Beyond Sight - Cover

Beyond Sight

Copyright© 2022 by C.H. Darkstrider

Chapter 2

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Tomas Brykonov tries to live a normal life, despite the secrets he keeps. The most prominent of which is his ability to see into people's minds and read what their intent is. Fate, however, has different plans for him, as he is pulled into a a war, where he has suddenly become an important part of! Join Tomas and his friends as they search for answers about who they are and where they came from!

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Horror   Humor   Mystery   Science Fiction   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Safe Sex  

Tomas’ eyes opened as he blearily took in his surroundings. He took a few moments to remember who exactly he was and where he was, as his mind was still in recovery mode. The man shook himself as he vaguely remembered the events of the night previous and smiled. He looked down on his left and saw Olivia Kristensen, his new lover and, hopefully, girlfriend, snoozing contentedly. She had a smile on her face as she slept, and it made her appear almost ethereal, like she wasn’t of this Earth.

Though it was still early, judging from the light that was filtering through the window of his room, he wasn’t about to get up. Although he was an ardent runner, he took days off to let himself recuperate. Considering it was the day after his birthday and by how wrecked he was feeling; it merited a rest day. Glancing at his bedside clock, he saw it was just past six AM and resolved to go back to sleep.

Tomas was about to go back to bed when he heard the voice of a woman again. The same one he’d heard from the night before! Carefully disengaging himself from Olivia, Tomas stood up and walked out of his room, listening. As he neared the door out of his side of the dorm, he could hear the woman’s voice fading, though it was still somewhat loud. It had faded completely before he opened the door.

Poking his head out of the door quick, he looked to his left, then his right. He saw no one in the halls and there was no sign that anyone had even passed by. No telltale smells of perfume, alcohol, or cigarette smoke were in the hallway at all. All the dorm doors were closed, and he could hear no other sounds coming from anywhere. Tomas thought it was both odd and weird, as he was sure he heard someone. Maybe he would have to see an otolaryngologist about that.

Looking down, he realized he was stark naked and stepped quickly back into the dorm with a start. The door closing behind him; he shook himself as he started back to his room. Tomas walked through his doorway, scratching his head when he heard the woman’s voice come back in full force. He jumped for a moment before Olivia blinked owlishly and sat up, yawning cutely.

“Tom? What’s up? You OK?” she asked lazily.

‘Oh, my God! Even naked, he’s gorgeous to look at!’ the voice stated, dripping with lust. It took Tomas several seconds to realize that the voice he had heard was Olivia’s! Somehow, he could now hear her thoughts! He shook himself again before responding to her concerned look.

“Thought I heard something outside the dorm. Just some late night drinkers complaining about their hangovers,” he lied. He wasn’t about to tell her, ‘Hey Livi! Just so you know, I can hear what you’re thinking! Good to know you think I’m a gorgeous man!’ He imagined that the response he’d get would be less than kosher.

“You must have sharp ears because I heard nothing and I’m a light sleeper,” she drawled, still tired from their romp the night previous.

“I don’t know. I’d say we wore each other out nicely,” he replied, yawning, just as she did.

Giggling, she peeled back his covers, exposing the spot where he had been resting. She then gestured to him, beckoning him back to bed.

“You, sir, need to come back here into bed and warm me up. It’s cold!” she pouted. Chuckling, Tomas was all too happy to comply and slid back into bed, cuddling up with Olivia. She snuggled back into him, latching onto Tomas to ensure that he wasn’t going anywhere. His hand found its way to the rounded globe of her ass and rested on it, caressing it slightly.

“Mmmmm! Maybe later,” Olivia groaned happily as she nodded off again.

‘Holy fucking shit! This man did everything right last night! All the way from A to Z!’ Tomas could still hear his lover thinking and was still in shock at being able to hear her as though she was talking to him! He supposed that the compliments that were running through her mind were far more than he had hoped for initially.

Though Tomas had had no complaints in that department, compliments on how he did were sparse and almost non-existent. From his perspective, if a woman liked what he was doing, she should at least tell him he did that thing right. Maybe it was just him, but of all the women he’d been with, not a single one of them had even been remotely as happy as Olivia was.

