INtrinSicliValud: Blog


Three Things

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First, sadness. Today saw the last piece of “Molly’s Tales” appearing on SOL. And I already miss her, but c’est la vie. That was such a fun write. The original concept was another author’s stroke story on a now-defunct short-story site.

With their kind permission, I took dear sweet Ben/Molly and hunky Lee under my wing. After adding the romance and heartache, ‘cause that’s what I do, “Who Dares Wins” was launched to great acclaim. But those characters wouldn’t leave me and before you knew it, I’d scribbled the other tales. And thanks to the muses, Molly’s lonely mum joined in their adventures. The rest is history.

Will there be more Molly? Perhaps. However, it’s very much a niche vis-à-vis popular consumption. As such, I’m unsure whether future tales will be shared. Nonetheless, she’s influenced several upcoming novels.

Second, NaNoWriMo kicks off this Wednesday and I’ll be scribbling the rough draft of a new novel throughout the month. It wasn’t the original concept I’d planned, but this one sank its claws deep into me. So, I’m writing it instead. Such are the vagaries of the muses.

And third, I’ve released “Aiden and The Ring” to the wider world in preparation for its sequel. The result of last year’s NaNoWriMo, “Aiden Ascending” is a much tighter novel and reveals more about the ring and Aiden’s growing powers. It will soon be available for pre-order on Bookapy and other locations, launching on 4 November. Free chapters will arrive here on SOL in ’24.

Wait, four things. Thank you for all the support! Both the kind words and, wow, those of you who’ve purchased “Not Yet” and “Bad Mommy.” They’ve proven to be popular, and I can’t wait to share them on SOL beginning in January.

As always, for up-to-date info or simply to chat, I’m much more active on my shiny new Discord. Don’t be shy.


"Bad Mommy" is on the Loose!

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A new story is available on Bookapy today and free weekly chapters should hit SOL in early 2024. The third in the “Unleashed Wives Tales” series, “Bad Mommy” was an absolute blast to write. A commission for a friend who wanted me to channel the zeitgeist of a wine-lubricated middle-class mom existence. But add a sexy, slutty twist. Well, with dear, sweet Mary Fisher, she got more than she bargained for.

Heck, it was so much fun for both of us, I wrote another for her. Wait for it…. Yep, it’s called “Good Mommy.” That’s due for completion and public consumption—I already have her permission—early next year, so stay tuned.

Next week, I’m focused on updating the next tranche of “The Immortal” chapters. Then it’s a short, steamy commission and NaNoWriMo on 1 November.



More Slipways Emptying

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Just a quick update this week. Busy times. “Aiden Ascending” is done. It’ll hit Bookapy pre-order soon, along with another non-Ring novel, “Bad Mommy,” the third in my Unleashed Wives series. Both will head to SOL next year.

A novella for the holidays is also slated to be released soon(-ish). While a romance, “Gift of the Storm” is very maledom, very noncon, and much rougher. It also contains water play so the squeamish among you should note the tags. But it was hella fun to write, so I figured to share it.

Fancy new covers for all are already on Discord, and blurbs should be there later this weekend.
Right, that’s it. The rest of the month is editing a steamy, tangential Aiden novel, updating the next tranche of “The Immortal” chapters, scribbling a novella the muses shoved into me earlier this week, and preparing for NaNoWriMo.



The Yards be Roarin’

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Woot! My latest novel “Not Yet” has been doing well. And not just on Bookapy, but out across the wider interwebz. Guess folks enjoy my writing, huh? I’ve slotted it for SOL release beginning in January.

This week I'm finishing a rough draft for a “Ring Saga” novel slated for late-2024. After that, the next couple of weeks are dedicated to final edits of “Aiden Ascending,” the second in Aiden’s adventures with the ring. A lot has changed in the intervening years since their initial meeting and subsequent encounters. It will hit Bookapy around the holidays, along with a non-Ring novel and novella. All will appear on SOL in 2024.

A quick reminder: now that my Discord server has flickered back to life, I’m available most days while writing. And commissions are back open, so feel free to contact me there or send an email to discuss.

Once more, a shout-out and big hug to all the dedicated readers who support not just me, but other writers. Your kind words, feedback, and for those who can purchase works, financial support means so much.


Second Anniversary!

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After two years of sharing my wird-skribblz it’s time for a little reflection. Far more confident in my abilities, I’m in a happy place, enjoying every character I bring to life. Each day begins with a review of the manifesto I made at the onset of this crazed, muse-herding ride: improve my craft, seek new challenges, and have fun.

The latest challenge overcome? “Not Yet” launches tomorrow on Bookapy and a few other places around the interwebz. It’s my first novel to go wide! And there’s a lot more in “The Yards.” As much as I adore commissioned stories, it’s been quite a productive year for novels and novellas. Now that my Discord server is back, sneak peeks will appear there once they’re a bit more polished. Also, I’ve begun providing periodic snapshots of current projects.

As always, my humble gratitude to those of you who’ve reached out over these past two years. Those kind words helped keep me plugging along. And for those who’ve purchased books or provided funds via my supporter sites, thank you ever so much. The bourbon and coffee you provided fueled the muses.




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