Deja Vu Ascendancy - Cover

Deja Vu Ascendancy

Copyright© 2008 by AscendingAuthor

Chapter 391: Donna's Sexual Education Begins (Her Sexual Training Having Started Long Ago)

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 391: Donna's Sexual Education Begins (Her Sexual Training Having Started Long Ago) - A teenage boy's life goes from awful to all-powerful in exponential steps when he learns to use deja vu to merge his minds across parallel dimensions. He gains mental and physical skills, confidence, girlfriends, lovers, enemies and power... and keeps on gaining. A long, character-driven, semi-realistic story.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Humor   Extra Sensory Perception   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Slow  

Saturday, August 18, to Friday, September 7, 2007

The following Saturday was Julia's nineteenth birthday party. It was a VERY formal affair, with a string quartet, lots of flower arrangements, weird finger-food, fancy wines, and - of course - elegant dresses. My girls all needed new ones, with Donna really needing one because none of her existing dresses had a high enough neckline in Mom's opinion.

The girls in Corvallis take fashion very seriously. Having the right attitude - the one I just stated - could get a girl invited on a free trip to a European fashion capital, so dressing for Julia's formal birthday party was a MAJOR crisis in dozens of homes around Corvallis. I had no trouble imagining that it caused a considerable number of tears, especially from the many parents who'd had to cough up big money to dress their daughters.

It was totally different from the costume party, which had been fun. I'm being unfair because I did enjoy seeing my girls so happy, I just would've liked some of the guys to be happy too. The girls were all done up to the nines, and many of them looked GORGEOUS, but no way would they risk getting mussed up by even hugging their dates, let alone what normally happens at our parties.

I must admit that I hadn't helped by suggesting that we get a custom-made tux for the Guardian Angel. It somehow gave Julia the impression that I didn't have the right attitude to her birthday party, so I spent the rest of the run up to and the party itself walking on eggshells to avoid offending her again.

One good thing about the party was... (I'll come back and complete this when I think of something.)


Four days after the party, Prof and Vanessa left on their Italy trip, accompanied by twenty eight very excited girls. There were no seats wasted on any guards because a sizeable security detachment had gone earlier on a commercial flight. All the previous overseas shopping trips had been eagerly anticipated, but none as much as this trip was because it was for a whole week. Vanessa has always wanted her plane back, restricting the previous trips to almost impossibly short periods of time. Only "almost" impossible, as the girls had always staunchly done their best to overcome the timing adversity. A whole week meant the girls could shop PROPERLY. For a whole WEEK! In ITALY!

Speaking of which, Nevaeh was going. To her surprise she'd easily obtained permission from her parents. They'd agreed because it was free, a girls-only trip with security guards, they knew Nevaeh loved fashion, would never forgive them if they refused, and especially because they thought it'd help her get over her depression from breaking up with Peter. They gotten the impression that she was very unhappy because I'd suggested to her that she should not only suppress her happiness at home, but act morose about boys in general and Peter in particular. She'd had no compunction about doing that as she was very pissed off at her church and her parents for their telling her so many lies about God and sex. She understood my "They're victims too" argument about her parents, so she wasn't too angry with them; just the right amount of anger to not have any qualms about deceiving them. Her parents were trusting Nevaeh even more than they had previously, reassured by her reaction to Peter's reported leering at her and her frequent scathing comments at home about boys being so interested in sex. She knew they were because I vigorously proved it to her several times a week. In her enthusiasm for me and sex, she was a lot of fun.

I took the girls to the airport, said, "Gee, I wish I could go with you," and got laughed at, so I tried, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do," and that wasn't believed either. I waved them goodbye, then returned home so Dad and I could get ready for our trip.

We'd flipped for it between a real-man's fishing trip or doing it in luxury ("flipped for it" used as a figure of speech, as using random chance would be a silly way of making a decision). Roughing it for a week appealed to both of us, but we'd decided that luxury appealed more. I'd been put in charge of finding the most beautiful fishing location I could. We wanted a five-star fishing lodge on the nicest possible river or lake, and we didn't care what the fishing was normally like because if there were any fish in the water, we'd catch them.