He supposed that they had been friends for a long time helped, but there was also the bit he had just heard. Although it could be classified as cheating, he was glad to hear it. The shock wore off as he heard more complimentary thoughts running through the sleeping woman’s mind. They were becoming quieter, almost to that of a whisper, but he could still hear them.

‘I haven’t felt this damn good in like ... ever! Mmmmmmm! Feels sooooooo goooood to be stretched like that! Sooooo glad he’s not a pounder! Tom knows how to work a pussy! Such a yummy and tasty cock! Gonna get me more of that later... ‘ her thoughts faded into nothingness as her mind went quiet.

Tomas couldn’t help but smile at the raunchy and descriptive thoughts he’d just heard! He was so glad he had taken the time to make it good for her, despite his raging desire to plunder this woman. God only knew how long he’d waited for this day to come. He’d wanted Olivia for so long, but not just out of a desire to take her to bed, but as something more. As someone more. He could only hope that what he wanted was in line with what she wanted.

Though he could have thought about it some more, Tomas decided against it. No sense in driving himself nuts with ‘What ifs’ and ‘Maybes’ about the two of them. He would enjoy the life in he was having with this woman right now. He’d worry about everything else later. Shutting his eyes, Tomas drifted off, his mind enjoying the images he was conjuring up of what they might do later.

A few hours later, Tomas opened his eyes and raised his arms up, stretching out. He yawned as he took in a breath, groaning in delight as blood flowed back into his wakening limbs. As he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, he glanced over to his left and saw Olivia staring at him, smiling. He smiled back, leaned over and kissed her, drawing her head in with his hands.

His lips sought hers out, and he wasn’t disappointed by the feeling or the taste. Growling lightly, he felt her kiss him back as her hands caressed his. The kiss went on for at least a good minute before they both parted. Sighing happily, he gazed at her, his blue eyes staring into her gray ones. They stayed like that, each enjoying the feeling of the other, before Tomas spoke.

“Good morning, beautiful.”

“Good morning, handsome,” Olivia replied as her hands moved to caress his face. Her thoughts continued to run rampant through her mind and at the moment, one thought dominated her conscious.

‘By everything that is holy, I cannot believe I didn’t see the man that Tom has become! I’m so happy he’s still single! If another woman had snapped him up... ‘ then her mind delved into a myriad of scenarios. Of where another woman that wasn’t here found a way to seduce Tomas, as she just had.

He then stopped her line of thinking the only way he knew how. Tomas leaned in and kissed her again, his lips meeting hers in an intimate embrace. Olivia kissed him back, all detrimental thoughts silenced in the action. She breathed deeply as the kiss continued, her lungs requiring air. In a split second, she broke away from Tomas, a look of slight disgust on her face.

“What’s the matter?” Tomas asked, concerned.

“I stink and I need a shower,” Olivia stated, half jokingly, half chagrined. Tomas then raised his left arm and took a quick whiff of his own armpit. He then looked back at Olivia and saw a look that said, ‘Did you just do that?’. Her mind echoed the thought, and he smirked at both the look and the thought.

“Seems like I need one, too. The shower is just outside my door, so maybe we should hop in then.”

“We?” Olivia questioned.

“Well yeah, unless you object to the idea?” he queried. Despite being naked and having her pussy stretched in the most delicious way the night previous, Olivia still felt conscientious. On reflex, her arm was already across her breasts, blocking them from view. Tomas adopted a look that screamed, ‘Really?’ as he sat up with her.

“Livi, whatever happened to you from before with whoever you’ve been with, remember this. I am not them. There is no need to hide yourself from me. You are beautiful just the way you are,” Tomas mumbled. Almost looking like she was on the verge of crying, Olivia removed her arm and let Tomas look at her as she was.

Being a crazy fitness nut had changed her physique substantially, shrinking her once large assets from a DDD cup to a more modest C cup. Her arms and legs had changed, as she was far more defined than most of the men she had dated previously. Her shoulders weren’t delicate but strong, which made her seem like she was a woman that was to be reckoned with. Then there was her core, which was defined enough where you could make out the start of a six-pack.

Though she wasn’t a competitive bodybuilder or model of any kind, she was still proud of herself and the body she had worked to attain. It was something she was always obsessed with and wouldn’t stop, not for anyone. Although every past boyfriend hated her for it, she continued her fitness regimen religiously. If they couldn’t handle it, then screw them, but it made for a lonely existence.

