's for real."

"They can always opt out, and take the consequences of that. In all seriousness, I doubt I will do it to many of you because embarrassing people isn't my style. I can't promise, because it depends on how many of you treat me coldly or try to avoid me. All of you were inconsiderate to me, but I think you'll all get that message without me having to embarrass everyone."

"Phew, thanks. I'll start telling the others."

I let Emily get a few steps away, then said, "Emily!"

She turned, and I said, "On the other hand, you're very pretty and grope-able" (Emily was pretty, but not exceptionally, but that only added to my joke). I suddenly started acting like some sort of 'Frankenstein's Groping Monster'. I stretch my arms out in front of me, opening and closing my hands, lurching and limping slowly toward her, saying "Very pretty. {Cackle}. Must grope. {Cackle}."

There was a moment of fear on her face, and then she realized I was joking. She laughed and easily ran out of reach. I dropped my act and returned to my desk. I got some funny looks from other people, so I told them, "I need a new line. That one never seems to work." I made a mental note to tell Julia about the girls' fears [and subsequently did].

Dakota later approached Julia and me, and maturely apologized for her behavior Friday afternoon (the crying trick, to coerce me into another date with her).

I was impressed with her apology - especially as I remembered how upset she'd been when Julia fired her - so after she'd gone I asked Julia about reinstating her, perhaps as Laila's replacement.

Julia snorted.

#3: <Uh oh! Not a good sign.>

Then she explained, "She took her shot at manipulating you, against your needs and desires, for her own selfish gain, and she lost. She doesn't have any right to be your Liaison, she has no leverage over us, and there's no reason to believe she'd be any better at the job than Katelin or anyone else. Even less, because that apology could easily have been yet another trick to try to get us to take her back. We don't need a Liaison who's going to treat you trickily. Not to mention that taking her back would make it much harder for us to control all the other girls. She lost, end of story. Her life goes back to how it was a few days ago, and we move forward with some other Liaison."

So that was the end of those wonderful breasts.

Mid-morning Julia asked me, "What do you want to do at lunchtime?"

I gave her the only answer I could think of, "Eat, but you probably already knew that. What do you mean?"

"After your Loving Carol speeches last week, most of the girls who heard it want to get to know you much better. You had lunch with the first bunch last Wednesday, OSU on Thursday and Carol's friends on Friday. I was intending to have lunches with the rest of the girls today, tomorrow and Wednesday, but I haven't got around to doing much about arranging them. I mentioned having lunches to quite a few of the girls last week, and they're asking about it now. Shall we go ahead and do it?"

"Fine by me, but how about you put a lot less effort into selling me than you normally do? They're not worth your getting stressed out over."

#1: <You do realize what you just said, don't you? Getting dozens of pretty girls to salivating over us isn't worth some stress!>

#2: <They're still going to want us. That's why they're interested in lunch in the first place. Not to mention what's going to happen when the money comes in. I don't think we're going to suffer from a shortage of female company, especially not with our nipples so attractively displayed.>

Before one of my morning classes started, Lily and Pat approached me, and Pat said, "We'd like to ask you a question. Is that okay?"

"Sure," I answered with curiosity.

"For us to do this, we need you to stand in the corner and face the room." Lily indicated the nearest corner.

I complied, and the two of them stood side by side between me and the rest of the class.

Pat said, "You suggested I ask the whole class this, but I can't do that. I can ask you though. Are our asses too big?"

Both girls turned to face away from me, bent partly forward and lifted the backs of their skirts, giving me two delightfully bare asses to look at. I noticed both girls were wearing G-string panties, but there was so little fabric that they did almost nothing to detract from my enjoyment, both visually and at the humor of the situation. Times like this I am VERY glad I have eyeballs that can look at two things at once!

"Well, what do you think? Are they too big? Haha."

"I'm carefully studying the situation. You wouldn't want to rush me into giving an inaccurate answer to such an important question, would you?"

I wasn't rushing - in fact, I was willing to take a considerable amount of time - but some of the guys in the class were rushing very urgently. They were desperately eager to see if what they thought was happening, truly was happening. Lily and Pat weren't going to give them a free shot, so just as the fastest guy was getting around the side of them, they straightened up and pulled the backs of their skirts down.

"Aww," complained one of the very disappointed guys. Who then tried for some vicarious pleasure. He excitedly asked me, "What did you see?"

Talking to the girls, I answered, "Two very delightful sights. Or maybe that should be four, I'm not sure how to count those. Perfectly sized too, although I should occasionally check that they remain that way, haha. Thank you, Pat and Lily. I enjoyed that."

"You're welcome. We enjoyed it too. It's fun to surprise you."

"Not NEARLY as much fun as it was for me!"

"I like surprises too," said one of the guys. He was ignored. That probably didn't surprise him, which I was fairly sure meant he didn't like it.

I pulled the girls into a three-way hug, as they clearly needed to be thanked.

#3: <What must it feel like for them to be wearing short skirts and G-string panties like that? They'll feel wind blowing all over their asses. Even just walking around has got to feel VERY weird.>

#1: <I agree it must, but we are NEVER going to try to find out for ourself, are we? I'm not wearing a G-string and a short skirt for anyone, not even for one of you.>

#3: <Good heavens no! It's just sort of weird, and sort of sexy, to imagine them walking around like that.>

One of the unfortunate guys was in the process of bending over, trying to look up Pat's skirt. I had to do a double-take, as I couldn't believe my eyes the first time.

"Get up, Owen! Good grief. You can't go around trying to look up girls skirts like that!"

"I just wanted to see what they were wearing. It's not fair; you saw."

"They SHOWED me!" | From Pat, "Get lost, creep!"