I found a place that had what we wanted. We leased a large, pontoon-equipped chopper that could fly us, our canoe, fishing gear, and our security detachment to whichever one of several nearby lakes we wanted to use that day, so we could get a variety of scenery. Varying our fishing locations also made our security staff's job easier; it was annoying, but we had to take security very seriously.

We had a great time. I'd never spent so much quality time with Dad before, and sitting in a comfortable canoe on a sunny, placid lake was very conducive to wandering thoughts and man-type conversation, with long silences that neither of us felt had to be immediately filled.

Dad had lots of questions because he didn't understand hardly anything about my future. He didn't even know what his and Mom's life was going to be like because theirs was almost certainly going to continue to be greatly affected by mine. Two and a half years ago we'd been a very average family, then I'd changed and had sucked the whole family's lives along with me. Because of me, we were enjoying a fishing trip that costs considerably more per day than Dad used to earn in a month - still does earn, excluding his investment income - while the girls were in Italy and doubtless spending considerably more than us, once they'd finished scouting the market properly.

I wasn't much better than Dad in terms of being able to predict my future, but I could guess at possibilities for the next three or four years based on some of the things Prof had talked to me about. Beyond about five years was a complete mystery to me as I didn't know enough about how the real world worked to even begin to guess. Dad didn't know either, not in the areas of the world that I'd be moving in. I don't mean geographic areas, but areas like world-leading science, the business of invention commercialization and God knows what else that might be relevant to my life.

Julia and I were thinking that we'd go in the direction of an invention commercialization company as it appealed to both of us considerably. Julia wanted to run something huge with me; something that'd shake up the world and let me achieve the potential her family all thought I had. Whatever I did clearly had to be with science because that was the only career interest I had, and it was the only area in which I could affect the world as much as WE wanted me to ("WE" is emphasized because even I had changed enough that I was looking forward to that). To be simplistic but not without merit, scientists are either backroom theoretical researchers who operate on a level far from real life, or they're inventors who often take decades and untold testing to develop a single breakthrough. We believed I had the capacity to not only be both, but to lead a scientific organization that developed new theories and took them all the way through to selling world-shaking products. That was our hope anyway, despite the HUGE number of uncertainties involved.

Dad and I spent a fair amount of time talking about our lives with the Williamses. Dad was very thankful they were in our lives. Not because he felt pressured about giving me advice, because he'd left most of that to Mom anyway, but because he appreciated that I was getting the good advice I needed from them.

We discussed the girls' futures: Carol's and Donna's, Ava and most recently Nevaeh. Dad knew all about how I'd seduced Nevaeh so deeply that I'd created a lot of responsibility for myself, including from Vanessa as she'd spent a couple of dinner conversations leading a discussion with me and Julia about that. Plus Dad had questions as far afield as where my powers came from and whether they might harm me in the long run. If anything crossed his mind, between pulling up fish, he asked about it. There was no hurry.


[Although this chapter is dedicated to Donna's education, she wasn't the only one receiving some of that. To explain about my above reference to Vanessa's dinnertime discussions, Vanessa and the other parents were aware of my use of the God tactic to seduce girls. They thought it was immoral - although amusingly equivalent to what churches did - but they were waiting for me to learn that lesson for myself rather than imposing an unlearned behavior on me. As that description implies, their visible reaction to my new seduction technique had been very understated.

They used to believe that I might grow up to be an important, powerful man; they no longer "believed that I MIGHT" - the growth in my powers in just the two years they'd known me was phenomenal. I was already awesomely powerful, but what really blew their minds was imagining what my powers would be like in another ten or twenty years. I didn't think that way, and you probably don't either, because we know that my powers jump up only after a merge, but the parents didn't know that. They were concerned about how much power I might develop and the harm I could do with it, so they were letting me misbehave with individual girls now to reduce the risk of my destroying countries later. They were keeping a close eye on me, ready to ensure I took responsibility for my actions, made good for any harm I caused, and most importantly, learned the lessons I needed. As this implies, Vanessa and Prof had gotten Mom to take the long view on parenting; Mom's knee-jerk reactions were a thing of the past. Given my increasing power, it was absolutely essential that I learn to handle it, including judging how much of it to use. Picking up a girl 'too effectively' was a concept I'd never heard of before, let alone had to learn not to do it.

