Deja Vu Ascendancy - Cover

Deja Vu Ascendancy

Copyright© 2008 by AscendingAuthor

Chapter 24: Old Swimsuits Are Best

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 24: Old Swimsuits Are Best - A teenage boy's life goes from awful to all-powerful in exponential steps when he learns to use deja vu to merge his minds across parallel dimensions. He gains mental and physical skills, confidence, girlfriends, lovers, enemies and power... and keeps on gaining. A long, character-driven, semi-realistic story.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Humor   Extra Sensory Perception   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Slow  

Wednesday, April 6, 2005 (Continued)

After dinner, the adults said they'd do the dishes so they could chat, sending us kids to play in the hot tub. I thought that was an excellent idea.

As we were leaving the room, I told Julia, "Goody. I'm looking forward to seeing what you look like in swimsuit. Very eager indeed. Walk faster!"

"You can see me naked any time you want, and you're getting excited about seeing me in a swimsuit?"

"I certainly am. Quite excited."

"In that case I'm going to wear a different suit than I intended."


"I was going to wear what I normally wear in the tub. Now I'm going to get the sexiest suit I've got."

"Why are we walking so SLOWLY!"

I grabbed her hand, and dragged her - laughing - to get my gear from the hot tub room. We caught up with Carol in the room. Donna was already in the pool, playing with the bubbles.

I picked up my bag, and Julia said to Carol, "Sister, we'll get changed in my room, okay?"

Carol smiled and happily grabbed her bag.

"You can get changed in the Guys' Room Mark," said Julia and her and Carol left the room.

I got changed, rubber-banded some plastic I'd brought around my cast, then returned to the hot tub room to join Donna.

When I walked into the room, Donna glanced at me, then did a double-take. "Wow. You look GOOD! Move your arm out of the way so I can see you properly."

#1: <I'm starting to think our body has changed more than we thought. Maybe we should look at it in a mirror one day.>

#3: <Yeah. It's not as if Donna's got any reason to exaggerate.>

I moved my slung arm (is that what you call an arm in a sling?) out to the side so Donna could see all of my torso.

"You're sexy! You could get lots of girlfriends if you showed off your body."

"I don't think it's that impressive. And I wouldn't want to go out with girls who were attracted to me just because of it."

#1: <You might not want to, but I certainly would! There's nothing WHATSOEVER wrong with a relationship based on physical attraction. In fact, it sounds perfect.>

#2: <Not since Julia gave us her virginity. I was trying to sound more noble than, "I don't want to get caught playing around on Julia.">

"You must've been doing a LOT of training since last summer. How come you've never said anything?"

#1: <What do we tell her?>

#3: <It has to be something vague because there isn't a good explanation.>

"There isn't any single explanation, Donna. I think it's mostly because my body's finally catching up on its muscular growth after being such a beanpole earlier. My adolescence must've left all the good growth to the end.

-- "I've been doing some more general exercise, but nothing major. I think it's mainly because Dad's athletic genes are finally showing themselves. I wish I'd looked like this a couple of years ago though because it would've put some of the smaller bullies off."

"They wouldn't dare fight you if they could see you now." That was definitely an exaggeration because some of the bullies are built like tanks, but that didn't invalidate Donna's being so impressed.

I was in the hot tub by now, with my right arm over the edge of the pool to keep it dry. I was REALLY looking forward to getting rid of this damned nuisance of a cast. I was worried that Donna might've felt left out earlier. She was moving actively around the pool so I didn't try to hug her. Instead I just asked, "How are you going? I've been a bit busy making speeches and eating my dinner to talk with you. Are you enjoying the evening?"

"It's good. I like Julia's family; they're all nice. The Boys have been looking after me. I wish we had a pool like this at home, only bigger so I could swim in it."

"When I saw it I also wished we had one at home. We think the same."

"Except you think about food a lot more than me."

"That's VERY true!"

"You and Julia made lovely speeches to Carol. That was very nice. You made her very happy."

"Good. She has made us very happy too, so that's only fair. I was a bit worried about leaving you out though. That didn't upset you?"

"I didn't matter. Carol did help you and Julia get together. You always thank me when I do something for you, so I know you're fair."

