Blood Moon Chronicles: Book 3: A New Moon Rises - Cover

Blood Moon Chronicles: Book 3: A New Moon Rises

Copyright© 2012 by James Howlette

Chapter 8

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Book 3 in the story of Young Davik, and his Quest for vengeance. Davik is now changing and must learn to control his new abilities. But the beast is on the move too, and soon the two forces will clash. Who will prevail and could something new be born out of their conflict.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including NonConsensual   Rape   BiSexual   Fiction   non-anthro   Were animal   Big Breasts   Size   Slow   Violence  

My heart skipped a beat and I felt a lump from in my throat as I heard Fergus utter the name of the one, I was dreading would come to Fardun, in search of me.

“Fergus, are you sure that it was him? Like, absolutely sure that Brenson was the one who was asking around for me?”

“Aye, lad, it was him,” he said with a nod. “He was, of course, much older, with some drastic changes, but I never forget a face.”

I took a few deep, calming breaths before I asked, “You said that he had drastic changes. What did you mean?”

“Well, time had not been very kind to him. He was much thinner and looked quite disheveled. He had on a long dark cloak, walked with a slight limp and his voice was very raspy. At one time, he shifted a bit, causing his cloak to move, and I noticed that he had severe scarring to his throat. It explained why his voice was so raspy and quiet. How he survived such a wound I do not know.”

My assumptions had proven true and that filled me both with elation and fear. He was the man who had held my father and Ruben prisoner, but I still had to prove he was the beast. He could be the beast’s master, sending it to do his bidding, or he may be serving the beast. Still, I would need to be wary of him and make sure that I hid my presence, I hoped that my visits had not put the village in danger, but I could not let my worries cloud what I had to do. If I did things to mask my scent, there would be no trail for the beast to follow at the next blood moon.

“Thank you, Fergus. Please keep an eye on Lillian, and make sure everyone is aware that he is a threat they need to be mindful of.”

He nodded, and I made my way out of the inn. I headed north to Agetha’s shop. My mind drifted to what I had just heard as I made my way to the shop, thinking of the different possibilities that could occur from his search for me. Would he attack Fardun - or Cartha for that matter - just to draw me out? Were those I loved safe now?

We had seen what this beast was capable of, and I had no doubt he would tear his way through a battalion of soldiers to get to me or my loved ones. I pulled my thoughts away from the doubts and worries to focus on the task at hand. Agetha’s shop looked like most houses in the village, though it had a small extension added to it for her clinic. My elder father and I had been the ones to build it for her when she took over for my elder mother as the village healer. As I approached, I decided to go through the clinic entrance, hoping that there were not too many people waiting.

I opened the door and heard a bell ring next to me. Looking up, I saw that there was a bell with a small wooden lever that got pushed whenever the door opened and closed. I closed it behind me and watched as the door moved the lever, causing a small piece of metal to strike the bell, causing it to ring. I would have to suggest this to Lillian, as she could get something like this made for Ilane’s clinic back in Cartha. I heard footsteps behind me and turned to find Agetha entering the clinic. The years were beginning to show, but she still had the same cheery attitude that I remembered from my years spent in Fardun.

“Ah, Davik, it has been so long,” she said with her soft, calming voice. “Come let me take a look at you boy, you have grown since you left.”

I laughed and stood before her, she made a twirling motion with her finger and I spun around slowly.

“You have somehow become even larger, boy, and there is a new-found strength and confidence in you. I am happy to see you are doing well, but I must wonder why you have come to my clinic? You look fit as a fiddle and I doubt you came just to chat with an old woman.”

I smiled and replied, “First of all, Agetha, you are far from old, so do not try to play that game with me. Second, I have not changed that much since I left, I have always been a rather large boy, just like my father. You are right though, I do not need your services, a friend of mine does. She was injured while gathering herbs for the clinic in Cartha. They had been broken into just before I left, and a lot of their goods were damaged or destroyed. She run afoul of a Tora near my camp, I was able to help her get away and kill the Tora.”

“You were able to kill a Tora?” A look of shock was evident on her face, “Not many people can claim that, young man, and yet you claim to not have changed since you left. Is this change you refuse to mention the reason why Brenson returned to the village, asking where he could find you?”

I stood there, looking obviously uncomfortable with the way her questions were going. I did not want to put her in danger by revealing something that could get her killed. On the other hand, I did not want to lie to her; she had been too good to me and my elders to do that to her.

“It is ok, boy, your face answers every one of those questions, but I will not ask for details. There was something very off about Brenson, but to be honest, there was always something off about him. He never really seemed to fit in with the village and kept to himself for a long time. He appeared one night about fifty years ago, from what I remembered hearing from some of the elders of the village. He left around ten years later - no one really knows why. His visit not long ago was the first any of us had seen or heard from him since he left.”

I was relieved to hear it, but the continued mention of him was wearing on my thoughts. I would need to come up with something soon to try and mask myself, and possibly Lillian.

“Thank you, Agetha. If you do not mind, would you come with me to the inn? You can check on my friend’s injuries and figure out which balms and salves would work best, along with medicine, to help speed up her recovery.”

