INtrinSicliValud: Blog


Happy Belated Valentines Day

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Hope you all had some quality snuggle time.

Still having mine, so I’ll keep this short and sweet. Thank you for all the support. As those who check my Discord know, many more stories are coming.



To Premium

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“A Fair Trade” and “The Coach’s Wife” are now Premium content. While I know I’m a tiny fish in a large pond, my intent is to encourage more folks to support the site. Perhaps it’s misguided, but I’ve heard no complaints.

Which leaves the remaining chapters of “The Immortal, Volume 1” and “Bad Mommy” as free content. After “Bad Mommy” completes, I’ll begin positing chapters of “Aiden Ascending.” And once Volume 1 ends, Volume 2 should appear. Although there may be a short gap. As I noted last week, it’s slipped in the schedule because fresh story ideas arrived.

Another massive hug and “thank you” to those who’ve been kind enough to purchase my works or provide kind words. You know who you are; I appreciate each and every one of you.


February Already?

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Whew, time flies. Today sees the next installment of “Bad Mommy” coming to you lovely readers. As a reminder, the compete edition is on Bookapy for those who wish to read ahead as well as support my efforts and the site.

My fun-writing continues. Much closer to stroke-stories, but with the fun gooey depth I love to impart my characters, four older interview-style shorts were edited. And I’ve already begun working on two new interviews. If all goes well, you should begin reading my dear, sweet Nadia’s sexy little chats here on SOL in the summer. Once I get enough for an anthology, I’ll send it to Bookapy. Again, to do my part in supporting the site. Not gonna lie, I appreciate a little extra coffee and bourbon from each sale as well.

Once the newer interviews are done, I’ve got another pair of plotted “Mommy” stories screaming to get out of my skull. Once their rough drafts are completed, I’ll swing back to finish updating the chapters for “The Immortal, Volume 2.” Astute readers may have noticed I retitled Jim’s wee saga. It made sense to minimize confusion as we move forward. as noted last week, with all the chapters previously posted and those scheduled through July, “Volume 1” is available on Bookapy.

Oh, one other important note. Since there’s been no backlash, I shall continue sliding completed SOL stories into the Premium Membership area. That means “A Fair Trade” and “The Coach’s Wife” will move next Saturday, about a month since their last chapters were posted. Again, to be clear, I make nothing from doing so, but I feel it encourages folks to support this community.

Right, enough of my prattling.

As always, thanks for your support and feedback.



The Immortal, Volume 1

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The planets aligned, and I was able to complete the first compendium of Jim’s saga. Containing the first forty-four chapters, it’s available on Bookapy for those who’d like to skip ahead as well as support myself and the site. I’m well into rewriting chapters for Volume 2, and that is on track for release sometime in the Fall. To be followed by Volume 3 next year depending on how busy The Yards are with other works.

While taking a break from novel-skribbling, I'm working on several short stories. We’ll see if they’re sharable once I get them closer to completion.

Humongous hugs to all of you who’ve reached out with kind words. Yes, it’s another year. And no, I won’t stop saying thanks. It’s wonderful to hear from readers and amazing that quite a few of you are kind enough to support my efforts and the site through purchases. We’ve got such a wonderful community.

As a reminder, feel free to join my Discord server. Most days, I’m available to chat and more than willing to answer questions, discuss stories, etc. Either in public on the server or in DMs for the shy among you.



Bad Mommy

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Released on Bookapy last October, this shorter work’s free chapters will now be available here on SOL. In line with my schedule for any new stories, it will alternate with “The Immortal,” so you’ll see a chapter/fortnight.

As I mentioned back when it launched, this was a commission that was great fun to write. Since the client gave me permission to share it last year, it’s been selling like hotcakes, so I must’ve gotten something right. -Wink, wink- Just the right amount of bourbon in my coffee.

Right, back to The Yards to finish this novel rough draft. Then it’s on to a very kinky subby/cuck story which is a nice change of pace. That and other similar, edgier content will be more in the short/strike story vein. As soon as that rough is completed, it’s back to Jim’s saga. I’m hoping to get “The Immortal, Volume 1” onto Bookapy next month.

Again, thank you for all your kind words and support. And a special shoutout to those of you purchasing my works. You’re amazing! Not just for showing me how much you enjoy my stories, but also that you’re aiding the website. Bravo.





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