The dinnertime conversations Vanessa had led were ostensibly about my increasing propensity to treat girls as playthings, which the parents also didn't come down heavy on. All guys always try to make themselves seem better when they're trying to seduce a girl, and guys often try to score with girls just for the fun of it, so my overdoing it wasn't that big a deal. The parents didn't particularly care about that issue - not compared to the future risk of my destroying countries or causing other similar calamities - because undervaluing what you have an excess of is a very common problem; even Dad had experienced that in his high-school days, and had grown out of it. Thousands of adoring fans throw their bodies at rock and film stars every day, and those fans nearly always get used, abused and discarded; such is human nature on both sides of that 'relationship'. Likewise, thousands of wannabe rock and film stars throw themselves at those industries every day, where they are nearly always used, abused and discarded; such is human nature yet again. The parents were mainly using this common problem - my failing to respect Nevaeh and other girls - as a way of staying informed about, and subtly prompting me to consider, my uses of power. They expected that as I learned to stop having such a weak ego, it'd swing too far in the arrogant direction. They weren't concerned about that happening, because they had confidence that I'd swing it back toward a good position once I'd made a few mistakes. It would have been shortsighted of them to prevent me making those mistakes.

These issues were explained to me after I finished my SCS project (more on that later). I mention the issues now because I wouldn't want you to think that my four parents were doing a poor job. I think they were doing a superb job. It was an extremely difficult one for them because of how much was at stake, there being no precedent for how to raise someone as powerful as me, and there being no one they could turn to for advice, so they were putting a great deal of behind-the-scenes thought and discussion into it, and acting very carefully and deliberately when they raised parenting issues with me. They believed raising me was the most important job of any of their lives, so it got a great deal of their attention. Mom fully understood that now, which is why her knees no longer suffered the maternal Patellar reflex. Dad was taking the opportunity of our fishing trip to do some 'fishing' about my learning the important lessons. I hadn't learned them yet, as you'll see when you read about my SCS project, but Dad didn't force the issue, knowing it was best to let me learn the lessons myself.]


The fishing was VERY good. There are a lot of fish in a lake, and it's surprising how large some of the cunning ones can get. Dad was turning into a fishing legend in the lodge, as he came back day after day with exceptional catches. Usually three or four monsters, and a large number of good-sized fish.

I should mention that before the trip, Paul, Dad and I had very carefully planned our security. One of our options was to completely book out a lodge so there'd only be staff there. Dad and I had opted not to do that, hoping that we'd enjoy the social interactions with other fishermen. Having other people in the lodge turned out to be a mixed blessing. It was initially awkward, as the other guests were discomforted by us and our guards, but once they'd asked all the obvious questions and had got used to us, it became friendlier.

Except in one respect: to the annoyance of some of the other guests, Dad didn't have enough knowledge about fishing to justify his record-breaking catches. We took whatever bait the lodge gave us, went to spots we chose for their beauty and security, baited up our lodge-provided lines and dropped our hooks over the side. We had no idea whether good fishing practice dictated that we should fish close to the shore or not, under overhanging trees or not, near streams running into the lake or not. That we didn't know any of that stuff didn't impress the serious fishermen, and some of them were very serious indeed. The most rabid of them were quite offended at Dad's haphazard successes. Their attitudes were sometimes annoying, although funny in the sense that they had no sense of humor about it. Fortunately enough of the others guys in the lodge were good company so we could ignore the sourpusses.

As we kept returning with exceptional catches, speculation grew about angelic interference. The competing fishermen were annoyed by their theory that God was helping us. I thought it was great because when the story got out, anything that helped convince people that "God was on my side" was to our advantage, and it fitted in nicely with my "Oops, I Left My Jacket At Our Restaurant Table" plan.