"Like when?"

"You thanked me several times for having a good run with you. You let me choose what days we'll run because you said I know more about it than you. Most older brothers would boss their little sisters around but you don't. You've thanked me for finding Aikido for you too, and I hope you like it because that'd make me happy to have helped you. You do it all the time. You're a VERY good brother. I'm very glad you're mine."

I was about to make the obvious reply, when Carol and Julia walked in. I failed to answer Donna's last comment because I was rendered incapable of speech by the sight of Julia's VERY sexy swimsuit.

Very sexy and very small, those being two not entirely unrelated attributes. I've got no idea of the right names to describe how a bikini is made, so let me just say the bikini top was very small, and the bikini bottom was very small too.

That was all my brain was capable of focusing on for a while. Then Julia did a slow spin. It turns out that the bikini bottom was very, VERY small. Oh boy!

Donna's loud laughing distracted me. I turned to look at her; a STUPID thing to do: why would I EVER want to look away from Julia?

Donna stopped laughing long enough to say, "You look silly."

"Me? Why?"

"You should have seen your face when Julia walked in, haha."

I turned back to look at Julia again. Getting laughed at was a price I was willing to pay.

She spun again, just in case I hadn't noticed the first time how good half her ass looked not in her swimsuit. I had noticed the first time, but was more than willing to notice again. Yep, just as good the second time around.

Julia asked, "I can see by the 'silly look on your face' that you approve?"

"Do I EVER! You look spectacular! I didn't know they made bathing suits that sexy! Surely that's illegal? Wearing that in public would cause a riot. You should've warned me, I nearly had a heart attack..." [[In truth it was sexy, but not THAT sexy. Not having much in the way of breast, Julia had chosen a suit that maximized her sexiness by being cut to expose her ass nicely. Probably only about a quarter of it was exposed, but I was greatly biased. This was MY girl, and having a girlfriend dressed revealingly short-circuited my brain.]]

Julia interrupted my gushing with, "Yep, I can see you approve. Good."

She climbed into the pool, and I gave her my hand to help her in. It was a pleasure watching her move. Once in the pool she settled onto my lap

I then became aware that Carol was still standing a couple of yards away from the tub. She was wearing my robe. It looked better on her than it did on me, and I say that without ever having looked at myself in a mirror while wearing it.

I was just about to open my mouth to say something to Carol about getting into the pool, when Julia explained, "Carol's a little embarrassed."

I looked at Julia, "Why?"

"The swimsuit she bought is last year's and she's grown quite a lot over winter. It's tight on her so she wore your robe down in case someone saw her. You don't mind do you?"

"Of course not. She can have whatever she wants of mine, especially if it would save her embarrassment."

"Promise not to laugh at her?"

"I promise."

Thus reassured, Carol took off the robe, exposing the one-piece swimsuit she was wearing. Carol turned to hang the robe on a peg, then turned back to come to the tub. Those turns gave me a good view of all of her. I was GOBSMACKED. She was GORGEOUS! And SEXY. Have I mentioned sexy? My God, was she ever SEXY!

I guess that from a purely theoretical point of view the suit did look silly on her, as it was stretched in ways it wasn't designed to. Her chest 'bulged' - such an ugly word for such a WONDERFUL effect - much more than the suit was designed to accommodate, and that had all sorts of interesting consequences. My favorite was its effect on the cutout areas under each of her armpits (don't ask me the technical term); they were stretched forward from where they should've been, showing an intriguing amount of the sides of her breasts which I'd had a wonderful view of when she'd hung up the robe. And then I unintentionally (honest!) looked at her crotch, and was amazed at how sexy it looked with the swimsuit pulled so tight. It was awesomely explicit and incredibly sexy. Wow!

Yeah, 'theoretically' the swimsuit looked silly.

I suppose that another girl looking at Carol in it might think she looked silly. But if you were male and had a pulse, that adjective wouldn't cross your mind. It'd be crowded out by a rush of other, very different, adjectives. (Now that I think about it, no adjectives would cross your mind if you didn't have pulse, but you're not likely to be reading this, so I'll shut up now.)


