INtrinSicliValud: Blog



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Jim’s saga complete! Well, the major rewriting of the next compendium’s thirty-seven chapters. But that’s enough to free me up to travel a bit for my birthday and do some fun wird-skribbling for a new novel. See you all in May, when I return to prepare three books for release this summer.

One final reminder about my birthday sale on Bookapy: It ends upon my return. Hugs to every one of you who’ve seen fit to support my efforts and the site.



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An AI Writers Summit ran online last week. While there was some self-selection bias, with those unsupportive or concerned about being associated with AI tools not attending, it was still a very interesting event. AI is becoming more integrated into so many aspects of writing, from editing software to assisting in concept development.

Where can AI be useful? To aid those with marvelous stories but undeveloped writing skills. To assist writers with bridging “writer’s block” moments. Or to generate additional documentation from existing text, e.g. expanding a tweet into an essay, and developing marketing content.

Will I ever use it? Well, I kinda already am via the editing software. But as far as using it for brainstorming or story development—nope. Lucky for me, those jabbering mad muses keep me on my toes already.

Meanwhile, I’m still whacking away at Jim’s saga in The Yards. And despite the wholesale slaughter of old prose and grafting of much better words, I’m on schedule.

This week marks almost halfway through my birthday sale on Bookapy. Again, thanks to those of you supporting my efforts and the site through your purchases.



The Immortal is Back in The Yards

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As promised, I’m hacking away at the twisted beast that is Jim’s saga. While busy unwrapping and deciphering horrific prose, I’m again enjoying his continued adventures. All things considered, I’m on track to get the new chapters to you this summer; a complete Volume 2 on Bookapy commensurate with free chapters biweekly on SOL. Volume 3 is already taped together and once all those horrid chapters are revamped, you should see that beginning early next year.

Don’t forget, the Birthday sale is ongoing. Thank you for your support. Any purchases both keep the server hamster spinning and my muses fueled with better-quality bourbon.

Hugs to you all


Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to you.

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Since April’s my birth month—and no, I’m not telling you what year—I’m kicking off a new concept. Think of this as sort of a pre-summer sale on a lot of my works in Bookapy. While it’s a bit of a PITA to manually adjust all the pricing, if it drives more support to the site, and helps keep me in a little more bourbon, that’s a good thing, right?

In any event, beginning Monday, expect to see price reductions lasting through early May. Who knows, maybe other authors will follow suit and we can get some buzz going in our sleepy little pond.

Right, I’m stretching and loosening up for a month of “The Immortal.” As promised, its forty-plus chapters are sitting on blocks in “The Yards,” awaiting the next round of edits. Weeee.


PSA - Error in Chapter 35 of "The Immortal"

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Shout-out to an eagle-eyed reader. Somehow, a chunk of Chapter 32 got appended to yesterday's upload to SOL. I've submitted the corrected chapter. For those of you kind enough to purchase it on Bookapy, not to worry, that version had no such defect.




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