We neither confirmed nor denied having angelic assistance, but on the last couple of days we said say we'd fish "normally", thereby indirectly confirming that God was indeed on our side. We'd caught enough big fish to satisfy our desire for that, so we let nature take its course, which - being poor fishermen - meant we didn't catch much. We probably should've been fishing in shallower water, or deeper water, or something.

Apart from the fame hassle and the considerable hassle we'd put our security people to - but that's what they get paid for - everything else about the trip was great. Well-bonded, Dad and I returned to civilization as renewed men. Except that I was increasingly a "re-olded man", steadily reverting to my old self; with about a month to go for that.

The planeload of Italy returnees arrived home soon after we did. Prof and Vanessa had thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were like Dad and me in being well rested and happy. The girls were exhausted, but still had enough energy to threaten me with those horrible words that sent shivers up my spine: "Wait till you see what we've bought you, Mark." I knew I was going to be the dummy in a many-hour long "Dress Up and Twirl" session.

Donna had thoroughly enjoyed herself. Mostly she raved about clothes and shopping, which my minds hid from. She caught me by surprise when she said, "The Italian men are terrible flirts and some of them are very handsome, but I didn't give any of them any blowjobs, Mark."

"Haha. That's good, sweetie."

As we were finishing dinner, Donna told me, "I think Carol, Julia and Ava are VERY tired tonight."

"I'm sure they are. You must be very tired too."

"No I'm fine, although I was thinking of going to bed soon."

"Goodnight, sweetie."

"Argh. You know what I want. Today's the 2nd and I'm hoping you can sleep with me please?"

"That's a REALLY tricky question. I haven't seen my wives and Ava for a week so we really should catch up with each other...

Donna moaned, "Yeah."

" ... On the other hand, if I try to catch up with them they'll just rave about the clothes shopping, and you know how dreadfully dull that is."

Donna had to think about it, but she'd already done the clothes shopping and the sex was looming, so she said, "Yeah. You don't like it at all. I won't talk about it with you."

"Good girl. I can't answer you without checking with the others though..."

"I'll finish the dishes for you so you can check now."

The above exchange makes me realize that I haven't written as much about Donna as perhaps I should have. I have had to keep my autobiography's focus on myself - as is normally the case with autobiographies - to avoid it becoming too long. I have tried to write only about events that are relevant to my ascendancy, which Donna has been a little too peripheral to. She's almost three years younger than me, is four years younger than Julia and five years younger than Ava. For the duration of this 'story' thus far, Donna has been too young to be one of my core group, but the maturity gap is starting to narrow. As the above conversation shows, she's still young but she can be good company. The trouble is that Donna can also be bad company: she has childish lapses in which she loses her temper, acts petulantly, completely fails to consider other people's feelings, and pretty much all the other traits from young kids that I imagine you're familiar with. Those lapses are why she's still living with the parents and isn't part of the Kids' House. She's improving - although erratically, to the parents' frustrations.

I walked down to my bedroom.

There was no hope whatsoever of my going to bed in this room - the bed wasn't even visible. Our HUGE bed was entirely buried in boxes, paper, bags, and many, many dresses.

"Good grief! All the women in Italy are going to be naked next season because you bought ALL the clothes!"

"Look at this, Mark. Isn't it gorgeous. See the clever way they've cut it so..."

"Ahh, I'm sorry to interrupt, but Donna's begging me to sleep with her tonight. Normally I wouldn't dream of not sleeping with you after we've been apart for a week, but I know you're tired and I can't even see the bed. By the time you find it again, you'll be exhausted."

"We're just tidying up."

"Yes, I can see that. It's going VERY well."

"Julia, show him the maroon dress Nevaeh got," suggested Ava.

"There's really no need... ," I started protesting, not wanting to put Julia to any trouble, and other reasons.

"GREAT idea!" agreed Julia, burrowing into the piles of stuff on the bed.

#1: <Julia's so small they could lose her among all that stuff. She should've tied a rope to her waist and given the end to us to hold for her.>

There were some subterranean disturbances on the bed, then Julia emerged holding a dark red dress saying, "You should see Nevaeh in this."