The way Tomas was looking at her now, though, was as though he beheld an angel in the flesh. He bent down to her tummy and kissed it gently as his hands ran over her skin as he muttered one word proudly.


Hearing that, Olivia had half a mind to pin him down to the bed and have her way with him right there. She likely would have had she not been so sore from last night. Cupping his face in her hands, she drew him upwards until his face was at the same height as hers was. Olivia then kissed him soundly and passionately, the dam of emotion bursting within her. Another thought welled up in her, crying out in disbelief, but it was quickly silenced by one that was far louder.

‘He accepts me!! He wants me just the way I am!’ The thought turned into one massive squeal of joy that reverberated through her very being.

Tomas could hear it clearly, as though it was inside his own head, and did what he could to stifle the sound. Not because it didn’t make him happy, but because it was causing him to mentally wince as it felt like she was screaming inside his head. He mentally focused on making the volume of Olivia’s thoughts drop and, oddly enough, it did. He could still hear her, as though she was talking just above that of a whisper, but she still came in loud and clear.

“How about we shower then?” he asked her after he broke the kiss. Nodding enthusiastically, she almost bolted upright, wanting to get up and show herself off to Tomas. As she padded away from him, he couldn’t help but notice that her ass looked much better outside of those shorts rather than in them. Olivia took a quick look back and caught Tomas staring.

“Hop to, mister, if you want to get your hands on this ass again,” she giggled, smirking.

Tomas almost jumped to where she was, not needing to be told twice. He started up the water as they walked into the bathroom, Olivia smirking at him the whole time. Once the water had warmed up, Tomas then activated the shower and let Olivia in first. Stepping under the hot needle spray, she let the water cascade down her naked flesh and turned about to see her new lover stepping behind her.

Sighing blissfully, Olivia stared at Tomas as he set the shower curtain, then walked to the falling water where she stood. He stared back at her, the fire in his eyes a mixture of both love and lust. She was still having a difficult time reconciling the fact at what had just happened last night.

‘I can’t believe I let that side of me out to play! I never let her out, but damn, was it fun!’ her inner voice said with disbelief. Another voice from within her chimed in, adding its own two bits to the mix. The demeanor of it, though, was far less enthusiastic than the previous one had just been.

‘That’s because of what happened the last time you let her out to play! Don’t you remember what happened with Dale?’ the second voice groused. ‘Do we really need to go through the same bullshit as before?’

‘That was a different time, a different place, with a vastly different man,’ her more emotional side fired back. ‘If that abysmal joke of a boy can actually be called that. We weren’t the only ones he’d fooled, don’t forget. Besides, we’ve known Tomas for years and he’s always had our backs, always. He never abandoned us, no matter what we were going through. Do you just want to callously throw that all away on fear?’

Tomas had been listening to the argument, and he had to concede several points that her more logical side had brought up. He also stood by what Olivia’s emotional side was going on about, as he always had Olivia’s back and always would, no matter what. Since meeting her back in grade five, he’d been smitten with Olivia from the first moment he saw her. As he’d grown, he felt puppy love evolve into something more, something bigger than he imagined.

He only hoped that she’d continue to let him express his feelings towards her. He couldn’t bring himself to say those words he’d kept inside for all these years. Not yet, at least. He didn’t want to drive her away by being too clingy or dropping too much on her all at once. As her logic and emotion warred, Tomas ended the argument for the moment and kissed Olivia.

She squeaked for but a moment but melted into his lips and kissed him back. As their mouths were attached to each other, the voices in Olivia’s head quieted. In this moment, nothing but contentment radiated from Olivia and she basked in the moment. Tomas drew her in close, pressing his muscled body up to her, and she groaned in arousal. Parting from him, Olivia looked up at him sheepishly before speaking.

“I know you would like to start things up again,” she purred. “I would like to as well, but I’m ... oooooooohhh ... sore.”

“I figured and I’m sore myself,” Tomas said, chagrined. “You were so tight, I wasn’t sure if I’d fit!”

“Well, when you’re packing this monster in your shorts,” she said as her hand caressed his turgid cock, “Any woman you take to bed will be tight!”