She nodded and went through a door to the back. Around five minutes later, she emerged with a small bag, and gestured to lead the way. We made our way back to the room we had left Lillian in. Roger was standing outside her door. He nodded at me, unlocked the door and allowed us to enter, before closing and locking the door behind us.

“I must say, Davik, I am surprised at how you are handling the room. Is all of that really necessary?”

“Yes, Agetha, I am afraid that it is,” I said turning my gaze on her. “I believe that Brenson has a connection to the thing that killed my family. Whether there is a direct, or indirect connection, has yet to be determined. As such, Fergus and Roger are ensuring that no one can access my room or Lillian’s, without their knowledge.”

She nodded and approached the bed, smiling at Lillian. There was a quick, hushed conversation between the two, before Lillian nodded.

“Turn around or leave, boy,” Agetha said sternly, “I will not have you ogling such a beautiful young lady while I conduct my examination.”

I laughed and knocked on the door, letting Roger know I wanted to leave. He unlocked the door, then closed and locked it behind me. I made my way downstairs and decided to stop into the dining hall. I would enjoy the meal of the night, then I would collect a plate for Lillian and Agetha. I mentioned my plan to Fergus, and he said he would be happy to help me bring up food for them. Tonight, was slow-cooked bison brisket, with roasted corn and sweet potatoes. The coating of various herbs and spices created a flavorful crust on the outside of the brisket, while the meat was tender and juicy. The corn was slightly burnt in areas, adding to the flavor and aroma. The sweet potatoes were seasoned lightly and helped to balance the meal. I enjoyed a pint of honey mead with the meal and made sure to thank Roulf, the cook, for the lovely meal. I went and helped Fergus load two plates for the women stuck upstairs. For Lillian, I got a cup of water, and for Agetha I got some Blackberry wine, her favorite. When we arrived upstairs, Roger knocked first, to make sure we were not coming in at an inappropriate time. Once they replied it was ok, Roger let us in, and we surprised the ladies with the meals we brought. Lillian ate hers in the bed, while Agetha sat at the small table to the left of the bed. Fergus returned downstairs, while I sat with Agetha to go over what she found in her examination.

“She will be fine, though she is very lucky that nothing was broken by the attack. She will need bed rest for the next three days, and I will bring some salves and balms for the bruising in the morning. I have left a potion for her to drink right before bed that will help dull the pain and help her get a good rest. She will need that, more than anything else, to ensure that she heals quickly. Are you planning on staying until she heals, or are you planning to return to camp?”

I think I will pop back over in the morning,” I said thoughtfully. “I have a Tora to dispose of. In fact, I may just bring it to the forester camp and have them help me bring it into town. I am sure that the village and Patron will be more than happy with the meat and other bounties it will have to offer all of you.”

“Good! Because if I find out you left this poor woman to fend for herself, I will find your camp and make you rethink your decision.”

Her tone left no doubt in my mind that she would make good on that threat. I simply nodded in reply and left her to finish her meal. I went over to the bed to see how Lillian was doing, now that she had finished her plate of food.

“You did not have to do all this for me, Davik. Thank you. I overheard your conversation with Agetha, and you do not need to return on my account. You have much more important things to worry about and do.”

“Well, I am afraid you do not have a say in the matter, my dear,” I said with a smile. “I do not either, as I doubt either Agetha - or Violet for that matter - would let me live if I did.”

She smiled, with a slight blush and thanked me again. When Agetha was done with her food, she collected the empty plates and bid us a good night. I bade Lillian a good night and made my way to the door when she called me back.

“I know I have no right to ask this, not after some of the things I have done, but could you stay with me tonight?”

I mulled her request over, thinking what I should do, and, more importantly, what Violet would ask me to do if she were here. Any other woman would probably tell me no way in the seven hells could I lie with another woman, for any reason. Violet was showing me more and more that she was not like everyone else - Trina, and my evening with Liza, were proof of that. Besides, I was only going to lie with her, not have sex, which I knew Violet would not have a problem with.

“I will, but I will not take my clothing off, and I ask that you stay in the shirt I gave you until I can get you more clothes tomorrow.”

She smiled brilliantly, nodded vigorously, and thanked me for saying yes. She then took the vial off the side table and quickly gulped down the contents. She gave a slight shudder, no doubt from either the consistency or flavor of the concoction. She then turned to lay on the side that had not been injured and asked me to join her. I took off my boots and got into the bed, snuggling myself beside her. She then took my hand and draped it over her, before sighing contently. I merely lay there, listening to her breathing until it deepened, signaling that he had fallen asleep. It was not much long after that I felt the embrace of sleep calling me and let myself drift off.

Thankfully I did not dream while I slept, but when I woke, I did notice that the circumstances of our sleeping positions had changed. For one, she was pressed into my body, very tightly. The second was that I could feel that my hand was currently filled with a rather large and rather bare breast. One that my fingers were currently in the process of teasing the very hard nipple. The third was that a light moan or growl was coming from Lillian, while she seemed to rub her very naked bum against my very hard morning erection.

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