Julia held it up and I gave it quick glance because her waving it caught my eye. Then I gave it another glance, and then I answered Julia, "You're right, I should. That's a GORGEOUS dress! I particularly like its front."

"Haha, what front?" asked Ava.

"I'm standing firm on my opinion," I insisted.

Carol said, "Don't tell Mom, but we got Donna one like that too."

"Wow. Donna would look SPECTACULAR in that!"

"We didn't get her one of these, Mark. 'One LIKE it.' Nevaeh has a greater hips-to-waist ratio than Donna, so Nevaeh's dress has got the two panels on the sides to give extra shape because this fabric won't naturally hang the way it needs to when it's cut the way this, while Donna's..."

"Yes, I see. That's very clever. You've got to hand it to those Italians."

"This is a FRENCH dress! You can tell because this season the French are using more textured fabrics, while the Italians are sticking to..."

Carol interrupted, thank God, because I was having trouble coming up with a polite way of stopping the torture, "Julia, don't forget to ask Mark about his clothes in the closet."

"Oh yeah, thanks Carol." Turning to me, Julia said, "We might have to move some of your clothes out of the closet and into one of the spare bedrooms. We're running short of space. You don't mind do you?"

#13: <Good grief! I'm speechless. That closet is bigger than our old bedroom.>

"I don't mind. You usually lay out my clothes anyway so it's mostly going to inconvenience you. I must admit to being somewhat surprised that you've filled it though."

"We have to hang a lot of clothes for Nevaeh and Donna. Clothes their mothers won't let them have."

"I thoroughly approve of both girls having clothes their mothers wouldn't approve of, but wouldn't it make more sense to hang their clothes in one of the spare bedrooms so mine can stay here?"

"No." Julia looked at me like I was simple-minded.

"You'll need to explain why, because I can't see what's wrong with my logic."

"The five of us will often be getting dressed together and we have to coordinate. That's much harder with five than with three. It would take us forever if we had to go back and forth to another bedroom."

#15: <First of all, DON'T touch the "forever" comment. That'd be asking for trouble. Second, I think "the five of us" is referring to the five girls whose clothes will be in here. I think we just got demoted out of "us". But they've just got back and they're still hyper so it's best not to confront them about it.>

#12: <Agreed. It's a pity the hallway extends across the back of the closet, otherwise the girls could've knocked out the wall and converted whatever bedroom had been behind it into an extension of their closet.>

#31: <Can they extend it downward? Have the racks go down under the floor to some sort of automated parking garage, with individual racks being retrievable. It'd be much more expensive, but this is essential closet space we're talking about here.>

I said, "I think I understand, Julia. Sometimes I'm glad I'm a guy and have a life that's so simple compared to what girls have to think about. I've had two thoughts you might want to consider. I'm going to be finished my physical transformation in about a month and I believe I've heard you talk about taking me shopping. I've a feeling my new clothes would be unlikely to fit in any one of the closets in a spare room, so they'd end up being split over three or four locations, which would be getting impractical. I was wondering whether it's possible to extend this closet. I don't think horizontally works in any direction, but maybe vertically would. Dig a hole underneath and have the racks on some sort of carousel that rotated them up from below. If that worked, you could easily double your rack space, more like four or five times, I would guess."

Julia rushed over and threw her arms around me. That was good, but to do so she'd dropped Nevaeh's wonderful new dress on the floor, which is not the way new dresses should be treated. I picked the dress up with NP and draped it over the bed carefully. I made a mental note to tell Julia to care more for clothes. Meanwhile I hugged her back, asking, "I'm curious why I'm getting hugged all of a sudden?"

"For being so understanding. I know I'm a little bit silly about clothes sometimes, but you didn't complain and you tried to help."

#19: <It's not so much "understanding" that I struggle with, but "believing".>

"You help me FAR more than I help you, darling. Clothes are about the only significant thing that you're interested in which is not focused on me, so I'm happy to see you have a hobby that you care about so passionately."

There was more of this type of stuff. The girls are usually frazzled after their shopping frenzies and I've learned to be very careful. After a weeklong trip, extreme caution was definitely called for.