“Yeah, but you were almost virgin tight! Not that I’m complaining, though! Best. Night. Ever. Period!” he enthused. He moaned slightly as Olivia had wrapped her hand around his dick and started to idly stroke it. She looked down and saw that Tomas was almost at full mast, and her mouth opened again. Though she had seen it last night, seeing Tomas’ massive tool in all its glory influenced her.

Looking at his cock, she now honestly wondered how that thing fit inside her! The length wasn’t the issue, but the girth was easily at least two inches in thickness! Unconsciously, she licked her lips and tugged on it more insistently, drawing a louder moan out of her lover. Her lips curved upwards in a wicked smile as an idea formed in her mind.

“Well, I can’t very well have you walking around all hot and bothered, now can we?” she teased as she stroked her man harder. “Don’t want any hussies getting any ideas with this sticking out for the world to see.”

“Like they would stand a chaaannnncee...” he hissed as she gripped his tool tighter. Her fingers played with the vein that protruded on the underside of his cock. She could tell that he was near to bursting at that moment and wanted him to. Olivia then squeezed as hard as she could, and Tomas bellowed as his dick fired a long and stringy shot of cum. More followed, and it was almost a minute before the flow of his cum ebbed away.

“Good answer, sir,” she whispered into his ear.

He fell back against the wall of the shower, his chest heaving as he caught his breath. Several minutes later, he finally stood upright as Olivia stood there, stroking him until he fell limp. She snuggled into him after, just letting the water fall on the both of them. As he righted himself, a thought came to him in a similar fashion that Olivia’s had.

As she moved to stand directly beneath the hot water, Tomas came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her. His right hand caressed and groped her breasts as his left hand made its way down to the slippery cleft between her legs. She made a sound as if to protest, until his mouth found hers, his tongue probing her oral cavity. Olivia responded in kind, her tongue reaching for his as they mashed their bodies together in a sensuous dance.

Though obscured by the water and the landing strip shave she maintained, Olivia was already wet and ready for more. Her clit peeked out from under its hood and Tomas’ hand made a beeline for it, fingers playing with the hypersensitive nub. She groaned in delight and felt the rise of an orgasm almost instantly as playing with Tomas the way she did got her all hot and bothered. She ground her ass into him, whimpering in an almost pleading fashion.

Tomas was more than happy to oblige her as his hand was a blur, strumming her clit as fast as he could. Not even thirty seconds later, Olivia felt her inner walls contract and the blissful, overwhelming sensation crashed into her. She broke away from the prolonged kiss to moan loudly, sounding like she was crooning. Tomas bit into her neck as she was still riding her high and hitting those nerves like he was doing almost had her legs give out with the sensory overload.

Catching her and keeping her upright was easy enough for Tomas, considering his size and weight advantage. He cradled her in his arms, rocking her slowly, holding his new lover gently. It took about a good five minutes before Olivia had recovered enough to try standing on her own again and even then; she was wobbly. Using Tomas as a steadying point, she ground herself enough to stand up straight.

“You know...” she said, chest rising and falling rapidly, “we should shower properly. Much as I would love to do this all day, Tommy, I have a shift today.”

“All right then. You will have to let me know when you have a few days off, so we can do this more,” he suggested, eyebrows waggling. Rolling her eyes playfully, Olivia reached for the shampoo on the rack. Though it wasn’t the brand she normally used, it would do to get her all cleaned up. She handed the bottle to Tomas, and he got all lathered up, washing up his hair, then using the nearby soap to get scrubbed up.

They played a little with each other, washing each other’s backs and getting all playful with touching the other. They laughed and giggled and were soon cleaned up. Tomas stepped out first as he had forgotten to grab an additional towel and had brought one back for Olivia right away. She smiled at him warmly as she stepped out of the shower and into the towel he had offered to her.

Kissing him briefly, Olivia sighed happily as she went to get changed. Tomas had already toweled off and was wearing casual lounging clothes as he made his way to the common room. He pulled a few items out of the fridge and rooted around the cupboards for a minute until he found what he was looking for.

He’d already cracked eggs and poured milk into a bowl and started whisking as Olivia walked into the room. The look on her face was absolute bliss as she observed Tomas working on what she assumed was breakfast.

