Blood Moon Chronicles: Book 3: A New Moon Rises - Cover

Blood Moon Chronicles: Book 3: A New Moon Rises

Copyright© 2012 by James Howlette

Chapter 9

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Book 3 in the story of Young Davik, and his Quest for vengeance. Davik is now changing and must learn to control his new abilities. But the beast is on the move too, and soon the two forces will clash. Who will prevail and could something new be born out of their conflict.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including NonConsensual   Rape   BiSexual   Fiction   non-anthro   Were animal   Big Breasts   Size   Slow   Violence  

“So, Davik, this is where you have been hiding? I must say it is a quaint little camp that you have here.”

The voice jarred me, given that I had not seen anyone here during my quick search of the rooms. I turned to see who had said that, as the voice was familiar, but my shocked mind was having trouble figuring out who it was. I soon looked into the deep brown eyes of my love’s mother, Ilane.

“I assume you are having trouble understanding my presence here,” she said, with a smile. “You are not the first person to find this place, though it is fitting for you to be the next one to find it. Tell me, have you reached the part in my husband’s journal where he met me?”

I shook my head in a negative response, which got a short laugh from her. She gestured for me to sit down, and I numbly did so, while she did the same.

“There is still a bit for you to learn, but the next chapter of the journal will give you a few answers to some questions that are burning in your mind. I do wish that you had been able to know more, but the circumstances required our secrecy. It was done to protect those most precious to us, though I am sorry you had to learn of it as you did. We had always hoped to explain things when you both came of age, but after the night your parents were killed, we felt it would be best to wait. We did not want to risk your lives by telling you too soon, and thus lose one or both of you. We knew after your return that, if you found out who Blackheart was, you would go hunting him. Violet would of course go with you and we could lose you both in the process. We understood hiding these facts from you would drive you to distrust or even hate us. We would have been able to endure that, if it meant that both of you were alive. In time, once you had your own family, you may have even come to understand what we did. What we did not expect was his hand behind Brant, along with the multiple attempts on your life.

“When Violet had told me that it had been her father that had taken her, I knew that the one that had turned them had gotten to Ruben.”

“If you knew all this time, why did you not tell me sooner? I could have been prepared. I could have saved Trent!”

“I wish I could have prevented that,” she said softly, her face somber. “By the time I was aware of the situation, you were already in a fight for your life with Ruben.”

While I could understand what she was saying, I still could not ignore the feeling that, in a way, she and Ruben had betrayed me. The memory of my parents was now tarnished by her telling me they knew of this and never told me of their past and the possible effect it could have had. In this case, it had the real effect of robbing me of both and turning my very life upside down.

“Davik, I know that you are angry at me, at Ruben and at your parents. But you need to understand the reasons behind our decisions. Continue reading his journal, learn what happened and how he came to the choices he faced.

“Learn of your father’s past and why he was killed. When you are done, if you need to ask me anything, I will look forward to it. If you do understand the need to hide these horrors, I ask that you toss that book into the fire before you return. When it is over and that monster will no longer plague us, you can tell Violet everything that happened, I will even help.”

I nodded, yet said nothing in return, my eyes fixed on the fire. Thoughts swirled around in my head until one was able to rise to the surface.

“Do you know what is happening to me, then? Do you know why I now have all of these frightening abilities?”

She sighed and replied, “No, unfortunately I do not have any idea why or how this has happened to you. Lillian’s elder mother was the one who cured your father and Ruben all those years ago, but she did not document how she made the cure. We are in unknown territory here, though I suspect that his urge to kill you may have something to do with it. For now, I will head back to the town, try and keep an eye on Violet and keep her from doing anything foolish. Oh, when you see Lillian next, tell her to take all the time she needs. I know it has been a little while since she was able to be herself. Besides, she has helped you the few times she was gone.”

I looked at Ilane in shock once again, as she had basically stated she knew of Lillian’s other self and approved of it. I simply nodded in response as Ilane stood up and quietly left. I do not know how long I sat there staring into the fire, nor do I remember what I was thinking about. I simply sat and stared at the flames, watching their hypnotic movement, until their spell was broken. I tried to remember what I had come here for and what I was supposed to do next.

Once my mind had cleared a bit, I was able to recall my goals. I took a bucket of dirt from the adjacent cave and poured it over the fire. I would have to clean out the pit before I made my next fire, but it saved me worrying about a plume of smoke and steam caused by water. I went outside and climbed my way up to the top of the rocks to collect my curing meat and the hide that I had up there. I made my way back down and stored the hide inside the second cave and started to collect what I would need with me while I was away. The meat should not go to waste, so that went in my pack along with the journal. I took my bow and quiver, strapping them to the pack, and put on my sword. Once I was sure that I had everything I wanted with me, I gave one last look at my camp, knowing now that my father and Ruben had once stayed here.

I then went outside and took one last look at the trail left by the remains of the Tora. As I looked closer, I realized that at least three or four wolves had just stepped over their own tracks. Shaking my head at my own foolishness I turned and began my run back to Fardun.

