INtrinSicliValud: Blog


Back to the Start

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NOTE: “The Immortal” has NOT concluded. It will return in January.

Next week I return to the rough draft for “After the Highway.” As one of the first stories I shared here on SOL, Daisy and her husband’s adventures “On the Highway” was great fun to write. And since I have a special affinity for Daisy, I broke my pledge to not re-look older stories. To be honest, I’m kinda glad I did. With additional characters and a more complex plot, this is a full novel exploring the ramifications of what happened in the first tale.

In the meantime, I took the next three chapters of “The Immortal” through technical edits. There will be a gap before these arrive in late January. Stay tuned. As I’ve mentioned, Jim’s serialized saga gets time as it becomes available, and I’ve been focused on novel-writing.

Once more, thank you for the kind words. Also, I’m so happy folks are not only reading my creations but are kind enough to support my continued efforts through purchases.

And a reminder: feel free to pop into “The Yards” on Discord. I’m pretty active there and post more detailed information. For example, this week I shared my current writing process.

Stay warm.



Survived Another Thanksgiving

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Didnt eat too much. That’s another well-cooked turkey behind me. And nope, didn’t shop yesterday. Scarred for life after too many years in retail.

Short update this week.

“Molly’s Tales” will slide into Premium access at the end of the month. SOL readership, never high, has dropped off since the last chapter was posted at the end of October. Pity, as it’s highly rated by those who’ve purchased it. Different audiences, I suppose. All these minutiae are quite intriguing for a niche-hopping hobbyist writer.

Come Monday, I return to the second edits of a much darker novel. It’s my first real attempt at writing an unlikable character. Borderline sociopath who acquires a harem—because he can. Then discovers they provide even more opportunities than the obvious. Sort of a darker Aiden. Fun to write, but I’m unsure how readers will react. While I’ve got this penciled in as the first of a trilogy, we shall see.

Again, thanks for your kind words and support.

Hugs to you all.



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Between working on the latest novel’s rough draft, I took some time to organize my efforts. Now that I’ve hit my stride, it’s easy to get buried in the weeds. As a result, on my Discord server, along with the usual weekly update to the current Active story List, I shared the current release schedule through June 2024. There’s plenty sliding free of the slipways, and more still under construction in The Yards.

Next week will see me tackling the second draft of a novel. In my process, that’s development and adjusting tone as well as adding evocative language or removing excessive detail. It’s my favorite step after the actual wird-skribbling. Once that’s complete, I complete the sequel to “On the Highway.” A full novel, it follows the impact of the decisions Dan and Daisy made in the earlier short story. Lots of gooey emotions and better characterization.

Once more, thanks to all my supporters. You rock.

Hugs and have a great week.


Updated Discord Server Invite

Not sure why a “never expire” link expired, but thank you to a reader for pointing it out. Please find the current link below:

Finished Early

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All 54k words of this year’s NaNoWriMo novel completed. Yes, when in the zone, I become a wird-skribbling, coffee/bourbon-guzzling beast. But it’s only the rough draft with many more steps ahead of it.

Three additional chapters for “The Immortal” survived the first round of my wicked editing pen. Schedule permitting, you should see those early next year.

And I’ve already begun the rough draft of a new novel. The muses had the gall to shove it at me while writing my NaNoWriMo draft. But once I’d grumbled and refused to touch it, they gave me a good plot and fun ending. So, they won; I’m writing it.

Once more, thank you to all who’ve been kind enough to support my efforts. Either through your words or those of you wonderful enough to purchase my works. “Aiden Ascending” is doing quite well. As are “Not Yet,” “Bad Mommy,” and the short stories. Additional tales are leaving The Yards soon and I’m publishing older works to a wider audience as time permits. Plus, my God, the commissions. Wow! Thank you all.

This has been a madcap ride, and I continue to enjoy sharing my writing. Well, most of it. Some of it’s far too salacious and downright twisted. But, hey that’s why I love doing those commissions. Shh, what the rest of the world never sees, right?

Right, my mind is melted, and I’ve run out of words.

Have a wonderful week.



Wird-Skribblers Onward!

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NaNoWriMo kicked off this past Wednesday and I’m chugging along. This week was focused on Act I. So, lots of background to weave into the various situations. This story is very much a case of setting up the characters. After giving them an arena and letting them bounce off each other, they’ll be struggling to uncover and grasp their goals. Good times, but with words. Lots of gooey, delicious words.

“Aiden Ascending” is out today on Bookapy. As I’ve mentioned, it’s a much more focused novel that resulted from last year’s NaNoWriMo. And while I’ve got a few notes scratched down about the plot of the third book, it’s still a way off. But, oh my. So many things are coming into a much sharper focus.

Right, I’ve got to get back to scribing. Again, thank you all for your continued support. Sorry, but I won’t tire of saying that. Those of you purchasing my stories are amazing. Not only the latest, “Not Yet” and “Bad Mommy,” but those of you providing your hard-earned money for all my tales. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. The muses and I send hugs.

As always, you can find me puttering around “The Yards” on Discord for your muse-tracking delight. Among other things, you’ll find my latest active story schedule and announcements.




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