Julia apologized for all the mess in our room, explaining, "We didn't have enough time to be as methodical as we would've liked. A week isn't long enough to cover three cities."

#5: <Three? I thought they were going to Rome and Milan.>

#12: <Presumably Paris judging from Nevaeh's wonderful new dress, but I'm sure we'll hear all about it sooner as well as later.>

[They'd spent a couple of days in London. It wasn't long enough, and they'd decided that they needed to go back again for at least a week, although two would be better. They had called me from time to time while they'd been away, but they'd never thought to mention that they'd changed countries.]

Julia rambled a bit, then said, "It's going to take us AGES to get our clothes sorted out, and then we'll crash. Donna's been very eager about having her monthly turn with you as soon as possible, so it might be a good idea for you to do that tonight. Is that all right?"

Carol and Ava were amused, showing that they hadn't forgotten why I'd come into the room. They kept quiet.

I said, "It'll make Donna happy. It'll make the three of you happy because you'll have time to get your new purchases sorted out without me pressuring you by my presence. And it'll make me happy because sleeping with Donna is enjoyable and I'm looking forward to having a good talk with her, plus I don't like getting in your way when you're having so much fun with your hobby. So I think your idea is perfect, Julia."


I should mention that Nevaeh had done VERY well on the trip. She'd been Julia's perfect travel companion: enthusiastic, compliant, and HEAVILY (insanely?) into fashion. She hadn't had the money to actively participate in fashion before, but she'd been following it avidly for years, and she was GOOD at it. (When I'd snooped her home I'd briefly seen that it had a sewing room. I'd assumed that was her mother's - as it was - and hadn't looked closely enough to notice that many of the hundreds of magazines and drawings were of fashion that was too young for Mrs. Smith.) With her level of interest, artistic eye, and being a fairly smart girl, Nevaeh was better at fashion than Julia, although Julia had the advantage of a year's headstart in being able to afford to visit Europe's fashion capitals. Julia is certainly egotistical and bossy, but not in a way to make her feel the slightest negativity toward Nevaeh for her greater fashion acumen; Julia was too busy being positively DELIGHTED by Nevaeh. They were on exactly the same wavelength, and the two of them had enormous fun together. They hit it off BIG TIME! By the time the trip was over, Nevaeh had made herself a very strong friend of Julia's. And of Carol's and Ava's too of course, if only for making Julia so happy.

("BIG TIME" also describes Julia's expenditure on Nevaeh. I know Nevaeh took many of her new clothes home, but when I saw the ones left hanging in what used to be my closet, it looked like Julia would have spent over $100,000 on them. I've learned enough about designer brands from being around Julia over the last year to be reasonably confident in that estimate, crazy as it seems. Nevaeh's figure and beauty cry out for her being dressed as well as Julia's money can buy, but I know that as much enjoyment as I'll get out of seeing her dressed to perfection - and Julia knows my definition of "perfection" - my enjoyment will be only a fraction of that the girls experienced from buying and having those clothes. The cost is truly trivial to Julia anyway, so everyone is very happy.)

All the other girls in the plane were sold on Nevaeh too, although in a different way. They'd previously known Nevaeh as "Angel", so her real identity was well and truly out now. The costume party had been two weeks before the Italy trip started, so the initial wave of excited stories about it had already run their course. From even before the plane took off on the trip, it was obvious to everyone that Nevaeh was in tight with Julia, Carol and Ava; that tightness was mostly because of Nevaeh's relationship with me, which we had to take seriously because I'd hooked her so severely. None of the other girls were socially suicidal enough to say a single bad word against Nevaeh. Nor, when they returned home, would they spread the name of the sexually promiscuous female angel, especially because by the time the trip ended, Nevaeh was IN TIGHT with Julia. All the girls on the plane appreciated the need to keep Julia happy - that's how they'd gotten seats on the plane in the first place - so Nevaeh was enthusiastically befriended by everyone, regardless of her being two or three years younger than most of them. Nevaeh enjoyed the trip IMMENSELY.

She was turning out to be a truly marvelous addition to our lives. The only concerns I had about having her as a girlfriend were because of:

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