The only other time I've described Carol in this autobiography was shortly after my first merge, when #2 [[I called him #1 then]] saw her for the first time. That'd been a year and half ago. Since then several very nice things had happened to Carol's body. I'd noticed them happening of course, but Carol nearly always dresses very boringly so I'd never seen her in ANYTHING that showed her figure like it was showing now. Even when I'd seen her in this same swimsuit last summer, that'd been nine months ago and all I'd thought then was that there was a very nice body underneath a boring swimsuit. Her very long blond hair (it was pinned up now, but if she let it down it'd be only a few inches short of her waist) and her pretty face were the only ways she'd shown her beauty to me before. [[Growing her hair long was the only way Carol felt comfortable contributing to her beauty.]] Those were blown out of the water now. A spectacular body was bulging out of a VERY un-boring swimsuit.

Carol was taller now than eighteen months ago. I'll guess by an inch or two, but that's only a guess. I'd been growing taller at the same time so it was hard to judge, and who pays attention to height? The extra height looked damned good on her now though, especially in a suit designed for a shorter person.

"Plush" describes Carol well. I want to say "voluptuous" but can't quite because it implies a degree of conscious sensuality. Carol denies her beauty rather than delights in it, so while "voluptuous" is a perfect description of her body, it isn't of her personality. Carol isn't chubby, having just a little extra padding all over her body, making her well rounded; with her best places being VERY well rounded. Her breasts - being the best of the "best places" - are truly SUPERB. Carol's not even fourteen yet but her breasts are larger than most adult women's, and they'd felt fantastic when she'd hugged my arm against them when we'd been waiting for the car at school. It's a great pity she dresses in shapeless clothes because she'd look incredible in the right outfits.

Carol is beautiful. Mom and Dad were both very good looking in their old photographs. They're over thirty now so that doesn't matter anymore, but it's no surprise that Carol looks so good (and very unfair that I look so blah). She has a nicely rounded face, blue eyes and very pale skin, like Mom's. On cold days her cheeks turn pink, making her look very cute. She also blushes vividly, and was halfway there now.

In short, she's beautiful and has a KILLER figure! Oh boy, does she ever.


Having turned back toward the tub, Carol looked at me to make sure I wasn't laughing at her. I had no trouble at all not laughing. It was not drooling that I was struggling with.

It took an enormous amount of self-control to casually say, "You look good, Carol. Come and join us."

She did. I couldn't help watching her all the way. Watching her bend over to hold the side of the tub while she climbed over it was so spectacular I nearly groaned, but caught myself just in time.

Julia said, "She's very pretty isn't she?"


Carol looked up at me, "You think I'm pretty?"

"You're GORGEOUS!" I finally realized that I might've been more than a little over-emphatic. I resolved to mind my tongue, just as soon as I could roll it back into my mouth.

Fortunately normality returned. Carol settled into the pool, saying, "Oh, this is nice."

Donna asked, "Mom said the adults are having a meeting. What about?"

Julia answered, "Mark."

Donna's response was, "That'll be a boring meeting. Glad I'm here instead." Then she poked her tongue out at me.

"Scamp! It's a good thing Julia is so heavy that I can't get up to chase you, or you'd be in trouble."

"Hey, who you calling heavy?" protested Julia.

"I saw how much dessert you had."

You get the idea: it was the sound of normality returning. It required a very deliberate effort from me because I was still gobsmacked by how sexy Carol looked.

I'd forgotten about the parental meeting. I hope they could reassure Mom that I hadn't been a bully to Julia. I DETEST bullies with a passion, so I'd hate to be thought one by anyone, especially inside my family.

Julia was sitting on my lap and Carol came over and sat next to us so we could chat easily, leaving the rest of the pool free for Donna to move around in.

After several minutes of chat - don't ask me about what, I was having trouble paying attention - Julia said, "Carol, that swimsuit looks too tight to be comfortable. Try this." Julia leaned over and pushed both straps off Carol's shoulders so they hung around her upper-arms. THAT got my attention!

I imagine it did relieve a lot of the pressure and feel more comfortable. Unfortunately (because I must try not to think "fortunately") it also exposed a lot more of Carol's breasts. Not to mention - but I will because it was something I couldn't stop thinking about - that without the straps to hold it up, Carol's top might fall down at any moment, totally exposing her visibly fantastic breasts.