“You going to stay for breakfast, or do you have to rush out of here?” he asked tentatively.

“The park is maybe ten minutes from here and I don’t have to be in for at least an hour and a half yet. I have time,” she told him as she kissed his cheek and hugged him from behind. Olivia couldn’t believe what she was experiencing right now.

‘How did I let this man slip away from like he did? I was a blind and stuck up little bitch for thinking he was just a friend. He’s so much more than that now,’ her inner dialogue went on.

‘Yes, he may be a good man but there are still tells that he isn’t,’ her more logical side interjected, being a total buzz kill.

‘Oh really? What kinds of tells, out of curiosity? Don’t try going on the whole lust tangent because every man has the capacity to give into lust with a woman he wants. Tomas was especially nuts because he’s been wanting me for years. So, tell me, what is your argument??’

The logical side of Olivia quieted just then, having no rebuttal to the tirade that her emotional side had just unleashed. It was then that Tomas could sense that side of Olivia was sulking, and he allowed himself a small smile while he was minding the pancakes. The logical side piped up again, with a warning this time; ‘I just want to be sure that what happened with Dale doesn’t happen again.’

Tomas started for a moment but concealed it by continuing to mind the food he was cooking. He turned over the bacon so it wouldn’t burn as he kept stacking the pancakes he was making. Tomas remembered a guy from high school called Dale, and there was a rumor he and Olivia had been dating at one point. He couldn’t remember much else and decided to ask Olivia about it, but at a later date.

Turning around, he saw Olivia had taken the initiative and had set the table for the two of them. Plates were waiting to be loaded with breakfast, along with syrup and a big jug of orange juice. Tomas turned and Olivia’s eyes bugged out of her head at the number of pancakes and bacon that Tomas had cooked up. There was enough of everything to feed at least six people!

“I sure hope you don’t think I’m going to eat all of that?!?” she gulped, as she stared at the sheer volume of food he held.

“Of course not Liv! We take what we want and leave the rest in the oven for the boys. My way of thanking them for being so generous,” Tomas stated as he set the steaming pancakes and sizzling bacon on the hot plates that Olivia had placed.

“Oh! Well, that’s awful nice of you to do that for them!”

“I figured I might as well do it, since they’ve been pestering me about doing that for a while now,” he groused jokingly.

“Your pancakes are that good, are they?” she said, shooting him a sideways glance.

“Try them out and see for yourself,” he challenged.

Not one to shy away from a food-based challenge, Olivia drizzled butter flavored syrup on top of her short stack and dug in. The moment the pancakes hit her taste buds, she sighed delightfully. Olivia already had several mind-numbing orgasms in the last ten hours, which put her in a state of bliss. If she hadn’t then she would have said the pancakes were qualified to be on the list of the most blissful things to enjoy!

Light, fluffy and melting in her mouth, along with the buttery sweetness of the syrup, she almost creamed her panties right there. It was sooooo gooood! She scooped up a still hot strip of bacon and bit it in half, relishing the chewy crunchiness of the salty meat. Combined with the pancakes, it made for the perfect breakfast!

Tomas was smiling like an idiot as he could not only see Olivia’s feelings on the breakfast but sense them as well. He knew he had hit this one right out of the park and smiled at her as he dug into his breakfast. He also put coffee on in the percolator, which just finishing its perk.

Having demolished his plate of food, he got and went to the cupboard, fishing out two mugs. After filling them with the steaming and aromatic liquid, he brought them to the table and set one in front of Olivia. He turned around to the fridge and opened it long enough to pull out some coffee cream and to pick up the sugar bowl from the counter. Placing them both on the table, Tomas sat back down and let Olivia have the first crack at setting up her coffee.

Olivia simply put cream in her coffee and drank it with no sugar. Tomas had a sweet tooth and put three spoons of sugar in his before stirring it up. They said nothing to each other, but they didn’t need to. The mood in the air was one of absolute contentment and bliss, as the both of them were happy, for the first time in a long while. Olivia had finally finished her food and was drinking her coffee when Tomas broke the silence.

“I know that we’ve been friends for a long time and what we did last night...” he grinned before continuing, “certainly goes beyond being friends. I mean, the sex was, for lack of a better term, mind-blowing! So, I’m just curious what we are right now.”

