Second Chance - Cover

Second Chance

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Chapter 10

DoOver Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 10 - 43 year old Carl watched helplessly as Death came for him in the form of an overloaded produce truck. Suddenly he found himself in the body of a 14 year old boy, injured in the same accident. Now Carl had to learn how to live as Brian and cope with a new life and a loving mother.

Caution: This DoOver Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Science Fiction   DoOver   Incest   Mother   Son   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting  

After all that, I was happy to be transported back to the London townhouse. My chauffer and guards were utterly silent as they hurried me out of their hair, and the butler managed to beat me to the front door and held it open for me. The London weather was particularly London-ish, rainy, and Mr. Caulder, our butler, was apparently waiting for me, umbrella in hand.

“Welcome back, Lord Terrance,” he said as I handed him my raincoat.

“Thank you, Mr. Caulder. Is our guest about, or did she fly the coop while I was out?” Something told me that the whole Glenda thing might have been a very well done practical joke played on me by my Aunt and tutor.

“Oh no, Sir: The young lady is waiting for you in the second floor study. I might add that she has been working like a dervish all day cleaning your bathroom, folding clothes and generally making herself most useful.” Those were more words than I ever heard Mr. Caulder say since I met him. He must be really pleased with Glenda’s devotion to the House of Wellington.

I was the one not sure how I felt about her. It wasn’t only Mr. Caulder apparently. Before facing my devoted slave girl, I wanted to touch base with my real girlfriends. The downstairs library was a perfectly private place to have that conversation.

“Hello my Sweet Baby. How are you this fine, rainy afternoon?”

‘Oh, Terry, I was just thinking about you. How did it go with Glenda last night? Are you too drained to walk today? Did she blow your mind and take you places you only dreamed of? Do I have anything to worry about, or will you still think kind thoughts of your old, Aunt?”

Hmmmm ... OK. Someone was feeling just a tad insecure. “Well ... Glenda was ... let us say, a surprise. I can tell you that she is multi-orgasmic and a squirter. She was as totally devoted to my pleasure as you warned me about, and she was – and is – a virgin. Somehow I couldn’t bring myself to take that from her, especially as she is a bit confused about things right now.

“I’m not sure how I like having someone who wants to be a slave in my home, but I’m hoping she comes to her senses and discovers that slavery is not her life’s calling. You, my darling, have nothing to worry about, though I might, once you get your evil hands on her virginal body. It is possible that you will like her more than me and throw me over for her. What woman doesn’t want a totally devoted slave fulfilling her every wish?” I was toying with her, and she knew it. We clicked in wonderful ways and there was no way that we were breaking apart because Glenda came between us.

Even as I thought that I wondered if those were famous last words.

Evie came on the line and assured me that she still loved me even if Deirdre managed to pry Glenda away from me. We giggled about that and talked about the trip to MI6 without me giving up any details whatsoever. When I hung up it was time to go see about my birthday gift.

“Good afternoon, Glenda,” I called out as I entered the study.

Glenda shot to her feet from the sofa where she was reclining. Her smile seemed to be part happiness and part fear. She was dressed appropriately for a woman spending a day inside her home, and she looked like someone searching for something to keep her busy. I couldn’t imagine why she was fixated on me, or why she would want to gift me her virginity and become my slave. A pretty girl that could find a man almost anywhere shouldn’t be obsessed with serving a complete stranger.

Her voice was soft, but intense. “Good afternoon, Lord Terrance.” She hadn’t learned that lesson.

“Glenda, didn’t we discuss the use of titles last night?” The look on her face sent a shot of pain through me. The girl was terrified of displeasing me. Before she could work herself into a stroke, I softened the blow by continuing. “I know you are trying on this slave thing, but I want you to be completely free to come and go as you wish.

“You are no one’s slave. You are a beautiful, grown woman who is free to be with me, or leave at any time. I am not a master, Glenda. I’m just a guy. If you want to be with me, it will have to be as an equal, or not at all...” I left her to think about her role, and what she wanted for the future.

I was changing out of my go-to-meeting clothes when Glenda rushed in with a message. She spun to a stop, knelt on the dressing stool and presented her backside to me. “Sir, I am very sorry to have displeased you. Please discipline me as you see fit, so that I can learn to be more obedient.” As she spoke in the wonderful English accent of hers, she raised her skirt, displaying her pastel pink panties, and pulled them down to give me free access to spank her.

I’m a guy.

I LOVE women...

Glenda was very attractive and her bottom called to my lips and teeth. Mr. Johnson was screaming at me for relief, and Glenda wanted to be abused to satisfy her need to be treated as a thing, instead of a person.

I gave in to my inner man.

“Glenda ... you are exquisite. When I look at you I want to be with you...” She preened at my compliments, while waiting for her spanking. “The truth is that I do not deserve a slave in my life. I deserve a partner who will stand beside me and participate in our life, instead of a submissive who wants to hide inside of my life and is willing to give up her own to achieve it.

“If you want to be with me, it will have to be as an equal, not a servant.” That was my last, final word on the subject.

Then we talked about it for another hour.

“ ... I need ... this...” She was gorgeous as she stated her case. Glenda really had thought it all out, and what she wanted was to try being my servant.

After much deliberation I convinced to drop slave from her vocabulary. “Glenda ... every time you refer to me as master, and every time you refer to yourself as my slave, I cringe inside. If you want to be with me, those two words are keeping it from happening.”

The hurt in her eyes whenever I corrected her, in the slightest way, was so profound that it caused me pain. It wasn’t in my makeup to treat a woman as a thing. You could forget about me using one for a punching bag or someone to hurl verbal abuse upon. I have always loved women. Women gave me the best memories in all of my many lives.

Having a woman beg me to hurt her was as big a turnoff as undressing a Victoria’s Secret model and finding a penis. It just couldn’t get it done.

For the longest time, and after I declared the topic closed several time, Glenda wasn’t able to absorb the truth about me. She wanted a master who would use her, ignore her, abuse her body and mind, and then do it some more. She came to our home and discovered that her fantasy man was someone who refused to treat her any less respectfully than he would a princess.

Eventually we agreed that Glenda would be my companion. She would be with me in whatever way pleased us both and we would talk about things instead of having me dictate to her. In return, Glenda got me to agree to discipline her, even though it would be very lightly done and with no anger or malice. I refused to mark her, collar her, call her by anything other than her name, and she agreed to drop master and slave from her conversation. Once that was all settled, Glenda ran for the master suite and presented her naked bottom for spanking.

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