"Argh. I just wanted to know."

Lily and Pat told him where to go. Lily knew the English for that.

The last pre-lunch event worthy of note was Laila. She didn't look like a girl who'd solved the puzzle about why she would win Liaison of the Week. Which probably meant that, come Sunday, she wouldn't be in the running.

Julia hadn't previously arranged the Monday to Wednesday lunches properly (apparently there are limits to what she can achieve), so she'd spread the word this morning that we'd be having "open" lunches for the next three days, that any and every girl could attend. The only restriction would be that the ground nearest to me would be for girls who hadn't sat near me at a lunch recently, to give everyone a fair chance to chat with me. (Obviously neither Julia nor Carol had to comply with that rule or many others, and in Carol's case, not with a law either.)

It was a nice lunch, as lunches usually are when I'm surrounded by forty girls who are all interested in me. They weren't all pretty, but they were all 16-year old girls who were interested in me, which counts for a LOT. Chloe was one of the many that turned up, but she sat in the haphazard equivalent of about the third row and didn't speak to me. Julia told me that she'd invited Chloe along ostensibly so she could get to know me better, but really so Chloe could see that I didn't need to chase her, and her seeing me being so popular with other girls would make Chloe upgrade her opinion of my desirability.

Carol arrived while we were still getting settled. Forty-odd girls can take a lot of settling, especially when many of them want to sit as near to me as they can. When Julia introduced Carol to everyone, there was a sudden, dramatic surge of interest. This was "The Carol", of my "Loving Carol" speech's fame. That speech - I soon had reinforced to me - was the main reason many of the girls were here, to get to know the guy who was capable of standing up in class and talking like that. Meeting the inspiration for my speech was another special event for the audience. They'd all seen me plenty of times, and many of them had never seen Carol before, so the girls' interest immediately focused on Carol. My role was to sit beside her and look platonically loving, while she told them all how wonderful it was to live with such an incredible brother. I tried to add "detachedly modest" to my "platonically loving" look. They were hard to combine with eating, but I did my best.

If Carol had had low self-esteem problems - which, until about a month ago, she had (the last month had been very good for her) - then the reception she got this lunchtime should have cured them. She came in for a LOT of praise. In fact, she got a LOT just for the way she was dressed, in one of Julia's flattering purchases. Julia had chosen them all to please me, with a 100% success rate so far, therefore they were all sexy. None overtly so, with the special case exception of the dress Carol had worn on our date with Cindy. Julia had explained to me the "look" she was going for with Carol, but much of that explanation was in girl-speak so it went right past me. I had caught "not overtly sexy", which was perfectly fine with me, because there's absolutely nothing wrong with covertly sexy. Carol's clothes came in for a great deal of praise from the other girls.

The last sentence is what physically happened, but I need to translate it from Girlish into English for my male readers. When girls praise another girl's clothes, they are actually praising the girl far more than her clothes. Somehow, through a process I don't understand, when a girl buys clothes, and they are the 'right' clothes (don't ask me how that's determined!), then all the other girls are consequently very impressed by her and she becomes more praiseworthy. The other girls truly seem to believe that she is a 'better' girl for having made that purchase. This, of course, makes no sense, as clearly illustrated by the following example: I have no idea whether loose- or tight-legged jeans are in fashion for guys now. If I went out and bought a pair of jeans - not that Julia would let me do something so important without her - and I got the fashion right or wrong, then either outcome obviously in NO WAY changes who I am as a person. And it would never occur to any guy that it would - except Rocky and his better(?) half. In English, rather than Girlish, the sentence that I'm explaining - the last one of the paragraph above - means that all the other girls thought Carol was wonderful, and were telling her so. Carol, being a girl, understands Girlish, so she was very happy. Her old worry that she'd find 16-year old girls intimidating was pretty well dead now.

Ignoring female fashion psychology for the moment - and a considerable number of extra moments to play safe - I'll mention another aspect of female psychology. It was an unquestioned assumption by ALL of the girls that the reason I was such a wonderful guy was obviously that Carol had trained me correctly. There was simply no other possible explanation. I'm not joking! This is what ALL of the girls around me believed, and even stated several times! No boy could get as nice as I'd been in class without female guidance, and it had only taken a few seconds of their listening to Carol to convince all the girls that Carol had obviously been that influence. None of the girls doubted that I was wonderful, but Carol was clearly the reason. She came in for a great deal of praise for making me so wonderful. Carol handed all the attention very well, thereby convincing them that they were right. It was kind of impossible for me to insist that I'd made myself so wonderful, so I had to sit quietly while Carol got all the credit. Girls are strange.

I did find it quite funny that so many girls could be so blindly gender-biased. Ignoring that, I genuinely enjoyed many of their "my brother is worse than your brother" stories. Some of those were truly appalling and impossible not to laugh at, even if I felt like a traitor to my gender.

[I later had a chance to whisper to Julia, "Why were all the girls so interested in Carol? Far more than on the fourteen-girl date we had last week, and more than on the bowling date." Julia explained, "There's been a LOT of talk about Carol since then." That didn't make much sense to me, especially because bowling had only been yesterday afternoon. Not to mention that all the girls had been concentrating on Chloe after they'd left Julia's place so hadn't had much chance to talk about Carol. When I don't understand girls, which happens from time to time, I ask Julia to explain. Apparently the key facts were that Carol's behavior yesterday had impressed the other girls, she was 'more real' now (I made a mental note to confirm that by checking Carol VERY carefully the next time we had enough privacy), and that Julia had let it be known that Carol would be here today, so the girls had come expecting to meet her. I'm sure that there were nuances I'd missed (probably the size of barns), but that's the best understanding I could get, as poor as it was.]

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