Carol said, "That feels better," and left the suit that way. EVERY time she moved my eyes couldn't help darting to her, hoping the top was going to fall. It didn't, to my intense disappointment (that should've been "to my relief", what with my being her brother and all. It should've been, but it wasn't).

After several more minutes Donna got bored and asked Julia, "Can I go and play on the pool table?"

Julia said, "That's fine. Help yourself."

I couldn't help asking, "You know how to play?"

"Sure. They have a table at the club." Whichever club that might have been, as Donna belongs to several sports clubs.

Julia, Carol, and occasionally I - in an attempt to seem normal - chatted while Donna got out of the tub and dried herself off.

When Donna was reasonably dry, she suddenly reached up and pulled her swimsuit off. In half a second she was naked and I was looking at a couple of very muscular buttocks. She looked over her shoulder at me, and caught me staring at her.

I was looking in shock more than for any other reason because Donna had NEVER done anything like this in front of me before, but it was still very embarrassing to be caught looking. I quickly looked down while apologizing, "I'm sorry, Donna. I shouldn't have looked."

I would've said more, but Donna just laughed at me, "I was just checking that you really think I'm pretty. You could've been looking at Julia or Carol. Thanks for looking at me." She wrapped herself in a towel, grabbed her clothes and took them into the Guys' Room.

I thought to yell out "You minx", but she'd already been out of the room for five seconds before the thought occurred. Julia's and Carol's laughing at me hadn't helped my recovery process at all.

When Carol stopped laughing at me, she said, "It's good that she feels reassured. I worry about her sometimes. She's a bit late maturing and it might be starting to upset her."

"Yeah, reassuring her, that was my plan the whole time."

Julia broke in, "Speaking of maturing, Carol your body is superb. I'm going to take you shopping for a new swimsuit. Not just any old swimsuit either, we are going to get you the sexiest swimsuit in Corvallis."

Carol squealed with delight and leaned forward to give Julia a big hug. My eyes darted, but her top did NOT fall down. Damn!

Julia continued, "If we can't find a sexy enough one in Corvallis, we'll go to Salem and find one there."

"{Gulp}. You really mean you want to get a SEXY one for me? Sexy? I've never had sexy swimsuit before..."

#4: <Apart from the one she's half-wearing now.>

" ... and I don't think Mom would let me wear one like that."

"Then we'll get you two. A half-sexy one you can wear when your parents are around, and a very sexy one you can keep here."

#1, #2, #3: <I don't think I like the sound of that.> | #4: <I like the sound of that!>

Carol asked, "Keep here?"

Julia explained, "Yes. Now that I think about it, that's what we'll do. I made room in one of my drawers for Mark to keep some clothes, but you'll need at least two drawers and I can't spare even one more. I'll buy another set of drawers for us because I can always make good use of it. You'll need some closet space too. Mine's already jam-packed, but I know Dad's having my walls pulled apart in a day or two so I'll get them to make some new closets when they rebuild them. That's a wonderful idea because I need more closet space anyway. I'll talk with him as soon as their meeting is over."

#1: <Have you guys noticed that Julia likes to be organized?>

Carol was confused, and she wasn't the only one. Carol asked, "I don't understand. What do you mean about my having clothes here and pulling down walls?"

Julia answered, "When I said in my little speech that I consider you my sister, I wasn't just saying nice words; I meant it, and I mean it far more now. I just realized it's the perfect solution. You and I are going to be spending a lot of time together. We are now sisters and best friends. That's if you want to be my friend?"

Carol gushed her happiness, "I would LOVE to be your friend. You are WONDERFUL; so nice and confident and older than me. I can't believe you're doing this..."

Julia interrupted, "I just remembered that you study a lot. I'll get Dad to get another computer and desk and we'll set them up next to mine so we can study together."

#3: <Wow, Julia is serious! And can you imagine two, side-by-side, matching, frilly pink monitor covers?>

"My own computer? And building a new closet for me?"

Julia explained, "We're not really building a new closet for you. My walls have to be opened up, and I would've had the idea to get extra closets for me added when the walls are rebuilt. You'll just be using some of that new space."

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