I took my time, only going at about half speed, letting my mind mull over what Ilane had told me. An hour later, I arrived at the outskirts and slowed my pace to one that looked more normal, in case I ran across some of the foresters.

While my trip had been a quick and uneventful one, I still had not come to any decision on what to do about what Ilane told me. Part of me wanted to toss the book in the fire, spare myself any further pain from what it could reveal. Another wanted to continue reading, and when I was done show the journal to Violet. She had a right to know about this too, as it had affected her life as well as mine. A third part of me wanted to listen to Ilane’s words and read it, then destroy it. I finally had a slightly adjusted version of that, where I let Lillian read the journal in hopes that it helped her solve her own questions. I conceded that I could not make my mind up until I finished reading everything that was in the journal. Only then would I be able to know which would be the best choice.

I made my way into the village and went immediately to the inn to check on how Lillian was doing. Knowing that Brenson had come to Fardun looking for me did not bode well and it had me slightly on edge. Given how many people he had sent after me, there was no telling if he would come or send someone who worked for him. I knew nearly every single person in this town, so it was the ones I did not that I was wary of. Only if vouched for by multiple members of the community would I relax in the slightest around said person. Ruben had taught me that even those closest to you could be put in a position to betray you.

I made my way upstairs, after greeting Jason, who was now behind the counter. I found Fergus sitting in front of the door, and he greeted me as he unlocked the door for me to enter. I found a very irritated Lillian waiting for me and she did not take very long to let her displeasure known.

“How much longer will I have to stay in here, Davik? I do not like that I am being locked in my room like a prisoner.”

“I am sorry you feel that way, Lillian,” I said with a sigh. “Brenson came looking for me here. I do not want to risk your life on the chance he may find you. Ruben was one of the strongest people I knew, and he tried to kill me because Brenson got to him. I know nearly everyone in this village, and I trust every one of them. They know what is at stake and that he is not someone to be trusted. That is why they told him I had not come back to town - they would not betray me if they had the choice. However, I thought the same of Ruben, so I am trying to limit his influence towards me.”

“Ok, I can respect that, though you do not need to go that far for me. I am only an acquaintance and not worth noticing.”

I sat on the bed and replied, “Lillian, that is where you are wrong. You are important to Violet, and you have become a good friend to me. I will not risk the life of anyone that I care for, you included. There is also something else that would make you at risk.”

She looked at me quizzically, and I tried to get up the nerve to say what I felt she needed to hear.

“I believe that Brenson, is not only the old one that some have referred to, but that he could also be your elder father. As far as I can tell, the wolf described in Ruben’s journal, is the same one that killed my parents. The reason I must believe that he could be your elder father, is that your wolf form is almost identical to his. The gender and size are the only parts that vary, but I believe that his large size is due to his age, and that in time you could grow to be that large.”

She sat before me, her eyes casting a distant expression as she processed the information, I had just revealed to her. Multiple emotions played across her delicate features, anger, surprise, worry, fear, confusion and disgust. Her eyes welled up with unshed tears, and though I wanted nothing more than to comfort her during this difficult situation, I kept my distance.

“If what you say is true, how can you trust me, knowing that I am of his blood? Why, if you feel this to be true, do you still treat me so well? Should you not use me as means to end his feud with you? Threaten me with death if he does not leave you, and those you love, alone?”

“You are not something to be used to bargain with!” I barked, closing the distance between us. “How do we know he would even care? He could slit your throat as quickly as he could welcome you with open arms. What if he finds out that you can change without a moon, and pass the known tests to identify you as Voguel? Do you not believe that he would do anything to learn how to replicate that ability, even if it meant that he would kill you in the process? The man turned Brant and let him terrorize Cartha for years! I will not subject you to his dark machinations - not while I still draw breath! Besides, if I did something like that, Violet would cut off my man parts and feed them to animals.”

Her angry facade cracked, and she began to giggle, no doubt imagining the act I described. We both knew that Violet was more than capable of it - she could get rather scary when she was mad.

“I am still not sure you should be doing so much for me, Davik, but I thank you for it, nonetheless.”

“You are very welcome,” I said with a warm smile. “Have you eaten anything while I have been gone?”

She nodded and said, “Yes, I have, thank you. Fergus had his son bring me a plate of food from the kitchen a little while ago. He had just taken the plate down not that long before you arrived.”

“Ok then, I will be right back, I have not eaten much since I left, and I am hungry. I also have much to tell you, so I will be back up with my food, soon.”

I went to knock on the door and Fergus opened it with a smile. I made my way out and headed downstairs. I greeted his son as I passed and made my way through the dining hall to the kitchen. I found Fergus’ wife, Sarah, working away on various items, in preparation for tonight’s meal.

“Hello, Sarah, I see you are busy as always. I was hoping to get some food, as I have not eaten since this morning. I know your dislike of giving out food in between meals, so I bought a peace offering.”

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