“Well, I would like it to be simple in the definition of what we are, Tommy,” Olivia stated after mulling over her answer for a few minutes. “Honestly, I don’t really know at this point, but whatever we are, I would like it to continue.”

Fixing him with a warm gaze, she went on, “I don’t think we can really put a label on this yet. Not that I don’t want to, it’s just that I have some personal demons that need dealing with. On top of that, I still have a few other things I have to figure out about myself and where I stand on certain things. Regardless of all that, I want this and you, if you’ll have me.”

“Always Livi, always,” Tomas replied as he leaned in to kiss her. Olivia leaned in as well and met him halfway, kissing him back. After several smooches, they both sat back and finished their coffees before Olivia stood up. Tomas walked her to the door, and she drew him in for a hug, which he responded to.

“Meet me at Jack’s later? We’ll talk more then. I promise,” she asked him.

“It’s a date.”

Smiling, she opened the door and walked out of the dorm, heading down the hallway to the elevators. She looked back and saw Tomas staring at her, watching her go, but with a smile on his face that spoke volumes about how he felt. Blushing, she waved to him as she disappeared around the corner.

Tomas sighed happily and walked into the dorm, the door closing behind him. He still couldn’t believe what had happened last night! The woman of his dreams, the woman he had wanted and secretly loved for most of his life, had finally come home with him! That and it looked like it would be far more than just them being friends with benefits, but something serious!

Deliriously happy, Tomas went back to his room to get clothes on. Despite how well yesterday and last night had gone, something disturbed him. That he’d been able to hear Olivia’s thoughts as though she was speaking them was troubling him. Not that he minded the gander into her mind, but it spoke of something new about his ability. That it had expanded into a new avenue was very unexpected.

In this case, there was only one thing to do, and that was to see his grandfather and tell him about what had happened. Interestingly enough, it was Dimitry who had helped him get a handle on his ability to ferret out feelings from other people. He figured that the ideas and such that his grandfather had come up with stemmed from his profession as a psychologist. Also, the fact he used to be a professor at the university was another likely reason why he could help Tomas figure it out.

After dressing in a pair of khaki shorts and a black Batman T-shirt, Tomas slid into his flip-flops and grabbed his keys. Before he stepped out, he grabbed the pile of bacon and pancakes and slipped them into the oven, and walked out of the dorm. Tomas was feeling good about himself and how things were going. As he arrived at the elevator, he felt that this would be another good day.

The car arrived without issue and he got on, heading down to the lobby. Arriving with a ding, the car opened, and Tomas stepped out onto the ground floor. He noted that there were several students loitering around, as it was a Sunday. Almost everyone was enjoying the bright day outside. He noted he couldn’t really hear anyone like he had heard Olivia when it came to thinking, but their feelings came in much clearer than they had before. Almost like he could understand the precise inflection of each feeling.

Shrugging, Tomas mentally filed it away as another question he would ask his grandfather. As he approached the doors leading to the campus, he saw his roomies coming through them. They met him at the inner doors and greeted him heartily.

“Tom! I guess you had a damn good night, going by the smile on your face,” Joel teased him.

“Yeah man! What sorts of kinky shit did you get up to last night? Details man!” Harry, his third roommate, grilled. Harry was always a perv, but he meant nothing malicious by it. He was just nosy when it came to groaty details.

“You see the smile on my face? Well, did any of you see the woman who walked out of here maybe five to ten minutes ago?” Tomas shot back silkily. Joel sat there for maybe a minute, thinking hard, while Bruce and Harry had blank looks on their faces. Joel’s eyes widened then, as he put the pieces together and had seen Olivia at a distance as they got back on campus.

“Score man! You nailed Olivia?!?” Joel said with wonder in his voice. Many a guy had tried to snag a date with the woman, yet she seemed to be very picky with the men she would date. That there was almost no one on campus she had dated made her all that much more appealing. Both Harry and Bruce stood there with their jaws on the ground for a moment before pressing in to congratulate Tomas on his luck!

“Way to go, man! How did you do it? Did she have as good a time as you did? Was she tight? Come on, man! I want the details!” Harry pressed, in a tizzy about the prospect of one of his roomies nailing one of the hardest to get women on campus!

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